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[PC] Victory is Life, our Fourth Expansion, Coming June 2018!



  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    Doubtful, remember that typical Jem'Hadar don't last much beyond 15 years if they make it that far at all, there are exceptions to the rule with a few who live longer than that.

    I believe that the short life expectancy of a Jem'Hadar is nothing to do with their natural longevity, but rather, being constantly in hazardous situations as front line soldiers.
    Basically, they're always being killed off in combat before they have a chance to experience what true old age is.
    If a Jem'Hadar wasn't in dangerous combat on a daily basis, say, in a research facility or a holding cell, then I'd expect it would be discovered that they live just as long as everyone else.

    this is, in fact, canon as far as STO's concerned - see: Brushfire and the jem'hadar that was being held captive there since the end of the dominion war​​

    As long as he has access to ketracel white. Without it he would die. We only seen one Jem'hadar who could live without and it was because of a birth defect: his body was never addicted to the white.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    robeasom wrote: »
    Can we have a least a villain faction instead of all being on the side of good. I used to enjoy being a Klingon who would destroy all fed ships and was disappointing that I couldn't be a villainous Romulan working with the Tal Shiar. If I can't be a evil Jem hadar then may give the faction a miss

    I completely agree! The added half of a faction Romulan's would have been a lot more fun and interesting if they had done this. This whole 5 level tenth of a faction Jem'Hadar is already disappointing with how little it is actually going to bring to the game. 5 whole levels before being shoved into the Feds or KDF. By the sound of it. It's basically just going to be like the old 5 episode FE's except with a new almost max level character race to get everyone to go back and repeat all of the rep grinds, DOff grinds, and so on.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    As long as he has access to ketracel white. Without it he would die. We only seen one Jem'hadar who could live without and it was because of a birth defect: his body was never addicted to the white.

    I don't remember where it was mentioned, but the Sona have the ability to manufacture Ketracel White, the only group outside of the Dominion who can do this.
    Which is why the Dominion wanted them as allies when their Ketracel White facility was destroyed during the war, to provide an alternate/replacement source of the chemical.
    Since this is a Sona prison facility, I assume there had to be a Sona Ketracel White production room somewhere that they were using to keep their Jem'Hadar prisoner alive.

    There are just too many drawbacks to creating a playable enemy faction, they'd wouldn't be able to team for STFs, they'd be unable to join established fleets, resulting in having to build an entirely new fleet base/subholdings from zero progression, they couldn't visit major social hubs because they have no recognised representation as an accepted power base.
    That's why it won't happen.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • generalguncraftgeneralguncraft Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    i think it would be nice to see a resurgance of some plasma sets since plasma dosnt have alot of good sets compaired to phaser and disruptor sets, throw a romulan a bone would love to see some more plasma showing up in victory is life.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    Yeah I tought the same thing when I heard Kurn mention it. The writer must have worked on Discovery...
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    The only issue is someone has got their lore really wrong of late; Kahless never had anything to do with the Hur'Q. He fought the Fek'lhri. The Hur'Q came much later on, well after the empire was established.

    It was explicitly established back in DS9 that the Hur'q attacked 1,000 years ago. However, Trek canon has been contradictory about its placement of Kahless's lifetime, with some accounts stating it was 1,000 years ago, and others stating it was 1,500 years ago.

    Cryptic just took the one of the two contradictory accounts that better fitted the narrative they wanted, which is the 1,000 years ago one, which would place Kahless at the time of the Hur'q, and the Hur'q's attack around the founding of the Empire. It still fits the lore, since the lore itself stated Kahless lived 1,000 years ago itself more then once.

    Apologies all for going off topic; if you are reading the thread for the actual point, skip to the next post. But, I've got to address it now this person thinks dragging his misunderstanding into criticising someone else; when he did it earlier in the thread I realised it was him and decided it wasn't worth my time.

    First off, none of this will make sense without reading the original thread: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1238327/kahless-and-the-hurq/p1

    It is also worth noting that I hadn't noticed that this same person who once again is out claiming Klingon history is self-contradictory is both the OP and the person I was debating until I realised part way down, a mistake I don't make twice.


    Let's look at Federation obtained evidence ONLY, so that this doesn't devolve into farcical humanocentrism like your thread on the subject did, where you and a bunch of others wanted to pretend that Klingon history is nothing but a fabricated set of myths fabricated to mythologise history.

    Jadzia Dax, Trill, Starfleet Science Officer, dates the sword to being 1400 years old by dating metallic particles left on the shroud of the sword, as recovered by Vulcans.{2} (Sadly, it wasn't dated by Data, as if it had, he would have given it far more exactly; of course, in an earlier script of TNG "Rightful Heir", he did state when Kahless died, as 1547 years before 2369; but as your circle-jerking friends will immediately point out no doubt, this was cut content, which is why this section is in brackets, as all I can point out with this is what timeframe the writers intended with a quotation from a character who did not round his numbers to the nearest decade, let alone millennium)

    This alone is sufficient to prove that the original Kahless - to short-circuit most of the circle-jerking from that thread - was around 1400 years ago.

    Testimony from the Klingons themselves is a 15 centuries figure from the monks on Boreth.{1}

    Worf exclaims "A thousand years ago, the dawn of the Empire, five hundred warriors storm the Great Hall at Qam-Chee."{4}

    Worf states: "With it he [Kahless] slew Molor, conquered the Fek'Ihri and forged the first Empire."{2}

    Worf, Kor and Dax discussing the age of Kahless' sword all happy to say a thousand years, despite the fact it has already been dated to be older, in this very episode.{2}

    Worf, serving onboard a Klingon ship speaking in an officer's log report, citing "The fifty third day in the year of Kahless nine ninety nine".{3}

    The logical conclusion is same period of time, expressed in two different measurements.

    And if in doubt, it has already been established that the true situation is closer to the older figure by virtue of dating a weapon found with Hur'q blood on it at 1400 years. (although, being a melee weapon that is shown on screen as still being battle-worthy, there is not enough evidence to rule out some Hur'q thief centuries later getting cut and therefore leaving DNA from mishandling the weapon)

    Your logic only works if a joined-Trill Starfleet science officer is too incompetent to use a Starfleet laboratory properly; a laboratory that features massively advanced sensors, including the capacity to not only tell what time an object was from, but which quantum reality it is from, meaning there is very little margin to assume Jadzia could ID it wrong. And the joined-Trill factor is very significant, as a previous host formed numerous important connections to Klingons, one of which being a crucial plot point of the episode, which if anything would bias the reporter to give the - and yet again, I'll pre-empt the circle-jerking - "correct" figure of over 1500 years. Not 1400 years.

    And there is no point appealing to the writers of STO here, when their inaccuracy is the whole problem - these are people who have systemically displayed bias against Klingons in gameplay, and have gotten Klingon lore wrong repeatedly, as has been detailed numerous times on this forum by fans of Klingons.

    My premise is that these two are different calendars tracking the same length of time - the most rational way to read it.

    Your side however, decided from the outset that Klingons were unreliable about their own history, which makes it nonsensical for you to say anything about trying to determine a canonical time as none of the evidence you'll actually allow. (given none of you actually addressed the point I made about Jadia's dating of the sword in the older thread)

    Your thread opened with claiming Kahless' time of living was varied because you humanocentrically decided arbitrarily that Klingon years must be the same as earth years, when there are many reasonable alternatives, such as differing orbital periods (and it is worth noting that a gap of 4-500 years between two planets that are both in the habitable region of a star is not significant) or the Year of Kahless being a socio-religious calendar that does not correlate with the orbital period while still tracking time as an absolute with the result being both calendars are correct in amount of time passed.

    The first response was in jest; by the second, the circle-jerking started with claiming the Klingons mythologised the lot. The next poster takes the best way to interpret the dataset that STO itself adds to the known information - the Fek'lhri being a Hur'q force sent in to occupy the world, with the Hur'q themselves not directly getting involved for another 5 centuries. Of the remaining posters who posted to the thread, nearly all of them were hostile to even considering the possibility of reconciling the information, instead desiring to just throw it all out as mythology.

    And I shouldn't have to point this out, but if you are going to claim the whole lot is mythology, you really have no place talking about a "canon" age to be accepted.

    A conclusive link between the Hur'q and the Fek'lhri is not established in any STO-canon source apart from STO itself, and the data presented in STO up to this point - no doubt Victory is Life will expand on this - fits both the premise that the Fek'lhri were some sort of infantry within the 1000 absolute-year timeline and the alternative premise that the Fek'lhri were pawns of the Hur'q who were placed on Qo'noS ~1500 absolute-years, and therefore centuries before the direct Hur'q attack, which is accepted by everyone to be 1000 absolute-years ago.

    It is also vitally important to understand that "Hur'q" is a Klingon word for "outsider", which I remain to be convinced is actually understood...

    It is also to be remembered that STO's Fek'lhri conducting the 2409 attack that the player faces may well have been an Iconian, Hur'q or some alliance of the two, ploy to reuse the ancient enemies of the Klingons in an effort to induce fear in them, although neither had anything to do with the original Fek'lhri 1400+ absolute-years previously.

    Transcripts of relevant episodes:
    1 - http://www.chakoteya.net/NextGen/249.htm
    2 - http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/481.htm
    3 - http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/519.htm
    4 - http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/501.htm

    To restate:

    Your premise - some claims are Kahless lived 1500 years ago, others are Kahless lived a 1000 years ago; these two are contradictory, and so Cryptic have gone with what they want to have in order to make their story make sense.

    My premise - these are two different calendars that track the same amount of time, a period of at least 1400 years as established by a Starfleet, not KDF, officer; Cryptic have simply got the pre-existing lore wrong, as they have done repeatedly in the past.

    To drag this post vaguely back to topic; in STO canon, whether it should be or not, the 1000 year ago position is accepted by Cryptic; obviously, I am against that.

    I'm going to guess VIL will substantiate the Hur'q/2409 Fek'lhri link further, and by virtue of the accepted timeline, the link between Hur'q/Fek'lhri of the earlier time.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    i think it would be nice to see a resurgance of some plasma sets since plasma dosnt have alot of good sets compaired to phaser and disruptor sets, throw a romulan a bone would love to see some more plasma showing up in victory is life.

    I too am a fan of Plasma weapons and wish they got more then they did.
    But considering Dominion's favorite flavor is Polaron, there will not be anything for plasma to be found here:

    Jem'Hadar Space Set
    Dominon Polaron Beam Array

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    i think it would be nice to see a resurgance of some plasma sets since plasma dosnt have alot of good sets compaired to phaser and disruptor sets, throw a romulan a bone would love to see some more plasma showing up in victory is life.

    I too am a fan of Plasma weapons and wish they got more then they did.
    But considering Dominion's favorite flavor is Polaron, there will not be anything for plasma to be found here:

    Jem'Hadar Space Set
    Dominon Polaron Beam Array

    I have builds for every weapon type. Plasma weapons are definitely a lot of fun and can be viable. They just aren't as good as most of the other weapon types though. Hopefully the long awaited Borg lock box with a Cube, Sphere, or whatever they shove in it also yields some redeeming Plasma weapons.
  • futilepurposefutilepurpose Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Will there be a free T6 Ship for Lifetime player for the Dominion Faction?

    Like the Manticore for FED and Dinaes for ROM

    ps. sorry i disnt read the whole post if ther was someone else who had that question
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    Will there be a free T6 Ship for Lifetime player for the Dominion Faction?

    Like the Manticore for FED and Dinaes for ROM

    ps. sorry i disnt read the whole post if ther was someone else who had that question

    There is no free ship token for T6 ships for lifetime subscribers, so more than likely, no.
  • hiep16hiep16 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I have an idea for the battle sector zone: in the battlezone you have a fleet installation...which you can develop when you defend planets from the enemy (you earn dili, ec, fleet goods) but you can fight alone with maybe friends and get dili, marks and ec.
    I think we can make the Jem'hader that they are allied to both factions FED and KDF (and get choose free from console package) and are independent.
    I don't want to see that you can only make the sector battlezone with your fleet because i was betrayed from all fleets and don't want to join another fleet any more....
  • syrupofsquillsyrupofsquill Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    So its been like what, 6 or 9 months of a Broken Que system that leaves players trapped for 60 seconds waiting for an afk/logged off person to not click accept, and then re-queuing them automatically without being able to do anything, over 5 times, wasting over 5 mins of players time. Is there going to be anyone still playing this game by the time the new expansion comes?
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    jcsww wrote: »
    Will there be a free T6 Ship for Lifetime player for the Dominion Faction?

    Like the Manticore for FED and Dinaes for ROM

    ps. sorry i disnt read the whole post if ther was someone else who had that question

    There is no free ship token for T6 ships for lifetime subscribers, so more than likely, no.
    Regarding the bolded part, there is, actually. The Manticore, Duv'qu and Dinaes are all Tier 6 Heavy Destroyers (which are FREE to Lifetime Members and 1000-day Veterans). The ships are the Veteran ships, and as for whether the Jem'Hadar will get one, most likely yes.

    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • hiep16hiep16 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    So its been like what, 6 or 9 months of a Broken Que system that leaves players trapped for 60 seconds waiting for an afk/logged off person to not click accept, and then re-queuing them automatically without being able to do anything, over 5 times, wasting over 5 mins of players time. Is there going to be anyone still playing this game by the time the new expansion comes?
    That is sadly true...the old queue were faster ( but not sorted like today) und the old queue can refill missing player which don't click accept.
    I do PvE only with organized teams from the DPS-Channels.....and yes i will make a break from the game and hoping that the new expansion will be good ( it sounds good so far) :)

  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    Will there be a free T6 Ship for Lifetime player for the Dominion Faction?
    Like the Manticore for Starfleet and Dinaes for Romulan Republic?
    jcsww wrote: »
    There is no free ship token for T6 ships for lifetime subscribers, so more than likely, no.

    Well, it is true there is no token, but there is a free T6 ship:
    Manticore Heavy Destroyer
    Dinaes Warbird Destroyer
    Acquisition of this ship is based on either having 1000 days veteran reward unlocked or being a lifetime subscriber.

    So it would not be improbable that there is also a Dominion Destroyer made available upon release of this update.
    Polaron Lotus, that would be interesting to see.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    years, facts & figures can all be recon'd to make sense... it took place a long time ago before they met up with any humans. there.
  • stormstryke2stormstryke2 Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    talebvalu wrote: »
    Ok nice, but i hope there will be no T7 ships ...

    Level cap confirmed - increase to 65.

    T7 ships NOT confirmed and I hope to dear god that this doesn't happen!

    On livestream said no T7 or T6U ships with this.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    talebvalu wrote: »
    Ok nice, but i hope there will be no T7 ships ...

    Level cap confirmed - increase to 65.

    T7 ships NOT confirmed and I hope to dear god that this doesn't happen!

    On livestream said no T7 or T6U ships with this.

    Wasn't that already known? Expect them in the future. Not with this expansion but more than likely by this time next year, if I had to guess.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    The logical conclusion is same period of time, expressed in two different measurements.
    The logical conclusion is that the Deep Space 9 writers didn't bother to do fact checking within their own show, and thus, got the numbers wrong.

    The idea that they are the same period of time expressed in two different measurements is headcanon, and rationalization, over two contradictory statements. Nothing has suggested a Klingon year is 1.5 times longer then a human year, and in the few instances where Klingons speak about years, its always under the assumption that its the same, or close enough, to a human year for them to not specify that there is a difference.

    If Klingon years were different then human years, then the monks at Boreth wouldn't have said they have been waiting 15 centuries for Kahless, because they haven't. They have been waiting 10 centuries for Kahless(in Klingon years), which is equivalent to 15 human centuries, and they have no reason to not use their own measurement when talking about it.
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Worf, Kor and Dax discussing the age of Kahless' sword all happy to say a thousand years, despite the fact it has already been dated to be older, in this very episode.{2}
    If you go back and actually read the source you posted on this bit, the only time any of them use 1,000 years is in reference to the Hur'q invasion, and when the sword was stolen, not that its only 1,000 years old. The episode is actually fairly consistent with itself, just not the the other episodes.
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    as they have done repeatedly in the past.
    Except they haven't. I would love to see you even try to give examples of such things.
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    And there is no point appealing to the writers of STO here, when their inaccuracy is the whole problem - these are people who have systemically displayed bias against Klingons in gameplay, and have gotten Klingon lore wrong repeatedly, as has been detailed numerous times on this forum by fans of Klingons.
    Cryptic has been giving the Klingons so much for so long I still can't believe anyone can claim that Cryptic has a bias AGAINST them.

    Oh, I'm supposed to take lectures from someone, who when proven wrong, just claims DS9 writers - which ignores the fact I cited a TNG episode, not DS9 alone - didn't bother to do fact checking on their own show. Even within a single episode. Your logical conclusion? Totally useless rubbish. What possible good exactly can Cryptic use that assumption for? What me and trygvar13 were saying is that Cryptic have gotten their interpretation of DS9's information wrong. This matters, because Cryptic in their position as choosing to cover Klingon/Hur'q content, have got to have an interpretation of DS9 information that is not to assume the show didn't bother being coherent on things like this.

    And then you go off complaining about my supposed headcanon, while proclaiming your own headcanon as true. At least mine lines up with facts, as 1.5 years for one planet -when what kind of star Qo'noS orbits is not even known- in it's star's habitable region is not out of the realms of possibility, and certainly not so dissimilar that it bears special mention for being out of sync. Which is an irrelevancy anyway, as this discussion is about the amount of time being quantified - did Kahless live and act 1000 earth years ago, or 1500 earth years ago? That is the important question, as this debate, until you dragged it off course, was about Cryptic's lining up with DS9 timeline, as they use the 1000 earth year count, whereas the sword of Kahless, which I'll repeat again is the only objectively dated thing in the whole discussion, dated to 1400 Federation-count years, meaning he must have been that time or older. Even if the Klingons did mythologise their own history, that is a fact established by Starfleet science, not Klingon history - not is the Year of Kahless year length the same as a earth year, which is what you maintain.

    And as for the Boreth monks and how they would quote the Klingon count; there are two reasons why a real-Klingon would quote the earth year count to Worf. Worf was raised by humans, and he became a Starfleet officer, the first Klingon to do so. To the kind of culture that Klingon is, that is more than enough to besmirch him as some sort of sub-Klingon half-breed. Which means saying it in the earth year count is a massive insult to his honour as a Klingon, as it states plainly the commentor's belief Worf does not belong to the Klingons, and is a challenge to Worf to prove his worth, on the basis his being raised by Humans could be, and in his case was, taken to presume he did not understand Klingon culture.

    Now, the monks at Boreth likely did not mean it totally like this, as they have a very good reason to quote it in earth years - Worf came precisely because he is questioning his identity as a Klingon:

    PICARD: Mister Worf, your personal affairs are strictly your own concern until they interfere with the operation of this ship. You have now crossed that line. As your Captain, I want to know exactly what is going on.
    WORF: It is difficult to explain.
    PICARD: Try.
    WORF: Ever since I returned from the Carraya system I have felt empty.
    PICARD: Does this have something to do with the Klingons you rescued from Carraya Four?
    WORF: They were young. They knew nothing of their heritage. So while I was there, I tried to teach them. Teach them about their people, their culture. I told them our ancient stories, instructed them in our customs, explained our beliefs. And then I told them about Kahless. How he united our people long ago. How he gave us strength and honour, and how he promised to return one day and lead us again.
    PICARD: Is that what you're doing here? Trying to recapture those feelings?
    WORF: Yes. I was trying to summon a vision of Kahless.
    PICARD: It's a pity you didn't try using the holodeck instead of setting fire to your quarters.
    WORF: Using the holodeck would not have been appropriate. Everything had to be real if Kahless were to appear. But all this was is nothing. He did not come to me. I gave Toq and the others a belief in Sto-Vo-Kor, the life which lies beyond this life where Kahless awaits us. When I saw the power of their beliefs I began to question the strength of my own. And I found it wanting.
    PICARD: Have you lost your faith in Sto-Vo-Kor?
    WORF: To lose something, one must first possess it. I am not sure I ever had a true belief. But I should not have allowed it to interfere with my duties. My behaviour has been
    PICARD: Inexcusable. And understandable. It may be that what you are looking for cannot be found here on the Enterprise. Perhaps you need to immerse yourself in Klingon beliefs in order to discover whether they can hold any truths for you. Is there something you can do, is there somewhere you could go to explore your faith more fully?
    WORF: Boreth. The Followers of Kahless await his return there. To Klingons, there is no more sacred place.
    PICARD: Boreth is only twelve days from here by shuttle. As of this moment, Mister Worf, you are on leave.
    WORF: Thank you, sir.
    PICARD: But when you set foot on this ship again, I expect you to perform your duties like a Starfleet officer.
    WORF: Yes, sir.
    PICARD: And, Mister Worf? I hope you find what you're looking for.
    WORF: Thank you, sir.

    And so, them quoting it in earth years to Worf is a subtle "encouragement" to Worf to find the belief he is searching for; to rise to the challenge. A test he passes at the end of the episode. Frankly, anyone who claims what you do, has missed one of the moments of character development Worf had - this episode marks an important piece of Worf's journey to a full understanding of what it is to be Klingon at the spiritual level. And all you can do is reduce it to claiming that the Boreth monks, who job literally is to know things about Kahless, don't know what they are talking about.

    And as for your claim none of them referred to the age of the sword:

    KOR: He was honoured to join our quest. That is, if there's going to be a quest. What did you find?
    DAX: I found both Klingon and Hur'q DNA on the cloth. And traces of metallic compounds that could only have been left by a Klingon bat'leth. A bat'leth fourteen hundred years old.
    KOR: The time of Kahless! I never doubted it. When do we leave?

    Note that this time I've bolded it, given you continually choose to be wilfully blind to this fact.

    Ok, first of all, you've already been proven that you don't know what you are talking about. Or, you have lied about what the shows actually contained, and frankly, discussing Star Trek lore is going straight over your head as you continually pretend that things you don't like aren't there. Lore inaccuracies? You don't give a damn, you just call it contradictory and say the creators of the show got it wrong. Yet, for some reason, Cryptic can't make mistakes according to you. The hypocrisy stinks.

    And in any event, the whole of this revolves around Cryptic making a lore inconsistency - by your own standard of proof, I have done this. You just choose blindness.

    I note that you only see fit to partially address one of the two supporting points to the statement.

    First off, the giving is directly unequal and weighted in favour of the Federation - far from supporting your position, you actually bring attention to one of the pieces of evidence against your claim.

    Let's start by considering ships:

    Tier 1:
    Fed - 4 for standard Starfleet, and for TOS Starfleet - 2 prior to leaving 25th century, 5 afterwards.
    KDF - 2
    Rom - 2

    Tier 2:
    Fed - 7
    KDF - 4
    Rom - 2

    Tier 3:
    Fed - 9
    KDF - 10
    Rom - 2

    Tier 4:
    Fed - 7
    KDF - 9
    Rom - 4

    Tier 5:
    Fed - 75
    KDF - 49
    Rom - 36

    Tier 6:
    Fed - 77
    KDF - 47
    Rom - 48

    This listing does not include cross-faction ships, but does include lockbox factional ships, including Tal Shiar adapted ships in the Romulan count. Straight away, we see Fed ships outnumber Klingon ships at almost 3 Fed for every 2 KDF (180:121). And the latter number drops massively once you start removing the ships which aren't Klingon, as specified in my original claim; that makes the numbers 168:97. (Romulans have just 6 other race ships, and even then it is technically 5 as 1 is a Reman refit of a Romulan ship)

    And if you're defence is Romulans have it worse, while that is true, that is still not an acceptable defence.

    Let's look at uniforms; 1 KDF uniform in the C-Store. Feds get 21.

    let's look at missions, in which once you get outside of the faction arcs, all factions are rolled into doing the same missions and content, meaning in practice they only design for the Federation as the long term story is to roll everyone into the Federation.

    This is now going way off topic, so I am going to summarise: Me and trygvar13, I presume, made our comments because on the basis of the shows, Cryptic has got it wrong so far - Kahless is not recorded fighting Hur'q in show-canon.

    All Cryptic need to do?

    In Victory Is Life, give some kind of account that means comments that Kahless fought Hur'q make sense - there is already justification from Hur'q DNA being on the shroud of the sword, as on balance of probabilities, either a Hur'q made a mistake transporting the weapon and cut themselves, or Kahless killed a Hur'q. Given the relatively unlikeliness of the first, and the STO-canon plausibility of the second - the Hur'q are known to have a link to the 2409-Fek'lhri, and so it is not unreasonable to portray the Hur'q as manipulating the Fek'lhri - the second makes for a far better plot-point.

    That happens, and I'll concede the point about Kahless fighting Hur'q.

  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    I am hoping that Cryptic is preparing Dominion equivalents of the T6 store vessels, so they are available to purchase immediately when the game goes live.
    These are the two I want to buy, since I use their traits in all my ship builds:

    It takes a fair bit of intensive playing to unlock these ship traits, so I prefer to start as soon as possible.
    That way, I can go back to using my chosen ship faster.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    I am hoping that Cryptic is preparing Dominion equivalents of the T6 store vessels, so they are available to purchase immediately when the game goes live.
    These are the two I want to buy, since I use their traits in all my ship builds:

    It takes a fair bit of intensive playing to unlock these ship traits, so I prefer to start as soon as possible.
    That way, I can go back to using my chosen ship faster.

    One of the biggest issues that has been mentioned about a new faction is quite specifically the number of ships that cryptic would have to do in order to bring it up to the same level as what we currently have. I don't think they're going to make equivalents of every single ship just to appease people. Jem'hadar may get though their traits.

  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    They should still get equivalents of the past anniversary bundle ships at the very least and take advantage of the fourth console set bonuses from the anniversary event ships, but not the T5 anniversary bundle ships.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    I don't think they're going to make equivalents of every single ship just to appease people.

    The ships I linked as an example aren't obscure isolated vessels, they come from the three ship bundles that are provided to every faction to provide specific gameplay features/abilities to every playable character:
    Romulan Pilot Ships
    Allied Pilot Escorts

    Since these bundles are a primary source of income for Cryptic and it would cause player resentment if the Jem'Hadar faction did not get ship types/abilities that have been provided to every other faction, I don't think that these ships will not be provided.
    They might not be provided immediately, but they should be on the priority list, to be made available soon after this update goes live.

    The debate about Klingon history doesn't belong in this thread, it has no relevance to Victory is Life, the Gamma Quadrant or the Dominion.
    So if it needs to be discussed, take it to another thread and stop derailing this one please.
    And it looks like this subject is causing flaming, so that's another reason it should be dropped/taken elsewhere.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • dheffernandheffernan Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    The logical conclusion is that the Deep Space 9 writers didn't bother to do fact checking within their own show, and thus, got the numbers wrong.

    We're talking about the production team that couldn't be bothered to get the sex of Data's cat right.

    Also n.b. that supposedly the reason STO now refers to Earth being in the Beta quadrant -- as opposed to every single reference on TNG, DS9 and VGR putting it in the Alpha quadrant -- has to do with Official Lore. Not that STO's writers are any better at consistency, mind you.

    @Venture-1. @Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that. Yes, that Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. You'll have to be specific; for me it was Tuesday.
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @jcsww said:
    > ncc42662 wrote: »
    > andycman wrote: »
    > Get Sisko! His last words in ds9 were practically "I'll be back" and his baseball still sits on his desk to this day. Above everything I think this would be the most significant event if it were to happen...
    > Who says he's not? ;) Sisko could very well (and I somewhat suspect) return from The Prophets for a major Bajor affecting event. :smile:
    > I would be really surprised to see Sisko voiced. That guy is too looney for even Shatner to put up with. :P

    Brooks hasn't worked as an actor since 2006, and his mental instability is well known, nobody is hiring him, and that isn't likely to change.

    When did you become a Prophet and counsellor azrael?

    I'm a person with a brain capable of reading Brook's IMDB and aware that everyone and their mother knows this guy is off kilter so bad its a wonder he hasn't pulled a Jennifer Lien yet.

    Person with a brain eh? Most know you should take what you read on the internet with a grain of salt too bub. IMDB has as much reliability as Wikipedia. He is a eccentric actor but that doesn't make him mentally ill. Bunch of rumors started on Trekcore after one clip from "The Captains" isn't reliable either. But thanks for imparting your ever growing wisdom.​​
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    dheffernan wrote: »
    Also n.b. that supposedly the reason STO now refers to Earth being in the Beta quadrant -- as opposed to every single reference on TNG, DS9 and VGR putting it in the Alpha quadrant -- has to do with Official Lore. Not that STO's writers are any better at consistency, mind you.
    Actually, STO's team has said Earth is in the Alpha Quadrant, they just placed it in the Beta because maps shown in Voyager and one of the TNG movies placed it right on the border, as did the Star Charts, and they didn't want to confuse new players by making them have to transition from one quadrant to another so early in the same whenever they had to go back to Earth. Same reason they moved the Vega colony to the Beta Quadrant when the Star Charts placed it in the Alpha Quadrant.

    Its also why the big in-game Alliance is called "The Alpha Quadrant Alliance" when almost all the allied powers are in the Beta Quadrant.
    Yeah, most of TOS and TNG happened in the Beta Quadrant.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • marty123#3757 marty123 Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    Yeah, most of TOS and TNG happened in the Beta Quadrant.
    Yep, DS9 was the only show that really focused on the actual Alpha Quadrant.

    It's weird when Janeway starts ranting about getting back to the Alpha Quadrant despite Earth being on the boarder of the Beta Quadrant and 99% of all Voyagers crew being from the Beta Quadrant. Also she never considered traveling to the nabouring Gamma Quadrant and using the Bajoran wormhole to return home.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    It's weird when Janeway starts ranting about getting back to the Alpha Quadrant despite Earth being on the boarder of the Beta Quadrant and 99% of all Voyagers crew being from the Beta Quadrant. Also she never considered traveling to the nabouring Gamma Quadrant and using the Bajoran wormhole to return home.
    From where she was dropped by the Caretaker, it would have been almost the same lengthy journey to reach the Gamma Quadrant end of the Wormhole as it would have been to just fly back to Earth directly.

    But it would have been more interesting to see her go back through Dominion space, possibly starting a war between the Dominion and the Borg on her way. :P
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Yeah, most of TOS and TNG happened in the Beta Quadrant.
    Yep, DS9 was the only show that really focused on the actual Alpha Quadrant.

    It's weird when Janeway starts ranting about getting back to the Alpha Quadrant despite Earth being on the boarder of the Beta Quadrant and 99% of all Voyagers crew being from the Beta Quadrant. Also she never considered traveling to the nabouring Gamma Quadrant and using the Bajoran wormhole to return home.
    Didn't someone do the math and at high warp it would only have taken a few years to get home, not the 75+ mentioned in the show.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    yeah, and if you do the math using TOS warp speeds, kirk could've gotten to the edge of the delta quadrant where ocampa is located, beat up every kazon sect in the area and been back in less than two weeks...and that's a generous estimate

    warp scales and speeds from specific shows do not apply to any other show; in voyager, warp 9.975 (or whatever voyager's max was) takes 1 year to go 1K lightyears​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @vegeta50024 said:
    > tilarta wrote: »
    > I am hoping that Cryptic is preparing Dominion equivalents of the T6 store vessels, so they are available to purchase immediately when the game goes live.
    > These are the two I want to buy, since I use their traits in all my ship builds:
    > It takes a fair bit of intensive playing to unlock these ship traits, so I prefer to start as soon as possible.
    > That way, I can go back to using my chosen ship faster.
    > One of the biggest issues that has been mentioned about a new faction is quite specifically the number of ships that cryptic would have to do in order to bring it up to the same level as what we currently have. I don't think they're going to make equivalents of every single ship just to appease people. Jem'hadar may get though their traits.

    Honestly it would likely be easier to just give the traits by themselves without a dominion version of the ship, like how because my feds have the Jupiter they allowed my KDF toons the ability to claim Insult to Injury trait for free without it being attached to a ship.
This discussion has been closed.