Area-of-effect abilities are hard to balance in STO, because for some reason, they all know how to distinguish between friend and foe.
But what if they were not able to do that? What if your Gravity Well III was as attracting and damaging to your own and your team's ships as to the enemy's? If Charged Particle Burst drained everybody's shields? What if Torpefo Spread hit everything in its arc, regardless of allegiance?
Sure, that would make the game harder. But isn't that what is needed?
I suppose he will keep on asking to change the stuff we have until he is the only one left playing it.
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Lol, that's exactly what I was thinking too. The changes OP wants will make no one in game want to slot any AoE abilities and will kill even those few PvEs people are still playing.
Balance indeed!
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My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
I also remember when no grenades shared a cooldown....
Gravity Well respecting Friend/Foe identification is absurd, but Torpedo Spread ignoring it is absurd, too.
"To complete this mission, you must sweep the floor." Cryptic then hands us two tools: a broom and a toothbrush. Now that toothbrush is freaking amazing. Ergonomic grip, massaging panels, even plays holograms of your favorite content while you use it. It's fun and I completely understand why someone would use it.
However, the task is... sweep the floor so, in most cases, the broom is simply the more efficient tool. Now, you can ask Cryptic to wrap Agony Tape(tm) around the handle of the broom, so it is a horrible experience for the young or the elderly, but it will not change the fact that your mission is... sweeping the floor.
If nothing else the potential of this for abuse by trolls and grievers makes it a bad idea.
Its not a big stretch to assume that if a ship was to use an ability they'd not use something thats likely to kill them, other than warpcore breach which was removed from the game.
Likewise torpedo's would probably have some kind of friend or foe detection. So maybe faction specific ships could be exempt while the folk flying about in herald or jemhadar ships would suffer the conseqeunces.
That way I can go into queued missions and troll everyone.
Or at least one of the most logical ones - as others have noted, it may have serious implications.
If we're all so busy spin-cycling the game balance, adding extra specialty weapons to T6 escorts, obsoleting T5-FU and lockbox and lobi escorts, I'd like to role play some defiance and go out in a bang.
The left-over PvPers will rejoice, and fleets/special channels might become very active in order to accomplish STFs without killing each other.
It will be space opera at its finest with faction wars and species battles. The united federation of planets and their temporal hegemony will crumble!
Hush, Tal shiar spy, you're drunk
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A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
^when this guy can totally get behind an idea that has massive trolling potential...everyone should rethink the idea. or better example...there is a certain mmo that for awhile a spell could make the floor super slick for ANYONE. throw in various traps an protals and i think you can guess what happened.
that would be minor compared to say a fully buffed APA gw3 affecting team mates...or tykens rift.
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
The only time there were more than 4 ships on the screen was during DS9 and there was not a single negative wedgie, it was all phasers, disruptors and polaron, except the Bajoran Wormhole and even then it didn't do much, except one time where it sent 2800 Dominion ships in 2409.
This sounds like a good idea to enhance realism, but when you think about it a bit, it's an horrible one due to the trolling possibilities and this time an alternate subspace nullifier won't protect you.
You understand neither of the mindset of trolls nor the true magnitude of what you propose if you really believe this.
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Well not really. Given each torpedo is a "smart weapon" and ships definitly have IFF codes it's very reasonable they would avoid allied ships.
Well of course gravity wells and other such things that are not ship-weapons, but creations that are done thru other methods would not have a method of determining ally from friend, but most would take that I was only talking about actual weapon system by what I said specifying weapon systems.
Well that would be the explosion after the launch an upon impact, which could still affect allies. but in the end we are not talking about unguided torpedoes either. so the guidance system could easily detect an steer away from ally targets, making the explosions largely just a fact of a near miss an rattle the ship over a direct hit. It has been shown that even as powerful as a torp is they are not always that dangerous except as a direct impact on a unshield target.