I'm at patch No. 7 now sizes included 4-5gb, 8-9gb varoius 1-3gb and now at a 10+gb patch. I don't even want to know how people with slow internet must feel. Feels like they haven't found a fix for it because I doubt that downloading various sizes of patches every time I start the Launcher is a fix. Specially if its still not working afterwards.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
After that last patch attempt, the really big one, I was able to log in.
Quick edit before I go to bed. I just hopped on the game for a minute. The maps are pretty deserted, so not very many people on. Hopefully the issue is resolved and it will back to normal tomorrow.
“Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. ”― E. Rommel
After that last patch attempt, the really big one, I was able to log in.
Same here, just got there. Seems you have download around 30gb+ on patches to log in.
Thanks for info, looks like my patching adventure continues. I just short cut of switching from live to tribble on launcher instead of relauching it all the time.
I just able to log in just fine today, about 30minutes ago. just a quick patch about 250mb and I was able to log in, play the TFO, collecting the admirality...then I exit the game, wait a few moments..restart the launcher, download the patch about 2 gigs andd then client quit unexpectedly. currently my second patch now, wish me luck...if not...
I'm gonna skip first contact event and just wait for the game to normalize itself.
After that last patch attempt, the really big one, I was able to log in.
Same here, just got there. Seems you have download around 30gb+ on patches to log in.
Looks to me it's always the same patch ending in .8
Can't be the same patch because you download different sizes. I downloaded a total of over 30gb which is an insane amount of data to patch for the issue they are having. Still went somewhat fast for me, but I feel for people who don't have a fast internet connection.
I should also mention I reinstalled the entire game because of this before the patches so that might have something to do with it.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
After that last patch attempt, the really big one, I was able to log in.
Same here, just got there. Seems you have download around 30gb+ on patches to log in.
Looks to me it's always the same patch ending in .8
Can't be the same patch because you download different sizes. I downloaded a total of over 30gb which is an insane amount of data to patch for the issue they are having. Still went somewhat fast for me, but I feel for people who don't have a fast internet connection.
I was about to have a mini meltdown, but, lo and behold, it finally logged me in. And INVALIDENTITYNAME was fixed too (hope I didn't just jinx it).
Someone in the Support thread reported the game now works. I tried 3x and the game patched anywhere from 1.5GB to 5GB but still failed to launch. I tried a 4th time and it patched another 5GB and now works.
4th time, still no joy...and my pcl_2023-04-07_08-00-00.log file in logs folder already bloated to 4mb.
gonna try my 5th time today, after that...is it still not working, guess I'll stop playing STO for a while..
4th time, still no joy...and my pcl_2023-04-07_08-00-00.log file in logs folder already bloated to 4mb.
gonna try my 5th time today, after that...is it still not working, guess I'll stop playing STO for a while..
Try rebooting your PC before attempting to patch. After I rebooted before my 4th attempt at patching, it took way longer than the previous 3 attempts to patch as if it was actually writing the patch.
Try rebooting your PC before attempting to patch. After I rebooted before my 4th attempt at patching, it took way longer than the previous 3 attempts to patch as if it was actually writing the patch.
It's all different size patch, if it the same it may not be working.
I'm seeing too many false positives here. I'll wait for an official announcement before I hit double-digit patches & it still not working. This could be a good time to take a break from STO; the down side is losing event progress & getting booted from fleets.
Not going to spend the weekend D/Ling patch after patch and then still not be able to play. When GearBox and Cryptic get their collective, ahem, "stuff" together I may be back. If not? Lots of other MMO's out there, amiright?
It's been a great ride and I'm going to miss all of (well, most of) you. Laters.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I still haven't been able to get the game to launch. Patch after patch and it still tells me, Client quit unexpectedly", when trying to launch the game.
I still haven't been able to get the game to launch. Patch after patch and it still tells me, Client quit unexpectedly", when trying to launch the game.
As it states on the twitter post It may not work first time. Some players are now in game after only less than 5 patch attempts, some other players it has taken more than 5. Some are on 20 + attempts and still no luck.
Under the premace that it may actually be fixed (which i seriously doubt) I am running a full verify this morning and allowing it to redownload (took almost 3 hours yesterday) and its slower this morning than yesterday, but its an attempt at maybee undoing some of the damage that the updates are doing, under the idea that the updates may be downloading junk. I am factoring in that the force verify will go after specific files and assuming it still knows what to download for my computer LOL.
I will put thru an update in a efw hours when I have an update once its complete.
3 plus hours after starting a force verify 8gb download - no joy - launcher terminates immediately - same message as before.
If you do get in, stay logged in. After 20+ patches I was finally able to enter the game, only to have my power flash 10 minutes later kicking me out of the game. Back in the patch loop I went trying to get back in.
If you do get in, stay logged in. After 20+ patches I was finally able to enter the game, only to have my power flash 10 minutes later kicking me out of the game. Back in the patch loop I went trying to get back in.
I just posted a similar experience. 'The login Is a Lie.'
EDIT: I also tried to disable patching. The launcher won't let you. It forces you to patch before you can start. And then it crashes you.
Quick edit before I go to bed. I just hopped on the game for a minute. The maps are pretty deserted, so not very many people on. Hopefully the issue is resolved and it will back to normal tomorrow.
Thanks for info, looks like my patching adventure continues. I just short cut of switching from live to tribble on launcher instead of relauching it all the time.
After that last patch attempt, the really big one, I was STILL NOT ABLE to log in.
Looks to me it's always the same patch ending in .8
I'm gonna skip first contact event and just wait for the game to normalize itself.
Can't be the same patch because you download different sizes. I downloaded a total of over 30gb which is an insane amount of data to patch for the issue they are having. Still went somewhat fast for me, but I feel for people who don't have a fast internet connection.
I should also mention I reinstalled the entire game because of this before the patches so that might have something to do with it.
I was about to have a mini meltdown, but, lo and behold, it finally logged me in.
gonna try my 5th time today, after that...is it still not working, guess I'll stop playing STO for a while..
Try rebooting your PC before attempting to patch. After I rebooted before my 4th attempt at patching, it took way longer than the previous 3 attempts to patch as if it was actually writing the patch.
It's all different size patch, if it the same it may not be working.
If some people are actually in and playing, maybe it's time to start posting specs, find out why some people can log in and others can't.
It's been a great ride and I'm going to miss all of (well, most of) you. Laters.
The Launcher started a patching routine;
Result: Unable to start game client: client quit unexpectedly
So I still cannot enter the game.
Can I please have some update on the progress, cause and estimated time required to have it solved?
Must have been the Night of Hell for Cryptic, frantically bringing out one patch after another, hoping the latest one will be the charm.
I've seen patch-outages that took longer (like 2 days), but this one was probably the messiest.
As it states on the twitter post It may not work first time. Some players are now in game after only less than 5 patch attempts, some other players it has taken more than 5. Some are on 20 + attempts and still no luck.
I'm currently running my 3rd patch
I will put thru an update in a efw hours when I have an update once its complete.
3 plus hours after starting a force verify 8gb download - no joy - launcher terminates immediately - same message as before.
I just posted a similar experience. 'The login Is a Lie.'
EDIT: I also tried to disable patching. The launcher won't let you. It forces you to patch before you can start. And then it crashes you.