I try launching ARC and it starts to update files. The bar never makes it half way before it cuts out and I get a message stating "Arc has encountered an error while updating please try again later". I've been getting this for several hours. Is this a problem on their end or is something wrong with on mine? Tried running the fix tool but no luck.
18:12:19.39 [5224]: [WARN] [CHTTPResponseHeader] [GetModifyTime] query ContentMD5 fail, [ERROR CODE] 12150
18:12:19.39 [5224]: [ERROR] Create idx failed. errno: 2, line:595
18:12:19.648 [6956]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:19.648 [11420]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:19.711 [8868]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:19.726 [10100]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:19.726 [11908]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:19.914 [12084]: [ERROR] ERRORINFO:,0,0,0,200,0,-1
18:12:19.945 [5836]: [WARN] [CHTTPResponseHeader] [GetModifyTime] query ContentMD5 fail, [ERROR CODE] 12150
18:12:19.945 [5836]: [ERROR] Create idx failed. errno: 2, line:595
18:12:20.226 [10444]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:20.226 [10540]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:20.258 [4920]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:20.305 [6644]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:20.367 [7900]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:12:20.461 [12084]: [ERROR] ERRORINFO:,0,0,0,200,0,-1
18:12:51.17 [2168]: [ERROR] [CHTTPRequest] [GetDownloadFileInfo] error happen in WinHttpReceiveResponse [FILE] /updates/ArcUpdate_201708031700b.zip [ERROR CODE] 12002
18:13:22.994 [2168]: [ERROR] [CHTTPRequest] [GetDownloadFileInfo] error happen in WinHttpReceiveResponse [FILE] /updates/ArcUpdate_201708031700b.zip [ERROR CODE] 12002
18:13:22.994 [2168]: [ERROR] [CHTTPRequest] [GetDownloadFileInfo] retry time exceed
18:13:22.994 [2168]: [ERROR] [CHTTPBlockDownload] [GetFileInfo] Get Info faild, resultTmp == 0, result = 8
18:13:22.994 [2168]: [ERROR] [ArcUpdate_201708031700b.zip](0) pDownloader->GetFileInfo failed!, ret=8, CurRetryTimes=1, RetryTimes=10, RetryDelayTime=5000ms
18:13:28.681 [2168]: [WARN] [CHTTPResponseHeader] [GetModifyTime] query ContentMD5 fail, [ERROR CODE] 12150
18:13:28.681 [2168]: [ERROR] Create idx failed. errno: 2, line:595
18:13:29.525 [11716]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:13:29.572 [7392]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:13:29.572 [8792]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:13:29.572 [3996]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:13:29.619 [10920]: [WARN] IdxCacheFS.cpp 223 lines. FS all unfilled section are downloading.
18:13:29.759 [12084]: [ERROR] ERRORINFO:,0,0,0,200,0,-1
which is interesting because that means Arc is having trouble reading an HTTP header from the server that's driving the update. It was messed up last evening, this morning, and now as I post this. PWE support auto-replied but hasn't sent me a specific response yet. I made sure that ArcLauncher.exe can get through the firewall, and, as you can see, I have connectivity to the web.
I'm trying to suss out what the last line means. It looks like it connected to, got HTTP response code 200 (OK), and that there was no error code in the API call (interpretation of "-1"). So what the heck? (Maybe I should Wireshark this or something.)
That implies either nothing came back, or an improper HTTP response came back (no HTTP header block). Server issue, as I read it.
I tried unzipping the packages it had downloaded already (because it just keeps looking for the same one, and it was in the folder) and that didn't work.