Question: Will you be able to do the endeavors on different chars on account? I.E. I do easy one on one char and hard on another and/or progress a bit on one char and keep the progression? Or will I have to start over in progression for each char, like the current system?
Helping people is my passion in life. If I see someone without a smile I try to give them mine.
It’s not bickering its constructive feedback about the feature. That I posted to try and help improve the game to strive to be the best it can.
Also a question are people seeing posts jump around? For example when I posted last night your post wasn’t there but the 5 people after you where. This morning now your post is before my last post and before those other 5 people. It’s not the first time I have seen this where peoples post are either being delayed being shown or appear to move positions a few hours later.
Cryptic's use of the term is entirely appropriate. It may diverge from personal connotations but note that the word "endeavor" in the English language can include a task to be completed with some effort (unquantified) as well as an arduous endeavor (see. need for that additional verb to achieve that particular connotation without ambiguity or elaborating context.)
You just posted a link that agrees with me and says you are wrong. It doesn’t say “to be completed with some effort (unquantified)”. it quantifies effort and describes the amount of effort as serious determined effort, exertion of effort, or laborious effort which means hard or toilsome effort. An Endeavour is something that is not easy or simple.
It’s not personal connections the word endeavour is used for real accomplishments. Endeavour is one of the core values of the company I work for and we gave out Endeavour rewards so I very much know what Endeavour means and is used for. Examples he endeavour to finish the race, or she endeavour to climb the highest mountain, they Endeavour to get over drug addiction. The noun is “serious determined effort” it can also be used as “to strive to achieve or reach” what does strive mean? The answer “to devote serious effort or energy”.
You don’t say someone did an endeavor after they have done a simple small objective, or a task that is not overwhelming. That is just not how the word is used. Worse calling those simple things endeavours is disingenuous again the people who have done real endeavours. You don't give endeavour rewards out to people who have not put in serious effort.
Who cares? They're not going to change the system to accommodate a quibble like this, especially when there are so many linguistic faux pas that have been in the game for MUCH longer that they're never going to address.
Pick some other hill to die on. This one is full.
Some players care. Not so much about the meaning of the word but the fact the content is out of touch with what a lot of players want. The core of the feedback is not about the word meaning, its that a lot of the player base are already overwhelmed with to much short easy casual content and do not need more. What we are in need of is end game content that is both challenging, rewarding and gives a feeling of accomplishment. Making things to easy can take away the feeling of reward and accomplishment for doing it.
If the devs don't want to change it then why not add Epic Endeavours at a later date which take real effort and in turn should offer a sense of accomplishment and reward. Perhaps something like complete a chain of Borg STF's within a set amount of time, perhaps with the same group? Start the ground STF on Advanced/Elite and kill the boss a set type of weapon within a set time. Ok perhaps not the best examples. But the point is sometimes harder content offer players a better sense of reward and feeling of accomplishment and the swing towards easy causal content in STO is taking away from the feeling of reward and accomplishment for playing STO.
One of the rewards touted is Dilithium ore...why? I have that in spades, I have 3 times more Dilithium ore than Dilithium - and I can't even give that stuff away. Now IF the reward was already refined Dilithium then yeah- maybe it would be worth doing.
I think this addition will be a great thing for new player retention. I remember when I first started playing many many moons ago I was always suffering with a lack of certain resources, namely energy credits. With all new players getting access to a level 60 Jem'hadar from day one that resource should be far more easily obtained. Hopefully this will go a long way to extending the life and interest of the game.
I don't think this is a very good idea. At least the perk points. There's already a huge gulf between power level among players in the game
For instance, I've been in Borg Red Alerts were the whole team could not kill the boss ship at the end. Yet many people can solo it themselves, some killing it in seconds. (And this is not necessarily player skill, but how a character is geared. My best characters can't quite solo a borg boss ship, but they can make quick work of the mobs early on, while newly 60 characters struggle)
Players remain where they are in that gulf if the means of advancement are not generally accessible. Take fleet TAC consoles. They're a great way to improve your crit chance but to earn them you must join a fleet and spend a lot of resources and that's not something that newer players will necessarily prioritize or see as an immediate cost benefit (ex. what's this incremental stat increase going to get me, I'm still way off! Note then what repeating that the gulf between players is already SO HUGE HOLY TRIBBLE presents to players in this situation. Ie. something which feeds directly into a sense of futility [which is all the more problematic because the gap isn't what new players have to overcome in order to have fun with STO and progress to higher performance levels.])
Personal endeavors though require progress only through personal endeavors, ie. something accessible to all players of requisite rank regardless of their playstyle preferences and levels of investment. You quoted failure to perform relative to AI's as exemplarily of this problem. Well, even if top tier players do find ways of gaining further power don't you think that those struggling would appreciate a hand up relative to a fixed point? From this blog, personal endeavors should be a handy resource for newer players entering into the end-game to help gain more stat points for an absolute level of performance which doesn't come with an immediate call to pony up (just continued playtime). To be frank, so what that the DPS community is going to be able to reach an incrementally higher extreme, look at the population proportions and basic fact that players who have near Q-like abilities in combat now (Q+1 is still equal to Q) aren't common in public matchmaking and thus aren't a main influence on the experience of new players, particularly with content newer players interact with most [normal TFO's and episodes], or even one that contributes to what they're most frustrated with. If a player is having trouble at their current point in the difficulty curve, someone else coming in to make things easier and demonstrating that there is such a thing as hope isn't necessarily going to cause them to quit the game right then and there.
The gulf isn't what ultimately decides whether struggling players remain invested with the game, the accessibility of early advancement can be though because 1. it's actually part of their experience and 2. it factors directly with cost benefit decisions regarding "should I play this more." No matter where the performance ceiling is set, if players don't feel that there's a perceptible means of progressing their character (a lot of this stuff you need to know about and explore through personal initiative) or that available means are beyond what they're willing to put into the game they're likely not to progress much further. Personal endeavors should help with that to a degree by providing players with an immediate thing to work towards for more performance; irrespective of circumstance and packaged through relatively low key tasks. And it also helps new characters per account, which is a more substantial benefit if you don't already have the resources to feed gear and traits from a well established character. This helps everyone, top end included, but the effect should be increasingly marginal the higher your current level of performance is.
Ie. the cause you're championing for would be least served by removing stat buffs from the low hanging fruit of personal endeavors and leaves struggling players in their current situation (assuming that if only we could do something to bring Q down a few points [ie. decrease the gap] the galaxy's problems will be solved.)
A lot of the endeavor rewards I was getting so far were mediocre with like 50k ec and many white and green r&d materials.
Like existing endeavors. You want these to become a dominant force in STO through rewards which exceed other gameplay activities? No, keep it light and fold it into the ecosystem.
Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
“Like existing endeavors. You want these to become a dominant force in STO through rewards which exceed other gameplay activities? No, keep it light and fold it into the ecosystem.”
That’s the wrong attitude from my point of view. New players already have a ton of stuff to do and don’t really need more. They already have more options to progress down then they can do in 6months if not a year. So the new players are not really benefiting as they don’t need yet another short progress system.
While longer term players like me are looking for things to do but have little to nothing left to do. What is this feature going to do for us? We are going to log in, do a boring simple task finish in a few mins and log out. Hardly a rewarding experience that makes us want to come back for more.
While if they made the task something more substantial and less light instead of logging in for 5mins we would log in for 30mins, 1hour+ and get a more rewarding experience with a better feeling of accomplishment which in turn makes us come back to the game more often and stay logged in longer. They could even combine endeavours with tasks that take teamwork to encourage more teamwork and longer term thinking from the player base. There is no reason why the endeavours have to become the dominant force in STO rewards and even if they did you just make the endeavors tasks interact with the other gameplay activities so people won’t stop doing those activities.
If the devs want to improve retention they need to start looking at longer term content and end game content which is in a terrible state right now. Things like this are a missed opportunity that could be helping retention a lot more then it is in the current form. The endeavour system idea is great and could really help fix some of the areas of the game that need improvement, but instead endeavour seem to be aimed at an area which doesn’t need improvements and is already flooded with content. The endeavour is for sure the right direction and a good move by the devs but I don't think they go far enough. Its to light and needs more depth to make it rewarding and worthwhile to play.
I would love to see some higher end endeavours that give us a reason to log in and stay logged in. Endeavours that takes a decent amount of time and effort to complete to give us something to do.
EDIT: Current endeavours are so light I just completely ignore them yet I still have stacks and stacks of endeavours reward box's. Content like that is just not rewarding to play and personal endeavours need more depth then that to work well. Making them too light will ruin them.
“Like existing endeavors. You want these to become a dominant force in STO through rewards which exceed other gameplay activities? No, keep it light and fold it into the ecosystem.”
That’s the wrong attitude from my point of view. New players already have a ton of stuff to do and don’t really need more.
Again, this isn't new content. This is a pointer directing players to existing content, helping them to explore available possibilities that they may have overlooked while leveling or simply forgotten about. New players have a lot to work through. The occasional nudge helps orient to the possibilities.
The endeavour system idea is great and could really help fix some of the areas of the game that need improvement, but instead endeavour seem to be aimed at an area which doesn’t need improvements and is already flooded with content. The endeavour is for sure the right direction and a good move by the devs but I don't think they go far enough. Its to light and needs more depth to make it rewarding and worthwhile to play.
So make a separate thread to address this concern, it doesn't relate directly to either the mechanical design or remit of personal endeavors. If you think this is too much for players as is, what effect do you think having a "long term" endeavor calibrated to top tier players pop into the system is going to have? It's absolutely going to make the game appear less approachable and do nothing to help with player retention at all levels because, again a "long term" endeavors also doesn't represent new and more challenging content. It's simply heavy grind whose difficulty lies in forcing yourself through it against your inclinations. If you're already finding it difficult to gather the will to play STO, this is not going to help by any means (quite the opposite, it's setting up immediate burnout.)
More elite content, extended progression systems [of which we have a lot, such as recently introduced T6 reps], gameplay development, and intensive achievements should be handled through separate systems and types of content [ex. elite TFO's, TFO playlists, and more adventurous gameplay design], not this one.
EDIT: Current endeavours are so light I just completely ignore them yet I still have stacks and stacks of endeavours reward box's. Content like that is just not rewarding to play and personal endeavours need more depth then that to work well. Making them too light will ruin them.
Note that you're using future tense, will ruin them, when Cryptic has data on the effect of these light incentives through existing endeavors. Personal endeavors add onto that additional skill bonuses, so what exactly is the problem here? That they're not forcing you to play endeavors, irrespective of your interests, with rewards that you can't ignore and over protracted sessions fixated on only one thing? That's not a likely recipe for a game worth playing.
Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
A lot of the endeavor rewards I was getting so far were mediocre with like 50k ec and many white and green r&d materials.
That type of "randomness" rewarding is reason #1 why I no longer do the current Endeavors unless it is right there & easy to complete. No way I want to invest effort & receive a few of those 50K EC rewards or a 1/4 Spec. point.
Shirley Cryptic will have something for everyone as part of their overall plan at some point. Normal ~ Advanced ~ Elite. I'd expect them to focus on the majority of their player base, at first at least.
“If you think this is too much for players as is, what effect do you think having a "long term" endeavor calibrated to top tier players pop into the system is going to have?”
I never said calibrate it to the top tier players. I said calibrated it so some of the goals are challenging and take a bit of effort so they give a sense of accomplishment and reward for doing them. That would benefit both the new players and the long term players. A long term player is not automatically a top tier player. What I am talking about has nothing to do with power levels, mix/maxing. It’s about a providing some much needed challenging content to play. There are a lot of people quitting because they have nothing left in game to play or people like me who are looking for reason to play but not playing as there is nothing left to do. This endeavour system could be amazing for improving retention if it had an Epic style level that had decent goals that take a bit of effort to achieve. It would give us a reason to log in and play the game more/longer helping improve player retention levels.
All I am doing is suggesting a way that the endeavor system could be expanded to further improve STO and to improve the retention problem and lack of end game content problem that long term players face right now. Like I said before I think the endeavours system is a great idea but it doesn’t go far enough.
No I am not making a separate thread. This is the endeavour thread and feedback and suggestions belong in here. All I am doing is trying to be helpful to the devs.
“If you're already finding it difficult to gather the will to play STO, this is not going to help by any means (quite the opposite, it's setting up immediate burnout.)”
Your wrong again as it wouldn’t automatically cause immediate burnout, it would help the lack of end game content problem STO has right now. Giving long term players something to do is better than having them log in for 5min, do a simple task and log out.
“It's absolutely going to make the game appear less approachable and do nothing to help with player retention at all levels because, again a "long term" endeavors also doesn't represent new and more challenging content. It's simply heavy grind whose difficulty lies in forcing yourself through it against your inclinations.
You have it the wrong way around it will make the game more approachable to a wider audience and help retention levels. There is no reason why long term endeavour couldn’t represent new or more challenging content. There is no reason why it has to be just a heavy grind forcing you through it.
Just because you have zero interest in that type of content it doesn’t mean all players are the same. Many are desperate for that style of content which was why the ground defence Simulation was so popular and highly praised and you can count me in for highly prising that content. STO could do with more challenging decent content like that and the endeavour system could be linked to that for further improvements to the game. If you are so worried keep the easy, medium, hard endeavours for those players then create an Epic endeavour for the players that are interested in that type of thing. Make the epics so they are team work focused so we have stronger bounds and social groups.
Some of the best times I had in Star Trek Online was the old Epic endeavour style content that has now been stripped out of the game. That content was great we created teams/groups that worked away at the challenges for hours and once completed they had a real rewarding feeling of accomplishment. It wasn't about unlocking a reward that made us more powerful. Done correctly re-adding this style of content could be very great for the player base. Epic Endeavours could be a way to bring this style of content back while reusing the current content to reduce development costs.
Make the epics so they are team work focused so we have stronger bounds and social groups.
This doesn't make any sense, an endeavor designates an in-game activity. It can be made more or less difficult depending on the nature of the activity. If there isn't enough challenging content in the game already (as you say, "it's been stripped"), then the only way an endeavor can add more difficulty is through scaling up its requirement through repetition of what it has to work with (requiring more effort through volume, rather than intensity which isn't available.) Ie. grinding.
The direct logical implications of your suggestion are worth considering if you're proposing it for review and implementation.
Just because you have zero interest in that type of content it doesn’t mean all players are the same.
See. endeavors. Just because this isn't geared towards you doesn't mean it has to be repurposed in part (likely disastrously) to fill a separate niche (ie. you personally) which would be better satisfied by other types of updates and systems (which wouldn't run directly counter to your own interests, whether you realize that or not.) Note that your disinterest in personal endeavors is an explicit part of your argument where my personal interests (across the board) aren't referenced in rationalizing both the personal endeavor system, its plausible derivations, and what might be capable of actually satisfying your interests. Ex. challenging gameplay through new content, specifically targed to the end-game, not hour long single target grinds as directed by a semi-randomized progress bar.
Also, what exactly are you referring to by "old epic endeavor style content" besides the objectives on Nukara Prime and the Defera invasion zone, both of which are still in the game. I think you've lost sight of what you mean by the term and started applying to anything which you felt was challenging irrespective of its relevance to either existing endeavors or the upcoming personal endeavor system. Ie. things like the colony defense simulation, which is a matter of gameplay design (not systems), as well as perhaps the old STF's and original Crystalline Entity design (more of the same, a separate topic.)
Anyway, again I would recommend you take this to a separate thread where you can discuss the problem's you're facing with the breadth of elite content, specifically, without derailing discussion RE. minor incentives to help other players needing that light direction with respect to existing content (as well as immediately accessible means of character development that would be of particular use to struggling players, referring to the other angle of personal endeavors.) There's a time and a place.
Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
While it is great to have something to work on for a longer period of time, combined with the ability to choose between different tasks (that bit of freedom is absolutely great), I certainly do hope that there are limits to the stat increases indeed.
Cause, indeed, power creep.
Overall I'm optimistic. This could potentially be a great way of, say, investing in partigen skill on a character where you originally focussed on boosting regular energy damage and vice versa. It can definitely open up opportunities to combine things and diversify builds, without losing the effectiveness that they currently have regarding the things they are now specialised in.
But again, please do keep in mind that things like crit severity, chance, partigens etc. can already be boosted to very high levels right now. I don't think the game will become more interesting if the current ceiling (i.e., what is theoretically possible now) is lifted up even further.
The system can potentially be great for allowing us to use more different skills and use them effectively. But if it is just going to serve as a way to push up a handful of skills to even more insane levels, then it may be disappointing. A hard ceiling on maximum partgen, maximum crith and critd etc. may then be needed to make sure that the system does more than just increase the average DPS, basically.
Edit: spelling
Formerly known as Risian4. Risian6 is my new PS4-account. Fleetcaptain5 is my main PC account. I hope to actively play again on PC in a few months.
Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle?
Just because you have zero interest in that type of content it doesn’t mean all players are the same.
See. endeavors. Just because this isn't geared towards you doesn't mean it has to be repurposed (likely disastrously) to fill a separate niche (ie. you personally) which would be better filled with other types of updates and systems (which wouldn't run directly counter to your own interests, whether you realize that or not.) Ex. challenging gameplay through new content, not hour long single target grinds as directed by a semi-randomized progress bar. That's absolutely broken game design.
Also, what exactly are you referring to by "old epic endeavor style content" besides the objectives on Nukara Prime and the Defera invasion zone, both of which are still in the game. I think you've lost sight of what you mean by the term and started applying to anything which you felt was challenging irrespective of its relevance to either existing endeavors or the upcoming personal endeavor system. Ie. things like the old STF's, which is a matter of TFO design (not systems.)
Anyway, your argument is uncompelling and I don't see what further reclarification would add to discussion. Again, I recommend you take this to a separate thread where you can discuss the problem's you're facing with the breadth of elite content, specifically, without derailing discussion RE. minor incentives to help players needing that light direction with respect to existing content (as well as immediately accessible means of character development, referring to the other angle of personal endeavors.)
Well you don’t have the best track record so I am not worried about it likely to go disastrously, in fact I think it would be amazing for the game. Also it’s not as niche as you think and I don’t agree it would be better with other updates or systems. The Endeavours system looks like it would be a perfect for that type of content which is why I suggested it.
You counter argument and viewpoint is completely lacking in evidence and uncompelling to me. But given our track record we should stop here. I have made my point the devs can take it on board or not. I don’t want to derail this thread all I wanted to do was suggest some possible improvements and directions to make the endavor system even better.
“That's still in the game. You may be trying to refer to the original STF's, but I would remind you that's completely separate from any kind of endeavor system”
It could be very similar. The old STF combined ground and space queues with the same group. The devs could create an Epic endeavour saying complete X advanced space and the matching linked X advance ground missions in the same group just like we did in the past. Giving players a reason to stick together and play multiple bits of content together.
There was also the original No Win scenario. Now that was some massively fun content which I still don’t understand why it was stripped out the game. But going into that is going off topic. So I wont expand on that in this thread.
If the current maximum crit severity is something like 170%, then I hope the PE's won't increase it much beyond that, for instance by placing a hard cap on the maximum critd.
For players who are at 110% or so, the system could help them anyway. For players who are at 170%, they could swap out a tac console and use something else instead, allowing diversification of builds while bringing their lower crit severity up to 170% again by using the PE's.
Basically what I am trying to say is; you don't need to raise the cap/raise the maximum attainable skills to make this system a success. A hard cap would still make PE's interesting for almost everyone as it could encourage players to go after something else than just more of the same old 'meta' skills.
(Of course, simply limiting the maximum obtainable extra crit severity from PE's to something like 5% would also help to limit power creep - but then the system would be rather pointless as everyone would get the same flat increase and then there would still be no reason to try out something else.)
Formerly known as Risian4. Risian6 is my new PS4-account. Fleetcaptain5 is my main PC account. I hope to actively play again on PC in a few months.
Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle?
It could be very similar. The old STF combined ground and space queues with the same group. The devs could create an Epic endeavour saying complete X advanced space and the matching linked X advance ground missions in the same group just like we did in the past. Giving players a reason to stick together and play multiple bits of content together.
There was also the original No Win scenario. Now that was some massively fun content which I still don’t understand why it was stripped out the game.
General unpopularity and lagging gameplay design.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Whats the power creep effect on this going to be? we already have a huge discrepency between the high end DPS and the average DPS. The hardcore players will obviously be maxing these out as fast as possible but where does that leave the casual players? How much further is this going to gap the two parts of the community?
It could be very similar. The old STF combined ground and space queues with the same group. The devs could create an Epic endeavour saying complete X advanced space and the matching linked X advance ground missions in the same group just like we did in the past. Giving players a reason to stick together and play multiple bits of content together.
There was also the original No Win scenario. Now that was some massively fun content which I still don’t understand why it was stripped out the game.
General unpopularity and lagging gameplay design.
Please don’t make stuff up. I have no idea why you lie all the time but I have come to expect that from you. It was extremely popular and had some of the best gameplay design in game. It was widely regarded as high quality and loved by the players. Unlike the new No Win scenario that in comparison is unpopular with lagging gameplay design and widely regarded as inferior.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
> @protoneous said: > duncanidaho11 wrote: » > > intensive achievements > > > > Shirley Cryptic will have something for everyone as part of their overall plan at some point. Normal ~ Advanced ~ Elite. I'd expect them to focus on the majority of their player base, at first at least.
Sure, but don't call me Shirley!!
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> @protoneous said:
> duncanidaho11 wrote: »
> intensive achievements
> Shirley Cryptic will have something for everyone as part of their overall plan at some point. Normal ~ Advanced ~ Elite. I'd expect them to focus on the majority of their player base, at first at least.
> @protoneous said:
> duncanidaho11 wrote: »
> intensive achievements
> Shirley Cryptic will have something for everyone as part of their overall plan at some point. Normal ~ Advanced ~ Elite. I'd expect them to focus on the majority of their player base, at first at least.
Sure, but don't call me Shirley!!
lol why thank you! My afternoon is now complete.
Back on topic though... for those who've brought up the topic of more challenging personal endeavors, thanks. I appreciate an intensive challenge as well at times.
It seems by the wording of the announcement that this may be more of a player engagement and game exploration system. It goes live in just a couple weeks and hopefully will be enjoyed by the majority of players. Perhaps after actually experiencing how it actually turns out the more intensive crowd will be pleasantly surprised. If not maybe the call to crank things up a bit can be renewed. Perhaps if it works as intended there'll be more players looking for more intensive challenges as their game improves?
There does seem to be quite a few newer players out there.
A lot of the endeavor rewards I was getting so far were mediocre with like 50k ec and many white and green r&d materials.
Like existing endeavors. You want these to become a dominant force in STO through rewards which exceed other gameplay activities? No, keep it light and fold it into the ecosystem.
No, I am complaining that it was giving me that same reward too many times, I feel it wasn't giving me enough good rewards that doesn't mean I think it should always be good rewards.
Some endeavors are much more time consuming or resource needing than others, and when those give you less for the higher effort they don't seem worth doing.
Also a question are people seeing posts jump around? For example when I posted last night your post wasn’t there but the 5 people after you where. This morning now your post is before my last post and before those other 5 people. It’s not the first time I have seen this where peoples post are either being delayed being shown or appear to move positions a few hours later.
If the devs don't want to change it then why not add Epic Endeavours at a later date which take real effort and in turn should offer a sense of accomplishment and reward. Perhaps something like complete a chain of Borg STF's within a set amount of time, perhaps with the same group? Start the ground STF on Advanced/Elite and kill the boss a set type of weapon within a set time. Ok perhaps not the best examples. But the point is sometimes harder content offer players a better sense of reward and feeling of accomplishment and the swing towards easy causal content in STO is taking away from the feeling of reward and accomplishment for playing STO.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
Players remain where they are in that gulf if the means of advancement are not generally accessible. Take fleet TAC consoles. They're a great way to improve your crit chance but to earn them you must join a fleet and spend a lot of resources and that's not something that newer players will necessarily prioritize or see as an immediate cost benefit (ex. what's this incremental stat increase going to get me, I'm still way off! Note then what repeating that the gulf between players is already SO HUGE HOLY TRIBBLE presents to players in this situation. Ie. something which feeds directly into a sense of futility [which is all the more problematic because the gap isn't what new players have to overcome in order to have fun with STO and progress to higher performance levels.])
Personal endeavors though require progress only through personal endeavors, ie. something accessible to all players of requisite rank regardless of their playstyle preferences and levels of investment. You quoted failure to perform relative to AI's as exemplarily of this problem. Well, even if top tier players do find ways of gaining further power don't you think that those struggling would appreciate a hand up relative to a fixed point? From this blog, personal endeavors should be a handy resource for newer players entering into the end-game to help gain more stat points for an absolute level of performance which doesn't come with an immediate call to pony up (just continued playtime). To be frank, so what that the DPS community is going to be able to reach an incrementally higher extreme, look at the population proportions and basic fact that players who have near Q-like abilities in combat now (Q+1 is still equal to Q) aren't common in public matchmaking and thus aren't a main influence on the experience of new players, particularly with content newer players interact with most [normal TFO's and episodes], or even one that contributes to what they're most frustrated with. If a player is having trouble at their current point in the difficulty curve, someone else coming in to make things easier and demonstrating that there is such a thing as hope isn't necessarily going to cause them to quit the game right then and there.
The gulf isn't what ultimately decides whether struggling players remain invested with the game, the accessibility of early advancement can be though because 1. it's actually part of their experience and 2. it factors directly with cost benefit decisions regarding "should I play this more." No matter where the performance ceiling is set, if players don't feel that there's a perceptible means of progressing their character (a lot of this stuff you need to know about and explore through personal initiative) or that available means are beyond what they're willing to put into the game they're likely not to progress much further. Personal endeavors should help with that to a degree by providing players with an immediate thing to work towards for more performance; irrespective of circumstance and packaged through relatively low key tasks. And it also helps new characters per account, which is a more substantial benefit if you don't already have the resources to feed gear and traits from a well established character. This helps everyone, top end included, but the effect should be increasingly marginal the higher your current level of performance is.
Ie. the cause you're championing for would be least served by removing stat buffs from the low hanging fruit of personal endeavors and leaves struggling players in their current situation (assuming that if only we could do something to bring Q down a few points [ie. decrease the gap] the galaxy's problems will be solved.)
Like existing endeavors. You want these to become a dominant force in STO through rewards which exceed other gameplay activities? No, keep it light and fold it into the ecosystem.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
While longer term players like me are looking for things to do but have little to nothing left to do. What is this feature going to do for us? We are going to log in, do a boring simple task finish in a few mins and log out. Hardly a rewarding experience that makes us want to come back for more.
While if they made the task something more substantial and less light instead of logging in for 5mins we would log in for 30mins, 1hour+ and get a more rewarding experience with a better feeling of accomplishment which in turn makes us come back to the game more often and stay logged in longer. They could even combine endeavours with tasks that take teamwork to encourage more teamwork and longer term thinking from the player base. There is no reason why the endeavours have to become the dominant force in STO rewards and even if they did you just make the endeavors tasks interact with the other gameplay activities so people won’t stop doing those activities.
If the devs want to improve retention they need to start looking at longer term content and end game content which is in a terrible state right now. Things like this are a missed opportunity that could be helping retention a lot more then it is in the current form. The endeavour system idea is great and could really help fix some of the areas of the game that need improvement, but instead endeavour seem to be aimed at an area which doesn’t need improvements and is already flooded with content. The endeavour is for sure the right direction and a good move by the devs but I don't think they go far enough. Its to light and needs more depth to make it rewarding and worthwhile to play.
I would love to see some higher end endeavours that give us a reason to log in and stay logged in. Endeavours that takes a decent amount of time and effort to complete to give us something to do.
EDIT: Current endeavours are so light I just completely ignore them yet I still have stacks and stacks of endeavours reward box's. Content like that is just not rewarding to play and personal endeavours need more depth then that to work well. Making them too light will ruin them.
Again, this isn't new content. This is a pointer directing players to existing content, helping them to explore available possibilities that they may have overlooked while leveling or simply forgotten about. New players have a lot to work through. The occasional nudge helps orient to the possibilities.
So make a separate thread to address this concern, it doesn't relate directly to either the mechanical design or remit of personal endeavors. If you think this is too much for players as is, what effect do you think having a "long term" endeavor calibrated to top tier players pop into the system is going to have? It's absolutely going to make the game appear less approachable and do nothing to help with player retention at all levels because, again a "long term" endeavors also doesn't represent new and more challenging content. It's simply heavy grind whose difficulty lies in forcing yourself through it against your inclinations. If you're already finding it difficult to gather the will to play STO, this is not going to help by any means (quite the opposite, it's setting up immediate burnout.)
More elite content, extended progression systems [of which we have a lot, such as recently introduced T6 reps], gameplay development, and intensive achievements should be handled through separate systems and types of content [ex. elite TFO's, TFO playlists, and more adventurous gameplay design], not this one.
Note that you're using future tense, will ruin them, when Cryptic has data on the effect of these light incentives through existing endeavors. Personal endeavors add onto that additional skill bonuses, so what exactly is the problem here? That they're not forcing you to play endeavors, irrespective of your interests, with rewards that you can't ignore and over protracted sessions fixated on only one thing? That's not a likely recipe for a game worth playing.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
That type of "randomness" rewarding is reason #1 why I no longer do the current Endeavors unless it is right there & easy to complete. No way I want to invest effort & receive a few of those 50K EC rewards or a 1/4 Spec. point.
Same here, I rarely do them now.
All I am doing is suggesting a way that the endeavor system could be expanded to further improve STO and to improve the retention problem and lack of end game content problem that long term players face right now. Like I said before I think the endeavours system is a great idea but it doesn’t go far enough.
No I am not making a separate thread. This is the endeavour thread and feedback and suggestions belong in here. All I am doing is trying to be helpful to the devs.
Your wrong again as it wouldn’t automatically cause immediate burnout, it would help the lack of end game content problem STO has right now. Giving long term players something to do is better than having them log in for 5min, do a simple task and log out.
You have it the wrong way around it will make the game more approachable to a wider audience and help retention levels. There is no reason why long term endeavour couldn’t represent new or more challenging content. There is no reason why it has to be just a heavy grind forcing you through it.
Just because you have zero interest in that type of content it doesn’t mean all players are the same. Many are desperate for that style of content which was why the ground defence Simulation was so popular and highly praised and you can count me in for highly prising that content. STO could do with more challenging decent content like that and the endeavour system could be linked to that for further improvements to the game. If you are so worried keep the easy, medium, hard endeavours for those players then create an Epic endeavour for the players that are interested in that type of thing. Make the epics so they are team work focused so we have stronger bounds and social groups.
Some of the best times I had in Star Trek Online was the old Epic endeavour style content that has now been stripped out of the game. That content was great we created teams/groups that worked away at the challenges for hours and once completed they had a real rewarding feeling of accomplishment. It wasn't about unlocking a reward that made us more powerful. Done correctly re-adding this style of content could be very great for the player base. Epic Endeavours could be a way to bring this style of content back while reusing the current content to reduce development costs.
Any chance that you can offer one to three examples of an actual PE mission?
This doesn't make any sense, an endeavor designates an in-game activity. It can be made more or less difficult depending on the nature of the activity. If there isn't enough challenging content in the game already (as you say, "it's been stripped"), then the only way an endeavor can add more difficulty is through scaling up its requirement through repetition of what it has to work with (requiring more effort through volume, rather than intensity which isn't available.) Ie. grinding.
The direct logical implications of your suggestion are worth considering if you're proposing it for review and implementation.
See. endeavors. Just because this isn't geared towards you doesn't mean it has to be repurposed in part (likely disastrously) to fill a separate niche (ie. you personally) which would be better satisfied by other types of updates and systems (which wouldn't run directly counter to your own interests, whether you realize that or not.) Note that your disinterest in personal endeavors is an explicit part of your argument where my personal interests (across the board) aren't referenced in rationalizing both the personal endeavor system, its plausible derivations, and what might be capable of actually satisfying your interests. Ex. challenging gameplay through new content, specifically targed to the end-game, not hour long single target grinds as directed by a semi-randomized progress bar.
Also, what exactly are you referring to by "old epic endeavor style content" besides the objectives on Nukara Prime and the Defera invasion zone, both of which are still in the game. I think you've lost sight of what you mean by the term and started applying to anything which you felt was challenging irrespective of its relevance to either existing endeavors or the upcoming personal endeavor system. Ie. things like the colony defense simulation, which is a matter of gameplay design (not systems), as well as perhaps the old STF's and original Crystalline Entity design (more of the same, a separate topic.)
Anyway, again I would recommend you take this to a separate thread where you can discuss the problem's you're facing with the breadth of elite content, specifically, without derailing discussion RE. minor incentives to help other players needing that light direction with respect to existing content (as well as immediately accessible means of character development that would be of particular use to struggling players, referring to the other angle of personal endeavors.) There's a time and a place.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Cause, indeed, power creep.
Overall I'm optimistic. This could potentially be a great way of, say, investing in partigen skill on a character where you originally focussed on boosting regular energy damage and vice versa. It can definitely open up opportunities to combine things and diversify builds, without losing the effectiveness that they currently have regarding the things they are now specialised in.
But again, please do keep in mind that things like crit severity, chance, partigens etc. can already be boosted to very high levels right now. I don't think the game will become more interesting if the current ceiling (i.e., what is theoretically possible now) is lifted up even further.
The system can potentially be great for allowing us to use more different skills and use them effectively. But if it is just going to serve as a way to push up a handful of skills to even more insane levels, then it may be disappointing. A hard ceiling on maximum partgen, maximum crith and critd etc. may then be needed to make sure that the system does more than just increase the average DPS, basically.
Edit: spelling
Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle?
You counter argument and viewpoint is completely lacking in evidence and uncompelling to me. But given our track record we should stop here. I have made my point the devs can take it on board or not. I don’t want to derail this thread all I wanted to do was suggest some possible improvements and directions to make the endavor system even better.
“That's still in the game. You may be trying to refer to the original STF's, but I would remind you that's completely separate from any kind of endeavor system”
It could be very similar. The old STF combined ground and space queues with the same group. The devs could create an Epic endeavour saying complete X advanced space and the matching linked X advance ground missions in the same group just like we did in the past. Giving players a reason to stick together and play multiple bits of content together.
There was also the original No Win scenario. Now that was some massively fun content which I still don’t understand why it was stripped out the game. But going into that is going off topic. So I wont expand on that in this thread.
If the current maximum crit severity is something like 170%, then I hope the PE's won't increase it much beyond that, for instance by placing a hard cap on the maximum critd.
For players who are at 110% or so, the system could help them anyway. For players who are at 170%, they could swap out a tac console and use something else instead, allowing diversification of builds while bringing their lower crit severity up to 170% again by using the PE's.
Basically what I am trying to say is; you don't need to raise the cap/raise the maximum attainable skills to make this system a success. A hard cap would still make PE's interesting for almost everyone as it could encourage players to go after something else than just more of the same old 'meta' skills.
(Of course, simply limiting the maximum obtainable extra crit severity from PE's to something like 5% would also help to limit power creep - but then the system would be rather pointless as everyone would get the same flat increase and then there would still be no reason to try out something else.)
Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle?
General unpopularity and lagging gameplay design.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Did you even ever play it?
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> duncanidaho11 wrote: »
> intensive achievements
> Shirley Cryptic will have something for everyone as part of their overall plan at some point. Normal ~ Advanced ~ Elite. I'd expect them to focus on the majority of their player base, at first at least.
Sure, but don't call me Shirley!!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Back on topic though... for those who've brought up the topic of more challenging personal endeavors, thanks. I appreciate an intensive challenge as well at times.
It seems by the wording of the announcement that this may be more of a player engagement and game exploration system. It goes live in just a couple weeks and hopefully will be enjoyed by the majority of players. Perhaps after actually experiencing how it actually turns out the more intensive crowd will be pleasantly surprised. If not maybe the call to crank things up a bit can be renewed. Perhaps if it works as intended there'll be more players looking for more intensive challenges as their game improves?
There does seem to be quite a few newer players out there.
Some endeavors are much more time consuming or resource needing than others, and when those give you less for the higher effort they don't seem worth doing.