Even though I haven't seen an official announcement that the Year of Klingon is over, I assume it is.
So what are my thoughts on this?
First of let me say that the title " The year of Klingon " was a total bust. The reason for that is simple, it made me actually expect something.
I like the fact they added a few more missions and redoing some old and the first city would have been a great thing if they didn't TRIBBLE up the NPC's at first city being inside the ground. That could have been fixed and I wouldn't even mention the negative parts about it here but they didn't fix it.
The Klingon Recruit: Here we got another Grindfest just to find out that the best rewards for the Klingon Recruit were for the Klingon Recruit only (The Boff and Doff). A bust for Fed Players who might have made the KDF Toon to get rewards for your Fed guy. Rewards in general should have been looked at. How many more marks do you need to give people in these Recruit Events. You make all the other options of earning marks obsolete because nobody needs TFO's anymore if you can just get them from Recruit Events. The worst thing I thought was the melee kills. Melee mechanic on the ground sucks and is slow but yet they make you use it at least for 2500 kills knowing all it does is frustrate you and it takes time. Also the new Bathlet's size is stupid and the mechanic to jump the enemy is flawed at best.
I will mention that even though it was The Year of Klingon the priority was to sell FED Ships. The amount of Ships for the Federation which came out in that year was at least 2 - 3 times higher. We got 3 KDF Ships ( yeah sorry I don't count the copy and paste waste of a Vo'Quv Carrier where the art designer did all the work ). The release of the a trash anniversary bundle didn't help make the Year of Klingon any better. Instead of making a good KDF Bundle it had to be a mixed bundle because they were afraid not making enough money. Finally a D7 showed up of course not 3 of them like the Connies on the other side. Still not a word about the Negh'Var since I guess a Klingon Flagship isn't that important to be called Legendary.
The lack of making classic good KDF Ground Equipment as reward, lobi store item or otherwise tells me how much time and care is actually in the Year of Klingon. Lockboxes and Promoboxes have been filled with everything but KDF Content. Actually I expected a Year of Klingon Lockbox with some spicy stuff in it but that never happened since the Zhat Vash by itself are way more important than the Klingons.
I could go on with my thoughts how lackluster I thought the Year of Klingons was to me but in truth, I didn't think it was all that bad. If it wasn't for the title Cryptic gave it I would have thought it was all over pretty decent year for STO Content.
And in the end you can still hope for more content to come out like the Negh'Var or even better the huge Mirror Negh'Var Dreadnought Carrier =P.
Until the next time thenQapla'
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
For me YoK was a lot of fun. From the revamped KDF missions and new missions released to the 2255 recruitment event, along with the renaissance in melee combat and decloaking Bird of Prey fun that came with, it I thought Cryptic did very well in putting together a whole bunch of things that were really well done and enjoyable.
I was enjoying my half Klingon/half Romulan KDF recruit, until I realized that it was going to take me forever to get all the ambush kills because cloaking is so borked.
Why make an event that highlights such a broken mechanic???
In general it was good. I never liked the early Klingon missions much (I just tolerated them because I had some good KDF character ideas), and the revamps make them almost good.
The Klingon recruit event was really good (all of the recruit events grind in some way or another, that is why they give you so much goodies to do them) the rewards for it were exceptional in some ways (boff, doff, and T6 ship) for the recruit though not quite as good for the others on the account as the other recruitments. The best thing the Klingon recruitment did for the others on the account was break the partisan icejam keeping AoY from being re-run, so in a way the AoY benefits will owe something to the Klingon event when AoY returns.
I was enjoying my half Klingon/half Romulan KDF recruit, until I realized that it was going to take me forever to get all the ambush kills because cloaking is so borked.
Why make an event that highlights such a broken mechanic???
The cloaking problem is annoying, but I found it is slightly less so with the DSC Klingon "green" cloak since it seems to be slightly less buggy (on one account I used the "bus" ship and the other the "winged kielbasa" ship and noticed the cloak problems were worse when switching to the recruitment ship with its Romulan style shimmer cloak) to do those (though the cloak-after-kill part is still a bit whacked even then).
I have a second Klingon recruit on one account that I have not done the cloak-kills on yet (she just happens to be a recruit because of the time I created her), so I have not been following the transponder path as a priority with her. I might try using a Faeht or Temer (or some other ship with full battle cloak) for the stealth kills and see if that counts as a rapid decloak-kill-recloak cycle for the transponder eventually.
I was gonna say it really wasn't the Year of the Klingon...but yes...yes it was...and that's the really sad part
It's truly sad that this is the most attention the Klingons will ever get
It offered nothing but some minor updates that Feds got years ago...added only 3 legendary ships and nothing else (And the 2021 legendary pack was a total joke) and one leveling ship that is useless and inferior if you own any other T6 ship
I was enjoying my half Klingon/half Romulan KDF recruit, until I realized that it was going to take me forever to get all the ambush kills because cloaking is so borked.
Why make an event that highlights such a broken mechanic???
Because it's Cryptic, they don't care and it shows!
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Well so far I am still waiting for the Year to start. The way this was being promoted I expected a ton more stuff, 10 or more new STF/TFO's, new story arcs not retreads and refurbished, new additions to older story arcs, special ships that only KDF toons that were recruits would gain access to (instead just another retread of a bop).
I expected possibly a map expansion on the far right for the klingons that perhaps only KDF alienged could access (eventually would be opened to fed allied but for now only Klingons.
I did not expect this literal 2 week, 3 week, 2 week, 3 week or whatever type of events and most were just retread of previous stf/tfo's and rewards that were anything but earth shattering.
I expected the story arc for Klingons - Federation War would have seen the greatest expansion of new missions.
Was hoping to see some new doff assignments, as engaging in riot, or infiltrating the Orion Syndicate or recruit a new boff, treat problem X, Confiscate Contraband really is getting old it actually was old a long time ago.
I agree the melee kill/stealth kill (ground/space) was an awful choice or at least the numbers you have to do. Add to that the problems that melee and cloak created or already had. Lets not forget the endeavor requirements for KDF recruits.
I am worried this game is hitting the slope to going STOF, Star Trek Offline unless someone comes in and rescues the game. CBS I blame the most as they had a hand in destroying canon, history, previous stories, etc and forcing both Picard and Discovery, both of which have been disappointments to me, I haven't bothered to even subscribe to CBS plan. The "bridge of the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship that Starfleet has put into service". The ship didn't live up to the hype at least to me. Okay new console (what has changed there) and maybe a few other buffs but once again a major letdown and a costly one as I drained my dil to buy the duty off packs trying to get that package. Lets just say I robbed my toons dil resources big time. I think I ended up openiing more than 100 doff or r/d packs (whatever you had to open to maybe get it), big whoop about the lobis (I think) and all those doff packs I didn't need.
I just ask before they flip the switch on the servers either allow fans to run it or turn the IP over to a company that has a good track record with dealing with good IP. Star trek has been seriously damaged and the one game that can give us the closest feel of being in that universe has become a grind for X item with X powers or X number of upgrade tokens or whatever you want to fill in there No breaks between to make us forget nothing really new is out there, okay a featured episode here and there.
I am just really disappointed to have seen the Year of the Klingon be about as exciting as it was for people who initially wanted to create KDF toons and due to no story arc started off as Generals (level 40 or 50, can't remember, I only created 2 kdf toons to farm contraband for my fed toons to use to turn in, but even that one great way of earning dill was killed by a 1 per day only and no major increase in the dil either that was rewarded. Now you can buy your way through almost any part of the game (okay not all, no buying your way through story arcs at least I don't think). However their other IP's, Neverwinter they lost me after they did a total overhaul of character classes and gear stats that I still haven't really returned, they tossed out much of the story behind and have now started on redoing campaigns (like Shanadar (sp?) campaign is replaced by a newer one that I haven't bothered to visit).
They should have brought some of those who had great stories in the foundry to help them in creating new story lines and arcs and not compressing them so that 5 or 6 missions and the story arc is over. Never made sense since you want there to great story arcs that actually last. Some of the big events from the Iconian War to the Romulan mystery I felt they could have added so much more to it and really brought us into great quest and missions and with those they picked who made great foundry missions to help add new content to previous storylines things would seem more like the game was before compression time made the story arc's seems like a 1 day diversion from leveling. Of course also mad over the loss of the special arc of episodes being dumped overboard in place of it go buy those items from Mudd instead. Awful.
Ships, this is a massive failure. The KDF ships released are fine, but the price for value ratio is off. They aren't really on the level of the Fed legendaries, and that is after fighting over their stats. This is also against the backdrop of a lot of Fed ships released, many possibilities for KDF ships that were ignored, even while you guys knew full well the fly any ship thing was coming for months before we did.
Missions, okay. The story is meh, a bit nonsensical, but there is nothing exceptional here. Cryptic releases a few missions a year, and this year they were focused on the Klingons. That doesn't make a year of the Klingon, its a normal year that happens to focus on Klingons. The thing that irked me most, however, was L'rel. We aren't told of her exploits that warrants her being seen as some great leader, great warrior, its just "she is great!" and comes off as the kind of bigotry of low expectations that is sadly common today, where a person gets put on a pedastal due to their race or gender, having no real accomplishments to warrant such praise. As I haven't seen Discovery, I have no background on this character at all, while the game does nothing to remedy that even just to convince my captains that she is actually important at all. The whole clone zombie thing is also really weird. For Kahless it worked for a lot of different reasons, none of which are relevant for L'rel.
First City got a coat of paint. Good job artists. It could have had some meaningful changes though, like having a bank near the transporters and the main hall. The layout still sucks compared to ESD which has bank consoles everywhere. That is an easy fix that was missed entirely.
Polishing early KDF missions was a mixed bag. Making them a little more user friendly was nice. Gutting the meat of the Mars attack missions was awful. Cutting what was cut makes worse the problem that going through the story in order is not possible for a new character, except maybe Romulans. They hit a brick wall at the Dyson sphere, possibly even New Romulus where the zone does not scale the player appropriately so they have to skip it. This isn't a KDF centric issue, but cutting the KDF missions only makes it worse for them.
Recruitment, meh. It wasn't awful, but it was awfully grindy and the rewards, compared to other recruitments, were unimpressive. The melee system is still clunky and recruits reaaaaally showcased that. The cloaking bug also gave a lot of people headaches (not me personally though.) The free BOP could have actually been a proper T6 with its own unique trait and really brought up the balance here, but as a disappointing ship, its just another unimpressive reward.
Overall, calling it Year of the Klingon gave me the idea it would be more than it was. As it stands, it was just another year of game content. Through that lens of lesser expectations, its mostly fine, but there are still some bad design choices as I mentioned above that leave a bad mark on it.
what they released was good. but i did think there was going to be more than what there is. here's to hoping that there will be a Year of The Romulans and that it will get the love it deserves
I rather quite liked it, especially correcting the flaws in the D7/K'tinga. and then there's the return of Gowron, which needs to be permanent seeing as the Empire will need a new Chancellor
aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
either to conquer or to die for the Empire
1. More KDF faction ships, especially Legendaries. 2. The whole J’Ula angle that most players really didn’t care for. 3. The Klingon Recruit rewards and how some are unlocked. Forcing players to use systems that are flawed yet tying a large number to complete is almost a slap in the face to players. Should’ve either fixed the system before release or lowered the parameters.
But I do think that the effort was there so I’ll commend them on that. The execution wasn’t polished. It would be nice if they would ask for player feedback so they can make improvements for the future. Hopefully they do a Year of Romulus that’s better.
Hopefully they do a Year of Romulus that’s better.
They already kind of did the Year of Romulus.
Kael has mentioned it a few times on the livestreams, but for the last like year, and even a little before that, the devs have been going back and making updates to the Romulan faction missions, adding new VA, and touching up cutscenes. Not on the scale of the Year of Klingon revamps, but only because the LoR content still holds up really well, so it didn't need it as much.
It wasn't advertised much because Kael wasn't told about it until like it was pretty much done, but they still did it.
The thread is meant for people to give their opinion about the Year of Klingon and wasn't meant as a discussion thread. So please stop hijacking the thread and let people voice their opinion without silly quotes and discussion. If feel the need to discuss you can PM them but stop hijacking my thread. Also still waiting on your video in another thread...
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
I am perpetually disappointed that the Klingon side stuff doesn't have species-specific arcs or tutorials. It's all well and good for Klingons to be 'rah rah honor,' but what about Orions? Or the Nausicaan and Lethean mercenaries? The Path to 2409 clearly builds up the fact that the Orions are positioning themselves to be the (pheremonally controlled) power behind the Great Houses, and then in game... nothing. Ambassador S'taass does make a good case for why the Gorn are so loyal, but there are Doff missions (and Nimbus I think?) that include Gorn separatists. Where is their content?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
I feel the Year of Klingon actually did deliver what they said.
It just got mired down by people thinking it would be an absolute full stop on anything BUT Klingon stuff, which can't be done. You can't just shut down 3/4 of game content creation to focus on 1/4 of it for a whole year. They're not gonna stop designing ships for other factions, and ships do NOT equal content. You can have all the ships you could possibly want, but if there's nothing new to fly them in... what's the point? You just gonna look at it in the shipyard?
They delivered on the content they said they would. Revamps to old Klingon specific content, releasing a Klingon centric story arc... hell we even got a Klingon Recruit event. Could they have added a few more ships here and there? Maybe. But at the end of the day... we got a lot of Klingon centric content, which is what they said the focus would be.
We also have to consider that it hasn't exactly been easy for them this last year either due to the pandemic, and Cryptic doesn't have the resources the big movers in the MMO industry have, so I gotta give them credit where its due. For an 11 year old game... still doin' pretty well for itself.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I was hoping for at least one more episode that dealt with the "underground hero" phase between Khitomer and Nimbus and it was disappointing that they skipped that aspect of the story, but overall the new episodes we got were pretty good for the most part.
I really disliked Synth Wave but it was PIC content so I don't think of it as YoK even though it happened to come out during that period, and the worst of the actual Klingon stuff was To Hell With Honor since those turrets slowed everything down to a crawl but it was nowhere near as odious as Synth Wave.
Hopefully they do a Year of Romulus that’s better.
They already kind of did the Year of Romulus.
Kael has mentioned it a few times on the livestreams, but for the last like year, and even a little before that, the devs have been going back and making updates to the Romulan faction missions, adding new VA, and touching up cutscenes. Not on the scale of the Year of Klingon revamps, but only because the LoR content still holds up really well, so it didn't need it as much.
It wasn't advertised much because Kael wasn't told about it until like it was pretty much done, but they still did it.
not really cuz we have various geometric shapes right now, not one contiguous shape
aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
either to conquer or to die for the Empire
Hopefully they do a Year of Romulus that’s better.
They already kind of did the Year of Romulus.
Kael has mentioned it a few times on the livestreams, but for the last like year, and even a little before that, the devs have been going back and making updates to the Romulan faction missions, adding new VA, and touching up cutscenes. Not on the scale of the Year of Klingon revamps, but only because the LoR content still holds up really well, so it didn't need it as much.
It wasn't advertised much because Kael wasn't told about it until like it was pretty much done, but they still did it.
not really cuz we have various geometric shapes right now, not one contiguous shape
That is probably because you cannot have a contiguous map without server overlap to give time to transfer from one map server to the other, and that causes extreme lag and weird interactions because of inter-server messaging. There are some ways to get around that now, but I doubt the STO engine could handle it without a massive rewrite.
What they do is actually rather impressive for an engine designed back in 2008 or thereabouts, but even with the updates like modern lighting there is only so far the design will stretch.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
It would have been sweet to get a Legendary Negh'var and a Legendary Bortas'qu at the end of the Year of Klingon (even if it was only temporary in a bundle with the Vor'cha and the Bird of Prey). But who knows, maybe we'll get to see faction Legendary packs of all past and new ships to come in a huge faction bundle.
Ideas for FED: Rhode Island / Equionx (Nova), Prometheus, Phoenix / Honshu / Farragut (Nebula), Akira, Stargazer (Constellation), Reliant (Miranda), Pasteur (Olympic/Daedalus), perhaps even Oberth
Ideas for RSE/RRF: D'deridex, Norexan/Valdore/Mogai, Scimitar, perhaps even Talon
Ideas for DOM/CU/BC: Attack Ship, Light Battlecruiser, Dreadnought, Galor, Keldon, Breen Attack Cruiser (as seen in the show), perhaps even Hutet (seen in many other games, great Dreadnought idea for Cardassians)
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
It was.. fine. Clearly, the Klingon recruitment event should have been at the very start of the Year of Klingon, and the legendary pack was a big disappointment, but the mission were fun. I didn't enjoy the 'fantasy' parts that much though. We're going to Klingon hell so often, we might as well start a taxi service.
For me YoK was a lot of fun. From the revamped KDF missions and new missions released to the 2255 recruitment event, along with the renaissance in melee combat and decloaking Bird of Prey fun that came with, it I thought Cryptic did very well in putting together a whole bunch of things that were really well done and enjoyable.
I'd agree, and disagree with the OP comments. I'm also really looking forward to how it ends, and hoping maybe the Klingons get a Leader or New Chancellor who is more akin to D'Tan or whom they have on the Federation side myself.
Not expecting it though, but it would be nice to replace the Chancellor.
I feel the year of Klingon has delivered as promised, but that said in my opinion today is a good day for YoK to die.
The story has dragged on too long and its time to move on.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
For me YoK was a lot of fun. From the revamped KDF missions and new missions released to the 2255 recruitment event, along with the renaissance in melee combat and decloaking Bird of Prey fun that came with, it I thought Cryptic did very well in putting together a whole bunch of things that were really well done and enjoyable.
Why make an event that highlights such a broken mechanic???
The Klingon recruit event was really good (all of the recruit events grind in some way or another, that is why they give you so much goodies to do them) the rewards for it were exceptional in some ways (boff, doff, and T6 ship) for the recruit though not quite as good for the others on the account as the other recruitments. The best thing the Klingon recruitment did for the others on the account was break the partisan icejam keeping AoY from being re-run, so in a way the AoY benefits will owe something to the Klingon event when AoY returns.
The cloaking problem is annoying, but I found it is slightly less so with the DSC Klingon "green" cloak since it seems to be slightly less buggy (on one account I used the "bus" ship and the other the "winged kielbasa" ship and noticed the cloak problems were worse when switching to the recruitment ship with its Romulan style shimmer cloak) to do those (though the cloak-after-kill part is still a bit whacked even then).
I have a second Klingon recruit on one account that I have not done the cloak-kills on yet (she just happens to be a recruit because of the time I created her), so I have not been following the transponder path as a priority with her. I might try using a Faeht or Temer (or some other ship with full battle cloak) for the stealth kills and see if that counts as a rapid decloak-kill-recloak cycle for the transponder eventually.
It's truly sad that this is the most attention the Klingons will ever get
It offered nothing but some minor updates that Feds got years ago...added only 3 legendary ships and nothing else (And the 2021 legendary pack was a total joke) and one leveling ship that is useless and inferior if you own any other T6 ship
Because it's Cryptic, they don't care and it shows!
I expected possibly a map expansion on the far right for the klingons that perhaps only KDF alienged could access (eventually would be opened to fed allied but for now only Klingons.
I did not expect this literal 2 week, 3 week, 2 week, 3 week or whatever type of events and most were just retread of previous stf/tfo's and rewards that were anything but earth shattering.
I expected the story arc for Klingons - Federation War would have seen the greatest expansion of new missions.
Was hoping to see some new doff assignments, as engaging in riot, or infiltrating the Orion Syndicate or recruit a new boff, treat problem X, Confiscate Contraband really is getting old it actually was old a long time ago.
I agree the melee kill/stealth kill (ground/space) was an awful choice or at least the numbers you have to do. Add to that the problems that melee and cloak created or already had. Lets not forget the endeavor requirements for KDF recruits.
I am worried this game is hitting the slope to going STOF, Star Trek Offline unless someone comes in and rescues the game. CBS I blame the most as they had a hand in destroying canon, history, previous stories, etc and forcing both Picard and Discovery, both of which have been disappointments to me, I haven't bothered to even subscribe to CBS plan. The "bridge of the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship that Starfleet has put into service". The ship didn't live up to the hype at least to me. Okay new console (what has changed there) and maybe a few other buffs but once again a major letdown and a costly one as I drained my dil to buy the duty off packs trying to get that package. Lets just say I robbed my toons dil resources big time. I think I ended up openiing more than 100 doff or r/d packs (whatever you had to open to maybe get it), big whoop about the lobis (I think) and all those doff packs I didn't need.
I just ask before they flip the switch on the servers either allow fans to run it or turn the IP over to a company that has a good track record with dealing with good IP. Star trek has been seriously damaged and the one game that can give us the closest feel of being in that universe has become a grind for X item with X powers or X number of upgrade tokens or whatever you want to fill in there No breaks between to make us forget nothing really new is out there, okay a featured episode here and there.
I am just really disappointed to have seen the Year of the Klingon be about as exciting as it was for people who initially wanted to create KDF toons and due to no story arc started off as Generals (level 40 or 50, can't remember, I only created 2 kdf toons to farm contraband for my fed toons to use to turn in, but even that one great way of earning dill was killed by a 1 per day only and no major increase in the dil either that was rewarded. Now you can buy your way through almost any part of the game (okay not all, no buying your way through story arcs at least I don't think). However their other IP's, Neverwinter they lost me after they did a total overhaul of character classes and gear stats that I still haven't really returned, they tossed out much of the story behind and have now started on redoing campaigns (like Shanadar (sp?) campaign is replaced by a newer one that I haven't bothered to visit).
They should have brought some of those who had great stories in the foundry to help them in creating new story lines and arcs and not compressing them so that 5 or 6 missions and the story arc is over. Never made sense since you want there to great story arcs that actually last. Some of the big events from the Iconian War to the Romulan mystery I felt they could have added so much more to it and really brought us into great quest and missions and with those they picked who made great foundry missions to help add new content to previous storylines things would seem more like the game was before compression time made the story arc's seems like a 1 day diversion from leveling. Of course also mad over the loss of the special arc of episodes being dumped overboard in place of it go buy those items from Mudd instead. Awful.
Ships, this is a massive failure. The KDF ships released are fine, but the price for value ratio is off. They aren't really on the level of the Fed legendaries, and that is after fighting over their stats. This is also against the backdrop of a lot of Fed ships released, many possibilities for KDF ships that were ignored, even while you guys knew full well the fly any ship thing was coming for months before we did.
Missions, okay. The story is meh, a bit nonsensical, but there is nothing exceptional here. Cryptic releases a few missions a year, and this year they were focused on the Klingons. That doesn't make a year of the Klingon, its a normal year that happens to focus on Klingons. The thing that irked me most, however, was L'rel. We aren't told of her exploits that warrants her being seen as some great leader, great warrior, its just "she is great!" and comes off as the kind of bigotry of low expectations that is sadly common today, where a person gets put on a pedastal due to their race or gender, having no real accomplishments to warrant such praise. As I haven't seen Discovery, I have no background on this character at all, while the game does nothing to remedy that even just to convince my captains that she is actually important at all. The whole clone zombie thing is also really weird. For Kahless it worked for a lot of different reasons, none of which are relevant for L'rel.
First City got a coat of paint. Good job artists. It could have had some meaningful changes though, like having a bank near the transporters and the main hall. The layout still sucks compared to ESD which has bank consoles everywhere. That is an easy fix that was missed entirely.
Polishing early KDF missions was a mixed bag. Making them a little more user friendly was nice. Gutting the meat of the Mars attack missions was awful. Cutting what was cut makes worse the problem that going through the story in order is not possible for a new character, except maybe Romulans. They hit a brick wall at the Dyson sphere, possibly even New Romulus where the zone does not scale the player appropriately so they have to skip it. This isn't a KDF centric issue, but cutting the KDF missions only makes it worse for them.
Recruitment, meh. It wasn't awful, but it was awfully grindy and the rewards, compared to other recruitments, were unimpressive. The melee system is still clunky and recruits reaaaaally showcased that. The cloaking bug also gave a lot of people headaches (not me personally though.) The free BOP could have actually been a proper T6 with its own unique trait and really brought up the balance here, but as a disappointing ship, its just another unimpressive reward.
Overall, calling it Year of the Klingon gave me the idea it would be more than it was. As it stands, it was just another year of game content. Through that lens of lesser expectations, its mostly fine, but there are still some bad design choices as I mentioned above that leave a bad mark on it.
aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
either to conquer or to die for the Empire
aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
either to conquer or to die for the Empire
1. More KDF faction ships, especially Legendaries.
2. The whole J’Ula angle that most players really didn’t care for.
3. The Klingon Recruit rewards and how some are unlocked. Forcing players to use systems that are flawed yet tying a large number to complete is almost a slap in the face to players. Should’ve either fixed the system before release or lowered the parameters.
But I do think that the effort was there so I’ll commend them on that. The execution wasn’t polished. It would be nice if they would ask for player feedback so they can make improvements for the future. Hopefully they do a Year of Romulus that’s better.
The thread is meant for people to give their opinion about the Year of Klingon and wasn't meant as a discussion thread. So please stop hijacking the thread and let people voice their opinion without silly quotes and discussion. If feel the need to discuss you can PM them but stop hijacking my thread. Also still waiting on your video in another thread...
It just got mired down by people thinking it would be an absolute full stop on anything BUT Klingon stuff, which can't be done. You can't just shut down 3/4 of game content creation to focus on 1/4 of it for a whole year. They're not gonna stop designing ships for other factions, and ships do NOT equal content. You can have all the ships you could possibly want, but if there's nothing new to fly them in... what's the point? You just gonna look at it in the shipyard?
They delivered on the content they said they would. Revamps to old Klingon specific content, releasing a Klingon centric story arc... hell we even got a Klingon Recruit event. Could they have added a few more ships here and there? Maybe. But at the end of the day... we got a lot of Klingon centric content, which is what they said the focus would be.
We also have to consider that it hasn't exactly been easy for them this last year either due to the pandemic, and Cryptic doesn't have the resources the big movers in the MMO industry have, so I gotta give them credit where its due. For an 11 year old game... still doin' pretty well for itself.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I really disliked Synth Wave but it was PIC content so I don't think of it as YoK even though it happened to come out during that period, and the worst of the actual Klingon stuff was To Hell With Honor since those turrets slowed everything down to a crawl but it was nowhere near as odious as Synth Wave.
not really cuz we have various geometric shapes right now, not one contiguous shape
aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
either to conquer or to die for the Empire
That is probably because you cannot have a contiguous map without server overlap to give time to transfer from one map server to the other, and that causes extreme lag and weird interactions because of inter-server messaging. There are some ways to get around that now, but I doubt the STO engine could handle it without a massive rewrite.
What they do is actually rather impressive for an engine designed back in 2008 or thereabouts, but even with the updates like modern lighting there is only so far the design will stretch.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Even more impressive then
Ideas for FED: Rhode Island / Equionx (Nova), Prometheus, Phoenix / Honshu / Farragut (Nebula), Akira, Stargazer (Constellation), Reliant (Miranda), Pasteur (Olympic/Daedalus), perhaps even Oberth
Ideas for RSE/RRF: D'deridex, Norexan/Valdore/Mogai, Scimitar, perhaps even Talon
Ideas for DOM/CU/BC: Attack Ship, Light Battlecruiser, Dreadnought, Galor, Keldon, Breen Attack Cruiser (as seen in the show), perhaps even Hutet (seen in many other games, great Dreadnought idea for Cardassians)
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
I'd agree, and disagree with the OP comments. I'm also really looking forward to how it ends, and hoping maybe the Klingons get a Leader or New Chancellor who is more akin to D'Tan or whom they have on the Federation side myself.
Not expecting it though, but it would be nice to replace the Chancellor.
The story has dragged on too long and its time to move on.