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[PC] The Endeavor System!



  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • geezerpunkgeezerpunk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Why all the hate. I don't know if I will play the Endevor stuff or not, but since they are saying that what we are going to get on Holodeck (Live server), is not the same as the Tribble (test server); I am willing to wait and see what is the final outcome. If it is worth playing for me, I will; if it isn't I wont. If it is the same Charley Foxtrot that is on Tribble - then I'll complain.

    But they already have said that the Interface is incomplete on Tribble (So that is going to change) as is the number of tasks to complete (so the size of the list will roll back to only one or two items). The only complaint that I have is that they are not using the testing server for it's true intention. And that is to test the code base in a user environment before it goes live! So we will have even more untested code going live and untested by the user community. As a system analyst I never see that as a good thing.

    The endless items that get broken and continue to remain broken as unintended consequnces is staggering. To combat this, they need more testing! Not to release ANY code live (Even updates should get to tribble on Wednesday to look for show stoppers). And to attract more people to Tribble for a testing (Maybe make logging on and playing on a testing on Tribble an Endevor or ARC reward where you can get something like an unlocked Wells uniform or an Unlocked Red Matter Device if you log on three times and stay on for an hour each. Or perhaps subbmit x number of bugs.
  • rescuerangertsrescuerangerts Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    is this an event or is this staying in the game
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    A new part of the game.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Why would you ever expect to receive refined Dil for anything? Perhaps it's just me, but I saw that "Dilithium" and immediately assumed unrefined. /shrug

  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I got 750,000 energy. This pleases me. It looks like that was around the max energy you could get? Anyways I'm hooked.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    I have no complaints about my EPP. So what if my ore needs to be refined.
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    I got 750,000 energy. This pleases me. It looks like that was around the max energy you could get? Anyways I'm hooked.

    That's way more than I got. I've just got to start Touring the Galaxy daily again. :p
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    kiralyn wrote: »
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Why would you ever expect to receive refined Dil for anything? Perhaps it's just me, but I saw that "Dilithium" and immediately assumed unrefined. /shrug

    Seeing as I'm the one Tilarta was chatting with I'll add my 2 EC and comment that I would've been very surprised if it was refined and was not expecting it to be so.

    I have no complaints about my EPP. So what if my ore needs to be refined.

    The point being the rewards are kind'a *meh* and there's not much of an incentive for players like me to actually participate in the system. If I just logged one once a week and let the autorefine do its work without doing anything else it would still take me two years to refine all the ore I've collected over the years.

    I'd hazard a guess that the system just isn't designed for players like me and as such I'm going to just pass on it. I won't have any complaints about it either and hope those players who will benefit from it enjoy it. However I've been short of *refined* dilithium ever since fleet starbases came out and I stand by what I wrote to Tilarata that only refined dilithium would entice me to put effort in to the endeavor system.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    I had to kill 15 Borg Ships. A run of the Borg RA and an ISA more than did it. Got 2x 50 Marks Choice Packs (Competitive not included), EC, an Elite Mats Pack, and Dilitium. I will need to log in on a different Character later to see what is available Account-wide.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • roebotsixtyfiveroebotsixtyfive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    I think the issue is some rewards like Mat Packs, Spec XP and Marks packs are far superior to low quantities (50k!) of EC and more unrefined Dil.

    Personally, I don't mind the RNG rolling for scale of reward, but I don't like the RNG rolling for the TYPE of reward. I'm an altaholic, I want spec points and lots of them. I have more than enough Dil (both Refined and unrefined) over my alts and more than enough EC, I don't craft because the farming and crafting bots make it cheaper to just buy what I want of the exchange. I wouldn't mind marks (especially those for undesirable content like Lukari and Competitive (farming RA's for 60ish daily makes getting items a SLOW process, I hate all forms of open PvP (don't mind private 1v1 matches versus friends) and the Lukari Battlezone is just balanced so badly it's pretty much impossible to get to a dreadnought phase because of the recapture rates being just 15mins (when every point takes at least 5mins to capture in the first place)).

    Of the 2 I opened today (one for this account, one for my alt (which I need because I want more than the 55ish characters), one was a real dud, 4x 50k EC and 1x 150k EC, the other was a mixed lot that at least gave me some Spec XP. The dud made me seriously wonder if I should even bother with future "Endeavours" that aren't as easy to get quickly (such as killing 15 Borg ships).

    Oh, it's ONCE per account per "Endeavour" too. Which makes the feeble rewards (especially the EC ones) really quite insulting (this coming after you adknowledged how worthless low value EC was by significantly increasing the Exchange and Max EC caps).

    So my suggested improvements are (one or the other):
    -Improve the rewards for EC and Dil (increase the amount for EC, make the Dil Refined (and maybe halve the amount to compensate))
    -Let us choose what TYPE (e.g. Dil, EC, Spec XP, Crafting Mats, Marks Boxes, etc) of reward we want.
    -Provide a lesser reward (say 1 RNG prize rather than 5) to all other characters on that account (only claimable while that particular "Endeavour" is still active).
    -Let us complete the "Endeavour" multiple times on an account.

    P.S. On an unrelated note, any chance of revealing what plans for Latinum will be now we can earn large quantities of it via the Ferengi Admiralty campaign (rather than small amounts via Dabo), or will it remain a disappointing pool of limited use holo-projectors.
    If you can't solve it logically, solve it like a moron.

    51 + 1 Foundry Character Slots is NOT enough. Some of us love our characters. If I want to buy more character slots, why can't I? I couldn't experience the entire Delta Recruitment event without deleting a character.

    The Iconians themselves can't time travel because their memories revert, but there is nothing to say an Iconian couldn't write everything she needed to do on a PADD, pin it to herself, travel back, read the PADD, do the tasks and return. Or just get one of her Non-Herald underlings to go back in time for her.

    Want a Star Trek themed starship command fan-made Board Game that isn't fiendishly complicated but not so easy it's a joke? Download mine for free here. https://roebot56.deviantart.com/art/BOARD-GAME-R56-s-Starship-Command-STAR-TREK-Edn-682732468 A Stargate version of the game is available from a link in the description.

    Oh yeah, I do Foundry missions for both KDFs and Feds. Just search KSTF (Short for Kinas Special Task Force, where Kinas is the name of the Admiral you will be serving under). The earlier ones are less story based and more combat based, while the later ones have a much heavier story element, but keep the large battles.
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    System doesn't feel designed for Vet players as "most" should have a fair amount of whats on offer already. Looks more like a system designed to pull in new players. Which with the huge drop off in the Public queues would be more than welcome if we can get them populated again

    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    I got 2x 100 mark boxes, 1000 dil, 1/4 spec point, and a minor mats pack. Not disappointed by that, just by the fact I didn't know it was 1/account until after I'd done Borg RA (<15 kills) on 4-5 characters.

    edit: I suppose the plus side of 1/account is that I have alts with all the damage types, so I won't have to scavenge multiple sets together when/if a "do X damage with Y weapon type" shows up.
  • edited July 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    I had to kill 15 Borg Ships. A run of the Borg RA and an ISA more than did it. Got 2x 50 Marks Choice Packs (Competitive not included), EC, an Elite Mats Pack, and Dilitium. I will need to log in on a different Character later to see what is available Account-wide.

    Missed the reward myself. Is it a box?
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • davidturner2012davidturner2012 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Tried it out yesterday , no massive headache as it's a fairly easy task .
    I actually quite like the idea but I do think including Lobi Crystals (not masses obviously) would have been good , they were never going to include zen :) . I would like some sort of cooldown tracker for the system though .
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    I got 250k EC and some R&D mats - nothing worth commenting on...

    It would be real nice if it gave Lobi and refined dilithium as well maybe a key or possibly DOFF packs. Then it would quickly become a loved endeavor methinks. That is the goal - no?
    Post edited by aspartan1 on
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    This is like Runescape's challenges, where ya do various things, like mine mitheral, cook so many rocktail fish, etc...and you get prizes for it. This is something I can understand without a problem.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    This system being deployed on the live server did nothing to change my opinion, I still detest and resent it.

    And I have a new reason to find it irksome:
    The Endeavor information (even when minimized) pushes the important information out of the window and as a result, I can't see how the Fleet Alert is progressing.
    Given that this is with only one Endeavor active, I think it's going to get worse when the game adds a second and third Endeavor to the list.

    My objection is not with the system existing, but the fact it is not possible to "opt out of it".
    I want the ability to drop Endeavor missions and have them in their own separate window so I can "Hide" it and not have to see them onscreen.

    I truly believe the Endeavor system has been made so difficult to ignore because the decision was made that we have to do it and as such, "opting out" by either/both of the methods I described has been disabled.
    I don't appreciate being told I have to play game content I have no interest in, regardless of who tells me I must do this.
    That is the main reason I am so opposed to the Endeavor system.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • kaarruukaarruu Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Looks like doom is canceled.

    Endeavors are account-wide completion and although they can't be dropped, they can be hidden from the mission log. At best it's a small bonus for doing stuff I'd be doing anyway, at worst a minor hassle of hiding the objective until it changes. Not obnoxious afterall.

    Points for making the reward box bound to account, not character.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Destroy 15 Borg ships? Well, okay. Be back in five minutes. Reward? Nope. No need. My reward is simply enjoying this fine addition to the game you've spent those spare minutes you have laying about on. What's that? More of this Endeavor System? Since you've already decided to give me the business, I have little choice in the matter, don't I? I have always felt this game suffers from a serious lack of things to do which simply increase login numbers and amount of time spent during login. So very glad to see Cryptic and Perfect World have taken a cue from the hot trend Farmville and other Facebook games established all those years ago.

    My opinon of your minimum effort, below mediocre attempt to keep me engaged with STO? No, I'll keep that to myself. You've never shown any aptitude for listening to your customers anyways. Besides I'd be required to use NSFW images and words to truly express what I really think about the Endeavor System.
    Post edited by thunderfoot#5163 on
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    I checked the mission log and reward was listed as 575xp 501 expertise.

    No mention of a box of goodies or anything else.

    Admittedly I was amazed to see that it actually had an entry in the log so I assume that this years ration of sensible has now been used up.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    The Box of Goodies is deposited in your Inventory.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    The Box of Goodies is deposited in your Inventory.

    Found it. Thought i had done the daily on a different character.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • This content has been removed.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Have you ever played STO before? Dilithium is always awarded as dil ore.

    Use your brain man.

    There is no need to be so rude and you are wrong as well. It doesn't always come as raw dill ore. Sometimes you get special pre refined Dilithium that you can spend right away.
  • This content has been removed.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    I like it it's fun but the rewards marks pack needs to be updated to include competitive marks as well!
  • nommo#5819 nommo Member Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Have you ever played STO before? Dilithium is always awarded as dil ore.

    Use your brain man.

    There is no need to be so rude and you are wrong as well. It doesn't always come as raw dill ore. Sometimes you get special pre refined Dilithium that you can spend right away.

    repetitiveepic seems to be right though as a status quo the dilithium is dilithium ore mostly to then be refined. Either way I'm always accepting of it. You sort of prove that yourself, pottsey5g, by stating, "Sometimes you get special pre refined Dilithium that you can spend right away." Special being not the normal circumstance, but again, I think both should be accepted & appreciated.

  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    tilarta wrote: »
    If I wasn't dubious enough about the merits (or lack thereof) relating to the Endeavor system, this definitely doesn't help endorse it:

    The infotooltip states that Dilithium will be received, but what is actually granted is Dilithium Ore, which needs to be refined.
    That is very misleading and I think it is intentionally written to be so.
    I was discussing this with another player while I was testing the boxes and they said "I'd participate in the Endeavor system if it granted refined Dilithium, but if it's ore, then it's not worth my time".
    FYI, that was a small amount, the first box I opened granted 10,000 ore.

    Given that it is possible to exceed the daily refining limit quite easily, adding more unrefined ore is just going to make a difficult situation more complicated.
    Players who have a stockpile of unrefined ore would mostly likely avoid the Endeavor system just to make sure they don't receive more to process.

    The impression being made here is that the rewards are not significant enough to motivate participation in a system designed specifically to increase metrics.

    Have you ever played STO before? Dilithium is always awarded as dil ore.

    Use your brain man.

    There is no need to be so rude and you are wrong as well. It doesn't always come as raw dill ore. Sometimes you get special pre refined Dilithium that you can spend right away.

    Not really. You can get vouchers from Delta Recruit or Temporal Agent rewards, but those are clearly labeled as vouchers, and are highly-restricted for just what you can do with them. Fleet vouchers can only be used to fill Fleet projects and Reputation vouchers can only be used for Reputation projects. They're nowhere near as flexible as refined dilithium. If refined dilithium is like cash, those vouchers are like skee-ball tickets.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
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