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I think competitive pve will ultimately fail



  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    redvenge wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Is anything ever *not* OP in your books?! LOL. If anything, the Heavy Weapon electrical thingy is remarkably underwhelming, really. 'Not even worth slotting' someone said the other day in channel. And, unless people already found an exploit, these HW's can't be boosted by anything either.
    The Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector is boosted by +All Damage (like Attack Pattern Alpha) and +Weapon Damage (like the Sustained Radiant Field Console).

    However, it does roughly half the damage of a Turret of the same mark and level (but, as you said, is boosted by far fewer sources, so it ends up doing much, much less damage than a Turret). The problem is, it drains 10 weapon energy and gives you the amount of damage most weapons produce at a value of 2 energy. So, it ends up being a debuff. It is exceptionally noticeable on Dual Heavy Cannon builds, but your damage will be lowered by some amount with any setup.

    I was skeptical myself, but after seeing the math, it is undeniable. Equipping the Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector will lower your damage when using energy weapons.

    It actually doesn't in prcatice due to its very fast CD. Turrets are a joke. Still running those? Omni beams out do them.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Just finished a pug match, going up against a 5 man premade. They were a good pvp team, killed me one time as I tried to take out the core, then said f this, and focused on taking out players. Took down 4 kills before they got our core.

    So I guess premades Que up for this? Anyways I see this kind of thing pushing pug pve players away. Still it was a fun if quick match.

    One issue, one ship had some ability that was able to 1 shot any ship in its cone(was a Temporal ship I think) In one shot they vaped 4 ships!!! One ability takes out 4 ships at full strength?? And I had TT, hull resistance and epts active and several other buffs. What kind of OP ability is this? And next time it came off cooldown and could fire again it took out 3 players in its path with full shields and hull???!!!! If this is the stuff available then I am done with pvp again. (unless it was the map that did it and not a player)

    I doubt that was a player attack.
    Probably the Cores Electrical blast smashed you and your 3 teammates.

    Nothing to be ashamed of. The other night the Cores Electrical blast hit me for a whopping 211k damage to hull.
    Nothing will help you there.
    It's basically instant death.

    Speaking of which...
    Did anyone notice any kind of warning system prior to the Core blowing everyone to smithereens ?

    Like in CCA, every 30% it drops it blasts everyone within 10km.
    Also has that timer bar to indicate when its going to blow.

    Anyone notice anything similar about the cores ?

    If there is no warning system, does anyone know at what HP % the Cores blow ? Or anything that would indicate so ?

    If not, well.. I guess I can live with the mystery. Makes things exciting.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Just finished a pug match, going up against a 5 man premade. They were a good pvp team, killed me one time as I tried to take out the core, then said f this, and focused on taking out players. Took down 4 kills before they got our core.

    So I guess premades Que up for this? Anyways I see this kind of thing pushing pug pve players away. Still it was a fun if quick match.

    One issue, one ship had some ability that was able to 1 shot any ship in its cone(was a Temporal ship I think) In one shot they vaped 4 ships!!! One ability takes out 4 ships at full strength?? And I had TT, hull resistance and epts active and several other buffs. What kind of OP ability is this? And next time it came off cooldown and could fire again it took out 3 players in its path with full shields and hull???!!!! If this is the stuff available then I am done with pvp again. (unless it was the map that did it and not a player)

    I doubt that was a player attack.
    Probably the Cores Electrical blast smashed you and your 3 teammates.

    Nothing to be ashamed of. The other night the Cores Electrical blast hit me for a whopping 211k damage to hull.
    Nothing will help you there.
    It's basically instant death.

    Speaking of which...
    Did anyone notice any kind of warning system prior to the Core blowing everyone to smithereens ?

    Like in CCA, every 30% it drops it blasts everyone within 10km.
    Also has that timer bar to indicate when its going to blow.

    Anyone notice anything similar about the cores ?

    If there is no warning system, does anyone know at what HP % the Cores blow ? Or anything that would indicate so ?

    If not, well.. I guess I can live with the mystery. Makes things exciting.

    I haven't seen a warning, but then again there's so much cr@p flying on the screen it gets a bit hectic to make anything out.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Someone said every 25%, another said it was timed. Seems to have no warning tho it only happens if both regulators are intact. once the encounter is over and the PvP is going on before the room gets kicked, the reactor is dormant.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Just finished a pug match, going up against a 5 man premade. They were a good pvp team, killed me one time as I tried to take out the core, then said f this, and focused on taking out players. Took down 4 kills before they got our core.

    So I guess premades Que up for this? Anyways I see this kind of thing pushing pug pve players away. Still it was a fun if quick match.

    One issue, one ship had some ability that was able to 1 shot any ship in its cone(was a Temporal ship I think) In one shot they vaped 4 ships!!! One ability takes out 4 ships at full strength?? And I had TT, hull resistance and epts active and several other buffs. What kind of OP ability is this? And next time it came off cooldown and could fire again it took out 3 players in its path with full shields and hull???!!!! If this is the stuff available then I am done with pvp again. (unless it was the map that did it and not a player)

    I doubt that was a player attack.
    Probably the Cores Electrical blast smashed you and your 3 teammates.

    Nothing to be ashamed of. The other night the Cores Electrical blast hit me for a whopping 211k damage to hull.
    Nothing will help you there.
    It's basically instant death.

    Speaking of which...
    Did anyone notice any kind of warning system prior to the Core blowing everyone to smithereens ?

    Like in CCA, every 30% it drops it blasts everyone within 10km.
    Also has that timer bar to indicate when its going to blow.

    Anyone notice anything similar about the cores ?

    If there is no warning system, does anyone know at what HP % the Cores blow ? Or anything that would indicate so ?

    If not, well.. I guess I can live with the mystery. Makes things exciting.

    I haven't seen a warning, but then again there's so much cr@p flying on the screen it gets a bit hectic to make anything out.

    Yeah I know exactly what you mean, that's why I thought I may have overlooked something.

    And thanks for the feedback @lordmalak1 will keep my eye on that and see if there's any credence to it.
  • thestargazethestargaze Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    Threads like these make me cry.

    The new maps are the best thing cryptic released in ages. They are motivating, challenging, fun and pay out awesomely. DPSer, PvPer, peeps with intuition and foresight, leaders and coordinators, all can contribute, all are welcome.

    One week after the season release my 10 toons already got enough marks to max out the new rep (1x1250 + 9x625). I never managed something like this before in my STO life and this only underlines how much I like the new content.

    I played the new ground map multiple times each day and contradicting to what some of the Numbers DPS admins claimed in their videos the new map plays smooth even in most pug runs.

    4 out of 5 runs I do I experience a close chase with the opposing team by the way.

    Winning abstracts to 4,5k Dil in like 5-10 minutes for the ground map in elite. The map is sold for my daily play and will be for long even after all reput quests are done.

    My friends and I are just getting started and Invite each and everybody in this game to join in and compete.


    I agree, its always fun running with the fleet. I do like the new queues. I just wish the older ones (the borg ones) was more active and renewed or better rewarded. Didnt you had an idea for that peter?

    But I do wish sometimes people would stop focusing on just blasting everything in sight and actually look around and see we have a task to finish, that requires team work. I just did such a queue, the person ignored the team talk (nobody was mean or yelling, just asking can you get the last thingy, he just kept on shooting....)
  • newromulan#1567 newromulan Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    I did not have combat log on and switched to another toon without checking so it could have been the core blast. I thought it was a player ability because there was this red effect in front of the other teams ship and it appeared that only my team was vaped, even though 3 of the other team were closer to the core and they did not get vaped. So either I saw it wrong or it was a 1 shot player hack, or when the core blows it only effects the attacking team in its radius? That would be a ridiculous map gimmick to take out only certain ships with no warning. Frankly in a pvp map that core blast is a silly mechanism.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    There actually is a warning to the core's insta-death shockwave, though I still haven't found the timing and if there are tons of graphic debuffs on the core, you won't notice it: if you see white electricity happening in the core, it means a shockwave is coming soon (as I said, I haven't properly checked but it may be more than a dozen of seconds before the detonation).
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    There actually is a warning to the core's insta-death shockwave, though I still haven't found the timing and if there are tons of graphic debuffs on the core, you won't notice it: if you see white electricity happening in the core, it means a shockwave is coming soon (as I said, I haven't properly checked but it may be more than a dozen of seconds before the detonation).

    ^^ Now see, *this* is useful information! :)
  • gannadenegannadene Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    STO is just not a game made for PvP. Its core combat, even if the game wasn't saturated with pay to win consoles, ships, traits, etc, with massive disparity between player builds, simply doesn't support actual PvP. It barely supports PvE, which just amounts to slamming enemies as hard as you can as fast as you can. For PvP, that translates, at its highest level, to doing flybys to hopefully exhaust the other player's various high CD abilities, then you dump all your buffs and drains and one shot them.

    The only kind of PvP the game will ever support will be indirect competition with PvE enemies. And even that just turns into a game of who has the highest DPS after the first week. PvP simply does not belong in STO. Which is very unfortunate. But it's a MMO, and too many mechanics are intentionally fabricated to support the financial model of a MMO at the cost of player experience.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    gannadene wrote: »
    STO is just not a game made for PvP. Its core combat, even if the game wasn't saturated with pay to win consoles, ships, traits, etc, with massive disparity between player builds, simply doesn't support actual PvP. It barely supports PvE, which just amounts to slamming enemies as hard as you can as fast as you can. For PvP, that translates, at its highest level, to doing flybys to hopefully exhaust the other player's various high CD abilities, then you dump all your buffs and drains and one shot them.

    The only kind of PvP the game will ever support will be indirect competition with PvE enemies. And even that just turns into a game of who has the highest DPS after the first week. PvP simply does not belong in STO. Which is very unfortunate. But it's a MMO, and too many mechanics are intentionally fabricated to support the financial model of a MMO at the cost of player experience.

    So you whine about PVP having no place in STO then whine about high performance in PVE? :|

    The only thing that killed PVP in this game was the lack of support it received from Cryptic, and it seems they're trying to shore up a bit from that angle. How much they intend to do remains to be seen.

    This game is perfectly fine for PVP, what it needed was support.

    Do you know how many new maps PVP received since Launch and before the brand new Competitive PVE rep / instances?


    From 2010 until April 2017, PVP received a grand total of 0 new maps, new modes. FFS, we still don't have an official ingame ladder, ranking list to see the best.

    That is the lack of support I'm talking about. It had its hardcore elements and we logged in some days and did nothing but blow each other away. Some days I didn't bother to hit the PVE queues because my "content" was the players to shoot at.

    If you don't like PVP, that's fine, just don't go around talking like it's not viable. It once was in STO but the lack of support by Cryptic over years killed it. I'll see how much they're willing to turn that around.
  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    From what I've experienced, blast happens every 25% HP (so when core is on 75%, 50% and 25%), which is preceded by some time of absorb time, where all damage you do to core seems to be 1. I haven't able to determine exactly how long is it, but as @saurializard said, theoretically there is this electricity warning inside the core, but yes, due to all visual FX flying around, it's almost impossible to see it.
    Also let it be noted that i've found it impossible to escape the blast too (other than activating an immunity or using similar tricks). Once I was 19km away from the core, yet got still killed by the blast.
  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,083 Arc User

    Lazy way to make a prediction so that no one can prove you wrong. "I never said it would be soon".

    Garbage outook
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    From what I've experienced, blast happens every 25% HP (so when core is on 75%, 50% and 25%), which is preceded by some time of absorb time, where all damage you do to core seems to be 1. I haven't able to determine exactly how long is it, but as @saurializard said, theoretically there is this electricity warning inside the core, but yes, due to all visual FX flying around, it's almost impossible to see it.
    Also let it be noted that i've found it impossible to escape the blast too (other than activating an immunity or using similar tricks). Once I was 19km away from the core, yet got still killed by the blast.

    Well I can confirm the 75% HP blast. Got taken out while on attack last night, when I looked at the Core health it was at 69%.
    So I guess it engages at 75% then there's 10 secs or so of absorption.

    Will keep an eye out for the electricity field warning tonight.
    Thanks for the additional feedback @tunebreaker and @saurializard
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I'm wondering if it's like the CE in that the blast is based on the damage it takes while absorbing? Either way I have managed to tank it on normal, so it is survivable, at least sometimes. (Rezreth with EptS+A2SIF)
    My character Tsin'xing
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    That might be mark.
    I was really hammering it with DBB Coalition Disruptors CrtDx2 Dmgx2 as a Tactical in the Breen Boalg.

    Couple times the damage I took was over 200k, while in other matches it was around 100-150k.

    Maybe @crypticspartan#0627 could fill us in, if he has a moment.. :smiley:

    Sorry to bother you btw. I don't normally tag a dev.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    I haven't made it to the core in a couple days, but I'm starting to use the pilot roll maneuver to avoid damage when ship cores explode, for the couple of seconds of damage immunity. Havent had a chance to try it on this core tho.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    Never seen rep queues taking so long to start right after their reputation release.
    Perhaps they should already add the competitive marks into the Red Borg Alert choice of marks, like they did with the Lukari ( still their queues were faster ).

  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Never seen rep queues taking so long to start right after their reputation release.
    Perhaps they should already add the competitive marks into the Red Borg Alert choice of marks, like they did with the Lukari ( still their queues were faster ).
    No. Instead they should remove all the existing choices, too. It's implausible for the story and counterproductive for the gameplay.
  • newromulan#1567 newromulan Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Never seen rep queues taking so long to start right after their reputation release.
    Perhaps they should already add the competitive marks into the Red Borg Alert choice of marks, like they did with the Lukari ( still their queues were faster ).

    They are taking a lot more time to pop, with Trials And Tribulations now available core assault is less used. With Trials you can get the competitive marks and not do any pvp.
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    I will join this queue when they give us dual or multi spec so I can spec into PVP. No sooner.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    bernatk wrote: »
    I will join this queue when they give us dual or multi spec so I can spec into PVP. No sooner.
    Only one of them has any PvP in it (Core Assault).
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    bernatk wrote: »
    I will join this queue when they give us dual or multi spec so I can spec into PVP. No sooner.
    Only one of them has any PvP in it (Core Assault).

    No the only one that does not have PVP is the twin trail that they released on Thursday. Go read the descriptions.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    bernatk wrote: »
    I will join this queue when they give us dual or multi spec so I can spec into PVP. No sooner.
    Only one of them has any PvP in it (Core Assault).

    No the only one that does not have PVP is the twin trail that they released on Thursday. Go read the descriptions.
    Descriptions schmescriptions, I've played them and there is no PvP except the core room in CA.
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    @newromulan#1567 last time I tried Twin and Tribulation, it was broken in the first room and no team could complete it and we had to warp out

  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    @warpangel if they remove marks from Borg Red Alert, it would be counterproductive for the game itself.
    E.g. a new player wants to get some marks and the queues are dead , except for ISA and CCA

  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    @warpangel if they remove marks from Borg Red Alert, it would be counterproductive for the game itself.
    E.g. a new player wants to get some marks and the queues are dead , except for ISA and CCA
    If players were required to play associated content to get marks, the queues wouldn't be dead.
  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    bernatk wrote: »
    I will join this queue when they give us dual or multi spec so I can spec into PVP. No sooner.
    Only one of them has any PvP in it (Core Assault).

    No the only one that does not have PVP is the twin trail that they released on Thursday. Go read the descriptions.

    You mean the Monster Player option in Binary Circuit? The one that allows a single player to forego directly aiding their team and instead load in as a Borg with predefined stats and abilities? Funny, I saw someone mention that these queues should have been designed to have any player vs. player combat be conducted with preset abilities to level the playing field in this very thread. I wonder who that was?
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    @warpangel if they remove marks from Borg Red Alert, it would be counterproductive for the game itself.
    E.g. a new player wants to get some marks and the queues are dead , except for ISA and CCA
    If players were required to play associated content to get marks, the queues wouldn't be dead.

    that's an argument older than you think-if players had to play Ground queues to get STF gear, and specific queues to get specific rewards, a lot of queues would still be busy.

    But the model was chosen so that, in the case of Omega marks (for example) you can grind ISA until your eyes fall out and get everything you USED to have to do all six STFs to successful conclusions ( With optionals) to get.

    the argument's been had, that concept lost. What we have now, is th e result of that argument being lost.
    A defeatist attitude is not useful.

    What we have now doesn't work.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    @warpangel if they remove marks from Borg Red Alert, it would be counterproductive for the game itself.
    E.g. a new player wants to get some marks and the queues are dead , except for ISA and CCA
    If players were required to play associated content to get marks, the queues wouldn't be dead.

    that's an argument older than you think-if players had to play Ground queues to get STF gear, and specific queues to get specific rewards, a lot of queues would still be busy.

    But the model was chosen so that, in the case of Omega marks (for example) you can grind ISA until your eyes fall out and get everything you USED to have to do all six STFs to successful conclusions ( With optionals) to get.

    the argument's been had, that concept lost. What we have now, is th e result of that argument being lost.
    A defeatist attitude is not useful.

    What we have now doesn't work.

    A defeatist attitude will save you trouble when you are facing a no win scenerio.

    And who says it doesn't work? I mean don't you like running CCA and ISA for the 1 billionth time?

    someone should've told kirk that, then​​
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