Look at it this way. New players won’t miss the Red Alerts being removed from the queue list (and the consequences thereof) as they never experienced accessing them that way in the first place.
I must admit that I find the idea that cryptic is actually trying to raise a new generation of players to be more like gamers (who play for rewards) instead of pussies (who just auto-collect them) almost sexually stimulating.
Big question here is though; do we have the content attractive enough to support this endeavor? Worked for me back in 2012, will it now 6 years later with a much larger but also older PvE list?
Agree with the first point; I don't think having players who actually want to PLAY, as oposed to wanting something for nothing, would be a bad thing at all.
As for the 'enduring' appeal' element; who knows? The fact is, this is an entirely unfamilair scenario. The game has never had an active Trek show being produced alongside it before and they're targeting a very specific auidence - people who might be attracted to play STO via watching DSC.
However, the question is, if they were drawn to STO specifically because of DSC, would their interest remain once they've played through the game's (new) DSC content?
Well, anecdotical evidence from reddit Star Trek and Discovery forums suggests that there are definitely people that were brought "into the fold" by watching Discovery and wish to see the rest this franchise has to offer.
Hm - hadn't seen that. Most of the feedback I've seen regarding DSC has been from the forum - and it seems that it's only those who hate it who really have anything to say about it here.
This is because in nearly all walks of life the people who shout loudest about something are those who are screaming hatred.
People who are happy with something rarely raise their voices, most will just quietly enjoy their chosen pastime or whatever. But those who dislike something will often go to great logic-twisting lengths to argue any which-way about how bad X or Y are.
Don't always assume that lots of negative feedback is a perfect indication of a majority feeling.
Same with this RA "nerf". There may be a lot of saltiness about but how many thousands of players are making no noise at all because it doesn't bother them or they are happy for it yet see no reason to shout out?
Some people are doing the math, for getting marks on one rep, you actually get far more from RA's now per hour than before.
The old system the most rep you could get for one rep in 10 runs was 155.....in FIVE hours. Remember, 30 minute cooldowns.
Even doing each of the three RA's your probably only going to cut that down to maybe 2 and a half, since again, 30 minute cooldowns.
Now you can pick the fastest one, say, borg RA, do it like 10 times in an hour and forty for 350 rep for one rep. Because, no cooldowns.
People are overlooking that you get far, far more rep in far less time. And I get the feeling from what I read, there will be at least one RA for every weekend. This weekend the event is all three will be available.
I really don't see how this is a nerf. It's more merely a change.
Your math sucks. You are overlooking the fact that these new RA's are only 'special weekend' events. And nowhere in that blog did I read about every weekend being a special weekend.
We'll see, honestly though reading further down odds are this change may be for the better even if we don't have them every weekend. What they are doing is putting in random queues and taking RA out so people use random queues. A lot of people are also acting like RA's are like starcraft 1's Big Game Hunters: No one playing anything else at all which hurts those of us who did want to play something else.
In SC2 blizzard made it so there was only a single ladder system everyone had to play, if you wanted something like infinite resources you needed to play off the ladder. Cryptic is kind of responding to a similar problem with a similar solution .
Cryptic did similar to Champions Online with it's alerts, in that they swapped the exp/resource gains of Smash/Grab (moving Exp into longer but impossible to fail Grabs) and set the min level to 10 because people weren't playing anything at all. In that game though it didn't really work. Probably why the Queues/TFO's in STO are level 50 minimum.
Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
Well the next time that the Blue Moon Red Alerts Weekend is back, Gamma Marks will be in there. In fact look to them being added to appropriate Event Queues after AoD releases on Tuesday.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Now you can pick the fastest one, say, borg RA, do it like 10 times in an hour and forty for 350 rep for one rep. Because, no cooldowns.
Wait a min....they still have Mark choice boxes in them....?? LOL!
Why would anyone do anything but wait for RA Event weekends to collect Marks??
Are they trying to cut down the traffic to servers the rest of the week?
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Because plenty of people enjoy playing the game and there's tons of other easy methods to get marks besides RAs, like the Battlezones.
The problem is: Lots of people don't like the queues. And why wouldn't they collect Marks in the way they like?
And from what I am reading....with no cool down time between runs....marks and dilithium pile up with little investment of time. People don't want to spend time.
Similar to collecting of Omegas and Phoenix Upgrade Tokens and waiting for Upgrade Weekends.
This game is full of players trained to be farming and grinding.
The devs just handed them what they wanted....IN SPADES!!
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
In my view, this "feedback" from the anti-RA crowd wasn't very well thought out. Sometimes, I think people are contrarian just for the hell of it.
Quite the opposite. The entitled crowd can only suggest "MOAR MARKS, MOAR DIL." Buffing rewards isn't a solution when you are looking at a time spent comparison of 90 seconds (average) on one queue and 5 or even 10 minutes on another. RA's simply had to go. People also forget that this game existed for YEARS before RA's joined the queues and the game was much better off back then. A higher number of queues would pop before people realized they could simply RA their way to a Tier 5 rep completion.
in your opinion. it does not happen to be mine or that of many others.. and I do not care what you say, there is far too much "verbal" or chat abuse of new players in the other PVE queues than anyone will admit. that alone is enough for me to never go back into one. I will either just wait for RA weekends or not do any more rep. none of my toons have completed competative and they never will now, thanst to the whiners who live in mommies basement
It's simple market economics - if the other content were superior, then folks would play it. Taking away other options to force them into other content seems a bit counterproductive. I agree that folks will more likely find other things to do than to do content they don't like.
The whole problem is that the RA time/reward ratio was already so overblown that it didn't matter what they did with the queues no one would play them unless they made those other queues even more broken then RAs are, and that isn't fixing a problem, that's making it worse.
Exactly. RA's are a cancer that destroys participation in the rest of the queues, save CCA and ISA. And even those are dwindling. RA's allow players to avoid putting in any real effort and allow single-player minded folks to avoid interacting with other people. Removing RA's from being available 24/7 could only be good for STO.
You are insane if you think removing the ONLY queues that are running 24/7 is gonna be good for the game. That's like a restaurant going, you know, everyone keeps ordering this shrimp special 24/7 and they all love it...so let's get rid of it other than once every 3 months instead of improving the other menu items if they want to sell more of it. Great way to have people just pick a different restaurant. Had they listen to the player feedback about the random queue system and made it a choice between ground or space or both...than MAYBE your theory of getting some of the people who are using the RA as a mark farm to move over to that system could have worked. But as they have been doing for a while now, what the players want does not matter. They are not giving use that option...which means that system is DoA for most of us who hate one or the other system...or have specialized builds for either and don't want to keep changing. Which means no RA...no queues. I don't understand where you get this idea that I am gonna slog through content I dislike for some reason...or that other people will as well instead of just playing something else. Especially since many of us have flatly said that we will NOT.
I have no idea what the hell is going on over there at cryptic...but really, you need to get your act together fast or we ain't gonna see another anniversary.
Well said.
it's quite possible the profitibility is to the point where PWE is maneuvering the game to that exact result. I got a bad feeling when they pumped out not one, not 2 but 4 new sets of ships inside of 3 months
I've been thinking... why should anyone run any other RA than Borg? They all have no CD, they all reward same amount of marks. Borg is definitely the shortest. Unless I really like the design of another RA, or want some variety, why should I play them? Considering how ppl are willing to run Argala until their fingers and minds are numb, but ship is also levelled, I don't think that lack of variety is going to be a very big issue.
You really didn't think it through at all, folks at Cryptic, did you?
Yep, took me about 2 min to figure that out.
At a paltry 35 marks per run, the only way to really get anything out of it is to run it over and over and over.. therefore, players are naturally going to pick the quickest option and it's absolutely Borg.
Seems that the player base has figured this out too because the Borg Alert pretty much pops the second you click 'join queue.' The Tholian and Elachi alert are now 100% obsolete. If you're in it for marks, there is no reason to do anything but Borg. The Elachi Alert even still has the 2.5 multiplier optional.. that doesn't work. Pass it.. fail it.. still 35 marks either way.
Yes but the Borg alert is fastest at the moment but it looks like they won’t all be up at once in the future. They’re only competing against each other right now as it’s just been introduced, I guess in the future only one will be active on any given weekend.
Yes but the Borg alert is fastest at the moment but it looks like they won’t all be up at once in the future. They’re only competing against each other right now as it’s just been introduced, I guess in the future only one will be active on any given weekend.
Good point, they won't normally all be available at once.
For me, red alerts are a nice, simple, no pressure, casual, straight up shoot-em up queue, a novice, or casual player can team up with other players, have FUN and get decent rewards with.
They're not too demanding, you can play with all those fun gimicky builds without the drama, or pressure to play the latest hardcore set ups.
They're a nice alternative to more challenging content.
I have nothing against the more challenging queues, I'm just not always in the mood.
They are NOT all up at once. Temporal Maurauders is not in this . rotation. You will see multiple Red Alerts in the mix the next time the Blue Moon Red Alert Weekend is back. It may only be three but will definitely be multiple.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Hm - hadn't seen that. Most of the feedback I've seen regarding DSC has been from the forum - and it seems that it's only those who hate it who really have anything to say about it here.
Those of us who enjoyed the awesome plot development in DSC's first season, its excellent pacing and beautiful story arc, we just roll our eyes at the sight of the haters and post about something else.
Now we know you are not being serious. Those things in DSC?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
When you can clear the Borg one Solo in under 2minutes............... its actually easyier now to get more marks than before.
How is it Nerfed? you can redo the que straight away , no cooldown, you can do a whole ship mastery in a hour easily.
They have always been easy mode, they should have just removed them.
Just for the record... I, for one, can't solo them. And I suspect there's plenty of other out there who can't either, given that the first one I did yesterday took like 10+ minutes.... and I was in one several months ago that failed, due to running out of time (because I can't solo it, and the other four people with me were much worse.)
edit: honestly, most of the runs I've done in Borg RA take at least 2 min with everyone working together. Every few, I'll get a run with a couple uber-DPS types who wander near a cube and it explodes in fear, but that's certainly not the majority. So it certainly doesn't seem like "you can solo it in under 2min" is the typical experience. Obviously, if you're a big-DPS guy who can solo it that quickly, every run seems like that - but that's because they all include you!
When you can clear the Borg one Solo in under 2minutes............... its actually easyier now to get more marks than before.
How is it Nerfed? you can redo the que straight away , no cooldown, you can do a whole ship mastery in a hour easily.
They have always been easy mode, they should have just removed them.
Just for the record... I, for one, can't solo them. And I suspect there's plenty of other out there who can't either, given that the first one I did yesterday took like 10+ minutes.... and I was in one several months ago that failed, due to running out of time (because I can't solo it, and the other four people with me were much worse.)
edit: honestly, most of the runs I've done in Borg RA take at least 2 min with everyone working together. Every few, I'll get a run with a couple uber-DPS types who wander near a cube and it explodes in fear, but that's certainly not the majority. So it certainly doesn't seem like "you can solo it in under 2min" is the typical experience. Obviously, if you're a big-DPS guy who can solo it that quickly, every run seems like that - but that's because they all include you!
It is certainly not impossible to solo a Borg RA, although for me it takes a bit longer (5-10min) since my ships tend to be quite slow.
I dare say that anyone with roughly 20-30K DPS can solo a Borg Red Alert.
The trick is choosing the optimal flight path. I usually turn toward the little fellas behind the spawn point, turn right toward a cube and some extra at the same level, pull up toward a pair of cubes and then race towards the closest enemy.
Do not travel too far since the boss spawns close to entry point.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Why bother with the queues at all? With weekend events, recruitment rewards and all, you can get everything you need for the reputations and never play them, this includes the RA's.
The only real use for them is the advanced, for elite marks, that's if you're wanting gear from a reputation. Which you can't get from RA's.
Why bother with the queues at all? With weekend events, recruitment rewards and all, you can get everything you need for the reputations and never play them, this includes the RA's.
The only real use for them is the advanced, for elite marks, that's if you're wanting gear from a reputation. Which you can't get from RA's.
those elite marks do come out of the little rep boxes from time to time, so really, even that's not necessary.
Yup and you can get 1 elite mark per day for 100 marks.
For me, red alerts are a nice, simple, no pressure, casual, straight up shoot-em up queue, a novice, or casual player can team up with other players, have FUN and get decent rewards with.
They're not too demanding, you can play with all those fun gimicky builds without the drama, or pressure to play the latest hardcore set ups.
They're a nice alternative to more challenging content.
I have nothing against the more challenging queues, I'm just not always in the mood.
Oh I agree, My only gripe with them was that they didn't give an appropriate reward for time invested. It was much like getting paid a day's wage for 2 hours of work...
Assault on Starbase One and Gamma Marks will be available in the Choice Box.
And stop calling them Klingorcs; Orcs have way more hair.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> @coldnapalm said: > You are insane if you think removing the ONLY queues that are running 24/7 is gonna be good for the game. That's like a restaurant going, you know, everyone keeps ordering this shrimp special 24/7 and they all love it...so let's get rid of it other than once every 3 months instead of improving the other menu items if they want to sell more of it. Great way to have people just pick a different restaurant.
I've seen a lot of nonsense comparisons over the years but this one may take the cake. I'll stick with your shoehorned restaurant example but I'll give you a comparison that makes more sense. Removing anymarks reward RA's from being available 24/7 is more like taking away 24/7 free samples that were hurting the rest of the restaurant. Now that we have that out of the way, I remember reading another post in which you said that Cryptic should simply keep the RA's in their old form before they were queues. I actually agree with this, since they can still be fun for just pick-up content. As long as Borg RA only rewards omega marks and Tholian RA only rewards Nukara marks etc. Also, no daily bonus marks.
> @coldnapalm said: >Had they listen to the player feedback about the random queue system and made it a choice between ground or space or both...than MAYBE your theory of getting some of the people who are using the RA as a mark farm to move over to that system could have worked. But as they have been doing for a while now, what the players want does not matter. They are not giving use that option...which means that system is DoA for most of us who hate one or the other system...or have specialized builds for either and don't want to keep changing. Which means no RA...no queues.
I also agree with separating ground and space as I personally love ground and wouldn't want to get stuck with a bunch of people that hate it. A lot of people have successfully pointed out that the RA's as they currently stand won't give Random queues a chance to get off the ground as long as "any marks" RA's are around so it's pretty obvious that this would happen.
> @coldnapalm said: >I don't understand where you get this idea that I am gonna slog through content I dislike for some reason...or that other people will as well instead of just playing something else. Especially since many of us have flatly said that we will NOT.
I'm thinking more about people like me that want to play other queues but are forced into playing RA's because that's all that will pop. There are plenty of players that want to play other queues but don't know how to use channels or how to find other players to form with since the queues that they do want to play simply will not pop.
> @coldnapalm said: > I have no idea what the hell is going on over there at cryptic...but really, you need to get your act together fast or we ain't gonna see another anniversary.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
The fact is that for the effort and problems involved, the normal queues don't pay out like they should.
The statement that the normal queues "don't pay out like they should" is a matter of YOUR personal opinion, not a result of some great insight on your part.
And if memory serves me right, the queues were already down in the ghettos of Craptown before the current Red Alert system was in place. Most of those older queues are not worth the effort versus reward, or they are broken all to hell and Cryptic won't fix them.
The statement that the RAs "had to go" is a matter of YOUR personal opinion, not a result of some great insight on your part. For the most part, they work for what they were intended for, and had little to nothing to do with the current state of the queues.
I made a rage post/topic a while ago about why "any marks" queues were bad and how they had destroyed all the other queues. I got slaughtered for it but thankfully, cryptic eventually decided that what I said was true. I'm not foolish enough to think that my post made any difference but I'm glad that they've finally seen the light through their all metrics or whatever finally helped them to pull the trigger.
Post edited by salazarraze on
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
This is because in nearly all walks of life the people who shout loudest about something are those who are screaming hatred.
People who are happy with something rarely raise their voices, most will just quietly enjoy their chosen pastime or whatever. But those who dislike something will often go to great logic-twisting lengths to argue any which-way about how bad X or Y are.
Don't always assume that lots of negative feedback is a perfect indication of a majority feeling.
Same with this RA "nerf". There may be a lot of saltiness about but how many thousands of players are making no noise at all because it doesn't bother them or they are happy for it yet see no reason to shout out?
We'll see, honestly though reading further down odds are this change may be for the better even if we don't have them every weekend. What they are doing is putting in random queues and taking RA out so people use random queues. A lot of people are also acting like RA's are like starcraft 1's Big Game Hunters: No one playing anything else at all which hurts those of us who did want to play something else.
In SC2 blizzard made it so there was only a single ladder system everyone had to play, if you wanted something like infinite resources you needed to play off the ladder. Cryptic is kind of responding to a similar problem with a similar solution
Cryptic did similar to Champions Online with it's alerts, in that they swapped the exp/resource gains of Smash/Grab (moving Exp into longer but impossible to fail Grabs) and set the min level to 10 because people weren't playing anything at all. In that game though it didn't really work. Probably why the Queues/TFO's in STO are level 50 minimum.
Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Wait a min....they still have Mark choice boxes in them....?? LOL!
Why would anyone do anything but wait for RA Event weekends to collect Marks??
Are they trying to cut down the traffic to servers the rest of the week?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The problem is: Lots of people don't like the queues. And why wouldn't they collect Marks in the way they like?
And from what I am reading....with no cool down time between runs....marks and dilithium pile up with little investment of time. People don't want to spend time.
Similar to collecting of Omegas and Phoenix Upgrade Tokens and waiting for Upgrade Weekends.
This game is full of players trained to be farming and grinding.
The devs just handed them what they wanted....IN SPADES!!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
in your opinion. it does not happen to be mine or that of many others.. and I do not care what you say, there is far too much "verbal" or chat abuse of new players in the other PVE queues than anyone will admit. that alone is enough for me to never go back into one. I will either just wait for RA weekends or not do any more rep. none of my toons have completed competative and they never will now, thanst to the whiners who live in mommies basement
it's quite possible the profitibility is to the point where PWE is maneuvering the game to that exact result. I got a bad feeling when they pumped out not one, not 2 but 4 new sets of ships inside of 3 months
Because grinding anything a bunch of times in a short period is annoying and tedious? I rarely ever ran Borg RA more than twice in a day, before.
Yep, took me about 2 min to figure that out.
At a paltry 35 marks per run, the only way to really get anything out of it is to run it over and over and over.. therefore, players are naturally going to pick the quickest option and it's absolutely Borg.
Seems that the player base has figured this out too because the Borg Alert pretty much pops the second you click 'join queue.' The Tholian and Elachi alert are now 100% obsolete. If you're in it for marks, there is no reason to do anything but Borg. The Elachi Alert even still has the 2.5 multiplier optional.. that doesn't work. Pass it.. fail it.. still 35 marks either way.
Cryptic does it again!
Good point, they won't normally all be available at once.
They're not too demanding, you can play with all those fun gimicky builds without the drama, or pressure to play the latest hardcore set ups.
They're a nice alternative to more challenging content.
I have nothing against the more challenging queues, I'm just not always in the mood.
When you can clear the Borg one Solo in under 2minutes............... its actually easyier now to get more marks than before.
How is it Nerfed? you can redo the que straight away , no cooldown, you can do a whole ship mastery in a hour easily.
They have always been easy mode, they should have just removed them.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Now we know you are not being serious. Those things in DSC?
Just for the record... I, for one, can't solo them. And I suspect there's plenty of other out there who can't either, given that the first one I did yesterday took like 10+ minutes.... and I was in one several months ago that failed, due to running out of time (because I can't solo it, and the other four people with me were much worse.)
edit: honestly, most of the runs I've done in Borg RA take at least 2 min with everyone working together. Every few, I'll get a run with a couple uber-DPS types who wander near a cube and it explodes in fear, but that's certainly not the majority. So it certainly doesn't seem like "you can solo it in under 2min" is the typical experience. Obviously, if you're a big-DPS guy who can solo it that quickly, every run seems like that - but that's because they all include you!
It is certainly not impossible to solo a Borg RA, although for me it takes a bit longer (5-10min) since my ships tend to be quite slow.
I dare say that anyone with roughly 20-30K DPS can solo a Borg Red Alert.
The trick is choosing the optimal flight path. I usually turn toward the little fellas behind the spawn point, turn right toward a cube and some extra at the same level, pull up toward a pair of cubes and then race towards the closest enemy.
Do not travel too far since the boss spawns close to entry point.
The only real use for them is the advanced, for elite marks, that's if you're wanting gear from a reputation. Which you can't get from RA's.
Yup and you can get 1 elite mark per day for 100 marks.
My character Tsin'xing
And stop calling them Klingorcs; Orcs have way more hair.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> You are insane if you think removing the ONLY queues that are running 24/7 is gonna be good for the game. That's like a restaurant going, you know, everyone keeps ordering this shrimp special 24/7 and they all love it...so let's get rid of it other than once every 3 months instead of improving the other menu items if they want to sell more of it. Great way to have people just pick a different restaurant.
I've seen a lot of nonsense comparisons over the years but this one may take the cake. I'll stick with your shoehorned restaurant example but I'll give you a comparison that makes more sense. Removing anymarks reward RA's from being available 24/7 is more like taking away 24/7 free samples that were hurting the rest of the restaurant. Now that we have that out of the way, I remember reading another post in which you said that Cryptic should simply keep the RA's in their old form before they were queues. I actually agree with this, since they can still be fun for just pick-up content. As long as Borg RA only rewards omega marks and Tholian RA only rewards Nukara marks etc. Also, no daily bonus marks.
> @coldnapalm said:
>Had they listen to the player feedback about the random queue system and made it a choice between ground or space or both...than MAYBE your theory of getting some of the people who are using the RA as a mark farm to move over to that system could have worked. But as they have been doing for a while now, what the players want does not matter. They are not giving use that option...which means that system is DoA for most of us who hate one or the other system...or have specialized builds for either and don't want to keep changing. Which means no RA...no queues.
I also agree with separating ground and space as I personally love ground and wouldn't want to get stuck with a bunch of people that hate it. A lot of people have successfully pointed out that the RA's as they currently stand won't give Random queues a chance to get off the ground as long as "any marks" RA's are around so it's pretty obvious that this would happen.
> @coldnapalm said:
>I don't understand where you get this idea that I am gonna slog through content I dislike for some reason...or that other people will as well instead of just playing something else. Especially since many of us have flatly said that we will NOT.
I'm thinking more about people like me that want to play other queues but are forced into playing RA's because that's all that will pop. There are plenty of players that want to play other queues but don't know how to use channels or how to find other players to form with since the queues that they do want to play simply will not pop.
> @coldnapalm said:
> I have no idea what the hell is going on over there at cryptic...but really, you need to get your act together fast or we ain't gonna see another anniversary.
I made a rage post/topic a while ago about why "any marks" queues were bad and how they had destroyed all the other queues. I got slaughtered for it but thankfully, cryptic eventually decided that what I said was true. I'm not foolish enough to think that my post made any difference but I'm glad that they've finally seen the light through their all metrics or whatever finally helped them to pull the trigger.