Great, now no one will keep asking for Borg ships.
No. They'll just start asking for C-Store release, and some may even resort to ranting about how unfair things are. So... usual forum activity. *shrug*
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I wonder if this ship will have a Console Set with the Adapted Battlecruiser and Destroyer.
Based on the Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut, which doesn't have a set bonus with the older Vaad ships and what they said about that on stream, they won't put them in a set since there is such a large gap in time between the two boxes.
Based on the Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut, which doesn't have a set bonus with the older Vaad ships and what they said about that on stream, they won't put them in a set since there is such a large gap in time between the two boxes.
A shame. Not unexpected, but still it would have been nice.
I wonder if this ship will have a Console Set with the Adapted Battlecruiser and Destroyer.
Based on the Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut, which doesn't have a set bonus with the older Vaad ships and what they said about that on stream, they won't put them in a set since there is such a large gap in time between the two boxes.
The adapted ships are also technically Romulan designs with Borg tech integrated into the systems rather than a full Borg ship like this one is.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Is this a Borg Cooperative ship? It has the blue lighting of the Cooperative, but the ship clearly has the Borg COLLECTIVE insignia on it instead. Furthermore, it's simply describe as a "liberated" Borg ship. It's like seeing a Romulan Warbird with giant Vulcan insignias plastered over it.
It looks like this box is bringing a lot of power creep. The Doffs and Kit Modules look like substantial improvements(Orbital Devastation that any class can use and does not require a trait slot, free combat pets when you kill stuff, free buffs for using any ability.. in a game where you you spam tons of abilities, etc.).
I had to re-read the consoles descriptions several times to understand exactly what their functionality was; I'm still not sure if the Retrofitted Assimilator is a torpedo modifier or it fires the 'quantum torpedo' itself(the Borg used gravimetric-based missiles/torpedos, not quantum warheads). The Cutting Tractor Beam took me several reads to finally understand that it's basically a deployable tractor satellite/platform/mine. Truthfully, I was expecting/hoping for a Shield Neutralization Missile instead of a variant of the Assimilated 3-set activated ability we already have. Regardless, I hope they show up on the ship details post so we can see the actual stats of this gear. (Does the Retrofitted Assimilator have passive bonuses like most modern Uni Consoles?)
Is this a Borg Cooperative ship? It has the blue lighting of the Cooperative, but the ship clearly has the Borg COLLECTIVE insignia on it instead. Furthermore, it's simply describe as a "liberated" Borg ship. It's like seeing a Romulan Warbird with giant Vulcan insignias plastered over it.
1) as far as canon goes (not STO), the ship in question was from a rogue/liberated group of Borg led by Lore and Hugh in the TNG episode "Descent".
2) the Borg Collective does not actually have an insignia. The insignia in question was also from the episode mentioned above and used by the rogue/liberated group of Borg. It was never a symbol used by the actual "collective". ALTHOUGH, after that episode that symbol became associated with the Borg and has been used in many games and media to represent them.
Is this a Borg Cooperative ship? It has the blue lighting of the Cooperative, but the ship clearly has the Borg COLLECTIVE insignia on it instead. Furthermore, it's simply describe as a "liberated" Borg ship. It's like seeing a Romulan Warbird with giant Vulcan insignias plastered over it.
1) as far as canon goes (not STO), the ship in question was from a rogue/liberated group of Borg led by Lore and Hugh in the TNG episode "Descent".
2) the Borg Collective does not actually have an insignia. The insignia in question was also from the episode mentioned above and used by the rogue/liberated group of Borg. It was never a symbol used by the actual "collective". ALTHOUGH, after that episode that symbol became associated with the Borg and has been used in many games and media to represent them.
Yes, I'm aware it's a Type 03 Ship that Lore/Hugh use(d). However, STO has muddied the water a bit, and both Borg factions have their own insignias now. Presuming these ships were mass-produced enough for the Consortium to acquire them.. where did they come from/who produced them?
And yes, I realize this is a 'cryptic logic' exercise in futility, but the inconsistency still bugs me enough to bring it up.
It looks like this box is bringing a lot of power creep. The Doffs and Kit Modules look like substantial improvements(Orbital Devastation that any class can use and does not require a trait slot, free combat pets when you kill stuff, free buffs for using any ability.. in a game where you you spam tons of abilities, etc.).
As someone that isn't very good at ground, as well as someone that tends to load up Tacs as close to Engs as possible, I quite like the look of these modules. Sounds potentially OP for ground PvP, so that's unfortunate for the small (but devout) ground PvP playerbase.
I had to re-read the consoles descriptions several times to understand exactly what their functionality was; I'm still not sure if the Retrofitted Assimilator is a torpedo modifier or it fires the 'quantum torpedo' itself(the Borg used gravimetric-based missiles/torpedos, not quantum warheads). The Cutting Tractor Beam took me several reads to finally understand that it's basically a deployable tractor satellite/platform/mine. Truthfully, I was expecting/hoping for a Shield Neutralization Missile instead of a variant of the Assimilated 3-set activated ability we already have. Regardless, I hope they show up on the ship details post so we can see the actual stats of this gear. (Does the Retrofitted Assimilator have passive bonuses like most modern Uni Consoles?)
Every recent console/trait that lists that it fires a torpedo, doesn't care what the host has equipped. Only torpedo modding console that I can recall of is the old Ionized Gas Sensor from way back. As for the weirdness of types, it sounds like someone came up for these from memory without looking them up and got a few things a bit off. The Kinetic Cutting Beam is a transparent red beam, not green like Plasma, but it's that way at least twice in the photos.
I would bet on all the consoles listed having passives based on past LBs, and at times they've been powerful passives too. Given that Hull Image Refractors console has a second stat passive in addition to it's temp hull proc, probably even the Cutting Tractor Beam console will have an additional stat passive too.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
2) the Borg Collective does not actually have an insignia. The insignia in question was also from the episode mentioned above and used by the rogue/liberated group of Borg. It was never a symbol used by the actual "collective". ALTHOUGH, after that episode that symbol became associated with the Borg and has been used in many games and media to represent them.
I vaguely remember seeing that symbol on the bed thing that Picard was on when he was turning into Locutus. But it was a blink and miss it type of thing.
And upon some google searching... turns out the symbol has been seen as early as the first encounter in TNG.
If it actually means anything to the Borg or is just viewed as Psychological Warfare or something... is unknown.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
2) the Borg Collective does not actually have an insignia. The insignia in question was also from the episode mentioned above and used by the rogue/liberated group of Borg. It was never a symbol used by the actual "collective". ALTHOUGH, after that episode that symbol became associated with the Borg and has been used in many games and media to represent them.
I vaguely remember seeing that symbol on the bed thing that Picard was on when he was turning into Locutus. But it was a blink and miss it type of thing.
And upon some google searching... turns out the symbol has been seen as early as the first encounter in TNG.
If it actually means anything to the Borg or is just viewed as Psychological Warfare or something... is unknown.
Its worth mentioning the old borg playmates action figure included the same symbol that the info said represented the collective:
I find the Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut (LBCJ) to look fiercely menacing & that's a good thing. The console & starship trait as well seem very complimentary in theme & function for the vessel. Only disappointment I see for it is no hangar bay. So stats will need to be known to decide if the LBCJ well indeed be worth it.
The 2 consoles & starship trait seem like they could be fun to use. I'm hoping this tractor beam isn't just a rehash of the Kinetic Cutting Beam. The Assimilator console & the Regeneration Cycle trait both seem they'd be nice to use.
The Assimilated Plasma weaponry will be just another flavor of weapons added which will be nice. Will there be yet again a plasma-omni behind a gamble/paywall? The Borg vanity shield will be highly sought after I'm sure though if that's it on the Dewan ship I find that a bit lackluster.
The Borg kit modules all seem decent, there are 5 so I'd hope at least some players will apply all 5 to a newly Liberated Borg character from the Lifetime Subscription (LTS) exclusive. The Borg kit frame didn't have much detail given so I'll wait & see on that.
The new Borg DOFFs seem to have a nice variety of perks so it will be interesting how useful & plentiful the gambling odds make them to be. The Borg captain's traits could be a nice addition too for any player lucky enough to win or buy.
The many other small items a lockbox (LB) offers as a win is just hilarious. The day I ceased buying keys from Cryptic was when all I got out of a LB was 4 Lobi & 1 Salvaged Technology. That converted me to the "only buy keys off the Exchange" crowd. However, adding that Borg datacore to all LBs is a nice touch just too bad it is non-combat.
I suppose for all us players that aren't LTS we could create our pseudo-Liberated_Borg with that Lobi store Borg Skeletal Frame. It does look wicked. Maybe the US Space Force will borrow it too like they did the Star Trek emblem lol. That B.A.T.D. actually seems like it might be really interesting in any longer fights.
I'm not much for Cryptic's gambling agenda nowadays, but it does seem this LB has a nice variety of offerings, & that Juggernaut is so far impressive. A shame still that Cryptic is offering less than previously offered in LBs with no Lobi ship option. I'm sure many players will gobble all this up no questions asked, after all, "resistance is futile,".
Well I'll be damned. I guess it is the Collective then. Thanks for the info!
Technically the Collective and Liberted Borg are closely linked. Though Liberated Borg spawned from TNG and Lifetimers can play one, while the Cooperative was spawned by Voyager's efforts in the Delta Quadrant.
Still I suspect this is a great tie in to Picard series, and as we've seen the Romulan's are integrating borg tech, in a somewhat similar fashion to what we saw under Sela or more directly Hakeev.
Still I think what is most exciting from the Picard series, is we may see a few new Romulan Adapted Warbirds. We have heard rumors a few Romulan &/or Klingon storylines may get revised a little in 2020 timeline.
We know from Picard that the Federation did help the Romulans at first and for awhile, and even in a 2013 article posted on the Star Trek website, it was discussed way back then the Super Nova created 3 distinctive elements from the former Romulan Star Empire. One was in Fact the work of Spock in TNG and his work with D'Tan. Most of which has really only been slightly explored by STO, and the Picard series has a lot of creative freedom to fill in a lot of this very complex and multi-dimensional story. After all STO has really done a fine job merging some often small what first seemed divergent synapses into a plausible future timeline.
I've seen a few asked hoping they had included a few Liberated Borg Bridge Officer's; yet the Omega REP does allow for one Science Officer. I think the games approach here is they'd like to keep them a bit more special or unique, still I can understand it might have been nice to offer perhaps another. I think the vision was mostly so each Crew had their version of Seven of Nine to assist.
The lockbox despite some claims, will have several if not 'many' things, a lot of players shouldn't discount to quick.
Also we'll soon likely be seeing a few more adapted Romulan warbirds, not to possibly mention several new ships from Picard!
Every recent console/trait that lists that it fires a torpedo, doesn't care what the host has equipped. Only torpedo modding console that I can recall of is the old Ionized Gas Sensor from way back. As for the weirdness of types, it sounds like someone came up for these from memory without looking them up and got a few things a bit off. The Kinetic Cutting Beam is a transparent red beam, not green like Plasma, but it's that way at least twice in the photos.
There's also the Bellerophan's console that modifies torps into 'Shockwave' torpedos.
As for the beam, I'm actually referring to the 3-set clicky from the Assimilated shield-set:
Instead of directly disabling systems at a certain threshold, it siphons power (while, also, holding the target and doing respectable damage).
There are a few items that look somewhat interesting.. the ship not being one of them. That thing looks like you're flying an apartment complex.. no thanks.
What I am REALLY waiting for is all the new Romulan oriented goodies that are likely to come with this season of Picard.
I'll save up during this lock box and go for the next one.
Noticed they didn't mention anything about having bonus(es) for Transwarp considering that the first time we saw transwarp in use (The great transwarp experiment doesn't count....) was because of this borg ship...
I really do find the whole lock box interesting. Another canon starship option is always welcome. This one being unique in its asymmetrical design. However, I will resist this lockbox for the time being.
I want to see if any of these elements migrate across as an update to our Lifetime accounts? Which I only mention as Cryptic put the Lifetime Subs on sale again this weekend. The Exoskeletal Frame, B.A.T.D. Extractor, and some (not necessarily all. So that the lockbox maintains its incentive) of those traits would be welcome over there. Some of us always hoped that the species limitation for Liberated Borg might improve. With Picard suggesting a refocus upon that state of those who are liberated, it would give that aspect of this specific Lifetime reward more meaning.
(/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
They could have taken most of those Borg lock box items with that T6 and made a really nice bundle to purchase off the Z-Store, but I guess they make way more money off the people who can't control their lock box gambling habits… oh well, back to old school grinding for yet another a billion EC again
The kit modules looks like something which might be interesting to play around with. Perhaps a theme build.
Would be even better if it had training manuals for said kit modules. Think of all those Borg Boffs which would finally get a chance to shine.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I really do find the whole lock box interesting. Another canon starship option is always welcome. This one being unique in its asymmetrical design. However, I will resist this lockbox for the time being.
I want to see if any of these elements migrate across as an update to our Lifetime accounts? Which I only mention as Cryptic put the Lifetime Subs on sale again this weekend. The Exoskeletal Frame, B.A.T.D. Extractor, and some (not necessarily all. So that the lockbox maintains its incentive) of those traits would be welcome over there. Some of us always hoped that the species limitation for Liberated Borg might improve. With Picard suggesting a refocus upon that state of those who are liberated, it would give that aspect of this specific Lifetime reward more meaning.
It is likely that these options will not transfer over to Liberated Borgs while Liberated Borg options won't transfer to the Exoskeletal Frame. It is possible that Cryptic will make a Lifetime version of the Exoskeletal Frame and B.A.T.D Extractor. However, if Cryptic plans on making these additions to the Lifetime Subscription, then they should inform us before the Borg Lock Box comes out. I just wish there is a way to make certain Lock Box and Lobi items unlocked for the entire account instead of per character. Maybe pay a certain amount of Zen to make a character unlock into an account unlock.
I really do find the whole lock box interesting. Another canon starship option is always welcome. This one being unique in its asymmetrical design. However, I will resist this lockbox for the time being.
I want to see if any of these elements migrate across as an update to our Lifetime accounts?
Highly unlikely. When Jem'Hadar became a playable species, and their ships got an entirely new, fancy interior, Geko decided, for reasons unknown (probably for 'spite') that the existing Jem ships, lock box and R&D alike, wouldn't get the upgrade (which would have entailed little more than switching a few pointers). So, I very highly doubt it will be different for our existing Lifetime Borg chars. But I'm always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
I really do find the whole lock box interesting. Another canon starship option is always welcome. This one being unique in its asymmetrical design. However, I will resist this lockbox for the time being.
I want to see if any of these elements migrate across as an update to our Lifetime accounts?
Highly unlikely. When Jem'Hadar became a playable species, and their ships got an entirely new, fancy interior, Geko decided, for reasons unknown (probably for 'spite') that the existing Jem ships, lock box and R&D alike, wouldn't get the upgrade (which would have entailed little more than switching a few pointers). So, I very highly doubt it will be different for our existing Lifetime Borg chars. But I'm always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
That was one of the most irritating and baffling decisions that I've ever seen in this game. And to top it off, how quickly Thomas bluntly dismissed my question about the bridge on a livestream as if I asked for something ridiculous or impossible.
"iF YoU WaNt tO UsE ThE VaNuArD bRiDgE, uSe A vAnGuArD sHiP."
It's not even as though I was asking for free stuff. The vanguard bridge was tied to the vanguard ships which I owned. I actually paid for the entire gamma pack and I literally own every single Jem'Hadar ship in the game. Both from the c-store and lock box, lobi and promo ships in both T5 and T6. People like me just wanted the amazingly badass vanguard bridge to work on the rest of the jem'hadar ships.
Considering What @meimeitoo and I just said, I would be incredibly shocked if any of the borg lock box items ever found their way into LTS players hands for free. If Cryptic doesn't make basic things compatible with one another, why would they just give you free stuff from a lock box?
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
Noticed they didn't mention anything about having bonus(es) for Transwarp considering that the first time we saw transwarp in use (The great transwarp experiment doesn't count....) was because of this borg ship...
That is an excellent point. This ship should included some sort of extra boost for Sector Space indeed, hell it is canon after all. I wonder if Cryptic just forgot to include that in the details, or thought about it but decided against it for some odd reason or even thought about it at all since Sector Space travelling is such a small part nowadays. At the least just re-title that Cyclical Quantum Warp Drive some Borg title.
No. They'll just start asking for C-Store release, and some may even resort to ranting about how unfair things are. So... usual forum activity. *shrug*
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Excuse me but I still want my playable Cooperative faction with a Probe + Sphere + Diamond + Cube mega-bundle.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Based on the Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut, which doesn't have a set bonus with the older Vaad ships and what they said about that on stream, they won't put them in a set since there is such a large gap in time between the two boxes.
A shame. Not unexpected, but still it would have been nice.
The adapted ships are also technically Romulan designs with Borg tech integrated into the systems rather than a full Borg ship like this one is.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Is this a Borg Cooperative ship? It has the blue lighting of the Cooperative, but the ship clearly has the Borg COLLECTIVE insignia on it instead. Furthermore, it's simply describe as a "liberated" Borg ship. It's like seeing a Romulan Warbird with giant Vulcan insignias plastered over it.
It looks like this box is bringing a lot of power creep. The Doffs and Kit Modules look like substantial improvements(Orbital Devastation that any class can use and does not require a trait slot, free combat pets when you kill stuff, free buffs for using any ability.. in a game where you you spam tons of abilities, etc.).
I had to re-read the consoles descriptions several times to understand exactly what their functionality was; I'm still not sure if the Retrofitted Assimilator is a torpedo modifier or it fires the 'quantum torpedo' itself(the Borg used gravimetric-based missiles/torpedos, not quantum warheads). The Cutting Tractor Beam took me several reads to finally understand that it's basically a deployable tractor satellite/platform/mine. Truthfully, I was expecting/hoping for a Shield Neutralization Missile instead of a variant of the Assimilated 3-set activated ability we already have. Regardless, I hope they show up on the ship details post so we can see the actual stats of this gear. (Does the Retrofitted Assimilator have passive bonuses like most modern Uni Consoles?)
1) as far as canon goes (not STO), the ship in question was from a rogue/liberated group of Borg led by Lore and Hugh in the TNG episode "Descent".
2) the Borg Collective does not actually have an insignia. The insignia in question was also from the episode mentioned above and used by the rogue/liberated group of Borg. It was never a symbol used by the actual "collective". ALTHOUGH, after that episode that symbol became associated with the Borg and has been used in many games and media to represent them.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Well when they do one Borg ship then it's showing that there's a possibility that they will do more in the long run.
Yes, I'm aware it's a Type 03 Ship that Lore/Hugh use(d). However, STO has muddied the water a bit, and both Borg factions have their own insignias now. Presuming these ships were mass-produced enough for the Consortium to acquire them.. where did they come from/who produced them?
And yes, I realize this is a 'cryptic logic' exercise in futility, but the inconsistency still bugs me enough to bring it up.
As someone that isn't very good at ground, as well as someone that tends to load up Tacs as close to Engs as possible, I quite like the look of these modules. Sounds potentially OP for ground PvP, so that's unfortunate for the small (but devout) ground PvP playerbase.
Every recent console/trait that lists that it fires a torpedo, doesn't care what the host has equipped. Only torpedo modding console that I can recall of is the old Ionized Gas Sensor from way back. As for the weirdness of types, it sounds like someone came up for these from memory without looking them up and got a few things a bit off. The Kinetic Cutting Beam is a transparent red beam, not green like Plasma, but it's that way at least twice in the photos.
I would bet on all the consoles listed having passives based on past LBs, and at times they've been powerful passives too. Given that Hull Image Refractors console has a second stat passive in addition to it's temp hull proc, probably even the Cutting Tractor Beam console will have an additional stat passive too.
I vaguely remember seeing that symbol on the bed thing that Picard was on when he was turning into Locutus. But it was a blink and miss it type of thing.
And upon some google searching... turns out the symbol has been seen as early as the first encounter in TNG.
If it actually means anything to the Borg or is just viewed as Psychological Warfare or something... is unknown.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Join Date: Sep 2008
Its worth mentioning the old borg playmates action figure included the same symbol that the info said represented the collective:
The 2 consoles & starship trait seem like they could be fun to use. I'm hoping this tractor beam isn't just a rehash of the Kinetic Cutting Beam. The Assimilator console & the Regeneration Cycle trait both seem they'd be nice to use.
The Assimilated Plasma weaponry will be just another flavor of weapons added which will be nice. Will there be yet again a plasma-omni behind a gamble/paywall? The Borg vanity shield will be highly sought after I'm sure though if that's it on the Dewan ship I find that a bit lackluster.
The Borg kit modules all seem decent, there are 5 so I'd hope at least some players will apply all 5 to a newly Liberated Borg character from the Lifetime Subscription (LTS) exclusive. The Borg kit frame didn't have much detail given so I'll wait & see on that.
The new Borg DOFFs seem to have a nice variety of perks so it will be interesting how useful & plentiful the gambling odds make them to be. The Borg captain's traits could be a nice addition too for any player lucky enough to win or buy.
The many other small items a lockbox (LB) offers as a win is just hilarious. The day I ceased buying keys from Cryptic was when all I got out of a LB was 4 Lobi & 1 Salvaged Technology. That converted me to the "only buy keys off the Exchange" crowd. However, adding that Borg datacore to all LBs is a nice touch just too bad it is non-combat.
I suppose for all us players that aren't LTS we could create our pseudo-Liberated_Borg with that Lobi store Borg Skeletal Frame. It does look wicked. Maybe the US Space Force will borrow it too like they did the Star Trek emblem lol. That B.A.T.D. actually seems like it might be really interesting in any longer fights.
I'm not much for Cryptic's gambling agenda nowadays, but it does seem this LB has a nice variety of offerings, & that Juggernaut is so far impressive. A shame still that Cryptic is offering less than previously offered in LBs with no Lobi ship option. I'm sure many players will gobble all this up no questions asked, after all, "resistance is futile,".
Technically the Collective and Liberted Borg are closely linked. Though Liberated Borg spawned from TNG and Lifetimers can play one, while the Cooperative was spawned by Voyager's efforts in the Delta Quadrant.
Still I suspect this is a great tie in to Picard series, and as we've seen the Romulan's are integrating borg tech, in a somewhat similar fashion to what we saw under Sela or more directly Hakeev.
Still I think what is most exciting from the Picard series, is we may see a few new Romulan Adapted Warbirds. We have heard rumors a few Romulan &/or Klingon storylines may get revised a little in 2020 timeline.
We know from Picard that the Federation did help the Romulans at first and for awhile, and even in a 2013 article posted on the Star Trek website, it was discussed way back then the Super Nova created 3 distinctive elements from the former Romulan Star Empire. One was in Fact the work of Spock in TNG and his work with D'Tan. Most of which has really only been slightly explored by STO, and the Picard series has a lot of creative freedom to fill in a lot of this very complex and multi-dimensional story. After all STO has really done a fine job merging some often small what first seemed divergent synapses into a plausible future timeline.
I've seen a few asked hoping they had included a few Liberated Borg Bridge Officer's; yet the Omega REP does allow for one Science Officer. I think the games approach here is they'd like to keep them a bit more special or unique, still I can understand it might have been nice to offer perhaps another. I think the vision was mostly so each Crew had their version of Seven of Nine to assist.
The lockbox despite some claims, will have several if not 'many' things, a lot of players shouldn't discount to quick.
Also we'll soon likely be seeing a few more adapted Romulan warbirds, not to possibly mention several new ships from Picard!
There's also the Bellerophan's console that modifies torps into 'Shockwave' torpedos.
As for the beam, I'm actually referring to the 3-set clicky from the Assimilated shield-set:
Instead of directly disabling systems at a certain threshold, it siphons power (while, also, holding the target and doing respectable damage).
What I am REALLY waiting for is all the new Romulan oriented goodies that are likely to come with this season of Picard.
I'll save up during this lock box and go for the next one.
Otherwise I'm pretty underwhelmed. Good choice for a Borg ship, though.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
I want to see if any of these elements migrate across as an update to our Lifetime accounts? Which I only mention as Cryptic put the Lifetime Subs on sale again this weekend. The Exoskeletal Frame, B.A.T.D. Extractor, and some (not necessarily all. So that the lockbox maintains its incentive) of those traits would be welcome over there. Some of us always hoped that the species limitation for Liberated Borg might improve. With Picard suggesting a refocus upon that state of those who are liberated, it would give that aspect of this specific Lifetime reward more meaning.
Would be even better if it had training manuals for said kit modules. Think of all those Borg Boffs which would finally get a chance to shine.
It is likely that these options will not transfer over to Liberated Borgs while Liberated Borg options won't transfer to the Exoskeletal Frame. It is possible that Cryptic will make a Lifetime version of the Exoskeletal Frame and B.A.T.D Extractor. However, if Cryptic plans on making these additions to the Lifetime Subscription, then they should inform us before the Borg Lock Box comes out. I just wish there is a way to make certain Lock Box and Lobi items unlocked for the entire account instead of per character. Maybe pay a certain amount of Zen to make a character unlock into an account unlock.
Highly unlikely. When Jem'Hadar became a playable species, and their ships got an entirely new, fancy interior, Geko decided, for reasons unknown (probably for 'spite') that the existing Jem ships, lock box and R&D alike, wouldn't get the upgrade (which would have entailed little more than switching a few pointers). So, I very highly doubt it will be different for our existing Lifetime Borg chars. But I'm always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
"iF YoU WaNt tO UsE ThE VaNuArD bRiDgE, uSe A vAnGuArD sHiP."
It's not even as though I was asking for free stuff. The vanguard bridge was tied to the vanguard ships which I owned. I actually paid for the entire gamma pack and I literally own every single Jem'Hadar ship in the game. Both from the c-store and lock box, lobi and promo ships in both T5 and T6. People like me just wanted the amazingly badass vanguard bridge to work on the rest of the jem'hadar ships.
Considering What @meimeitoo and I just said, I would be incredibly shocked if any of the borg lock box items ever found their way into LTS players hands for free. If Cryptic doesn't make basic things compatible with one another, why would they just give you free stuff from a lock box?
That is an excellent point. This ship should included some sort of extra boost for Sector Space indeed, hell it is canon after all. I wonder if Cryptic just forgot to include that in the details, or thought about it but decided against it for some odd reason or even thought about it at all since Sector Space travelling is such a small part nowadays. At the least just re-title that Cyclical Quantum Warp Drive some Borg title.