Asking again, because I still have not seen it answered: how does this work with the pre-existing lockbox/lobi ship boxes? Does someone who already has the Galor unboxed now get that ship on all characters? Does unboxing an existing, unpacked box grant anything?
I foresee these ships plummeting like a rock in water.
These additions bring to mind a question...will this Galor provide access to Spiral Wave disruptors, and are they going to be changed at all from their current awesome state?
Yes, the Galor T5 gives you access to the Spiral Wave Disruptors as it is essentially the same Galor T5 from the old Cardassian lockbox reward. There are no news on any changes to the Spiral themselves - they have the same stats and procs as the ones you have come to know and love.
Cool, carrier looks alot like the ol' Tiger's Claw w/a sleek upgrade!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
LOL I thought so too. Nice to see another Wing Commander guy around!
Hell... After I unlock it for all characters... one will be flying the USS Tiger's Claw. And I'll have to figure out which shield visuals will make it look grey rather than purple.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Why T5 Galor and not the T6 Keldon, would have been a better deal across the board, as you can already convert the Keldon to a Galor and vice versa with the T6. I mean for the price of the pack, the T6 Keldon would have been the better choice.
Please add Cardassian armor in this bundle, please.
T6 is lockbox. They are only adding the depreciated T5s to the package. Which is why I think they shouldnt of held back on the T6 and not list any of the T5s. Then announce the T5s as a perk/bonus.
That doesn't mean they can't make an one with a differing setup, look at the T6 Sovereign we got two versions of that, one for a promotional unlock and one for the c-store.
Why T5 Galor and not the T6 Keldon, would have been a better deal across the board, as you can already convert the Keldon to a Galor and vice versa with the T6. I mean for the price of the pack, the T6 Keldon would have been the better choice.
Please add Cardassian armor in this bundle, please.
T6 is lockbox. They are only adding the depreciated T5s to the package. Which is why I think they shouldnt of held back on the T6 and not list any of the T5s. Then announce the T5s as a perk/bonus.
This doesn't mean they can't make two different versions of the Keldon, look at the Sovereign we got two T6 versions of it one for the c-store and one for a promotional unlock with a card pack.
Shame really, there seemed to be an opportunity here for the starter pack to increase it's value by adding the t5 galor with the dreadie, it would of made it a lot easier to buy the pack and most certainly at a discount :P
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
So why don't have the Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser that we see in Deep Space 9? I mean we have the canon Dreadnaught, the Attackship, and made up designs, so why not the canon Battlecruiser?
If you purchase the pack, will the ships be an account-wide unlock (as are C-store ships) or will it only be on the character that initially claimed the pack?
Also, about the vanguard carrier:
Will it be like a regular carrier or like a dreadnought carrier?
And lastly, will it have frigate pets available?
If you purchase the pack, will the ships be an account-wide unlock (as are C-store ships) or will it only be on the character that initially claimed the pack?
Also, about the vanguard carrier:
Will it be like a regular carrier or like a dreadnought carrier?
And lastly, will it have frigate pets available?
The ships will be account unlock as they are a in essence a CStore item. As far as the Carrier goes, still a unknown in regards to its details.
In regards to Frigates, the Jem'Hadar Fighter pets will be available, as they are considered frigates.
That's great to know XD
Kinda curious on what the "vanguard" thing is about. Is is a new specialization, much like "Pilot", "Intel" and so on?
If yes, what kind of special traits/abilities will those ships have? Can't wait for the blog post listing all the stats of the ships we are going to fly in 1 month's time...
I hope we can use the old T5 skins on some of the new T6's. Like the old Jem carrier on the T6 vanguard carrier etc. It would be a nice perk for the pack and for those fans of the show that want to rock the retro look. And yes I know there is a T6 Jem carrier already but since its not in the pack this is a nice compromise to create a bit of synergy between items sold in the pack.
The whole Jem rep looks pretty amazing so far Cryptic is crushing it with the stuff they are showing. Also is the new Vanguard carrier going to be able to use the Jem bug pets or will it be using new vanguard raider pets? Still hoping for some shuttles to be added to the pack as well. Since the Jem bug ship is already in the phoenix pack, might as well add it to the vanguard pack for account wide. Its kinda run the major part of its coarse in the phoenix pack, but it would really boost the value of the carrier for the vanguard pack as well as be an extra costume for the Vanguard Raider.
One last note, cardassian TNG uniforms please please please.
I did a bit of math:
Apparently, if you purchased the seven T6 ships individually (or in a discount pack) and added two playable species on top of it, you'd end up spending around 100€. So the question on whether or not to get the pack boils down to:
-) Are 3 T5 ships, an uniform, 3 high-end upgrade kits, two large XP boosts and a bunch of titles worth 25€ to you?
-) Am I ever going to use all the items listed in the pack?
-) Is a 125€ expenditure within your budget and do you care enough to spend that much?
If you can answer all three questions with yes, get the pack. If any of them are answered by no, don't buy them, instead either go for the starter pack or individually purchase what you need from the C-store.
I did a bit of math:
Apparently, if you purchased the seven T6 ships individually (or in a discount pack) and added two playable species on top of it, you'd end up spending around 100€. So the question on whether or not to get the pack boils down to:
-) Are 3 T5 ships, an uniform, 3 high-end upgrade kits, two large XP boosts and a bunch of titles worth 25€ to you?
-) Am I ever going to use all the items listed in the pack?
-) Is a 125€ expenditure within your budget and do you care enough to spend that much?
If you can answer all three questions with yes, get the pack. If any of them are answered by no, don't buy them, instead either go for the starter pack or individually purchase what you need from the C-store.
You're welcome.
Average T6 ship = $30 (us) x 7 = $210 (us)
Average T5 ship = $25 (us) x 3 = $75 (us)
Average costume, playable race, boosts, etc = $10 for everything
So $295 worth of stuff for $130?
I guess if they maybe put the 3 intel ships in a pack.....but they don't traditionally do that.....but lets say a T6 "Vanguard pack" of 3 Jem'Hadar ships for $60, and a T6 "Cardassian Intel" pack for $60...that's still $120 + T6 carrier + T5's + $235. Still a heck of a deal. Even if you bought it ALL on a 30% off sale you would still spend $165+ (assuming imaginary 3 packs) in reality a huge discount.
So....your maths are
But your last two questions are obviously the "of course" questions of spending money on any game:
-Am I going to use the items?
-Can I afford it?
Solution regardless - convert "free" dilithium to Zen and don't actually pay for it! Then you dont feel bad if you never use it!
I want know specks of that carrier of all the ships and if the jemhadar have a new ba fighter pet like the attack fighter
We are around 1 month away from the release.
I suppose the specs are going to arrive sometime in the next few weeks. The carrier is kind of an unknown though, since it can either end up being a dreadnought carrier or a normal carrier. I hope for the former tbh.
I did a bit of math:
Apparently, if you purchased the seven T6 ships individually (or in a discount pack) and added two playable species on top of it, you'd end up spending around 100€. So the question on whether or not to get the pack boils down to:
-) Are 3 T5 ships, an uniform, 3 high-end upgrade kits, two large XP boosts and a bunch of titles worth 25€ to you?
-) Am I ever going to use all the items listed in the pack?
-) Is a 125€ expenditure within your budget and do you care enough to spend that much?
If you can answer all three questions with yes, get the pack. If any of them are answered by no, don't buy them, instead either go for the starter pack or individually purchase what you need from the C-store.
You're welcome.
Average T6 ship = $30 (us) x 7 = $210 (us)
Average T5 ship = $25 (us) x 3 = $75 (us)
Average costume, playable race, boosts, etc = $10 for everything
So $295 worth of stuff for $130?
I guess if they maybe put the 3 intel ships in a pack.....but they don't traditionally do that.....but lets say a T6 "Vanguard pack" of 3 Jem'Hadar ships for $60, and a T6 "Cardassian Intel" pack for $60...that's still $120 + T6 carrier + T5's + $235. Still a heck of a deal. Even if you bought it ALL on a 30% off sale you would still spend $165+ (assuming imaginary 3 packs) in reality a huge discount.
So....your maths are
But your last two questions are obviously the "of course" questions of spending money on any game:
-Am I going to use the items?
-Can I afford it?
Solution regardless - convert "free" dilithium to Zen and don't actually pay for it! Then you dont feel bad if you never use it!
your forgetting discounts...
you normally are you buy 2 get 3rd free... in bundles and the discount on top of a bundle.
so your only paying 2/3rds price and then you get the discount from 20% up to 30% off.
7*30=210@2/3 comes to $140 then you tack on the 20% to 30% sale discount. Comes to $112 to $98 final cost for T6 ships... which is a rough estimate. Yes it is not precise but it's close if these ships were in 3 packs.
for me T5 is garbage and I dont consider it any value... same for titles and upgrade kits that does not raise quality. /junk all of it. wouldnt make a cardi and free JHD is good enough since I'd delete the toon after I finish the recruitment drive.
to me cash up front of $130 is too much and not worth it without a discount on top. I've bought Delta & AOY expans all up front with cash. Now you could buy them during sales now at 25% to 50% off. I'll wait for a sale before I buy this expansion.
> @yeswecant said: > ghostwtb2312 wrote: » > > I want know specks of that carrier of all the ships and if the jemhadar have a new ba fighter pet like the attack fighter > > > > > We are around 1 month away from the release. > I suppose the specs are going to arrive sometime in the next few weeks. The carrier is kind of an unknown though, since it can either end up being a dreadnought carrier or a normal carrier. I hope for the former tbh.
I hope so too I love having full size ships as pets way cooler to fight with and power they have only way could be better if customizing them
But your last two questions are obviously the "of course" questions of spending money on any game:
-Am I going to use the items?
-Can I afford it?
Solution regardless - convert "free" dilithium to Zen and don't actually pay for it! Then you dont feel bad if you never use it!
yup. I have 14.5k Zen saved up for this. Combination of dilithium and zen stipend. Given this pack is only $130, I'm expecting to get this day one, and have enough left for the Elite Starter pack.
I would happily buy this pack, If I knew the carrier pets would include access to the Jem Hadar Attack ship. That ship is so iconic to the Dominion and if it isn't included, the carriers really aren't worth it. So, does anyone know if the Attack ship will be part of the carrier pet options?
I wanna know if the Vanguard has the same perks as the Odyssey/Bortasqu (Aquarius/BoP combat companion).... because it really looks like those mission pods are secondary nacells for a new Jemmy bug ship-like thing that will decouple from the carrier.
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
I did a bit of math:
Apparently, if you purchased the seven T6 ships individually (or in a discount pack) and added two playable species on top of it, you'd end up spending around 100€. So the question on whether or not to get the pack boils down to:
-) Are 3 T5 ships, an uniform, 3 high-end upgrade kits, two large XP boosts and a bunch of titles worth 25€ to you?
-) Am I ever going to use all the items listed in the pack?
-) Is a 125€ expenditure within your budget and do you care enough to spend that much?
If you can answer all three questions with yes, get the pack. If any of them are answered by no, don't buy them, instead either go for the starter pack or individually purchase what you need from the C-store.
You're welcome.
Average T6 ship = $30 (us) x 7 = $210 (us)
Average T5 ship = $25 (us) x 3 = $75 (us)
Average costume, playable race, boosts, etc = $10 for everything
So $295 worth of stuff for $130?
I guess if they maybe put the 3 intel ships in a pack.....but they don't traditionally do that.....but lets say a T6 "Vanguard pack" of 3 Jem'Hadar ships for $60, and a T6 "Cardassian Intel" pack for $60...that's still $120 + T6 carrier + T5's + $235. Still a heck of a deal. Even if you bought it ALL on a 30% off sale you would still spend $165+ (assuming imaginary 3 packs) in reality a huge discount.
So....your maths are
But your last two questions are obviously the "of course" questions of spending money on any game:
-Am I going to use the items?
-Can I afford it?
Solution regardless - convert "free" dilithium to Zen and don't actually pay for it! Then you dont feel bad if you never use it!
your forgetting discounts...
you normally are you buy 2 get 3rd free... in bundles and the discount on top of a bundle.
so your only paying 2/3rds price and then you get the discount from 20% up to 30% off.
7*30=210@2/3 comes to $140 then you tack on the 20% to 30% sale discount. Comes to $112 to $98 final cost for T6 ships... which is a rough estimate. Yes it is not precise but it's close if these ships were in 3 packs.
for me T5 is garbage and I dont consider it any value... same for titles and upgrade kits that does not raise quality. /junk all of it. wouldnt make a cardi and free JHD is good enough since I'd delete the toon after I finish the recruitment drive.
to me cash up front of $130 is too much and not worth it without a discount on top. I've bought Delta & AOY expans all up front with cash. Now you could buy them during sales now at 25% to 50% off. I'll wait for a sale before I buy this expansion.
Whereas I will disagree with you T5u ships are worthless (for all intents and purposes they are ALMOST as good as a T6 and most players will agree) but my point was that the actual VALUE is there. it IS a great deal if you were to buy everything listed separately AND grab a super sale......which most players wouldn't bother with. So..........I totally agree with your last thought though that $130 CASH is dumb. As I said, convert free dilithium to Zen and wait for a sale where they run 20% bundles and pick it up for $104 (roughly) = $10400 zen = 2.8 mill dilithium at current exchange rates (roughly).
I foresee these ships plummeting like a rock in water.
Yes, the Galor T5 gives you access to the Spiral Wave Disruptors as it is essentially the same Galor T5 from the old Cardassian lockbox reward. There are no news on any changes to the Spiral themselves - they have the same stats and procs as the ones you have come to know and love.
Hell... After I unlock it for all characters... one will be flying the USS Tiger's Claw. And I'll have to figure out which shield visuals will make it look grey rather than purple.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Spiral waves would be very nice though.
If you purchase the pack, will the ships be an account-wide unlock (as are C-store ships) or will it only be on the character that initially claimed the pack?
Also, about the vanguard carrier:
Will it be like a regular carrier or like a dreadnought carrier?
And lastly, will it have frigate pets available?
The ships will be account unlock as they are a in essence a CStore item. As far as the Carrier goes, still a unknown in regards to its details.
In regards to Frigates, the Jem'Hadar Fighter pets will be available, as they are considered frigates.
Kinda curious on what the "vanguard" thing is about. Is is a new specialization, much like "Pilot", "Intel" and so on?
If yes, what kind of special traits/abilities will those ships have? Can't wait for the blog post listing all the stats of the ships we are going to fly in 1 month's time...
The whole Jem rep looks pretty amazing so far Cryptic is crushing it with the stuff they are showing. Also is the new Vanguard carrier going to be able to use the Jem bug pets or will it be using new vanguard raider pets? Still hoping for some shuttles to be added to the pack as well. Since the Jem bug ship is already in the phoenix pack, might as well add it to the vanguard pack for account wide. Its kinda run the major part of its coarse in the phoenix pack, but it would really boost the value of the carrier for the vanguard pack as well as be an extra costume for the Vanguard Raider.
One last note, cardassian TNG uniforms please please please.
^ This. Or a Cardassian Carrier?
Also, LOVE the new models for the Jem'Hadar ships! Esp the new Vanguard Carrier, totally looks like a Hydran Battlecruiser from Starfleet Command II
Apparently, if you purchased the seven T6 ships individually (or in a discount pack) and added two playable species on top of it, you'd end up spending around 100€. So the question on whether or not to get the pack boils down to:
-) Are 3 T5 ships, an uniform, 3 high-end upgrade kits, two large XP boosts and a bunch of titles worth 25€ to you?
-) Am I ever going to use all the items listed in the pack?
-) Is a 125€ expenditure within your budget and do you care enough to spend that much?
If you can answer all three questions with yes, get the pack. If any of them are answered by no, don't buy them, instead either go for the starter pack or individually purchase what you need from the C-store.
You're welcome.
Average T6 ship = $30 (us) x 7 = $210 (us)
Average T5 ship = $25 (us) x 3 = $75 (us)
Average costume, playable race, boosts, etc = $10 for everything
So $295 worth of stuff for $130?
I guess if they maybe put the 3 intel ships in a pack.....but they don't traditionally do that.....but lets say a T6 "Vanguard pack" of 3 Jem'Hadar ships for $60, and a T6 "Cardassian Intel" pack for $60...that's still $120 + T6 carrier + T5's + $235. Still a heck of a deal. Even if you bought it ALL on a 30% off sale you would still spend $165+ (assuming imaginary 3 packs) in reality a huge discount.
So....your maths are
But your last two questions are obviously the "of course" questions of spending money on any game:
-Am I going to use the items?
-Can I afford it?
Solution regardless - convert "free" dilithium to Zen and don't actually pay for it! Then you dont feel bad if you never use it!
We are around 1 month away from the release.
I suppose the specs are going to arrive sometime in the next few weeks. The carrier is kind of an unknown though, since it can either end up being a dreadnought carrier or a normal carrier. I hope for the former tbh.
your forgetting discounts...
you normally are you buy 2 get 3rd free... in bundles and the discount on top of a bundle.
so your only paying 2/3rds price and then you get the discount from 20% up to 30% off.
7*30=210@2/3 comes to $140 then you tack on the 20% to 30% sale discount. Comes to $112 to $98 final cost for T6 ships... which is a rough estimate. Yes it is not precise but it's close if these ships were in 3 packs.
for me T5 is garbage and I dont consider it any value... same for titles and upgrade kits that does not raise quality. /junk all of it. wouldnt make a cardi and free JHD is good enough since I'd delete the toon after I finish the recruitment drive.
to me cash up front of $130 is too much and not worth it without a discount on top. I've bought Delta & AOY expans all up front with cash. Now you could buy them during sales now at 25% to 50% off. I'll wait for a sale before I buy this expansion.
> ghostwtb2312 wrote: »
> I want know specks of that carrier of all the ships and if the jemhadar have a new ba fighter pet like the attack fighter
> We are around 1 month away from the release.
> I suppose the specs are going to arrive sometime in the next few weeks. The carrier is kind of an unknown though, since it can either end up being a dreadnought carrier or a normal carrier. I hope for the former tbh.
I hope so too I love having full size ships as pets way cooler to fight with and power they have only way could be better if customizing them
yup. I have 14.5k Zen saved up for this. Combination of dilithium and zen stipend. Given this pack is only $130, I'm expecting to get this day one, and have enough left for the Elite Starter pack.
My character Tsin'xing
Whereas I will disagree with you T5u ships are worthless (for all intents and purposes they are ALMOST as good as a T6 and most players will agree) but my point was that the actual VALUE is there. it IS a great deal if you were to buy everything listed separately AND grab a super sale......which most players wouldn't bother with. So..........I totally agree with your last thought though that $130 CASH is dumb. As I said, convert free dilithium to Zen and wait for a sale where they run 20% bundles and pick it up for $104 (roughly) = $10400 zen = 2.8 mill dilithium at current exchange rates (roughly).
Also, grinding the dilithium for a T6 ship is an absolute nightmare