Being passionate about something doesn't mean they are secretly part of it.
Som, at least to me, comes across as someone who cares about the game, but is on the opposite side of the outrage spectrum. He's not in the "Attack Cryptic for Existing" camp.
We have all kinds of people here, ranging from Paladin level defenders to Sith Lord Ragers, and everything in between. Its just that, at LEAST this year, the Sith Lord Ragers are in overdrive cranking the dial to 11 at the drop of a hat. Literally going pure Hulk Smash. And its gotten so bad that even some of the more moderate Forumites are getting labled as "White Knights" or even the rather insulting "Apologists".
There have been a couple times I've been hit by this even after explaining my reasoning. Its just dismiss the reasoning, slap an insulting label on to try and discredit future arguments, and go back to raging. Any dissent against the rage must be retaliated against because obviously they're agents of the enemy.
And its only getting worse.
There is a difference to that and to trying to saying that every problem on every topic is incosequential for the games health and players mood. I and I believe most of those that do critisize some decisions still are mostly positive. After all it is a game that has many positives, but some negatives are hard to ignore and must be outlined. I think people who do constructive critisism want the game to improve - else they would leave the game without a word. Of course there is always the total opposite of white knighting too which is forum trolling and doomsaying - no extreme is good
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I agree. The game is by no means perfect. But we're getting the rage posters coming out of the woodwork almost every time Cryptic twitches these days. Everything Klingons are getting with each YoK update... apparently is a personal insult to some people. Even the most requested T6 Klingon ship was viewed as an insult becuase of the simple fact it wasn't a solo release. They have to find SOMETHING to attack and with such ferosity that would probably make a Berserker blush with envy.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I agree. The game is by no means perfect. But we're getting the rage posters coming out of the woodwork almost every time Cryptic twitches these days. Everything Klingons are getting with each YoK update... apparently is a personal insult to some people. Even the most requested T6 Klingon ship was viewed as an insult becuase of the simple fact it wasn't a solo release. They have to find SOMETHING to attack and with such ferosity that would probably make a Berserker blush with envy.
Its getting out of hand.
I am mostly a KDF player(2/3 of my toons) and can tell you I was happy with the support carrier bundle. Actually I used the free upgrade token on it. I dont think that YoK should mean for example KDF ship exclusively and I like the multi packs(temporal warship pack too), but excluding that ship cryptic has released mostly Fed ships in all sorts of lockboxes. I dont think that is good for Fed players either to be honest. Generally speaking I would like equality on that front having both sides happy and its why you seen me vocal at times - which doesnt mean I dislike the game, on contrary, I want it to get better. That said the most important on my opinion is having better server stability and as much polish as possible, but I am guessing they face also challenges due to reduced team. I suspect that cause I saw(through twitter) a couple members we seen before having moved on to work elsewhere, plus the usual shuffle that is done when new game is about to be released. Quality Assurance to find the most critical bugs in time is what seems to suffer and in a way I feel we have become the quality assurance lately.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Perhaps we have.
But at least you're reasonable about the situation, unlike some of the more aggressive people.
And I agree right now on the stability. We need that.
I'm not going to turn myself into a pretzel just because one side got something and the other didn't. And I sure as hell am not going to rage as if they dishonored me, my family, my cow... over something trivial like a promo ship or an update to the Infinity Box.
I just don't understand the need to rage this year over the smallest things. Probably never will.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I highly doubt it was by design. It honestly sounds like you're just fishing for a reason to rage when pretty much everything was affected in some way recently.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
t honestly sounds like you're just fishing for a reason to rage when pretty much everything was affected in some way recently.
Except no one is 'raging' at all. They're asking for an answer and not getting it, is it a bug? is it intentional? No way to know because information isn't conveyed. Things are constantly 'left out' of patch notes and so when people are in the dark, yeah.. they get mad.
People are voicing legitimate concern, which is their right.
Being passionate about something doesn't mean they are secretly part of it.
Som, at least to me, comes across as someone who cares about the game, but is on the opposite side of the outrage spectrum. He's not in the "Attack Cryptic for Existing" camp.
We have all kinds of people here, ranging from Paladin level defenders to Sith Lord Ragers, and everything in between. Its just that, at LEAST this year, the Sith Lord Ragers are in overdrive cranking the dial to 11 at the drop of a hat. Literally going pure Hulk Smash. And its gotten so bad that even some of the more moderate Forumites are getting labled as "White Knights" or even the rather insulting "Apologists".
There have been a couple times I've been hit by this even after explaining my reasoning. Its just dismiss the reasoning, slap an insulting label on to try and discredit future arguments, and go back to raging. Any dissent against the rage must be retaliated against because obviously they're agents of the enemy.
And its only getting worse.
Yeah. Sadly I have seen this as well over the past 10 months.
> @seaofsorrows said: > (Quote) > > Except no one is 'raging' at all.
No, some definitely are. But the important point is MANY are not, and are posting completely valid criticsm. So all of that valid criticsm should not be labled as rage just to easily dismiss it away.
So all of that valid criticsm should not be labled as rage just to easily dismiss it away.
Agreed, and it seems that's the new trend now. Criticism is met either with accusations of 'rage posting' or the usual garbage 'white knight' posting that a select member here loves to do.
Being passionate about something doesn't mean they are secretly part of it.
Som, at least to me, comes across as someone who cares about the game, but is on the opposite side of the outrage spectrum. He's not in the "Attack Cryptic for Existing" camp.
We have all kinds of people here, ranging from Paladin level defenders to Sith Lord Ragers, and everything in between. Its just that, at LEAST this year, the Sith Lord Ragers are in overdrive cranking the dial to 11 at the drop of a hat. Literally going pure Hulk Smash. And its gotten so bad that even some of the more moderate Forumites are getting labled as "White Knights" or even the rather insulting "Apologists".
There have been a couple times I've been hit by this even after explaining my reasoning. Its just dismiss the reasoning, slap an insulting label on to try and discredit future arguments, and go back to raging. Any dissent against the rage must be retaliated against because obviously they're agents of the enemy.
And its only getting worse.
That is absolutely 100% a 2-way street. For every person labeled an "apologist" for defending against blind rage, someone else is labeled a rager for posting completely legitimate criticism. So yeah it sucks, and yeah it is completely happening on both "sides" of the equation.
So all of that valid criticsm should not be labled as rage just to easily dismiss it away.
Agreed, and it seems that's the new trend now. Criticism is met either with accusations of 'rage posting' or the usual garbage 'white knight' posting that a select member here loves to do.
which of course provokes people more.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Except no one is 'raging' at all. They're asking for an answer and not getting it, is it a bug? is it intentional? No way to know because information isn't conveyed. Things are constantly 'left out' of patch notes and so when people are in the dark, yeah.. they get mad.
People are voicing legitimate concern, which is their right.
Its not just raging against the current bug and the lack of communication. Its been happening since day one of Year of Klingon. Klingons get a lot of stuff, yet the second something non Klingon is revealed, like the Inquiry being added to the Promo box, out come the pitchforks.
Most of it is not legit concerns. Its raging because "how dare they do something that isn't Klingon during the Year of Klingon."
Some may be legit concerns, but its getting drowned out by the rage for the sake of rage.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Fairly sure folk would prefer to opt for positive reinforcement but when there's so much cloud that you can't really see any glimmer of a silver lining that's kind of hard to do.
But at the same time rattler there has been several new fed only ships released lately, with only one new klingon ship. They could have made a Klingon version of the inquiry, or a klingon mirror D7 to balance out the scales in the recent lockbox.
The reason why klingon players come and complain about the lack of klingon things is because well there is a lack. Sure they got some stuff, but at the same time they're missing out on more things when things are made that are fed only.
Now if they had actually released the KDF legendary pack already, yeah sure I could definitely see the point of "you already got your stuff, keep quiet and quit complaining"
But its been shown the devs are still making fed only content with no klingon equivalent. (I know it would have taken them more effort to create equivalent KDF ships for some of these lockbox/promo ships, but realistically they should've done it)
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I'm wondering if they're saving a Klingon Legendary Pack to be part of the grand finale of the Year of Klingon honestly. As for making a counterpart to the Inquiry, they may be holding off to see if Picard reveals any 2399 Klingon ships. A Mirror D7 would be nice, but its possible that it is under a tighter reign by CBS than the Connie. Only known lockbox D7 is the Kelvin. Making a Mirror version would most likely use prime variant components, which might have been veto'd by CBS.
We can only speculate, but when it comes to some of the more iconic designs... we have to consider CBS as a factor as well.
Its a PITA, but... its entirely possible.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm wondering if they're saving a Klingon Legendary Pack to be part of the grand finale of the Year of Klingon honestly.
I sure hope so
As for making a counterpart to the Inquiry, they may be holding off to see if Picard reveals any 2399 Klingon ships.
And I sure hope NOT, in this case. As a modern mass produced ship, the Inquiry never should have been in a lockbox, and no Klingon counterpart should be either.
I'm wondering if they're saving a Klingon Legendary Pack to be part of the grand finale of the Year of Klingon honestly.
Cryptic did mention that they have something planed for the end of YoK to encourage people to play all the revamped content.
If its some sort of KDF recruit event, its likely they will release a legendary bundle at the same time to synergize them. "Make a brand new KDF character as part of this recruitment like event! And get to play legendary versions of your favorite KDF starships from game start at the same time!"
I'm also expecting the Disco Klingon species/faction at the end of YOK. I think Martok will allow J'Ula's crew to join the Empire, and that will provide the story-explanation for why there are now Disco Klingons in the Empire.
What do you know two of the current issues are being fixed in todays upcoming patch:
Resolved an issue which was not letting players obtain the daily Phoenix Prize Pack mission.
Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause the transports to get stuck during the, “Synth Wave” TFO, preventing progression.
The latter for me seemed to be that I had one rescued soul on my ship I couldnt transport anywhere and the last freighter bless it was waiting for it to never arrive. Had to go and get myself blown up outside the area to get rid of my passenger and allow the TFO to end.
Any "normal" Klingon that shaved it head would be a Discovery Klingon at that point, so I don't think they need a lore reason to justify adding in.
Everyone knows that the normal bald Klingons look nothing alike to the Disco ones. As for the lore reason... some temporal anomaly opened in M̶i̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶E̶a̶r̶t̶h̶ Disco verse and transported the U̶r̶u̶k̶-̶h̶a̶i̶ ̶ -I mean Disco 'Klingons' into STO's timeline.
ST: Into Darkness explained their differences due to being in distinct timelines which IMO look closer to TMP/TNG than the rubber masks used in Discovery.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
There is a difference to that and to trying to saying that every problem on every topic is incosequential for the games health and players mood. I and I believe most of those that do critisize some decisions still are mostly positive. After all it is a game that has many positives, but some negatives are hard to ignore and must be outlined. I think people who do constructive critisism want the game to improve - else they would leave the game without a word. Of course there is always the total opposite of white knighting too which is forum trolling and doomsaying - no extreme is good
Its getting out of hand.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I am mostly a KDF player(2/3 of my toons) and can tell you I was happy with the support carrier bundle. Actually I used the free upgrade token on it. I dont think that YoK should mean for example KDF ship exclusively and I like the multi packs(temporal warship pack too), but excluding that ship cryptic has released mostly Fed ships in all sorts of lockboxes. I dont think that is good for Fed players either to be honest. Generally speaking I would like equality on that front having both sides happy and its why you seen me vocal at times - which doesnt mean I dislike the game, on contrary, I want it to get better. That said the most important on my opinion is having better server stability and as much polish as possible, but I am guessing they face also challenges due to reduced team. I suspect that cause I saw(through twitter) a couple members we seen before having moved on to work elsewhere, plus the usual shuffle that is done when new game is about to be released. Quality Assurance to find the most critical bugs in time is what seems to suffer and in a way I feel we have become the quality assurance lately.
But at least you're reasonable about the situation, unlike some of the more aggressive people.
And I agree right now on the stability. We need that.
I'm not going to turn myself into a pretzel just because one side got something and the other didn't. And I sure as hell am not going to rage as if they dishonored me, my family, my cow... over something trivial like a promo ship or an update to the Infinity Box.
I just don't understand the need to rage this year over the smallest things. Probably never will.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
This last update table flipped a lot of things.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
A lot of things are getting out of hand, TBH.
No, people should not be "raging" about a video game.
No, Cryptic should not be releasing literally gamebreaking bugs to live.
Neither of those thing should exist.
That's good! I'm glad you're not; and neither am I. But there is really no need to keep saying it over and over. You aren't going to rage; we get it
Join Date: Sep 2008
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Except no one is 'raging' at all. They're asking for an answer and not getting it, is it a bug? is it intentional? No way to know because information isn't conveyed. Things are constantly 'left out' of patch notes and so when people are in the dark, yeah.. they get mad.
People are voicing legitimate concern, which is their right.
Yeah. Sadly I have seen this as well over the past 10 months.
> (Quote)
> Except no one is 'raging' at all.
No, some definitely are. But the important point is MANY are not, and are posting completely valid criticsm. So all of that valid criticsm should not be labled as rage just to easily dismiss it away.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Agreed, and it seems that's the new trend now. Criticism is met either with accusations of 'rage posting' or the usual garbage 'white knight' posting that a select member here loves to do.
That is absolutely 100% a 2-way street. For every person labeled an "apologist" for defending against blind rage, someone else is labeled a rager for posting completely legitimate criticism. So yeah it sucks, and yeah it is completely happening on both "sides" of the equation.
Join Date: Sep 2008
which of course provokes people more.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Please close or move this seriously derailed (Rage) thread as the discussion has nothing to do with Phoenix Boxes any more.
Its not just raging against the current bug and the lack of communication. Its been happening since day one of Year of Klingon. Klingons get a lot of stuff, yet the second something non Klingon is revealed, like the Inquiry being added to the Promo box, out come the pitchforks.
Most of it is not legit concerns. Its raging because "how dare they do something that isn't Klingon during the Year of Klingon."
Some may be legit concerns, but its getting drowned out by the rage for the sake of rage.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The reason why klingon players come and complain about the lack of klingon things is because well there is a lack. Sure they got some stuff, but at the same time they're missing out on more things when things are made that are fed only.
Now if they had actually released the KDF legendary pack already, yeah sure I could definitely see the point of "you already got your stuff, keep quiet and quit complaining"
But its been shown the devs are still making fed only content with no klingon equivalent. (I know it would have taken them more effort to create equivalent KDF ships for some of these lockbox/promo ships, but realistically they should've done it)
We can only speculate, but when it comes to some of the more iconic designs... we have to consider CBS as a factor as well.
Its a PITA, but... its entirely possible.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I sure hope so
And I sure hope NOT, in this case. As a modern mass produced ship, the Inquiry never should have been in a lockbox, and no Klingon counterpart should be either.
Join Date: Sep 2008
I'm also expecting the Disco Klingon species/faction at the end of YOK. I think Martok will allow J'Ula's crew to join the Empire, and that will provide the story-explanation for why there are now Disco Klingons in the Empire.
Join Date: Sep 2008
The latter for me seemed to be that I had one rescued soul on my ship I couldnt transport anywhere and the last freighter bless it was waiting for it to never arrive. Had to go and get myself blown up outside the area to get rid of my passenger and allow the TFO to end.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
Everyone knows that the normal bald Klingons look nothing alike to the Disco ones. As for the lore reason... some temporal anomaly opened in M̶i̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶E̶a̶r̶t̶h̶ Disco verse and transported the U̶r̶u̶k̶-̶h̶a̶i̶ ̶ -I mean Disco 'Klingons' into STO's timeline.
ST: Into Darkness explained their differences due to being in distinct timelines which IMO look closer to TMP/TNG than the rubber masks used in Discovery.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Okay. @darkbladejk or @wingedhussar#7584.....
Please close or move this seriously derailed (Rage) thread as the discussion has nothing to do with Phoenix Boxes any more.