Temporal Light Cruiser = Constitution Refit Configuration, Keldon, Tal Shiar Adapted BattleCruiser, Tholian Terantula, Na'Kuhl Archeros, Fleet Caitain Atrox T5U, Fleet T6 Galaxy and Galaxy X, just off the top of my head. and I own all of them.
Excelsior retrofit, it's a good solid work horse, strong and reliable
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Mission objective: deep space exploration Mission parameters: long range travel, hostile forces, spatial anomalies, limited resources Equipment of Choice:T'Laru Science Carrier Warbird
Selection Proposal Strategy:
Romulan Battle Cloaking Technology - avoid direct confrontation with potentially hostile forces, evade pursuers during unfavorable combat scenarios, strategic ambush alpha strikes when necessary, enhanced maneuvering, modify ship arrangement while cloaked inside enemy territory
Intel Spec Warp Signature Masking - backup stealth response to cloak detector grids and active scan scenarios
No-Compromise Romulan Engineering: cross-linked synergy between various systems, eg. 4/2 DHC with SS3/CRF2/OSS2/ambush/singularity overcharge/flank (cloak positioning advantage); temporal Lt with intel/sci Cmd on overcharged aux-feeding singularity core on a target with exposed vulnerability
Advanced Component Compatibility: phase cloak, shield regeneration from damage dealt, regenerate singularity core and increase resistance from incoming damage, rapid recharge/reboot singularity, etc.
Summary: a very large and heavy stealth warbird capable of housing large crew & resources, mining beam for harvesting raw materials, on-board repair and manufacturing facilities servicing both fighter units and carrier, and versatile orientation leveraging the best of tactical, science, and engineering class ships into one with on-demand responsiveness where peak performance is needed most
By Star Trek canon, the typical choice for exploration are Cruisers. Probably because they are relatively versatile and can operate independently for extended times.
What class could be better suited for exploration than the Exploration Cruiser? It has a proven track record. Admittedly, it might have been recently "overengineering" in the tactical department for its intended purpose.
On the FederationKlingon side, I think the Gorkon Class sounds like the best.
On the Romulan side, I might pick the Kara. It's seperation abilty can be useful if it gets into trouble ,and it has well equipped science facilities. Deihu or D'krella might be decent alternate choices.
Post edited by mustrumridcully0 on
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I'm surprised no one has chosen the Luna class. If memory serves it was designed for just this type of mission. It supposedly has the most advanced sensors and science capabilities in Starfleet. It is also more than capable of defending itself when Riker goes and ticks someone off which is almost a certainty. It also can support the most diverse crew compliment in Starfleet history. Of course I'm using the Star Trek: Titan series of books as a reference.
STO: Where men are men and the women probably are too.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
Yeah. You're probably right. And the Quantum Slipstream drive would give the Vesta an advantage as well. So much for making a point after just waking up.
STO: Where men are men and the women probably are too.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
I'm gonna have to roll the Deihu as my choice(fleet version if there is one). Science and command focus, Flexible BOFF seating, solid console options, battle cloak, and fighters. C&C vessels are good choices imo as the necessary equipment for being a C&C vessel means powerful computers, communications, sensors, and these systems are made to withstand major strain(like combat). Choosing one with more science capabilities, kinda screams "perfect" for long term exploration.
For Federation: I'd have to go with the Fleet Long Range Science Vessel [T6]. Has the ability to use the Ablative Hull Generator, has access to the Aero Shuttle for short excursions, and can use the Photonic Shockwave Torpedo in Combat as can the Aero Shuttle which provides a disable for enemy ships. It has access to a small amount of Intel power as well. Though it's not outright TACTICALLY powerful, it's ability to generate science based anomalies such as gravity wells, destabilizing resonance beam, etc makes it able to hold most enemies in place, perhaps often causing enemy collisions. The ship is very nimble at impulse speeds; it has great maneuverability and a high impulse speed. It was the first Starfleet Ship to use the Quantum Slipstream drive that was not shuttle class. It also has the capability to reach a regular warp speed of 9.99 should the need to run arise.
For Romulan Republic: I'd choose the Fleet Aelahl Battlecruiser Warbird. This ship is not too small nor is it gigantic, which means it can fit through much smaller spaces while exploring planetary systems than say it's D'Deridex older brother. It has a strong hull and good shields. It's quite nimble for a cruiser and being a battlecruiser is has fair firepower should the need to fight arise. It comes equipped with a Romulan Battlecloaking Device which would allow for avoiding some conflict by remaining hidden. It has access to intel capabilities which would aid in gathering information while remaining cloaked.
For my Federation Captain: I'd probably go with the Sovereign-class, I'd probably jump at the chance of taking it on a 5 year mission of exploration, since it'd be quite capable of defending itself and I like the idea of using the same ship as the Enterprise-E for the same mission profile of the Enterprise-D. It's mixture of tactical and defensive capabilities remind me of Connie.
For my Klingon: I'd probably go with the Fleet T5-U Vo'Quv. Its science capabilities make it a natural choice for a klingon expedition, a hangar full of Birds-of-Prey and To'Duj fighters extend its range even further (especially if you want to consider the versatile nature of Birds-of-Prey by themselves which could be used for additional recon). I forget how much crew the Vo'Quv has, but I want to say it's somewhere around 4,000? Given the amount of redshirt deaths I'd expect from a KDF exploration mission, I'd still have plenty to return home with.
For my Romulan: Tough call. I'd probably use my T'Laru, for the same reasons as I'd use the Sovereign or Vo'Quv. As an intel ship, I'd be quite comfortable being undetected at long range, even without being cloaked. The Elite Romulan Drone Ships and Scorpion fighters would extend the range considerably, and allow me to disguise the Drone Ships as 'local' ships for recon purposes, without being as easily detected. The science and intel capabilities of the T'Laru would allow me to explore a large area over a period of 5 years, and its sheer size and forward firepower would end virtually any conflict I could expect to run into.
Edit: Oh, and this is a good thread and you should feel good for posting it.
You have been assigned by Starfleet / Republic / KDF for a deep exploration mission that will take your far away from the safe borders of your sovereign. They estimate that you will be away for a long time and return to the Alpha Quadrant in 5 years.
You will be able to handpick your crew, get all the resources needed to make this missions successful, but most important of all:
You will have the honor to handpick the vessel that will make this journey possible.
This might be a bit of RP in a way, and might not be fit in the General Discussion. But as the prologue says; You are going away for a deep exploration mission for 5 years and will be able to pick the ship that will take you there and back again.
You can choose any ship that is currently available in STO and write a small explanation why you choose that ship.
I will go first:
Since Odyssey is the excellent choice, I will not choose that just for the fun of it.
I would choose the Guardian Cruiser.
It is designated as a exploration vessel and it his quite fresh from the shipyards.
I don't want to stand out as a warship, but instead use large ship with a design that' will not (over) intimidate strangers to believe that you are hostile.
It has the latest Starfleet technology, and it has intelligence seating that could be good for observation without interaction with unknown species.
Took the words right out of my mouth kid, I'd be in my Guardian cruiser, fleet refit of course With all starfleet build... the orange phasers and the quantum torpedoes maybe some tricobalt devices for good measure.
What you need is a dependable work horse like the Excelsior and Nebula
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Really, no one has said it yet?, all right I'll be "that guy".
Give me a scimitar please. One flight deck, Shielded battle cloak, those sensor pods have to be good for something other then a thaloran pulse, and it's size. Would probably take a T6 version but use the T5 looks. I like the way the regular scimi is.
Like my fanpage!
Join Date: August 29th 2010
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Mission parameters: long range travel, hostile forces, spatial anomalies, limited resources
Equipment of Choice: T'Laru Science Carrier Warbird
Selection Proposal Strategy:
By Star Trek canon, the typical choice for exploration are Cruisers. Probably because they are relatively versatile and can operate independently for extended times.
What class could be better suited for exploration than the Exploration Cruiser? It has a proven track record. Admittedly, it might have been recently "overengineering" in the tactical department for its intended purpose.
On the FederationKlingon side, I think the Gorkon Class sounds like the best.
On the Romulan side, I might pick the Kara. It's seperation abilty can be useful if it gets into trouble ,and it has well equipped science facilities. Deihu or D'krella might be decent alternate choices.
since when does the federation name their ships after KLINGON chancellors?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Of course I'm using the Star Trek: Titan series of books as a reference.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
For Romulan Republic: I'd choose the Fleet Aelahl Battlecruiser Warbird. This ship is not too small nor is it gigantic, which means it can fit through much smaller spaces while exploring planetary systems than say it's D'Deridex older brother. It has a strong hull and good shields. It's quite nimble for a cruiser and being a battlecruiser is has fair firepower should the need to fight arise. It comes equipped with a Romulan Battlecloaking Device which would allow for avoiding some conflict by remaining hidden. It has access to intel capabilities which would aid in gathering information while remaining cloaked.
For my Klingon: I'd probably go with the Fleet T5-U Vo'Quv. Its science capabilities make it a natural choice for a klingon expedition, a hangar full of Birds-of-Prey and To'Duj fighters extend its range even further (especially if you want to consider the versatile nature of Birds-of-Prey by themselves which could be used for additional recon). I forget how much crew the Vo'Quv has, but I want to say it's somewhere around 4,000? Given the amount of redshirt deaths I'd expect from a KDF exploration mission, I'd still have plenty to return home with.
For my Romulan: Tough call. I'd probably use my T'Laru, for the same reasons as I'd use the Sovereign or Vo'Quv. As an intel ship, I'd be quite comfortable being undetected at long range, even without being cloaked. The Elite Romulan Drone Ships and Scorpion fighters would extend the range considerably, and allow me to disguise the Drone Ships as 'local' ships for recon purposes, without being as easily detected. The science and intel capabilities of the T'Laru would allow me to explore a large area over a period of 5 years, and its sheer size and forward firepower would end virtually any conflict I could expect to run into.
Edit: Oh, and this is a good thread and you should feel good for posting it.
I'd considered that one myself for many of the same reasons
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Took the words right out of my mouth kid, I'd be in my Guardian cruiser, fleet refit of course
It's a high speed cruiser with a cloaking device.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Give me a scimitar please. One flight deck, Shielded battle cloak, those sensor pods have to be good for something other then a thaloran pulse, and it's size. Would probably take a T6 version but use the T5 looks. I like the way the regular scimi is.