I have had my Kor BoP for, what? 2 years, now? Maybe 3.
This is the first time I have heard of people being overwhelmed with that console in PvP.
So, what else is going on.....
I haven't had time to actually play the game much, lately...because life....
AND reading combat logs is horrid.
But I was trying to check out the "Voice of the Prophets" and Domino console to see if it may be messing with "Stay on Target" which is a set of micro-torpedoes that auto fire.
Didn't even think of seeing if that did something to the Quantum Warhead console.....
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
they already rebalanced the game tho quantum warhead is just overperforming ... ive seen mutlible hits of 258000+ in a row people cant even get that much hull comeon how can you say this is not overpowerd ?
How is that overperforming? It’s so low I don’t even bother using it.
When normal torpedoes are hitting for 250k+ every few seconds how can you call a console with a very slow cooldown overpowered? That console has a tiny damage output over time and the damage is easy to tank without getting killed.
If you are having problems against that console, it is not because the consoles is overpowered its because the setup needs changing for a better one.
Normal torpedos DO not hit for 250k hits are you kidding?
@sleeeperr1 No I am not kidding go look up the torpedo boats combat logs in the DPS league either under my names or the others. There are plenty of 100k and 200k+ single hits. Not only do my torpedoes hit like this but they also disable shields so often hit like this right to hull.
I just quickly logged into STO and on my Eng pilot in a Cruiser which is currently setup for speed not damage to do the Breech event. With this setup that is far from ideal my single torpedo launcher does around 61k per 2 seconds. This is sitting in space without crits, without damage buffs and without resistance debuffs. Once you add all those in and setup for damage you get single hits past 100k and can do these volleys every 2 seconds. Unlike the console which has an extremely slow fire rate.
If our time zones match I will happy show you my current setup. Even though its far from ideal it should be proof of what I am saying as compare to what torpedoes do that console is nothing special. It’s nice to have but it’s not doing any more damage than other torpedo consoles or normal torpedo use. Its not even hard to tank.
You know we're talkingabout pvp right ... and I think you're mistaken on what console we're talking about ... we're talking about the quantum warhead module that comes with Valiant Tactical Escort not the point defense warhead...
You know we're talkingabout pvp right ... and I think you're mistaken on what console we're talking about ... we're talking about the quantum warhead module that comes with Valiant Tactical Escort not the point defense warhead...
If I may...
It actually IS possible to make devastating Torp builds. Ever heard of the Torp'varo? There's a reason for it being called that. Torpedo build T'varos are some of the most lethal bombers out there when built properly. Especially with the full T'varo set.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
they already rebalanced the game tho quantum warhead is just overperforming ... ive seen mutlible hits of 258000+ in a row people cant even get that much hull comeon how can you say this is not overpowerd ?
How is that overperforming? It’s so low I don’t even bother using it.
When normal torpedoes are hitting for 250k+ every few seconds how can you call a console with a very slow cooldown overpowered? That console has a tiny damage output over time and the damage is easy to tank without getting killed.
If you are having problems against that console, it is not because the consoles is overpowered its because the setup needs changing for a better one.
Normal torpedos DO not hit for 250k hits are you kidding?
@sleeeperr1 No I am not kidding go look up the torpedo boats combat logs in the DPS league either under my names or the others. There are plenty of 100k and 200k+ single hits. Not only do my torpedoes hit like this but they also disable shields so often hit like this right to hull.
I just quickly logged into STO and on my Eng pilot in a Cruiser which is currently setup for speed not damage to do the Breech event. With this setup that is far from ideal my single torpedo launcher does around 61k per 2 seconds. This is sitting in space without crits, without damage buffs and without resistance debuffs. Once you add all those in and setup for damage you get single hits past 100k and can do these volleys every 2 seconds. Unlike the console which has an extremely slow fire rate.
If our time zones match I will happy show you my current setup. Even though its far from ideal it should be proof of what I am saying as compare to what torpedoes do that console is nothing special. It’s nice to have but it’s not doing any more damage than other torpedo consoles or normal torpedo use. Its not even hard to tank.
You know we're talkingabout pvp right ... and I think you're mistaken on what console we're talking about ... we're talking about the quantum warhead module that comes with Valiant Tactical Escort not the point defense warhead...
Yes PvP and unless I missed a changed isn't the quantum warhead module console just shooting off 1 to 6 torpedoes? Which is no different to what my ship is doing every 2 seconds. I don't see how the console is any different from a standard torpedo ship. The console is only 1 to 6 torpedoes with a very slow cool down between volleys. Its also not that different from the other torpedo consoles. Like the one on the Avenger the V.A.T.A which I believe makes even bigger hits.
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
The Valant console is OP? Wait what?! And people still do PVP in this game? Wonders never cease.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
As spike goes that is not a lot of damage at once. As I pointed out to you before my torpedo ship is doing very similar to that every 2 seconds. After 10seconds I have put out at least 20 torpedoes onto a single target. Not only that but my torpedoes will have disabled shields so hit hull.
Compared to the amount of torpedoes we put out that console is barely doing anything. I am happy to show you in game, I should be on a lot tomorrow.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Its called Spike Damage for a reason. Your damage output spikes up before dropping back down. How do you think Vapers in any build can nuke something in a single pass? Spike Damage.
The console is not OP. The fact of the matter is you have to sacrifice a console slot that could be used for anything else in whatever build you're using... to use that console. Not only that, its bound to the Defiant line (or faction equivelent) only. You can't equip one on a Sovereign or one of the new Allied Pilot Escorts. It is strictly bound to Defiant type ships.
So... again... how is it OP if its limited to specific ships?
Its a gimmick. Just like my Metreon Warhead Launcher on my Vizier, or the VATA off the Avenger.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Just another angry rant with no real reason to exist but to entertain the forum guys until being locked down when things drop from civilized to candid, therefore someone's feelings need to be protected and there's some editing done and a thread gets closed down.
There's times I kind of think these topics are a form of revenge. An attempt to ruin things for non-PvPers, out of the frustration of knowing that PvP is something of a Butt-Monkey in STO and always will be.
There's times I kind of think these topics are a form of revenge. An attempt to ruin things for non-PvPers, out of the frustration of knowing that PvP is something of a Butt-Monkey in STO and always will be.
As long as the feature exist, as long as people pour money into it (and it's quite a lot actually), and as long as the devs are too incompetent to remove it from the game, people can start whatever threads they like about it.
While this board is composed of die-hard casuals, there's no rule anywhere that says "you can't make pvp threads".
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
There's times I kind of think these topics are a form of revenge. An attempt to ruin things for non-PvPers, out of the frustration of knowing that PvP is something of a Butt-Monkey in STO and always will be.
As long as the feature exist, as long as people pour money into it (and it's quite a lot actually), and as long as the devs are too incompetent to remove it from the game, people can start whatever threads they like about it.
While this board is composed of die-hard casuals, there's no rule anywhere that says "you can't make pvp threads".
Are you attempting to turn me into a strawman? Because you seem to be accusing me of of saying something I didn't.
Anyway to give a final answer to OP, no the warhead isn't that powerful. If you wanna know what's really overperforming it's the Cold Hearted trait on cannons. With a bit of skill and a bunch of pen stuff you can basically 1 shot a cruiser with it, yes a cruiser that has over 100k HP.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Anyway to give a final answer to OP, no the warhead isn't that powerful. If you wanna know what's really overperforming it's the Cold Hearted trait on cannons. With a bit of skill you can basically 1 shot a cruiser with it, yes a cruiser that has over 100k HP.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Anyway to give a final answer to OP, no the warhead isn't that powerful. If you wanna know what's really overperforming it's the Cold Hearted trait on cannons. With a bit of skill you can basically 1 shot a cruiser with it, yes a cruiser that has over 100k HP.
Don't even need Cold Hearted to do that...
Hah, well said, but nonetheless that trait is still insane.
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
As spike goes that is not a lot of damage at once. As I pointed out to you before my torpedo ship is doing very similar to that every 2 seconds. After 10seconds I have put out at least 20 torpedoes onto a single target. Not only that but my torpedoes will have disabled shields so hit hull.
Compared to the amount of torpedoes we put out that console is barely doing anything. I am happy to show you in game, I should be on a lot tomorrow.
Dude you are just making up stuff for real stop its annoying
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Only when you use the powers that support it, which kinda limit you on what you can fly.
I actually ran a couple tests with a fleetmate on the damage resist debuff. Best case scenario, with pulse phaser broadside with 6 arrays on a T6 Miranda. He just sat there and let me pound him. No real improvement in DPS. Now that might change if he was actually MOVING, but as I said it was Best Case Scenario with removing the accuracy variable. Now the speed reduction may be a factor... but if we're talking sheer damage resistance debuffing... Cold Hearted is barely a blip.
Those are only MY results. Others may have different results, and actually have builds that better support it.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
As spike goes that is not a lot of damage at once. As I pointed out to you before my torpedo ship is doing very similar to that every 2 seconds. After 10seconds I have put out at least 20 torpedoes onto a single target. Not only that but my torpedoes will have disabled shields so hit hull.
Compared to the amount of torpedoes we put out that console is barely doing anything. I am happy to show you in game, I should be on a lot tomorrow.
Dude you are just making up stuff for real stop its annoying
If I am making stuff up I wouldn't be offering to show you how to do it in game. Not only am I willing to show you and explain which ever bit you are having trouble believing. But I told you where you can look to see tons of other players doing the same thing. There is a combat league that stores combat logs of players. You can record your combats via a log file and players share these in a database. Or you can browse torpedo boat YouTube videos.
There is more then enough evidence that the console is not overpowered and what I said is true.
Which bit do you think I am making up and why? I can prove everything I have said.
Yes you can hit 300k+ fully buffed out of one of these.
Now all you pve kids arguing that the dmg is fine cause its just pvp. Don't make me post a bunch of log grabs of me hitting 500ks on borg pickles or Cryptic might pay attention. lol I half joke... cause ya you can easily make it hit that high. However when it comes to PvE land I can also use shearing to hit single hits north of one million. So in the grand scheme of silly PvE dps that quantum console that can only be used on the T6 Defiant or Brel is hardly the worst offending thing in the game.
it really isnt the same thing i dont know why you guys are saying that shooting torp on a borg cube doesnt translate into the same x amount of damage to a player you cant compare the two things
I am not following you, neither of us are talking about PvE damage or shooting borg cubes. I just do not see how the Quantum Warhead console is remotely overpowered. The Quantum Warhead console is just a slow firing torpedo launcher with average damage and a very slow reload.
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
As spike goes that is not a lot of damage at once. As I pointed out to you before my torpedo ship is doing very similar to that every 2 seconds. After 10seconds I have put out at least 20 torpedoes onto a single target. Not only that but my torpedoes will have disabled shields so hit hull.
Compared to the amount of torpedoes we put out that console is barely doing anything. I am happy to show you in game, I should be on a lot tomorrow.
Dude you are just making up stuff for real stop its annoying
If I am making stuff up I wouldn't be offering to show you how to do it in game. Not only am I willing to show you and explain which ever bit you are having trouble believing. But I told you where you can look to see tons of other players doing the same thing. There is a combat league that stores combat logs of players. You can record your combats via a log file and players share these in a database. Or you can browse torpedo boat YouTube videos.
There is more then enough evidence that the console is not overpowered and what I said is true.
Which bit do you think I am making up and why? I can prove everything I have said.
Dude Stop , I know how torpedos work, they dont outperform this module , stop trolling dude
I made clear the next time this thread got out of hand that I would lock the thread. Debate is fine but attacking others is not. /closed
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
This is the first time I have heard of people being overwhelmed with that console in PvP.
So, what else is going on.....
I haven't had time to actually play the game much, lately...because life....
AND reading combat logs is horrid.
But I was trying to check out the "Voice of the Prophets" and Domino console to see if it may be messing with "Stay on Target" which is a set of micro-torpedoes that auto fire.
Didn't even think of seeing if that did something to the Quantum Warhead console.....
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
You know we're talkingabout pvp right ... and I think you're mistaken on what console we're talking about ... we're talking about the quantum warhead module that comes with Valiant Tactical Escort not the point defense warhead...
If I may...
It actually IS possible to make devastating Torp builds. Ever heard of the Torp'varo? There's a reason for it being called that. Torpedo build T'varos are some of the most lethal bombers out there when built properly. Especially with the full T'varo set.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yes PvP and unless I missed a changed isn't the quantum warhead module console just shooting off 1 to 6 torpedoes? Which is no different to what my ship is doing every 2 seconds. I don't see how the console is any different from a standard torpedo ship. The console is only 1 to 6 torpedoes with a very slow cool down between volleys. Its also not that different from the other torpedo consoles. Like the one on the Avenger the V.A.T.A which I believe makes even bigger hits.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
it can fire 6 charges simultaneously every 2 minutes yes that is low "dps" wise but in spike damage terms this is alot of damage at once and the damage is well above average this interaction is where it is "overperforming"
Compared to the amount of torpedoes we put out that console is barely doing anything. I am happy to show you in game, I should be on a lot tomorrow.
Its called Spike Damage for a reason. Your damage output spikes up before dropping back down. How do you think Vapers in any build can nuke something in a single pass? Spike Damage.
The console is not OP. The fact of the matter is you have to sacrifice a console slot that could be used for anything else in whatever build you're using... to use that console. Not only that, its bound to the Defiant line (or faction equivelent) only. You can't equip one on a Sovereign or one of the new Allied Pilot Escorts. It is strictly bound to Defiant type ships.
So... again... how is it OP if its limited to specific ships?
Its a gimmick. Just like my Metreon Warhead Launcher on my Vizier, or the VATA off the Avenger.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
As long as the feature exist, as long as people pour money into it (and it's quite a lot actually), and as long as the devs are too incompetent to remove it from the game, people can start whatever threads they like about it.
While this board is composed of die-hard casuals, there's no rule anywhere that says "you can't make pvp threads".
But you can make threads about PvP.
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Are you attempting to turn me into a strawman? Because you seem to be accusing me of of saying something I didn't.
Don't even need Cold Hearted to do that...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Hah, well said, but nonetheless that trait is still insane.
I actually ran a couple tests with a fleetmate on the damage resist debuff. Best case scenario, with pulse phaser broadside with 6 arrays on a T6 Miranda. He just sat there and let me pound him. No real improvement in DPS. Now that might change if he was actually MOVING, but as I said it was Best Case Scenario with removing the accuracy variable. Now the speed reduction may be a factor... but if we're talking sheer damage resistance debuffing... Cold Hearted is barely a blip.
Those are only MY results. Others may have different results, and actually have builds that better support it.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
There is more then enough evidence that the console is not overpowered and what I said is true.
Which bit do you think I am making up and why? I can prove everything I have said.
Now all you pve kids arguing that the dmg is fine cause its just pvp. Don't make me post a bunch of log grabs of me hitting 500ks on borg pickles or Cryptic might pay attention. lol I half joke... cause ya you can easily make it hit that high. However when it comes to PvE land I can also use shearing to hit single hits north of one million. So in the grand scheme of silly PvE dps that quantum console that can only be used on the T6 Defiant or Brel is hardly the worst offending thing in the game.
Dude Stop , I know how torpedos work, they dont outperform this module , stop trolling dude
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator