"Cold Comfort" seems to have loaded fine now. Thanks, team!
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
We just made a change to the structure that should hopefully resolve this. I'm with the network team monitoring the gameserver error tracker right now.
This seems to have reduced, but not completely eliminated, the hang when the Lib-Borg Romulan Science Officer (the Lobi one) gets its traits looked at for the first time. So whatever you guys did it helped with that too, thankfully. Didn't completely eliminate it, but it was maybe 20-30 seconds, probably less, instead of 4 minutes.
Yay! Thanks to Trendy and Bobsled for keeping us up to date, and to the dev team for leaping on this like a starving Gorn on a Pakled freighter (not that Gorn ever starve on a Pakled freighter...)
I've just been able to finish the mission "surface tension", also found three minor graphic bugs in cutscenes. The first is Shon who sits on the ground instead of the chair, the other two arer Tuvok who stands instead of sitting on his chair.
We have CTD on entering many areas and the CTD caused when looking at bridge officer traits
The issue has persisted for several days and through repeated attempts at a live fix over the weekend.
While we appreciate the efforts being made perhaps it is time to roll back to the last stable version and submit the changes for futher QA.
If you are still experiencing issues with either a crash to desktop or a "cannot transfer player container" error, can you try the following and if this doesn't resolve the issue, let me know?
Locate and delete the gameprefs.pref file on the game's installation folder: <install path>\Star Trek Online\Live\localdata\gameprefs.pref
Please note that deleting this file will reset all your game preferences including keybinds, audio, and video settings to default. Please don't alter these settings until you have confirmed the game is functioning normally. Afterwards, do a force verification of your game files. To do this,
1) First, shut down your PC and wait a few minutes. Then restart your PC.
2) Start the game launcher, and click on "Options" that can be found on the upper right side of the launcher window.
3) Under the "Patching" section, put a check mark on the "Force Verify" option on the game and select "Save". Let the game verify that your game client's files match the server-side versions of the files. It will also re-download any files that don't match.
4) This will take some time. Please be patient.
5) After this process is done, try to get into the game again and see if the same issue(s) occur.
This has resolved the two unenterable areas in my case.
The traits panel hangs and will crash if interfered with but will work if left alone for a few seconds.
Thanks for the fix bobsled624, hopefully a patch will be able to push out a community-wide solution soon.
I'm sorry guys, but this is not stable at all.. It just froze up again changing from sector space to esd in a completely different ship than the last time..
sorry, but this is annoying as it gets..
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: GameClient.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 573bf7aa
Hang Signature: 06de
Hang Type: 1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 06de1eddc1def7642ab86bb6308b7b14
Additional Hang Signature 2: 94d0
Additional Hang Signature 3: 94d06915a04d9b9781d79bfe635078cb
Additional Hang Signature 4: b0ef
Additional Hang Signature 5: b0efd043b47e6e875cf5233bf975ecfa
Additional Hang Signature 6: bc25
Additional Hang Signature 7: bc255bd0548d1a210ab6ccac098f2a30
having done some research on the above error, I discovered that these freezes can happen due to something steam is doing.. After taking the steps outlined on this link ( https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/864973032790233112/ ), the issue seems resolved for now..
Locate and delete the gameprefs.pref file on the game's installation folder: <install path>\Star Trek Online\Live\localdata\gameprefs.pref
Please note that deleting this file will reset all your game preferences including keybinds ....
Unless Cryptic changed something recently, this part is wrong: deleting gameprefs.pref does not erase your keybinds. PWE customer support told me the same thing, and they were wrong too. You can open up gameprefs.pref in a text editor and see that there are no keybinds in that file. I wrote a longish explanation of where various settings are actually stored a couple of months ago.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
This seems to have reduced, but not completely eliminated, the hang when the Lib-Borg Romulan Science Officer (the Lobi one) gets its traits looked at for the first time. So whatever you guys did it helped with that too, thankfully. Didn't completely eliminate it, but it was maybe 20-30 seconds, probably less, instead of 4 minutes.
Sorry for the people who still have problems, though.
The issue has persisted for several days and through repeated attempts at a live fix over the weekend.
While we appreciate the efforts being made perhaps it is time to roll back to the last stable version and submit the changes for futher QA.
If you are still experiencing issues with either a crash to desktop or a "cannot transfer player container" error, can you try the following and if this doesn't resolve the issue, let me know?
Locate and delete the gameprefs.pref file on the game's installation folder: <install path>\Star Trek Online\Live\localdata\gameprefs.pref
Please note that deleting this file will reset all your game preferences including keybinds, audio, and video settings to default. Please don't alter these settings until you have confirmed the game is functioning normally. Afterwards, do a force verification of your game files. To do this,
1) First, shut down your PC and wait a few minutes. Then restart your PC.
2) Start the game launcher, and click on "Options" that can be found on the upper right side of the launcher window.
3) Under the "Patching" section, put a check mark on the "Force Verify" option on the game and select "Save". Let the game verify that your game client's files match the server-side versions of the files. It will also re-download any files that don't match.
4) This will take some time. Please be patient.
5) After this process is done, try to get into the game again and see if the same issue(s) occur.
Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
The traits panel hangs and will crash if interfered with but will work if left alone for a few seconds.
Thanks for the fix bobsled624, hopefully a patch will be able to push out a community-wide solution soon.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: GameClient.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 573bf7aa
Hang Signature: 06de
Hang Type: 1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 06de1eddc1def7642ab86bb6308b7b14
Additional Hang Signature 2: 94d0
Additional Hang Signature 3: 94d06915a04d9b9781d79bfe635078cb
Additional Hang Signature 4: b0ef
Additional Hang Signature 5: b0efd043b47e6e875cf5233bf975ecfa
Additional Hang Signature 6: bc25
Additional Hang Signature 7: bc255bd0548d1a210ab6ccac098f2a30
Unless Cryptic changed something recently, this part is wrong: deleting gameprefs.pref does not erase your keybinds. PWE customer support told me the same thing, and they were wrong too. You can open up gameprefs.pref in a text editor and see that there are no keybinds in that file. I wrote a longish explanation of where various settings are actually stored a couple of months ago.