Is it too much to hope that hangar pets will also (finally) see a fix?
^ This. Hanger pets are so derpy and broken its almost mind boggling as why anyone would want to use a Carrier in the first place. Now along with this separation ship affecting bug, space pets are joke right now and its been bad for fighters for a long time with no sign of being fixed...
Can I ask "how" they are broken? From what I've seen when rocking a carrier or dreadnought the pets are doing their jobs when assigned... Maybe save for the recall command as that is a bit hit or miss.
Is it too much to hope that hangar pets will also (finally) see a fix?
^ This. Hanger pets are so derpy and broken its almost mind boggling as why anyone would want to use a Carrier in the first place. Now along with this separation ship affecting bug, space pets are joke right now and its been bad for fighters for a long time with no sign of being fixed...
Can I ask "how" they are broken? From what I've seen when rocking a carrier or dreadnought the pets are doing their jobs when assigned... Maybe save for the recall command as that is a bit hit or miss.
Here's my video showing what many experience with the Prometheus' MVAM:
Can I ask "how" they are broken? From what I've seen when rocking a carrier or dreadnought the pets are doing their jobs when assigned... Maybe save for the recall command as that is a bit hit or miss.
Well they work. Launch, fight, intercept, and they use abilities. Recall often doesn't work or they start bouncing off some invisible bubble with some of my carriers/dreadnought. The only exception being the Vengance Dread that works just fine for recall. Fighters, frigates often do not want to go to full impulse and keep up with the parent ship and instead slow boat it around and often only arrive when the battle is over.
There is a misunderstanding here. As it says in the title of this thread, it's SEPARATION pets, not HANGAR pets (although they too have issues). If you have a ship with saucer separation or a ship like the Odyssey with the Aquarius, or the Bortasqu with the BoP or the Intrepid with the Aero Shuttle etc, then these are the pets that are broken.
Without a doubt the worse bug. At least Hanger pets do something. Seperation pets just vanish and give you nothing but a cooldown after you recall them.
Sadly this still doesn't seem to be fixed. Just tried it in game; the separation pets now follow for about 20 seconds or so THEN disappear (rather than instantly). At least, this happens with the MVAM.
Edit: Federation Fleet Alert MVAM pets lasted about 2 minutes before leaving me.
I counted 10 seconds on the Galaxy and Galaxy X. that isn't a fix. that's just slowing down a bug. I hope this issue gets back to what it was before it happened when Season 12 launches. I have plenty of ships that have separation stuff and I plan on getting the T6 Monbosh which itself has those abilities. if that isn't fixed its borked for good. might have to do a System Restore to get the code for it before I think.
Lucky you, they hang out for a bit, my tier 6 odessey aquarius/saucer finish the launch animation cycle, then flew off into the distance. (Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,289,460)
Lets keep submitting more bug reports, and make sure they know the fix did not work.
It's a little disheartening, really. I love my Hestia, but I'm running out of reasons to keep her when the T6 Vesta (and maybe T6 NX) come out. Hopefully they just missed the bug during the fix, and intended to fix it ... the patch only took about 2 of the 3.5 hours to complete.
Maybe got fixed then missed/broke when applying to Holodeck ? Happened before. In any case, still not working as intended. Seem to hang around a little longer on combat maps but still fly off and vanish shortly after seperation.
Tested it on all ships I got with the issue. Even decided to discard 1 of the said ships & try reclaiming to see if it was like the Outfit bug they fixed where u had to redo outfit from scratch to get rid of the invisible arms on it. but sadly no. As soon has I use a seperation power still the seperated parts vanish between activation & 20 seconds in. So sadly bug is not fixed & they are false advertising it is aswell as what the ships are doing. Cause at current & for the last month or 2 they have not done what they said they do cause of the bug. I think Compensation to the players with these ships is in order now has this has gone on long enough.
just flew in a Deep Space Encounter with my T6 Odyssey, and launched the Aquarius. it launched perfectly and stayed out until recalled, even after the fighting was over, yet when i went to Sol System, the pets would vanish when launched again.
just flew in a Deep Space Encounter with my T6 Odyssey, and launched the Aquarius. it launched perfectly and stayed out until recalled, even after the fighting was over, yet when i went to Sol System, the pets would vanish when launched again.
Woops meant to reply to this earlier.
I also noticed something weird, that I guess is similar.
if I use MVAM while at ESD, the other 2 ship vectors vanish after 20 seconds.
Yet when I tried it at the Fleet Starbase, they stayed until I left the Fleet Starbase (about 15 minutes I was there).
Can I ask "how" they are broken? From what I've seen when rocking a carrier or dreadnought the pets are doing their jobs when assigned... Maybe save for the recall command as that is a bit hit or miss.
Here's my video showing what many experience with the Prometheus' MVAM:
This gives you an idea of how many other people experience this:
This experience defeats the point of using the Prometheus, and effectively wastes the $20 I paid for it.
Well they work. Launch, fight, intercept, and they use abilities. Recall often doesn't work or they start bouncing off some invisible bubble with some of my carriers/dreadnought. The only exception being the Vengance Dread that works just fine for recall. Fighters, frigates often do not want to go to full impulse and keep up with the parent ship and instead slow boat it around and often only arrive when the battle is over.
Without a doubt the worse bug. At least Hanger pets do something. Seperation pets just vanish and give you nothing but a cooldown after you recall them.
Now I've discovered that the Saucer is meant to assist in combat that makes it a more significant console.
Edit: Federation Fleet Alert MVAM pets lasted about 2 minutes before leaving me.
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Join Date: August 29th 2010
Just tried it with my Fleet Advanced Escort, and the 2 sections that separate stay for about 20 seconds, then leave.
*sigh* was looking forward to using MVAM again
Lets keep submitting more bug reports, and make sure they know the fix did not work.
I just tested it, and for me the problem is still not fixed despite the update.
Woops meant to reply to this earlier.
I also noticed something weird, that I guess is similar.
if I use MVAM while at ESD, the other 2 ship vectors vanish after 20 seconds.
Yet when I tried it at the Fleet Starbase, they stayed until I left the Fleet Starbase (about 15 minutes I was there).