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Time for all Fed ships to have integrated cloak??



  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    talonxv wrote: »
    There are certain ships that should have it like my Phantom intel ship, but it's built for being sneaky and doing intel work, but all fed ships, no just no. Don't need it.

    I am not saying retrofit all the old ships with cloak, but would be nice going forward. And a battle cloak would be nice! I mean 90% of new toons must be Fed now with AOY - so what's stopping Cryptic from making new fed ships with a battle cloak? It would mean $$$$ - even though it's really just a gimmick for pve.

    nothing is stopping them... except basic respect for the ip which they do have, for all their flaws the do have some respect for it. feds very rarely use cloak for a few reason including gene roddenberry felt they wouldn't use cloak because their explorers not warriors.

    and really kdf doesn't get battle cloak for all their ships and you want it for feds?

    beside most players don't know what to do with cloak anyway.

    Want a built in battle cloak roll a romulan or KDF and use a BOP. Federation literally have zero need for them outside of a few specific ships. Hell even my defiant class ships don't need them. I have cloak on them and I don't even really use it.

    I do love my BoPs. probably a terrible build on every one of them but they are fun.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • baronvlad#7057 baronvlad Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »

    Haven't seen a /jranger in years... bittersweet memories.
  • freightstopperfreightstopper Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    If Feds want a cloak fly the Galaxy dreadnought, battlecruiser or the aquarius.
    Built in battle-cloak for the defiant, it's suppose to have one so that's fine.

    No other fed ships should get or have one, if you're that interested in built in cloaks / battle cloaks then make a KDF or Rom character, then you can find out about all the TRIBBLE that comes with using it ie:-

    1) People calling you, or talking to you on your own damn ship turn it off. Remember how often someone says something to you as you fly into weapons range?

    2) Very few abilities actually turn off the battle cloak, so you can and will fly right past where you wanted to decloak because you forgot to turn it off.

    3) Once a Torpedo has you locked it'll hit you even if you've moved over 50km and are cloaked.

    4) You need to Hull tank BoPs because they spend alot of time cloaked up waiting for someone to shoot in the back.

    5) People forget that Enhanced battle cloaks drop every time you fire a torpedo, so autofire will get you killed as you sit shieldless spamming torpedoes.

    I can go on, but you should get the gist of it, cloaks look awesome as you decloak to fire, they sound like an easy win tactic on paper.
    However you need brains, careful planning and to use TACTICS other the BfaW until everything has exploded, completely against what most Fed ship fits require or need or what most Fed players are capable of.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    No, not really.

    I think the Vengeance shouldn't have it either, it didn't in the movies. But they might have given it because it's also an Intel ship.

    Cryptic cares about the ip??
    Hello, are you even playing this game? You can't throw a a slip of latinum without hitting some IP reference or callback, requiring a depth of knowledge about the IP most individual players probably will never have.
    I see the issue about letting everyone have a cloak and then why roll a rommie? Let's just forget about the KDF as Cryptic pretty much has. Still a few of the new Temporal ships should all get battle cloaks integrated. And then some special Fed ships going forward.
    The ship with Battle Cloak is the Raider. Which is basically the Klingon's 31st century contribution to Starfleet.

    Exceptions are exceptions. We don't need to make them a rule.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • drmilkydrmilky Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    AoY destroyed kfd and romulan faction so why not the final nail in the coffin...
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »

    Holy flashback.

  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    The ship with Battle Cloak is the Raider. Which is basically the Klingon's 31st century contribution to Starfleet.

    Exceptions are exceptions. We don't need to make them a rule.
    For whatever reason, the number of players in the KDF and RR is far too small to be profitable. If giving Fed ships a cloaking device boosts sales and keeps the lights on, then do it.

    There is no reason for KDF or RR to be unique if no one plays them.
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    redvenge wrote: »
    For whatever reason, the number of players in the KDF and RR is far too small to be profitable. If giving Fed ships a cloaking device boosts sales and keeps the lights on, then do it.

    There is no reason for KDF or RR to be unique if no one plays them.

    Still enough do play them to anger customers. And for gameplay reasons it would be terrible. It's just a "wanna have shinies" for Feds. Making no new incentives to experience parts of gameplay (other factions) is bad enough but understandable. Actively removing them would be really annoying.

    Also, lorewise, the ability to use a technology does not mean that you will use it on every vessel, as with real life aircraft or ships, because it would be too expensive compared to the use.

    Unless Cryptic did something trolly, like a T1 ship with battlecloak and only one backwards facing dual heavy cannon, no front weaponry, I'd say "no!"
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • freightstopperfreightstopper Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    redvenge wrote: »
    The ship with Battle Cloak is the Raider. Which is basically the Klingon's 31st century contribution to Starfleet.

    Exceptions are exceptions. We don't need to make them a rule.
    For whatever reason, the number of players in the KDF and RR is far too small to be profitable. If giving Fed ships a cloaking device boosts sales and keeps the lights on, then do it.

    There is no reason for KDF or RR to be unique if no one plays them.

    Well maybe if the Head Dev didn't hate everything non-fed and make damn sure anything the non-feds get sucks (see the Varanus, gorn C-store science ship, bloody rip off reskin of the worse level 40 free fed science ship he could find, now they can only get rid of it in give-aways.) we'd have more players using mostly Rom /KDF characters.

    Claiming no-ones buys X when your boss refuses to make X is TRIBBLE stupid and a pathetic excuse to be a lazy TRIBBLE who gets to TRIBBLE over people who like stuff he doesn't.

    Fed's get pretty much EVERYTHING handed to them for little to no effort, the total Fed ship line is at least twice the size of both the KDF and Roms put together, let alone going into specific types, like the fact Feds get more science focused ships then the Roms have GOT ships.

    Projected Singularities - yup Feds with cash / lockbox keys could get those before the Roms had even leveled high enough to get into their C-store ship with it.

    Plasmonic Leech - Oh noes, KDF can get higher power levels then the Feds by spending real cash, quick lets throw it into a lockbox so the Feds can have it too.

    Carriers - KDF get one for free at level 40, takes awhile to get used to it after all those BoPs and raptors, T6 goes straight to the Feds, yet again they get a faction-unique ship type because they bitched and whined.

    Battlecruisers - KDF unique ship that can use the cannons that the klingons are so fond of, not anymore, now pretty much every new Fed cruiser is a 'battlecruiser that can equip cannons' surprised they still don't have cannons added to ESD and all the other Fed weapon vendors yet.

    The only thing the Feds haven't been given on a platter yet is the singularity powers, bet that won't last much longer.
  • doggpatchdoggpatch Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Speaking as a Fed player myself, I don't want to see anymore fed ships with cloaks, and no fed ship should ever have a battle cloak.

    Why? Simple.. I think we have more then enough. Cloaks should be something that remain primary to Romulans and KDF.

    WOW....thank you..(shakes head)...cant belive a Fed said that...gonna frame that....lol
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    *face palm* This is not going to over well with KDF players.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    If all Fed ships gets integrated cloak. Then I want all KDF and Romulan ships to get Enhanced Battlecloak.

    On top of that, how about KDF and Romulan faction specific Science Ships and Carriers? You know, Carriers were originally KDF, who then got shafted with nothing.

    Oh yeah, just for the record, I have 4 Fed captains, 4 KDF captains and 2 Romulan captains; one aligned to Fed and the other aligned to the KDF. Can the Romulans finally become a True Faction?
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    I predict a 'multifaction' ebc temporal raider by the end of the year.. Now the storyline has made the unification of starfleet and kdf certain, Gecko has no need to hand feds cloaks via the romulan back door (which in my opinion was the whole point of romtrek)

    in the end though, its the way it will be with such a blatently biased head of development at the helm - We'll all grumble, some ancient kdfs will leave and nobody will bat an eyelid

    i'll be very surprised if the console stos have an option to play kdf at all....

    At least the 3 pack have rom and kdf flavoured materials instead of fed white...


    dammit. (On a different note, anyone found any shield aesthetic that makes the temporal 3 pack ships look less fed slanted?)
  • vampeiyrevampeiyre Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Frankly, no. Canonically speaking, the Defiant and Galaxy X are the only things that should have cloaks in terms of Federation ships. Feds, like myself, should thank our lucky stars that we have far more access to cloak technology than we should between the Vengeance and other intel ships, as well as the Avenger & Arbiter that can be fitted with the Galaxy X cloak console.
    "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Believe me I know the issues. I rolled a KDF way back when as soon as I was allowed. Had to play Fed first if my memory is still good. I rolled a rommie as soon as the were available. Both Fed and KDF aligned I have 40 toons. I did pvp for years. Mostly KDF. Used to torp bomb feds in kerrat from my B'rel when the tri cobalt was good back then. Played the good Fed side with the hero captainhorizan was around.

    But times have changed. We have a lead Dev that is heavily Fed. We have no more pvp. Sure cloak is a gimmick for pve. But gimmicks sell and fed sells well. They could offer a 5000 Zen pack that unlocks battlecloak and even singularity powers on all Fed ships and it would sell to probably half the players in the game. That is just the state of the game.

    If AOY had been released with more missions, a KDF and Rommie option with missions and ships. Then I might have a different opinion. This is becoming Fed only game. Just the fact.
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    Now Singularity powers? Come on dude, I actually play Fed more often than Rom or KDF, but even I find this request as asking too much.

    Using cloaks isn't Starfleet's way, with few exceptions, and it shouldn't.

    Sorry, bro. But this is coming from a Fed, don't hand out cloaks to Starfleet.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    This is something I always I found funny. I hear players worry more about STO's profit then anyone and we (players) always seem to think up the most ugliest thing on how to "fix" STO's so called lack of money.

    On topic, no. Even if the KDF and Republic was gone still no. This thread, along with many other small things is why I think DS9 was the worst Trek. It creating a lot of stuff that is just painful.
  • fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    If everyone has cloaking, then the game has to become BALANCED around everyone cloaking.

    You will not like the end result of that.
    One of the many Tellarite Goddesses of Beauty!

    If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    Cloaks for all fed ships? No. I don't even use a cloak when I'm flying a Rom or Klingon ship that has a cloak.

    I only very, very rarely use it. Like last time I played Doomsday. It let me set up for a torpedo run right in that thing's mouth from a distance. I just kept the Hargh'Peng off autofire.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Believe me I know the issues. I rolled a KDF way back when as soon as I was allowed. Had to play Fed first if my memory is still good. I rolled a rommie as soon as the were available. Both Fed and KDF aligned I have 40 toons. I did pvp for years. Mostly KDF. Used to torp bomb feds in kerrat from my B'rel when the tri cobalt was good back then. Played the good Fed side with the hero captainhorizan was around.

    But times have changed. We have a lead Dev that is heavily Fed. We have no more pvp. Sure cloak is a gimmick for pve. But gimmicks sell and fed sells well. They could offer a 5000 Zen pack that unlocks battlecloak and even singularity powers on all Fed ships and it would sell to probably half the players in the game. That is just the state of the game.

    If AOY had been released with more missions, a KDF and Rommie option with missions and ships. Then I might have a different opinion. This is becoming Fed only game. Just the fact.
    orion0029 wrote: »
    Now Singularity powers? Come on dude, I actually play Fed more often than Rom or KDF, but even I find this request as asking too much.

    Using cloaks isn't Starfleet's way, with few exceptions, and it shouldn't.

    Sorry, bro. But this is coming from a Fed, don't hand out cloaks to Starfleet.


    I get it...

    ...this is a :trollface: thread...

    ...a pretty good one, too; I'd never have realized it if the OP hadn't also started asking for Singularity Powers. It took me way too long catch on. Well played indeed.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    orion0029 wrote: »
    Now Singularity powers? Come on dude, I actually play Fed more often than Rom or KDF, but even I find this request as asking too much.

    Using cloaks isn't Starfleet's way, with few exceptions, and it shouldn't.

    Sorry, bro. But this is coming from a Fed, don't hand out cloaks to Starfleet.


    I get it...

    ...this is a :trollface: thread...

    ...a pretty good one, too; I'd never have caught on if the OP hadn't also started asking for Singularity Powers. It took me way too long to catch on. Well played indeed.

    The cloak part is serious. I only through the singulatrity oart in there because someone said why not. That part is just silliness. Really cloaks are just a gimmick for pve, but gimmicks sell and are fun sometimes. I think most fed players would buy into the cloak part, especialy battlecloak, thinking it will make things better. Before the massive dps spike in the game, it actually made a difference. And pvp of course, but well - you know what happened to pvp.
  • ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Why not...not like the kdf have anything else left to give.

    We have ONE thing left to give. It's called neglect. :(
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    Okay first off, iconian wins for the /jranger comment.

    Secondly this type of thread comes up at least once a year, everyone hates on each other's comments then we have to come in and deal.

    So just closing it now.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
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