As of July 18th, 2019, STO no longer supports any 32-Bit Microsoft Windows Operating System. This decision was made in order to improve game performance and to optimize the player experience.
What Operating System should I be upgrading to? For the best play experience, Cryptic Studios recommends Windows 10.
The game will run on Windows Vista Service Pack 2 64-Bit or better, or Windows 7 or 8 as well. Be aware that Microsoft has discontinued support for Windows Vista as of April 2017, although we continue to support it, for now.
Please feel free to discuss this change in this thread, and let us know any further questions. We will be updating this thread with any additional notices or clarifications as needed.
Will the game still launch for players with an 32bit OS? Is there any benefit for the players overall due to this change?
Given the phrasing, it may or may not even launch on 32-bit, and even if it does, there's no telling how long it will continue to launch. Honestly, this shouldn't affect anyone. 64-bit CPU and OS has been standard since the game launched. Only thing might be if you still play on an early-gen Atom.
As for what this gives us, well hopefully better textures, more detailed models. Supporting only 64-bit means the game can have more in "ram" at once. What I hope this means is that less time spent in map transitions to load data from disk, as well as prettier models and textures (when/if they are remade). Right now, this more removes the restrictions from the developers than directly improves our experience right away.
> @somtaawkhar said: > cbob312 wrote: » > > Is there any benefit for the players overall due to this change? > > > > 64 bit OS have the ability to use more RAM, among other things, meaning the can make more expansive or complex areas without having to worry about the 32bit OS's ram limitations.
> @somtaawkhar said:
> cbob312 wrote: »
> Is there any benefit for the players overall due to this change?
> 64 bit OS have the ability to use more RAM, among other things, meaning the can make more expansive or complex areas without having to worry about the 32bit OS's ram limitations.
32bit stops at 3gb ~ RAM. If im not mistaken.
At most.
By default, the max is 2GB user, 2GB kernel (which cannot be used for the game).
You can compile (the developer) with the /3GB switch, to allow 3GB of user memory, and 1GB of kernel memory for the process.
EDIT: Keep in mind, this is different from the OS ram limitation.
32-bit has two limitations, the OS RAM size, and the process RAM size.
The process RAM size still exists on 64-bit OS for 32-bit processes.
What I described above is the process limitation, and still exists even on 64-bit OS (if the application itself is still 32-bit).
This means, even if you have 32GB of RAM in your 64-bit PC, 32-bit STO (or any game), could only use at most 3GB.
This was a huge problem in the early days of 64-bit OS. As most games were still 32-bit, but were running against RAM limits with higher textures, models, etc.
Once the program itself moves to 64-bit, that limit is (mostly) gone. However, in STO's case, since they still support 32-bit, even if they have a 64-bit version, they still need to develop with the 32-bit limits in mind. This limits what they can do with the game.
Will this affect xbox or is it just for the pc????
Just PC. Consoles don't typically run normal operating systems.
Well, they run their own, and I believe the X-Box One OS is basically a Windows for the most part. But they have been x64 Bit for a while now. Of course, so are modern PCs, but there only exist old clunkers still using 32 Bit processors, but probably more importantly, there are x64 Bit processor PCs that use a 32 Bit OS for some reason. (I suppose if the machines were never supposed to have more than 4 GB RAM, it didn't really matter.)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Does this mean that Cryptic/Perfect world has fixed the 64-bit issue of not recognizing the Razer keyboards and other supposed to be supported equipment.
What about the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One editions? Aren't those 32 bit based as well?
This update is only related to PC versions of the game. PS4 and Xbox code shouldn't be affected. Plus they're already running 64bit processors, so the PS4/Xbox versions may never have been 32bit.
It was necessary for STO as back in 2009, several PC where still being sold with 32-Bit OS, unable to support 64-bit. I know I was until I upgraded to Windows 7 back in 2010. 2011'sSkyrim was 32-bit as well,
Good thing I'm on Windows 10, need to check if it's 32 bit or 64 bit
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Does this mean stability issues will be fixed that pertain to the 64-bit version of STO? The reason I am asking this is because when I ran Lighting 2.0 no matter what the settings were I had crashes all over the place hence why I play with Lighting 2.0 off and Lighting 1.0 on with some adjustments for DS9 and other places.
As for the lag could that be due to the engine, the servers, and the connection from Akamai Technologies to the server as well as the many people logging on to the server? A few months ago I saw packet loss in that route and posted about it in the Technical Issues part of the forums. I am not sure if it is in Cryptic's control or not though Akamai Technologies should be notified about it by either Cryptic Studios or someone else.
I think this is a good development. Wish it had a post on the News section of the website instead of in just the forums and the social media.
As for Acorn Electron, it is a keyboard so it should not affected by the change, unless that was a joke that flew over my head. Thanks. P.S. a keyboard/computer in one, man I missed out, was just a thought during that time.
3.6 GB. If you remember back in the day when they were selling 32-bit Windows PCs and Laptops, an overwhelming number of them came with 3 GB of Ram and not 4. Why? To fend off complaints from dunderheads saying that they paid for 4 but weren't getting that, but only 3.6 and were being ripped off.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
This is one of those things where just about every player looking at people at cryptic back and forth and then busting out laughing at the first person who gets mad about this. I have to admit though when the new management from a new EP outside of the company cutting out dead weight, giving transparency that was frankly never there in the past, and gutting all the dead weight and reinforcing the things like queues that were dead in the water when he started the job. Not to dis the STO team as a whole but a fresh pair of eyes that isn't attached to things is what was needed and the game has gotten better because of it.
After May 21st, 2019, if you are running on any 32-bit Microsoft Windows Operating System, the launcher will inform you of that fact.
What I mean there was something before that would tell you what you where running i believe I run windows 10 but I want to make sure now rather than later
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I run Windows 10, which is 64-bit, but the Task Manager indicates that the STO Client running is the 32-bit one. I see no Options to tell it to run 32 or 64. Regardless, the Windows 10 OS can still run 32-bit Software.
What is happening with this change is that, if the game detects a 32-bit OS, it will not run.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Good thing I'm on Windows 10, need to check if it's 32 bit or 64 bit
as far as i know, windows 10 doesn't exist in 32bit
There is a indeed a 32 Bit version of Windows 10. Most people are probably using the 64 Bit version though unless they did the free upgrade on a very old computer that didn't support 64 Bits.
Given the phrasing, it may or may not even launch on 32-bit, and even if it does, there's no telling how long it will continue to launch. Honestly, this shouldn't affect anyone. 64-bit CPU and OS has been standard since the game launched. Only thing might be if you still play on an early-gen Atom.
As for what this gives us, well hopefully better textures, more detailed models. Supporting only 64-bit means the game can have more in "ram" at once. What I hope this means is that less time spent in map transitions to load data from disk, as well as prettier models and textures (when/if they are remade). Right now, this more removes the restrictions from the developers than directly improves our experience right away.
> cbob312 wrote: »
> Is there any benefit for the players overall due to this change?
> 64 bit OS have the ability to use more RAM, among other things, meaning the can make more expansive or complex areas without having to worry about the 32bit OS's ram limitations.
32bit stops at 3gb ~ RAM. If im not mistaken.
At most.
By default, the max is 2GB user, 2GB kernel (which cannot be used for the game).
You can compile (the developer) with the /3GB switch, to allow 3GB of user memory, and 1GB of kernel memory for the process.
EDIT: Keep in mind, this is different from the OS ram limitation.
32-bit has two limitations, the OS RAM size, and the process RAM size.
The process RAM size still exists on 64-bit OS for 32-bit processes.
What I described above is the process limitation, and still exists even on 64-bit OS (if the application itself is still 32-bit).
This means, even if you have 32GB of RAM in your 64-bit PC, 32-bit STO (or any game), could only use at most 3GB.
This was a huge problem in the early days of 64-bit OS. As most games were still 32-bit, but were running against RAM limits with higher textures, models, etc.
Once the program itself moves to 64-bit, that limit is (mostly) gone. However, in STO's case, since they still support 32-bit, even if they have a 64-bit version, they still need to develop with the 32-bit limits in mind. This limits what they can do with the game.
Well, they run their own, and I believe the X-Box One OS is basically a Windows for the most part. But they have been x64 Bit for a while now. Of course, so are modern PCs, but there only exist old clunkers still using 32 Bit processors, but probably more importantly, there are x64 Bit processor PCs that use a 32 Bit OS for some reason. (I suppose if the machines were never supposed to have more than 4 GB RAM, it didn't really matter.)
This update is only related to PC versions of the game. PS4 and Xbox code shouldn't be affected. Plus they're already running 64bit processors, so the PS4/Xbox versions may never have been 32bit.
It was necessary for STO as back in 2009, several PC where still being sold with 32-Bit OS, unable to support 64-bit. I know I was until I upgraded to Windows 7 back in 2010. 2011'sSkyrim was 32-bit as well,
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
As for the lag could that be due to the engine, the servers, and the connection from Akamai Technologies to the server as well as the many people logging on to the server? A few months ago I saw packet loss in that route and posted about it in the Technical Issues part of the forums. I am not sure if it is in Cryptic's control or not though Akamai Technologies should be notified about it by either Cryptic Studios or someone else.
I think this is a good development. Wish it had a post on the News section of the website instead of in just the forums and the social media.
As for Acorn Electron, it is a keyboard so it should not affected by the change, unless that was a joke that flew over my head. Thanks.
It did. The Electron was a knock-off of the Commodore 64... what you're looking at is the entire computer.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
After May 21st, 2019, if you are running on any 32-bit Microsoft Windows Operating System, the launcher will inform you of that fact.
What I mean there was something before that would tell you what you where running i believe I run windows 10 but I want to make sure now rather than later
as far as i know, windows 10 doesn't exist in 32bit
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
What is happening with this change is that, if the game detects a 32-bit OS, it will not run.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There is a indeed a 32 Bit version of Windows 10. Most people are probably using the 64 Bit version though unless they did the free upgrade on a very old computer that didn't support 64 Bits.