The purpose of this thread is to promote discussion on what would inspire each of us to make further purchases in the Zen store.
My wife, son, and I are LTS players and the remainder of our post is just to describe our situation and what we are interested in seeing; I am sure other players have their own lists. You have our money and loyalty. We make additional purchases on a regular basis. We play all three factions. Our opinions are no more nor less important than any of those who might add to this discussion. That being said, I consider the C-store to be tapped out and do not intend to make any purchases besides an occasional lockbox pack for S&G. I have little interest in lockboxes and no interest whatever in R&D promos. My last purchase was a Reliant. Thank you for your excellent work on that. I consider your ship offerings to be quite good overall if a little faction-inconsistent, but we simply have too many for it to be worthwhile to acquire any more without a substantial reason.
The following things, added to existing categories, would potentially open our wallets:
Attractive T6 sub-faction ships, including additional Vulcan and Orion options and (future) Romulan sub-factions. I am aware this may carry a heavy development cost.
New BOFFs. Development cost of this item has to be negligible.
New DOFF packs. Development cost of this item has to be even more negligible.
Additional Romulan, KDF, or cross-faction outfits. I am aware this may carry a heavy development cost.
Additional types of items would almost certainly open my wallet if they were found in the C-store (I realize some of these may carry heavy development costs):
Specialization fleshing out such that Commando or Strategist ships are created.
Species reset token, especially if additional species with racial traits are created.
Ship paints.
Ship prefixes.
Unique weapons or kit modules.
Lobi/lockbox ship > account-bind token.
Transwarp delay remover.
Generally, I think the C-store would be more desirable to most users and make you more money if some development time was put into revamping and expanding it, and especially if more creative and interesting items were put in it. Please, give us a reason to give you our money.
We all have our own wishlist and we all have the choice to continue spending money. We could all say "give us what we want cryptic or else!" but if we all did that then who'd really want to come to a forum and participate in community discourse? That's a pretty hostile atmosphere, and one that would be difficult to pull actionable feedback from (given the reliance on assumed power.)
Remember that the devs are both professionals and are people. If you want to change their minds on a subject, approach it from a point of reasoned discussion that understands the limits of your own point of view in the community. Don't demand and try to extort, simply ask and explain why.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
It's been a while since new uniforms, playable species/Boffs, pets and tribbles or even shuttles were added.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Pretty much anything these days is either going to be Federation exclusive or cross faction...we pretty much wont see anything that is exclusive to a single faction that isn't Fed. Also pretty much the only time they seem to justify making new costume packs on the c-store is when they coincide with a new expansion.
Commando and Strategist weren't meant to be full fledged paths and were made to be exclusively secondary.
Race respec tokens have been asked for years and probably will never come...I think they gave some kind of explanation as to why but if they did I don't recall what it was.
I doubt we will ever see hull skins for's another customization that would probably cost more than they'd make to develop. (Why they stopped making new bridges for the c-store)
I doubt we'll ever see lock box/lobi ships account bound...just would be a loss for them
I'd be tempted by:
- A T6 Andorian escort or bundle
- T6 Vulcan ships
- Costumes, must be usable by boffs (Space Barbie is the real endgame)
There's actually two it seems were overlooked with Delta Rising
-Ocampa (male and female)
-Hazari (male only)
They were added to the Foundry and are perfectly functional, but never found a way in-game. As a supplement to the existing DR pack, or as a new item, these would seem like a good candidate for more C-store goodness.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Once upon a time they had ship cosmetics but removed them so we're not likely to see those as they're now rolled into alternative ships.
Colours would mean ripping them out of the ship tailor so bad idea
Only good idea I'm seeing is a lobi/lockbox ship unlock token to allow it to be account claimed, would offset the crazy amount of lobi thats being asked for a single ship. Although as its around 4 lobi per lockbox an overall price drop on lobi ships would maybe be much better for them in the long run as it'd mean more ships sold and more keys bought to get those ships.
Generally... my response when I see a thread like this is:
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Isn't that just because the devs are all over at reddit?
Having said that, there have been moments I've withheld spending money on STO: customer's prerogative. But a think a thread like this, OP, would go a lot better if you simply asked what people would be willing to pay for (sans the veiled 'threats'). Personally, I'd pay good money for more Barbie in Space.
If I had to name things which would make me part with hard cash, I would say:
-I'd like to see a wider range of BOFFS
-I'd like to see a wider range of ships, and more possibilities for ship upgrades. For example, rather than purchasing a new ship, a player could buy an upgrade token which would bump their existing ship up one tier. Cumulatively, that could mean the same, or even more, $$ than the cost of buying a T6 ship outright, so it's a win-win situation: Cryptic gets player $$s, player gets to keep the ship they become attached to and invested in.
-I'd like to see a more varied approach for purchasing Zen. I believe this should include making one of the 'price packs', enough to buy a T6 ship, rather having to buy the first two 'price packs' and then ending up with a surplus remainder of Zen which isn't really much use for anything else in the C-Store, and I think it would also be nice to have a lower 'price pack' option where people could purchase Zen by the cents, not just by the dollar, for greater flexibility in Zen acquisition.
"I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
About the only ship I want to see is T6 Wells. It'd be nice, but if I see something I want and can afford until then I won't withhold just because there isn't a T6 Wells yet.
I didn't say post, I said read. For a long time it's seemed like complaining about anything here is only really good for venting steam.
You may not have intended it that way but there are several components of OP that can be read in a very different way (be careful with how you phrase an argument.) I'll go into some detail about the impression the OP gave (as I can interpret it), so we might see where people are coming from and hopefully move onto productive discussion.
And the rest is pretty much complication free.
Some general advice: just focus on suggestions and don't spend time elaborating on yourself (since that becomes a feature of your argument and a target of discussion) except when things are nice and chummy and the point of discussion is to talk about personal experiences (there's threads for that, but general feedback isn't often helped by getting personal.) Game design is a tricky business and even really good (and seemingly practical) suggestions might not be worked into the dev's schedule. Be prepared for "no," which means that you should not set conditions for a no or non-answer. Even if you have a good idea, stating what will or will not happen becomes entwined with the argument you're making. It can give the appearance of coercion (when its a question of what you'll do) or prophesizing (if it ever becomes a question of what the community will do.)
Anyway, just take this as a learning experience. No, not all of the negative comments to your post are justified but there's things you can do in making suggestions on a forum to minimize friction with people. Just know that we're all in the same boat and we understand both boredom and wanting new/different things in STO. If you want particular things, simply say so. We can relate without an introduction.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Uh... what's that got to do with anything? *confuzzled*
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I was thinking the same thing when I read it.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
^^ This was a very good post!