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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    Terra (MU)

    Valdez was on his way to another Allied strategy meeting when Kestrella Lot asked to walk with him the rest of the way. "Miss Lot, just on my way to see her majesty" said Valdez. "Admiral, mother has asked me to escort you to her office. We may be allies but old wounds are hard to overcome" replied Kestrella. "We must learn to trust each other, that simple. Now more than ever" answered Valdez. "Mother is of the same assessment, given what happened to Betazed" replied Kestrella remaining calm. "As long as there are living breathing Betazoids out there, your people have hope. Hope is a powerful thing" answered Valdez. "Mother watched your battle at Draylon, she thought you were insane making 1200 ships look like 400" replied Kestrella.

    "All warfare is based on deception" answered Valdez. "Well played for Torres III and Draylon" replied Kestrella smiling. "Well I would not want to be in Leeta's position now. Founders can be ruthless on failures" answered Valdez with a smile. "I bet" replied Kestrella. "You're unusually calm for someone who has lost their homeworld" said Valdez. "It's called having five sisters and a sister in law, mother adopted Trianna after the Liberation War into the family" answered Kestrella. "Your mother is quite ruthless when she wants to be, that's from experience" replied Valdez. "May I ask how your Trianna is?" asked Kestrella. "She's not been the same since that happened, Trianna and her mother were close but that said, she's a full time mother herself and happily married" answered Valdez. "Good to hear, my adopted sister is still trying to deal with losing her entire family. You may want to speak with her when you get chance, it'll do her the world of good" replied Kestrella.

    "Or make things worse, her father committed genocide to the point she can no longer use her birth name" answered Valdez. "Regrettable and unpleasant, Trianna feels guilty for her father's crimes. You speaking to her should give her focus, think on that" replied Kestrella. "Thank you for your concern Miss Lot, I'll take it under advisement" answered Valdez. "Mother's office is here, remember be polite and to the point" replied Kestrella. "Her majesty will get a complete and accurate report as will my superiors" answered Valdez. "Thank you for the kind words about hope for my people" said Kestrella afterwards. "Not a problem Miss Lot" replied Valdez.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
      Terra (MU)

      The Brigands were all sat in the Brigand's observation lounge planning something subtle. "How hard is it to break into an office during a opera?" asked Trianna setting the Brigands a challenge. "Undetected, why?" asked Dexter. "A job" answered Trianna passing the PADDs along the table. "It says black tie" replied Dexter confused. "Because Mr Smith, you are all going to an opera" answered Shade as she entered the room then she briefed them.

      "Normally I couldn't tell you any of this... But if I don 't know which of them I can trust, then I can't trust any of them and that includes family... Or I'd need to trust everyone which would also blow the operation. Petrofski could also be the Victim of circumstance therefore I'd rather avoid sending in troops who'd cause a panic and likely provide time for anything incriminating to be hidden. You were were all smugglers before this implying you're able to think on your feet, and that's why I'm here. I'm also willing to bet his personal computer is going to be encrypted." Shade looked at Trianna, "and I think you have a way in." "Me and Leclerc here might have a few ideas" answered Trianna back.

      "Mrs Smith, I may need to borrow Mr Smith" said Roy. "I've been drafted, we'll need the floor plan of the target building" said Dexter, it provoked smiles. "Well you won't, the rest will. You're playing my date" answered Shade. "Sounds like a heist" said Mereu smiling. "Not done one since the Ferengi job" answered Dexter. "Time to start planning" replied Shade with a smile as they started work studying the floor plan.
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
        "Oh I have a floor plan but I can also provide a, holo-program, Vlad Petrofski owns the largest opera house in Venice and has links in European mafia. This gives us an opportunity to not only confirm his actions but if he has any involvement in the current conflict he needs to be brought in and questioned. While we're busy my ship and crew are going to be located and checked for being shapeshifters..." Shade said.

        "So why's the Empire sending a Shadow along with us for this mission?" Mrs Smith asked.

        "A fair question," Emma began. "Petrofski has a son in Starfleet and he was stationed on Betazed... Intelligence suggests father and son didn't see eye to eye about his criminal activities but I do know that Vladimir values his family above anything else- including his money. I know that well because he traded me to a Cardasian with rather... Sick tastes, as a child. Even as a Shadow taking down an admiral is easy, taking the head Terra most powerful crime family is unfortunately quite another where consequences are concerned..." She sighed. "Two days ago a signal with a Kobali signature originated somewhere in Venice then bounced around using my ship as one of it's relays before going to Dominion controlled space."

        Emma looked at Trianna out of the corners of her eyes. "Given the situation I need to know if he was related to the thefts from the Palace vaults... And sending my crew into a trap. Thank you again by the way. If he does know anything related to the theft it confirms his coloabortion with the Founders, and provides a link to what was stolen."

        "Surpiringly little has been mentioned about what was taken on INN."

        "The 'Eye of Terra', a sapphire the size of man, and part of the dreadnought weapon that requres telepaths as a medium for destructive energy... That is classifed in case it needs to be said."

        "With Betazed in enemy hands..."

        "You begin to see the picutre in it's entirety."
        Why do I still play and put money into STO?
        The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
        Venice (MU)

        The Brigands were ready and as they all departed the shuttle in their finest tuxedos and dresses. All of them entered the Opera house as Dexter and Emma went to their seats. Trianna and Hetal managed to gain VIP access by sweet talking the guards followed by an affectionate display then luring them away. Once out of sight and having knocked out the two guards before hiding them, Trianna sent the covert signal to Leclerc to activate the camera loop and send false reports to Petrofski's security. Mereu now swung into action and used her pheromones to sway security into give her access to the security room.

        Petrofski was sat in his private box enjoying the show as Leclerc in orbit began installing erasing software into the security grid. Wilkinson, Sidis and T'Pamne now sprung into action. In the security room, Mereu knocked out the guard on duty quietly and injected a long lasting sedative. Dexter and Emma kept to their cover as Sidis, T'Pamne and Wilkinson now played the fake seduction honey trap routine before sedating the guards and making their way up to the third floor. Jasmine maintained a transporter lock on just in case things went wrong.

        After silently sedating the guards on the way, Trianna and Hetal were at the office as they put a remote door device on the door and after Leclerc shut down security they were in. Now they put the crazy part into action. Realizing the need to be quick, they put four micro transporter onto the computer terminal before covertly reporting back "package ready to move." Dexter monitoring the timings now put part two of the plan into action, rather than try and access the computer in the office, the Brigands had elected to steal it by beaming it straight up to the ship as security went into shut down. All the while Petrofski was unaware his office had been broken into and his computer stolen. To keep security off their backs, the Brigands had set the security's combadges to report back "everything normal, no need to disturb the boss."

        The Brigands apart from Emma and Dexter covertly transported up with their prize as Act 3 finished. Emma and Dexter maintained their cover and left after the final act. They met up with the rest on the ship. "Ice, Cypher, power it up and let's see what's on that computer. It did not take Trianna and Leclerc long to get in and what they found was enough for Petrofski hang. They had found a direct link to the Dominion as well as other shadier and distasteful business dealings, what really interested them was what was found on Betazed, Marie was breeding an army of dead telepaths and she was converting hundreds of Imperial prisoners of war, Petrofski was also selling abducted telepaths of all ages and telepathic species to Marie by sending refugee ships to Betazed on a false promise of a new home.

        The Brigands were just appalled, some even physically sick at this trade in misery. Next time they visited Petrofski, they would be no quiet answer. Next time they would be working with Imperial police in a police raid on Petrofski's residence. It was now time to get more evidence.
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
          No one could sleep after their discovery, all their thoughts now turned to bringing this crime family down. Trianna and Hetal both laid in bed in Trianna's room just questioning how someone could stoop that low as the sound of phase sweeps went through the entire ship. "That scumbag needs to die" said Trianna in-sensed. Hetal was in agreement and sensed the anger in Trianna as both planned some form of payback. It was the same feeling with all the Brigands as they just plotted their revenge.

          In a private meeting in the Smith's quarters, they reviewed the evidence thoroughly. "We've got him on people smuggling and treason, selling Imperial citizens to a never ending servitude makes me want to kill him" said Trianna. "Problem is, we take this creep down and another will take his place. We have to take down the entire crime family in one go. Ice, Cypher, you two are on looking for any businesses and facilities owned by the Petrofski family. We want to catch them all in one go, we'll cut off all the heads of this hydra in one fell swoop" said Dexter. "We'll need serious back up to do this but we cannot trust the police with this, he may have some in his back pocket" added Mereu.

          "I hate corruption" said Trianna. "As do we all, it makes our skin crawl" answered Dexter angry at the treason they had found. "We have two choices here, make the empress aware of this or find more solid evidence first" replied Mereu. "Her Majesty will require hard proof at least" answered Sidis. "Until we present this to the empress, we'll keep this to ourselves because we cannot trust anyone outside this group" said Dexter. "Agreed, we need to know how far this goes" answered Emma. "We must be logical, leave no stone unturned as you Terrans say" replied T'Pamne. "First we need to discover how he makes these deals" answered Leclerc in her strong French accent. "Totally agreed" added Wilkinson.

          "Makes me sick to the stomach" said Jasmine clearly disturbed at the evidence. "Though the prophets would object, count me in on a spot of revenge in taking down these criminals" added Lenaris. "I agree my friend" replied Pitaskli. "What's been said in this room stays in this room. Everyone understood?" asked Emma. "Very crystal" chorused the Brigands.

            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
          • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
            Terra, Venice Outskirts, Petrofski Estates

            Emma turned the listening device in her ear to a new frequency as the static filled voices became clearer. "- family will be in attendance with the Yakuza, Boss.' "Good ensure the whole family knows to be on their best behavior.... Has there been any word from Mario on Betezed?... Imperial Starfleet launched a stealthed rescue for his squadron but nothing's been released."

            "I've got you...!" The assassin whispered to herself. "Shade to Smith the Petrofski family will all be here in two days from now, that's our go time... Figured I'd ask the Brigands if they want to get in on this..."

            "We're in... This criminal needs to be brought down. One question though: Won't removing the head of the organized crime in Europe possibly cause a gang war?"

            "The Empire is at war- it's a risk we need to take. I doubt Petrofski realizes he'd be out of meaningful wealth if the Empire falls." She replied. "I suggest you train your crews to drop out of aircraft, I can see transporter inhibitors and a local shield grid... I'll have to borrow Trianna when we start. I'll lend you some gear from my crews armories."

            "Are we parachuting in?" Smith balked.

            "Of course not- not entirely... Don't worry, but make sure they can at least stay within the target area..." She put down her bionoculars. "I'll see if there's anything new on Lieutenant Petrofski."

            On Space dock Emma, later placed the Lieutenant in a holding cell as she grilled him on his family home.... Surprising everyone he was talking freely asking only that the officers consider the members of the family that ran legitimate businesses and inquire about the extent of their guilt before doing anything harsh. The Lieutenant claimed he wasn't alone in wishing to leave the ways of his elders behind him. Roy made no promises, as she left him unharmed in his cell.

            INN later reported that the Lieutenant and his squad were assumed to have been taken by the Kobali.
            Two Days later, 10:14 PM
            Ten shuttles had set out from the Enter'Is (still being repaired), stocked full of the best assassins the Empire had to offer, and the Brigand teams. Each member wearing a set of Imperial-Shadow Combat armor, tactical heads up display, and equipped with a stealth generator... The criminals were about to get the biggest surprise of their lives. The armors helmet was reminsiant of the Roman Legionnaire helm, two flaps closing on either side over the dark-maroon tinted visor and breath apparatus. A light scale 'mail' covered the throat, before being met by the chest plate covering the enitire torso with multiple interlocking plates to restrict movement as little as possible. Several satchels held various grenades, blades, sleeper darts, and other weapons on the legs boots, and hips.

            "If possible," Shade said over comms, "I'd like to be the one to vaporize Petrofski after his interrogation. That man made me who I am today and I intend for him to realize his mistake... I've waited for this for far to long."

            'All personnel be advised jump point is in 60 seconds!"

            All across the cloaked shuttles, the assault teams jumped out as they dropped arms outstretched to slow themselves, their blackened armor invisible against the night sky silently fell, farther and father, gaining speed... Only the sound of the breathing masks accompanied their decent. 10,000 meters... Everyone grabbed their weapons holding them in front of their face, stretched out before them.

            5,000 meters, truly no going back now... This was it.

            2,000 meters to ground level- this was it do or die time!

            500 meters and most began to wonder about how they were talked into jumping in armor without a parachute!

            With 50 meters left until impact the suits on board short range transporter stopped their fall and placed them on ground, with their assigned teams.... Even knowing it was going to happen the drop had still been harrowing. Shade looked to the side and nodded at Ghost, who was still upset about having been forbidden from using her old gun powder weapons until they were inside- silencers only worked in movies and holodeck programs. Everyone had agreed: being decked before they got inside would be a very bad idea if they wish to prevent any of the targets from escaping. First however they had to deal with the guards.

            The two women worked their way across the area to small building. Using a pair throwing dagger Shade took out two of the three guards while Trianna moved towards the shield control console. Shade moved in on last man shock and fear covering his face. "Shuttles can now give air support." Shade said. "Shade to shuttles: Let none of them run, if them get out you are to fire without warning."

            Trianna brought the shield matrix power generator offline, as Emma began placing a motion triggered explosive under the entrance. Slowly the entire force made their way to the staircase at the base of the manor house, activating their stealth fields. They walked soundlessly right past the perimeter guards, before snapping their necks.

            Taking out their heavy weapons, they entered the building, dodging around waiters, infiltrating the kitchen where Shade placed nightshade extract into the outgoing punch bowl proved easy for the trained killers. The Brigands each went to the upper level of the ball room ready to rain weapons fire down on the criminals from there.

            "I have Vladimir in my scope- tranquilizer dart ready." Trainna said.

            "Be ready to hit any who flee." Shade said as she took out the lights, dropping the chandelier into the midst of the scream guests. "Ladies and gentlemen; in the name of the Empire you are all under arrest! Resist and you will die!"
            "Who do you think you are?" one of the Petrofskis ordered.

            Emma and half of the shadows surrounding the room deactivated their stealth fields, many of them placing their weapons on the heads of family members. "We are the Shadows of the Empress- thus we are judge, jury and executioner."

            A young woman around Trianna's age spoke up from the corner of the room. "You will not stop us Terran, your Empire will collapse in on it's own rotting core." She truck out with a golden tentacle knocking Shade from her feet. The targets began fleeing.

            "Kill the Changeling! Brigands get the runners, Beta team prepare to head them off, we'll deal with the Founder! "

            Emma was quite angry with this particular Founder, thankfully she'd already prepared her brig for Petrofski and no intention of letting this shapeshifter take up her valuable time for long. An automated track from the opera house began to play as she fired her phaser on heavy repeating shots. "Get off my planet you filth!"She fired her disintegration weapon from her finger which seemed to do more than her heavy weapon, the Founder leap at her in a golden liquid leap.

            It took several minutes as the music reacheda crecendo in the vocals....

            -Before the changeling finally feel in a heap of black ash.

            Emma placed her hands on her knees tired from dodging around the room, "Status report please!"
            Why do I still play and put money into STO?
            The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
            "Moving north-east, got eyes on now" answered Hetal piloting one of the shuttles, "Brigand One, we're herding them you way. Pilots, rest of you cover this area and herd the runners." "Brigand One copies, perimeter trapped and ready" answered Dexter, "Betazoids, hunting time." Pitaskli and Sidis now activated their personal cloaks and hunted as a pair. The rest formed a half squad as the trap prepared. The runners were being herded in by the shuttle above always watching their moves.

            "Wait for them to spring the traps" ordered Dexter. "Here they come" said Lenaris as the Brigands worked their way around the runners. "Now" ordered Dexter as the agony field box went up. "Brigand One to Shade, runners secured and they're all alive, sending coordinates now" reported Dexter. "Who are you people?" asked the Triad leader, Dexter just smiled under the mask and answered "the wrong people to get on the wrong side of, in the name of the empire, you are all under arrest." "They're going nowhere, any ideas and zap" said Sidis. "Try not to hurt them too much" replied Dexter.

            As quick as it had started, the residence was silent as the prisoners and raiding squads left. "Good job and tell that pilot of yours, she's insane" said Shade with a smile. "I heard that" replied Hetal laughing. "Shade, nicely done" said Dexter giving a polite nod. "A Ghost special on the traps I see" said Shade. "Ghost?" asked Dexter confused. "An old nick name" answered Trianna with a smile. "I'm so confused" replied Dexter. "Well to us, she's Ice" answered Mereu with a smile. "You lot corrupted little innocent me, all 5 foot 6 of me" joked Trianna. "You weren't a lady to begin with" bounced Dexter back with a joke. "Good point" answered Trianna as the crew laughed.

            "Let's have some fun on old Vlad here" said Hetal from the pilot's seat. "There's the agony field remote, go knock yourselves out but make sure he's softened up nicely for questioning" ordered Dexter. The Brigands now took turns having their fun with Petrofski all the way to the Enter'Is as even Shade took part. "Shade, any friend of Ice is a friend to us" said Dexter. "Shade, have this unit patch. We're making you an honorary Brigand" said Trianna handing the patch over.
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
              I.S.S. Enter'Is

              "That was different, Ice your friends are as crazy as us" joked Dexter as they hauled Petrofski to the cells by his feet before Pitaskli threw him in unceremoniously. "Shade, we got him and he's terrified. He's all yours" said Trianna with a wicked smile on her face. "Ghost, you have an odd taste in friends" replied Shade with a smirk on her face. "Takes a criminal to catch a criminal" said Dexter. "My friends here were honest criminals before they all volunteered for the military. All those bars they stole from the Ferengi, they gave them up and used them to fund aid relief for victims of war on Terra. The term lovable rogues comes to mind" pointed out Trianna.

              "Us lovable?" asked Dexter sarcastically. "We're misfits and proud" answered Trianna with a smile. "That we are" added Hetal smiling at Trianna. "You two together?" asked Shade. "Officially a couple, I lost my Imzadi at the Battle of Terra. He was killed protecting the empress" answered Trianna. "He was a good friend to us, seems strange not seeing the daily male competition between him and Pitaskli" added Dexter. "I was the Major's woman, after Ice decided to move on, it became a relationship on mutual agreement" added Hetal. "They've been inseparable since" said Dexter. "Us orphans have to stick together" added Trianna. "I lost my family when Betazed was harvested by Ice's insane sister" said Hetal. "Who I want to terminate permanently myself" added Trianna.

              "This 'Queen of the dead' needs to be stopped and the only way to delay her is to euthanize Betazed to put her out of her misery. Those people on Betazed did not deserve what happened to them, living a permanent death as slaves. Let's give them peace and end their suffering, I'm speaking as a Betazoid" said Sidis. "As long as we make it quick and humane, only the empress herself can authorize this. They were her people as well" added Trianna. "I vote end their pain" said Pitaskli. "I hate to say it but I agree" replied Dexter. "They don't deserve their current fate" said Leclerc as the other none Betazoids all agreed. "I have to give my family the peace they wanted and say my goodbyes" added Hetal.

              "Nobody hurts us and get's away with it, our prime target is this Marie" said Dexter. "She so needs to die again" added Hetal. "We owe her that. Ice, Cypher, let's start mapping the rebirth facilities. It's time we took a few of them down, until then it's dealing with the creep in the cells" said Dexter. "I say let him go hungry for a few days and then question him. We can use psychology to break him, he thinks his son is dead. That gives us leverage" suggested Trianna.

                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
              • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                edited July 2017
                I.S.S. Enter'Is

                Emma now in her uniform, entered the cell. "I appologize for the state of my brig but battle damage isn't easily repaired.... Let's start with the basics old man... The more you talk the less I'll have to torture your family. You've conspired with enemies of the Terran Empire and committed treason ontop of your other crimes- I could kill you now if I wished- and believe me I do."

                "I understand."

                "Good. Now how did your men get into the Palace vaults...?"

                Rishis had ordered the Vendetta and its support fleet into cloaked positions as she followed the Samsar, the next time Marie moved to harvest a planet she'd find herself under attack by O'Briens temporal forces in space. Her ground forces on the other hand would be fighting something far worse... If she had to devour the planet herself so be it.

                "I'm not someone you want to usurp or cross Marie..." Victoria brooded as she stoked her rage... This one was threatening the Empire in addition to jumping in bed with Leeta! Oh Ms VAldez er Bray was going to pay for this treachery!
                Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                Imperial Palace, Terra (MU)

                "I have no idea how her majesty will take this proposal" said Dexter to his Betazoid officers. "I'll present it" offered Sidis. "It would have more weight to it coming from a full Betazoid, Ice no offense intended" said Dexter. "None taken" answered Trianna. Dexter and all his Betazoid officers saluted Papela and gave a military salute to the other allied commanders in the room. "Sirs, you're clean" said Papela's guard after running the phase sweep on them. They took their seats at the table but Kestrella read the proposal before handing to Papela.

                "My strategic planning officer has a proposal to end the suffering of Betazed humanely and quickly" said Dexter with a heavy heart. "Majesty, my name is Lwasana Sidis. Our people are being used as slaves after being converted, they did not deserve their fate. Their suffering must end" said Sidis. "You mean euthanize Betazed?" asked Kestrella. "If any of your family was suffering in eternal slavery, would you do the same?" asked Dexter. "Point taken" answered Kestrella. "What about any survivors?" asked Admiral Valdez. "Unlikely, my sister is very thorough" answered Trianna. "For all intends and purposes, Betazed has become a tomb world of billions. This Marie Bray saw to that hence why we're going after her" added Dexter.

                "She thinks she's a god in living death form" said Trianna. "Oh great an insane brat with a god complex, last thing we need" added Dexter. "Let me explain, there was a temporal incident that created a Terran version of me. My parents raised her as if she was their own, she was murdered and father in his grief had her cloned. That clone turned on her family and had the last emperor killed as well as mother" said Trianna. "When her enemies were at the gates, she tried to to burn the empire by using our own orbital defenses. Millions lost their lives when the Bajor defense grid burned the planet, millions more on Terra when London and New York were destroyed by Terra's own defense grid. We were also at Betazed when she laid siege to the planet, she hates Betazoids and Bajorans and would love to see them wiped out" added Dexter.

                "We debated it for hours, all the Betazoids in my group have agreed. A mercy kill on Betazed is the most humane option" said Dexter. "Agreed" chorused the Betazoid officers. Papela just listened as did the other Allied commanders.
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                  Imperial Palace, Terra (MU)

                  "Let's assume there are survivors hypothetically" said Valdez. "Marie will keep enough alive to be worked as slave labor, intel picked up labor camps on Betazed" answered Trianna. "Time to plan a rescue operation, what we need is insanity at it's finest" replied Dexter. "We do have one advantage, we designed the security grid for Betazed" said Trianna. "I put in a fail-safe into the system" answered Dexter. "My back door in" replied Trianna smiling. "Can we gain remote control of the orbital platforms?" asked Dexter. "Use them to fire on the planetary shield generator and the transport dampeners, doable but we need a lot of cyber warfare specialists" answered Trianna.

                  "Once shields go down, we just target every camp with all transporters on every camp and beam up mass groups of Betazoids at a time, how many passengers can our 70 ships carry?" added Dexter. "25,000 at most" answered Trianna working out the maths mentally. "We cannot leave any behind, to make sure the Founders are not there, everyone will be phase swept on the way in" replied Dexter. "Once we cannot fit anymore on, we jump away" answered Trianna. "We'll need some cover and a way to disperse that cloud quickly" added Dexter. "We may not to, theirs gaps in the clouds. We disperse the radiation to harmless levels with deflector pulses and create a bigger gap in" answered Trianna.

                  "Admiral, how many passengers can your ships carry?" asked Dexter. "100,000 people at most" answered Valdez. "We may need your warbirds, the enemy will react quickly and make any rescues virtually suicidal" replied Trianna. "They're insane" said Kestrella totally confused. "Little one, planning is everything if you want success" answered Papela. "INN just reported the arrest of the biggest crime family in Europe in a police raid" replied Kestrella. "That's why I recruited them little one" answered Papela telepathically. "Criminals will be running scared after the Petrofski arrests" replied Kestrella telepathically. "It takes a criminal to catch criminals" answered Papela telepathically.

                  After their planning meeting, Trianna and Dexter briefed the Allied commanders on their rescue plan. Valdez committed his ships to the operation. The Romulan Aristocracy also committed ships to the operation, Papela code named it Operation Exodus. "Save as many as you can, that's all I ask" ordered Papela. "Our ships are ready to go" answered Dexter, he beamed straight up to Brigand with his team, Valdez and Admiral D'Tan beamed to their respective flagships. Over 800 ships hit their quantum slipstreams and set course for Betazed.

                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                  • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                    Imperial Palace, Terra
                    Shade decloaked next to the throne. "Have you finished with your interrogation Shadow?" Papal asked.
                    "I have your excellency; the Changeling in the palace staff has been dealt with." the assassin replied.

                    "Drop the formalities Miss Roy I need to think, continue your report however."

                    "As you wish: the traitor Vladimir Petrofski, claims he was approached by a Dominion representative. In exchange for his services, he would be made planetary governor of Terra and if he proved loyal at the wars end given control of the sector, of course he'd be nothing but a puppet of the Founders in my opinion."
                    "A despicable excuse for a man."
                    "I request permission to publicly exceute him, a message to other collaborators and showing all those he's hurt they need fear him no longer."

                    "Granted. You may make the arrangements if you wish."

                    "Thank you." Emma said as she bowed and turned to leave. "My Empress.... What happens if the Exodus fails? The enemy will retaliate regardless but...."

                    "All options are being considered. Our losses are mounting along line. We may need to accept the Romulans offer."

                    "There will be dissent in our own ranks for going to the Federation for aid."

                    "Dispose of it."

                    Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                    The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                    edited July 2017
                    Betazed System (MU)

                    "All ships, we've got a hard task ahead of us. Certain choices will have to be made, who do we take? Women and children will take priority, we've got the preservation of a species to think about here" ordered Valdez acting as overall commander for the defense fleet. "Fleet copies, exiting slipstream in 3,2,1 and we're out. "Fire in the probes, the enemy will see a full Imperial fleet and move to intercept" ordered Valdez. "Exodus fleet leader here, we're cleaning a path through the cloud, I suggest the carriers following us in do the same" answered Smith. "We'll keep the fleet busy here. Defense group, put us between the enemy and evacuation ships, Kronos groups keep their fighters away. Crusaders, stay hidden for now" ordered Valdez.

                    Across the Exodus fleet, the computer warfare units broke into the planetary security with the fail-safes Smith provided shut down communications planet wide and took control of the orbital platforms. The platforms destroyed the security installations as the shields and dampeners dropped. "Targets locked" said Jasmine and the Exodus was started, Betazoids now just disappeared from their labor camps as the transporters on the exodus ships worked overtime. "How many so far?" asked Dexter. "Fleet wide, 250,000 mostly young men, women and children" answered Trianna. "How many more, we cannot be here all day?" asked Dexter. "150,000 more and then that's it, that's all the the survivors rescued out of a population of 4 billion" answered Trianna. "Keep at it" ordered Smith. "We're transporting up to to 15,000 at a time so we've got one hour before we have to go" answered Trianna.

                    "Admiral, how's our rear line?" asked Smith to Valdez. "200 attack ships have just entered the system, so be quick" answered Valdez. "Brigand Leader copies" answered Smith. The defense fleet now formed a wall of fire covering the exodus fleet. "Here they come, Kronos Wings screen our bigger ships. Crusaders, saturate the approaches with defensive fire. D'Tan, I need you to wheel round to the left. Buy those ships time. I'm authorizing the use of thalaron weapons, we cannot leave a single body here" ordered Valdez. "Fleet copies, thalaron mines launched and deployed" answered D'Tan. "Flagship copies, wait until they get into optimum firing range" ordered Valdez watching the tactical computer.

                    At 600 km, the wall opened up a barrage of fire into the attack ships destroying 15 outright. The Jem Hadar ships were closing to torpedo range as volley number two tore into them wrecking another 10. At the imperial palace on Terra, all eyes were on Exodus. "They've just reached 300,000 evacuees so far" reported Kestrella studying the battle. "Terran audacity when faced with survival can never be underestimated" noted Papela herself. At Betazed, the defense fleet held the line as fresh enemy reinforcements came in. On Brigand, Smith asked "how many?" "We've got them all, now we get home" answered Trianna. "Brigand Leader to Defense fleet, we've got them all, I repeat, we got them all" reported Smith.

                    "Detonate the thalaron mines and destroy the wrecks" ordered Valdez. Thalaron pulses now ripped through the enemy ships and the wrecked the wrecked destroyed. "Turn the defense platforms on the rebirthing facilities. Call it a farewell gift for Ms Bray" ordered Valdez. After blasting through the radiation, the exodus fleet jumped for Terra as the Romulans fleets cloaked and left the area. "Send a secure message to her majesty, her children are safe" ordered Dexter, The message was sent. As soon as the exodus fleet arrived at Terra, they were met by Papela in person and her guards. "400,000 survivors rescued out of a population of 4 billion. As there was no way of saving the planet, we had to carry out General Order 24" answered Smith dishearteningly. "Not an easy choice to make" replied Papela. "We made it quick and painless, we used a fast acting thalaron weapon on a return trip an hour later. Something I never want to see again" answered Smith. "But 400,000 Betazoids were liberated, my orders to you here were, save as many as you can. You carried out your orders and brought back all the survivors you could. Your scheme sent a clear message to the enemy" replied Papela. "We may be bloodied but we are not out by any margin" answered Smith.

                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                    • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                      Vanguard Station, Levtro System (Prime Universe)
                      Soreth, looked at the reports from Empire, and leaned back in her chair, turning to stare at the stars in disbelief. She refused to believe any being was capable of converting the dead of their own kind to use as a weapon against others. She supposed she was currently doing the same in a way with her own father- but this... This was to deny the life of the previous individual had any meaning at all this was simply unacceptable. She could only hope the negotiations with the Link and Consortium went-

                      A chime at her office door interrupted her thoughts. "Come in."

                      Centurion Rena Kev walked in slowly bearing a PADD. "Ma'am, installation of the 32 new heavy plasma lance weapons of the station has been completed.. Additionally diplomatic teams report that the negotiations have gone better than we'd hoped: 77 Jemharad vessels of various types- including dreadnoughts have been acquired, they should be arriving in to the Vanguard within three days. As per your order engering teams will begin adding cloaking devices as they arrive."

                      "Excellent, notify our forces they'll receive the Dominion ships as soon as the upgrades and repaired have been finished... I don't want any of our allied Jem'hadar going into battle on Ferengi retrofit craft."
                      Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                      The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                    • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                      (Mirror universe Yellow)

                      Papela stood in the transporter room waiting. Several medical team had already beamed over to the two damaged parts of the Enterprise and were now being redirected to sick bay with the most critical cases. She knew, several decks below, the shuttle bay was also humming with activity as those less critical or who couldn't be transported we're being brought on board. She also knew that this was being repeated on half a dozen other ships that surrounded the battered ship.
                      Still, she could wait. She'd waited this long, a few more minutes weren't going to kill her.
                      She smiled at the nervousness of the transporter control operator.
                      "Their transporters are offline, ma'am," he said trying to calm himself. "We're coordinating with the other ships as not to cause an accident."
                      "Yes, that would be unfortunate."
                      His nervousness tripled in intensity.
                      "Young man, please calm down before you do cause an accident."
                      "Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am. I... They're signaling," he sighed in relief.
                      "By all means, bring her over."
                      He operated the controls and three people appeared on the platform. The operator couldn't help but notice that one was wearing a wedding dress and the the other two were similarly dressed. The one in the wedding dress saluted.
                      "Admiral Hea... Sito Thay, Commander Sito Callie, and Lt. Cmd Naynta Lot reporting Empress."
                      The other two saluted as well.
                      The operator's eyes went wide in surprise.
                      "Yes, Lt.," Papela smiled. "Admiral Sito has returned. And she looks absolutely lovely in her dress."
                      "It looked better before all the explosions and scorching."
                      "It's still lovely. Now, where is your beautiful bride?"
                      "She'll be along shortly. One of the supports gave way and pinned her dress to the floor. They're working on getting her free."
                      "I'm surprised you're not over there supervising," Callie remarked.
                      "I would be," Thay explained. "But she told me that since I haven't been back here in four years, that I should go see my mother. And she was probably worried about me."
                      "Thoughtful to a fault. I think she's too good for you."
                      "I know she is." Thay agreed.
                      "So you haven't told her?" Naynta asked.
                      "It wasn't an issue."
                      "Well it is now.
                      "Well, we're simply going to have to explain it to her. In the meantime, after that ordeal I'm sure you could all use a rest and a drink or three. Now come along."
                      Papela ushered them out of the transporter room. Thay sighed as they walked.
                      "It just feels different over here."
                      "That's all in your head." Callie countered
                      "Tell me you don't feel a difference."
                      "What I feel is my feet complaining about these shoes."
                      "I've been wearing them as well."
                      "You haven't been standing up at a console for the past few hours trying to keep your balance with the ship rocking back and forth."
                      "Layress and her crew wear them all the time."
                      "I'll never understand that about them."
                      "You don't complain when Cosl wears them." Naynta observed.
                      "Who's side are you on?"
                      "Mine of course."
                      "Oh I have missed this," Papela sighed smiling. "I could just close my eyes and you're all teenagers arguing about nothing important again. Ah...I miss the old simple days."
                      They reached a door with two guards outside. They bowed and ushered them inside.
                      "Help yourselves to the bar," she gestured at it. "I've kept it stocked with your favorites for your return. But first come here all of you."
                      She pulled them all in to hold them.
                      "Knowing that you were going to be alright was one thing. Having to watch you go through all that, is quite another."
                      "But we made it," Naynta said. "And I really could use that drink."
                      She released them and each poured themselves a large glass of their favorite drink while she made herself a cup of tea.
                      They all sat, drank and sighed contentedly.
                      They had almost finished their glasses when the door chimed.
                      "Never can finish uninterrupted. Come."
                      It was however a welcome interruption a figure in a ripped and stained wedding dress limped into the room. Papela rose to greet her, but Thay beat her to it wrapping her arms around the newcomer.
                      "Never leaving my side again."
                      "Yes ma'am. I..."
                      "What's wrong?"
                      "I didn't know she was the Empress over here as well."
                      "There are many things that I need to tell you," Papela walking up to her. "I'm just sorry it all had to happen on your wedding day. Aside from the gunfire, it was a lovely ceremony."
                      "She told about all that?"
                      "No little one, I was there."
                      "I Helped officiate the ceremony."
                      "No that was the other..."
                      "There is no other, just me."
                      "I know that support didn't hit me on the head, but I'm confused."
                      "The Papela from that universe and I are the same. We are the same person."
                      "How is that possible?"
                      "Thay, please get your pregnant bride something to drink. Non-alcoholic of course. This will take a while."
                      They sat down in a circle around Papela as she traded her tea for something stronger.
                      "You know how destroying the Iconians caused the two universes, yes?"
                      "Well there were complications. I was on Bajor. I was visiting the temple with the orb. I had heard how it gives some people visions and was curious if I would have one."
                      She paused to drink.
                      "If I had known what was about to happen...no. No regrets. Any way I did have a vision of the future. Of the very events that are currently happening in the other universe right now."
                      "You knew all this was going to happen?"
                      "Most of it. Not all the fine details but enough to get things done. However, as I was doing that, the temporal shockwave from the Iconians destruction passed through. Like everyone, there were now of me. One in each universe. However, my mind was still in the non-linear space of those aliens. So when I came out of the vision, I was aware of both of me. Both of us share one mind. We know everything the other knows, sees and hears."
                      She paused again.
                      " It is somewhat over whelming at times trying to run two separate lives. That's where the tea comes in. Every cup is a chance to collect our thoughts and organize things."
                      "I can't imagine the strain you must be under."
                      "It has been difficult at times, but my girls have been there to help me."
                      "Sorry I couldn't tell you," Thay apologized.
                      "I completely understand why," Heath said. "How long have you been in charge over here?"
                      "Shortly after I had the vision. I knew I would need time to get things to the point that I would need them to be. Now we are almost ready."
                      "Who else knows about this?"
                      "Just the people in room. Although I think that the other Naynta suspects something, but doesn't have enough information."
                      "So when do we go back?"
                      "Patience, my child. From the damage reports it will take a month or so to repair the Enterprise. By that time we will have our plans ready and we will take care of Leeta and her friends permanently. And then we unify the two universes into one force."
                      "Long may you rule over both."
                      Papela shook her head.
                      "No Callie. This is as far as I go."
                      They all looked at her in confusion.
                      "The years of living two lives has taken its toll on me. I'm tired. After all this is done, I simply wish to retire back to Betazed, where all I have to think about is how to spoil my grandchildren."
                      "But... Whose going to run things after you?" Naynta asked.
                      She smiled.
                      "Don't worry little one. I already have my successor picked out."
                      "Who?" They demanded.
                      "All in good time. Now, we relax and plan."

                      Dominion flagship
                      (Mirror universe red)

                      "Founder, we have discovered how they are appearing behind our lines." Nydon announced smiling.
                      "After analysis of the sensor data from all past encounters we have discovered that they are using a type of mini-wormhole. They call it a slipstream drive, ridiculous name really."
                      "Have you found a way to stop it?"
                      "Even better, we can use it ourselves."
                      "Good. Let us demonstrate how to truly use such an advantage."
                      "The Founder is wise in all things."

                      (Mirror universe red)
                      It came without warning.
                      One mile above both the North and South poles gateways opened. From each emerged a rock. Each was approximately one hundred meters in diameter and hit the ground at impulse speed. Tons of rock, water and ice were vaporized and thrown up into the atmosphere. The weather control systems could not compensate for that much moisture and clouds began to cover the planet. Warm salt rain began to fall around the globe.
                      Across the Empire, the scene was repeated on every inhabited world.
                      The message was clear; we can hit you like can you us.
                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                      Terra (MU)

                      Dexter Smith just sat down shocked as scale of the devastation was revealed, "Why do that?" questioned Dexter to himself. "Your first war?" asked Papela. "The civil war was different, we knew what to expect. This one is different, my troops have always taken the fight to the enemy and each time, we're still where we started" answered Dexter just speaking his mind, maybe it was the physical exhaustion or the mental exhaustion. "Your crews are on stand down, get some rest and something to eat. That's an order" ordered Papela. "Yes Majesty" answered Dexter and he left to be with his crew.

                      His Betazoid crew members meanwhile were frantically looking for loved ones or any news of. Hetal and Trianna tag teamed up to find Hetal's family, they found Hetal's mother but none of her two remaining siblings. Pitaskli and Sidis were't so lucky, their relatives were on the missing list, among the Betazoid crew members it was the same mixture of joy and grief. In ESD medical, Mereu Smith and her team were constantly busy treating Polaron radiation poisoning cases and other medical concerns, for the medical units, it would be a long night. "Dexter, you've just become a nurse. Scan those patients from beds 10 through 30, any that are beyond saving, mark and X on their head. Prioritize who we can save and who we don't waste resources on" ordered Mereu as Dexter entered the hospital. "I hate triage" said Dexter as he picked up the Medical tricorder and marker. "You've got beds 31 through 50 afterwards" added Mereu. "Yes Doctor" answered Dexter and he got to work.

                      Teneebia Sector (MU)

                      Three large fleets approached the Imperial border with neutral space, Marie Bray had now committed her forces in an outflanking move around the strongest Imperial defenses and set her first target as the Teneebia system itself. Two combined fleets of Kobali and Jem Hadar ships were deployed as they swept through the Imperial 11th fleet guarding the system. The Samsar class battleships outclassed the Imperial ships in combat, many Imperial ships were torn apart by the enhanced polaron beams. Once they achieved orbital supremacy, the ground troops were deployed in their millions. Kobali and Jem Hadar landing craft now filled the skies of Teneebia III as the Imperial 9th MACO division prepared for ground assault. Landing at multiple landing zones, the Kobali and Jem Hadar fanned out. After a week, Teneebia had fallen as screams of terror rang out across Imperial com channels. This is the last message from Teneebia,

                      "We're overrun, Enemy in perimeter, we need hel.............." " was the last thing heard from Sgt Grant as he was overwhelmed and killed. "Founder, Teneebia is ours" reported Marie with a smile aboard the Dominion flagship. "Congratulate your troops on a fine victory" replied the Founder. "It's not over yet Founder, central fleets move on the Deneb sector. Southern fleets, attack towars the Aldebaron sector" answered Marie showing the Founder her battle plan. "Leeta was right in a way about attacking them but she handled it the wrong way. Each column has three assault fleets and they've been aimed at key joins in their front, the enemy does not have enough ships to stop all three assaults all down their line" she added afterwards.

                      "Founder, should we bring more reserve forces through the wormhole?" asked Nydon. "Bring another 3000 ships through but keep them here at Bajor" ordered the Founder. "The Founder is wise in all things, our forces will be through momentarily" answered Nydon. "Miss Bray, your ships are impressive" said the Founder. "I have provided your Vorta with the plans of the Samsar class" answered Marie. "I'll see that these ships are built in large numbers, they would be a nice addition to the Dominion fleet" replied Nydon. "Do it, have our shipyards in the Gamma quadrant start building these ships" ordered the Founder. "Yes Founder" answered Nydon.

                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                        zionus asked me to put this in,

                        Synthus Nebula (Mirror Universe)
                        The order had been given- Star Fortress Eternity was to be reintegrated with the timeline, due to the Dominions last assault... Ironically they'd hit the Empire's worlds first rather than military targets- then the Kobali had swung around- a tried and effective strategy to force your enemy to respond where you aren't going to attack. On the other hand the knowledge displayed regarding the Empires weather control systems revealed the Dominion had greater knowledge than believed... The crews and ships around the nebula had been checked for changelings.

                        "Hail the Terran ships and confirm they've evacuated all personnel from the station." Star Commander Nydon ordered.

                        "Confirmed Sir, the fleet reports they're in position."

                        "Begin chroniton particle pulses." The Vorta ordered as the deflectors of every warbird in the force began to light up. Chroniton beams began surging together as they hit the small Romulan station remaining from the previous battle. As the beams continued lighting up the area a monolithic structure began to take shape.

                        "Several ships are reporting power fluctuations."

                        '"Take what they need from non-essential systems."

                        "Yes Sir, sending orders."

                        The computer voiced: "Sixty seconds to timeline integration."

                        The ships kept at it, the crews gathering at the windows to see the Civilian section starting to form.

                        The emergency lights on the Harbinger took over as the ships lost lighting and gravity. "Maintain the beam!" Nydon commanded.

                        "Twenty seconds to temporal integration." the automated voice sounded.

                        "Multiple reports of life support loss on-!"

                        Things were stating to look hopeless when a new voice caught Nydon's ear. "Star-Commander the Terrans! They're moving into position to help us!"
                        A message was received a palace on Terra: "This is the Eternal. We are here."

                        On board the Fortress Chevalier T'Nae opened her eyes.
                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                          Terra Space dock (MU)

                          Admiral Valdez was in the Allied command office looking at the strategic situation. "There are two Imperials here to see you" said Valdez's Reman guard. "It's OK, I'm expecting them. Run a phase sweep on them just to be sure" said Valdez. It was Trianna and Hetal. "Major, Lt. How may I help you two?" asked Valdez. "Advise" answered Trianna as she and Hetal took a seat. "You have questions" said Valdez noticing the look on Trianna's face. "Did we do the right thing given what happened afterwards?" asked Trianna. "There are things out of our control, was saving 400,000 innocents worth it? Those people would still be languishing in forced labor or worse if they had not been rescued. Doing the right thing often involves hard choices and you did the right thing at the end of the day" advised Valdez.

                          "I got my mother back. Ice, I can never fully repay you for that" added Hetal. "You're beating yourself up about it, I know that look all to well" said Valdez. "Your Trianna?" asked Trianna, Valdez just answered "a parent knows these things. A grandparent more so." "Your 'dad' has you there Ice" said Hetal. "Never doubt yourself, once you go down that slippery track, it's more difficult to climb back up, think on that Miss Lot" advised Valdez. "It's good advise" added Hetal. "Thank you both of you, I know what I must be" answered Trianna. "What's that?" asked Hetal. "A Shield maiden for my people, I'll make the pledge to the empress herself" answered Trianna. Both officers left Terra space dock and boarded the Brigand. Back in the war room, Valdez managed to read some personal mail from home and smiled. His Trianna and her Imzadi were expecting a child on the way, "makes this war more personal" he thought afterwards.
                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                            Dominion Flagship (MU)

                            Marie Bray's strategy was working how she planned it. "Now we avoid what is strong and attack where they are weak, Their northern forces are pinned around Tennebia as planned. Founder, my next strike will hit here at the Imperial's southern front in full force, I've pulled the center column back to move round any defenders and destroy them" said Marie watching the progress of the offensive. "What's defending Aldebaron?" asked the Founder. "The Imperial 5th fleet, 110 ships in total" answered Nydon. "They will find six assault fleets bearing down on the them, we break through here and we can be in a position to cut them off from the Klingons" said Marie showing the Founder her strategy. At Aldebaron, the storm broke 48 hours later.

                            General Q'Nel now put Marie's strategy into action, moving four assault fleets into position around the system out of sensor range as he deployed his remaining two to draw the Imperial 5th fleet in. The Imperials took the bait and before they could retreat, Q'Nel sprung the trap. The four flanking assault fleets now went into attack and after only eight minutes, the Imperial 5th fleet was wiped from the Imperial order of battle. Once in control of the system, the ground troops were landed and they overwhelmed the garrison within hours. Marie's strategy had punched a hole in the Imperial lines as every available warship in the region was scrambled and sent to plug the gap. "Aldebaron is yours, Founder" said Marie.

                            "Halt your offensive and tell your fleets to go on the defensive, we have our beach heads into their lines" ordered the Founder. "The Founder is wise" answered Marie as she sent the end offensive operations orders. "Miss Bray, your service to the Dominion has been impressive. Congratulate your troops on another conquest for the Dominion" replied the Founder. "Permission to replenish the ranks from the populations and all casualties?" asked Marie. "Granted, Miss Bray" answered the Founder. "All assault fleets, replenish ranks and prepare for counter-attacks" ordered Marie. Marie's assault fleets now had to hold both the Teneebia and Aldebaron systems as the Imperials southern front commanders bickered over how to deal with the Aldebaron bulge. At Teneebia, the three assaults fleets prepared their defense.

                            At Aldebaron, the Imperial counter-attack was wiped out to the last ship. At Teneebia, a combined Imperial and Aristocracy battle fleet pushed the Dominion out of the system, they were immediately pounced on as three Dominion assault fleets formed a fire box, they destroyed 130 ships with only two escaping the battle. The Dominion were now in a position to split the empire as long as those beach heads were secured. "Check" said Marie afterwards.
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                            • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                              SF Eternity (MU)
                              Within the massive atrium of briefing room on board the Fortress, Admiral Valdez and the Union commanders were looking over the curved sector map as the Dominion launched another assault- the opponent needed to be forced to bring back it's 'queen' before their forces were surrounded. "My apologies for being late." T'Nae said robatically as a Molindran pushed in her wheelchair.
                              "Chevalier you should be resting" said Nathan.
                              "I need to be sure that you are all aware that the people on this station aren't aware of the current situation- to many of them no time has passed since they were in battle with Terra." The Vulcan began, "further more I wished to deliver the current list of station affairs myself." She finished placing a PADD on the table before being wheeled back to the medial bay.

                              Giving it a quick look over the gathered members saw there was still remaining damage from the battle, and a compliment of 1469 drones of fifteen hundred. The civilian population hadn't been told to expect to see Imperial troops walking their section of the station yet either. This was going to be a delicate situation- especially if the families needed to be asked to take in Imperial refugees.

                              "Admrial," Nydon said turning to look up at the chart of the Alpha quadrent. "If we use the stations drone compliemt we could simultaneously hit multiple Dominion ketracel white facilities on this side of the wormhole, under the guise of Kobali vessles. Our thanks to your expert hacking teams admiral. on the return trip those drones will catch the enemy at Aldebaron in a pincher, what appears to be an imperial assault force will suddenly find itself aided by a the returning drones- disused as Jem'Hadar attack ships."

                              "You want to cause mistrust among the enemy- smart."
                              Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                              The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                              SF Eternity (MU)

                              "Get started on planning, meanwhile rush Battle Groups Gladius and Spatha to Teneebia to aid our Imperial and Aristocracy allies in the northern sectors. Battle Group Scythe, reinforce the Imperial's southern sectors. Battle Groups Falchion and Broadsword will join you there, our main effort will be at Aldebaron" ordered Valdez looking over the map table. "Yes Admiral" answered Nydon. "How many atmospheric Processors operational?" asked Valdez. "They've been built on all affected Imperial planets, they're operating at full efficiency, fall out should cleaned up within a matter of days" answered Nydon.

                              "Some good news I can tell the Empress. The Imperials may need our help treating refugees, open our hospitals to them" ordered Valdez. "Yes Admiral" answered Nydon. "I'll speak with the High Protector about the progress of our reinforcements" replied Valdez.

                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                              • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                                Question: why is Nydon the Vorta talking with Valdez?
                              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                RSU Nydon is mirror Nydon's counterpart and effectively Valdez's first officer. Valdez just happens to be RSU military Commander in Chief as a way of appeasing the Empire, nothing moves without his authorization.
                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                                  I went that route because I thought it'd make for some intrigue. I also figured it was time to put a Domion (origin race) union commander character as a higher rank.
                                  Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                                  The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                  edited July 2017
                                  Terra (MU)

                                  Trianna prepared herself spiritually in her room at the palace, the war had tested her resolve and her people were in danger. In the chapel at the palace were assembled the Brigand crew as well as Betazoid priestesses and the Empress. "Major Trianna Lot, please step forwards and disrobe" said the priestess. "Why disrobe?" asked Dexter quietly to Sidis. "Because in the old Betazoid ways, a warrior must swear their oath in the nude. It shows that they are pure of heart and soul" answered Sidis. Trianna complied, disrobed and knelt before the Sacred rings of Betazed making the promise of "I will be the shield that protects my people, I will be the sword that stabs the enemy. By the rings, I make the sacred oath to serve my people in the dark times and the light."

                                  The priestess then ordered Trianna to rise and a servant rerobed Trianna in the robes of a Betazoid warrior. "You are now a warrior of the Betazoid people and this is so you don't forget your vows" said the priestess slapping Trianna across the face. The Brigands respecting Betazoid culture bowed to Trianna before Papela congratulated her. Trianna made the blood oath to Papela after and bowed. "Little one, may you serve our people as well as you serve the empire" said Papela. "I will" answered Trianna. Afterwards, the Brigands were all at their usual table at the military mess. The banter went back and forth before Pitaskli challenged Dexter to an arm wrestling match, Dexter accepted the challenge. "Loser buys next round, agreed?" asked Pitaskli to which Dexter answered "accepted." The table was cleared as the Brigands all cheered in support of their friends.

                                  SF Eternity (MU)

                                  "Progress on Gladius and Spatha?" asked Valdez studying the maps. "They've linked up with Imperial and Aristocracy forces, we've got the enemy contained for now at Teneebia" answered Nydon. "Looks like Scythe, Broadsword and Falchion are in position, good. Get me a list of targets" ordered Valdez. "As you wish Admiral" answered Nydon. "Leave me, I've got a personal call to make" ordered Valdez. "Your target lists will be prepared in one Terran hour" answered Nydon before he left the room.

                                  "Computer, put a secure call through to Earth, primary universe" ordered Valdez. Trianna answered the call with "hey dad." "Trianna, congratulations on the news" said Valdez smiling. "Thanks dad, it was quite the surprise when we found out" answered Trianna. "How long gone?" asked Valdez. Trianna just smiled and answered "six weeks, Ablim's response was funny when he found out." "What happened?" asked Valdez. "He fainted in shock" answered Trianna laughing. Valdez just laughed as Ablim added "Trianna has been told to take it easy by the doctor, she hates the fact she's on a strict diet now." "Doctor has a point, Trianna you are eating for two now" said Valdez.

                                  "Hey, you two are supposed to be on my side here" said Trianna laughing. "We are, we're looking after your well being" answered Valdez. "Teanna Jane said her first word" said Trianna. "She called me dad" added Ablim with a smile. "And started pulling my hair at any opportunity" said Trianna which was followed by an "OW!!" "Oh dear" replied Valdez laughing. "Not funny dad, it's painful" answered Trianna. "Now you know how me and your mother felt when you were that age" replied Valdez smiling. "We'll leave you to get back to your duties, love you dad" said Trianna. "Love you too Little One" answered Valdez and the screen went blank.
                                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                    Imperial Palace, Terra (MU)

                                    Since the Brigand was in for repairs and refitting, the Brigands were put on leave to recover from the war. In the training arena area of the palace gymnasium, Trianna now wearing her warrior's robes called Dexter Smith up. The Brigands all laughed, they knew what was going to happen. "Grab that psyonic staff" said Trianna as she picked hers up. "This will hurt" thought Dexter as he picked the staff up. "I need a sparring partner, defend yourself" said Trianna swinging her staff and hitting Dexter in the right arm. "Ow!!" answered Dexter. The rest of the Brigands laughed as Dexter could not keep up with Trianna's speedy attacks.

                                    "Ice will knock Dexter down in three moves" said Hetal, Sidis and Pitaskli both agreed and took the wager. Hetal was proven right as Trianna got Dexter with a gut strike followed up by a tripping strike that put Dexter off balance, it was finished by Trianna using the staff to knock Dexter down. "That sucks" said Dexter as Trianna helped him up. The reason the Brigands were on shore leave was revealed when they were all called to a INN news room in Paris. Arriving at INN, the Brigands were told the reason why. They would have to face the Imperial press.

                                    "Today, we are here to speak with the heroes who freed the proud survivors of Betazed. Welcome to the War report" said the Trill news anchor. "Captain Dexter Smith and his crews have been taking the fight to our hated enemy. Captain Smith, what drives your crew to do what most would seem impossible to any sane Imperial commander?" asked the news anchor. "It's the drive to do the right thing, the more we hit back at the enemy, the greater the message to those loyal citizens behind the lines. To those citizens behind the lines, keep fighting the occupier and never give up hope" answered Dexter. "Major Trianna Lot, what's your message to those trapped behind enemy lines?" asked the news anchor. "Keep resisting, they will try and bully you into submission but don't give up hope, you have not been forgotten" answered Trianna.

                                    The interview lasted two hours and the Brigands were on form answering the questions, everyone across the empire had tuned in hear the Brigands' call of resistance against the invader on both sides of the lines. Soon, there were calls for the Brigands from ordinary citizens. The Brigands answered the viewer's questions with their usual brand of humor. "To the Betazoids, these crews are heroes. They willingly risked their lives to rescue those trapped, our thoughts go out to those who never lived to see their liberation and freedom" said the news anchor. "The invaders will pay for Betazed and god knows what other worlds they have brutally oppressed, that you can be sure of" said Dexter straight into the camera.

                                    "Live at six, we'll have the execution of the traitor Vladimir Petrofski, this has been the war report" said the news anchor.
                                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                      Lukari System (MU)

                                      Another Dominion offensive had started in the Lukari sector. Defending the system was the 9th and 12th Imperial fleet, they had been encircled at the start of the war and contained. Their combined 220 ships had no idea what was going to hit them as 6000 Dominion ships approached the system. The storm broke 12 hours later as the Dominion assault fleets fanned out to surround the outer ring of the system. The Imperial defenders were now trapped by 4000 enemy ships as the remaining 2000 entered the core of the system.

                                      The Imperials stuck inside the Lukari Prime's defensive perimeter of minefields and defense platforms hoping their defenses would hold off the inevitable result. At first the Dominion offense groups were slowed down by the defenses as they were subjected to volleys of fire from the defenders. To the trapped defenders, it looked like waves of death descending on them as they fought for their lives. The Dominion Commander, Marie Bray had counted on the defenders to fight for their lives as she put the next part of her plan into operation. Now the Dominion hammer groups made their appearance and attacked, Marie watched the battle along with the Founder aboard the Dominion flagship and smiled. She now gave the order to finish the defenders.

                                      The deaths of the 9th and 12th Imperial fleets was to take hours as their ships were picked off one at a time. Any who tried to break out were intercepted and destroyed with all hands. The Dominion now turned their attention to Lukari Prime itself and demanded total surrender as millions of Jem Hadar and Kobali landed on the surface. The Lukari and Imperial defenders, rather than surrender destroyed Lukari Prime with a protomatter device destroying themselves and the Dominion ground troops. In a fit of rage, Marie ordered all ships to crack open the planet's crust and destroy this defiant world. Lukari Prime's death took days and as the Dominion left the system, the engineers started building shipyards and bases in the system.

                                      SF Eternity (MU)

                                      Valdez had watched the battle from the war room along with the Union commanders. "Nydon, your operation is a go. Draw Miss Bray to the Alebaron front, she'll learn that not everything always goes to plan" ordered Valdez reading through the target lists. "Yes Admiral, my drones will be ready in 24 Terran hours" answered Nydon. "Nydon, good hunting" said Valdez. "My drone pilots will hunt" answered Nydon. "I know they will, I co-ordinate from the Harbinger and assume personal command of BG Scythe myself" replied Valdez. "May we score victory in the Founder's name" answered Nydon. "We will, it's time this Marie Bray met an opponent better than her" said Valdez. Both commanders then left for the Harbinger and into Battle at Aldebaron.

                                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                      • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                                        (Mirror universe red)

                                        "To summarize Empress, our forces are holding up the defense line along here, but barely." Her aid explained.
                                        Papela stared at the display. It presented a grim forecast.
                                        "So if they receive reinforcements of say three thousand ships along here in three days, our defense line would fall and the inner Imperial worlds would be vulnerable four days after that." She said sipping her tea.
                                        "Then it's time. Tell all our forces to prepare to attack in three days."
                                        "Ma'am, that's impossible. We don't have the forces."
                                        "Trust me." She handed him a PADD. "Send these orders to the wildcards. Tell them to move in seventy hours. And have those Bajoran orbs packed up and ready to go. They'll need them at Bajor."
                                        "At some point you will have to explain what is going on."
                                        She smiled.
                                        "Everything in it's time."

                                        (Mirror universe Yellow)
                                        (Present time)

                                        "The situation over there has become dire," Papela explained to her gathered officers. "The Empire's defenses are on the verge of collapse. The Dominion is assured of it's victory. Now is the time for us to strike."
                                        The display illustrated the other Bajor system.
                                        "The Dominion reinforcements will coming through in seventy hours. After they are destroyed, our Allies will signal us and we will cross over. We will destroy all of them in our path. Our first wave will split their forces in half and join up with the other Empire's forces. The second and third waves will attack the divided Dominion forces in these sectors while the forth and fifth will attack these sectors. The sixth will serve as the anchor. The first and the other Imperial ships will attack from the inner worlds. We will squeeze them to the breaking point, then open a hole in the rear for them to run right into the sixth."
                                        There were murmurs of agreement.
                                        Remember, we can attack while cloaked. Use that to our maximum advantage. You'll get one, maybe two salvos before they can target you."
                                        "Begging your pardon ma'am," Thay asked. "But what is going to destroy those reinforcements before we arrive."
                                        The Empress smiled.
                                        "We have Allies over there that specialize in that kind of sabotage. Now begin your final preparations. Dismissed."
                                        They stood, saluted and filled out except for Thay. When the two were alone.
                                        "Question little one?"
                                        "Why didn't you assign the Enterprise to one of the waves?"
                                        "Because I have something more important for it to do before it joins in the fight."
                                        "What's that?"
                                        "Your going to ask those wormhole aliens to stop any more traffic coming through for awhile."
                                        "Why me?"
                                        "Why you indeed Emissary?"
                                        Thay sighed.
                                        "Don't worry. After that you'll command the sixth wave."
                                        "That's better."
                                        Papela kissed her on the cheek.
                                        "Now go get your ship and wife ready."
                                        "Yes ma'am."
                                        Thay went back to her quarters on the ship. She heard strange grunting noises and cursing coming from the bedroom. She looked in cautiously.
                                        "Problem Lazy?"
                                        "I can't zip up my skirt. I can't close it."
                                        "There's a reason for that."
                                        Thay smiled and put her hands on Heath's stomach.
                                        "You're starting to show."
                                        "There goes my waist," she sighed. "All those sit-ups for nothin..."
                                        She sneezed loudly several times.
                                        "Next time, your carrying them."
                                        "We both know you have the better temperament. I would be executing anyone who annoyed me."
                                        "If at some point I try to tie your TRIBBLE around your neck in your sleep don't take it personally."
                                        "I'll try not to, but I think I may sleep in the other room for a day or two. But we have our orders. We get to talk to the wormhole aliens."
                                        "You mean I talk while you try not to offend them."
                                        "True. Then we join the fight and try to save every one."
                                        "Good. Now can you get me a skirt that fits?"
                                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                        Terra (MU)

                                        "Ma'am, you needed to see us?" asked Trianna as the Brigands took their seats after saluting. "You've all done what I've asked you to do and more" said Papela. "Majesty?" asked Dexter confused. "You're going back into the belly of the beast, the war depends on it" answered Papela. "Bajor, this'll be interesting" said Dexter. "Could explain the refit" replied Trianna reading the list of upgrades. "Transphasic torpedoes, five layers of Neutronium armor and unimatrix shielding, very nice" she said afterwards. "They stand up well to polaron fire majesty" said Dexter.

                                        "All your battle group have them upgrades Mr Smith" answered Papela. "Battle group?" asked Dexter, Papela's answer was simple and to the point, "Mr Smith, you are in command of the 1st Allied Irregular Battle Group. You are to be at Bajor, in three days, 3000 reinforcements will come through that wormhole. Your task is to destroy or at least delay them until our allies get there, I want ideas." "69 of us against 3000, long odds" said Dexter. "Been outnumbered before, nothing new" answered Sidis. "We got reinforcements, B'Vat sent us 60 ships as reinforcements and our allies have contributed 70 Dominion ships from their forces complete with Jam Hadar loyal to the allied cause. That gives us 199 ships, a quarter of which are classified as dreadnoughts and battleships" answered Trianna. "Always useful" answered Dexter as news came in from behind enemy lines.

                                        Ketracel Whites facilities across the quadrant began going dark at the same time as they were destroyed. The attackers were Kobali ships and as they left their target zones and went to warp as the "Kobali" ships changed into drones, the drones set course to Aldebaron switching to Jem Hadar disguise. Ketracel White production across hundreds of systems in the Alpha Quadrant all went up in flames instantaneously. "What just happened?" asked Dexter. "Our allies have just crippled their entire Ketracel White production in this quadrant." answered Papela. "Nice" said Dexter with a smile. "All of you to your ships, you will be briefed by Federation Admiral Heath on-route" ordered Papela. "Majesty, we'll give the enemy a fight to remember and come back alive" said Dexter as the Brigands saluted. "Not you Jasmine, sorry" said Dexter. "Why not?" asked Jasmine. "So mum and dad have at least one surviving child if this goes wrong plus you're the youngest" answered Dexter. "I'm not arguing" replied Jasmine. "Good luck" said Papela as the Brigands beamed up apart from Jasmine, Jasmine Smith had been reassigned to Terra for her own safety.

                                        One the bridge of the Brigand, Dexter Smith gave the order, "all ships prepare for war and set course for Bajor, maximum transwarp." The 199 ships of the 1st Allied Irregulars punched up their transwarp drives and jumped.
                                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                          Bajor Sector (MU)

                                          As the 1st Allied Irregulars pressed onto Bajor, all the resistance forces and any Imperial ships caught behind the lines joined them increasing their number from 199 to 300. On route, the Irregulars planned their moves carefully. After phase sweeping every ship that joined them and removing any disloyal officers, these forces were incorporated into the Irregular fleet. Mobile Partisan units now also joined up with the Irregulars as the force grew to 500 ships. As intelligence was gathered and analysed, a battle plan began to form.

                                          Knowing they were outnumbered six to one, they devised deception. "Activate cloaks and secondary shields then set course for the wormhole mouth. We're going to give the Dominion a shock" said Smith looking over the map board. "Well there is good news, you can thank my counterpart for this" answered Trianna showing Smith an Iconian virus programme. "What do you propose?" asked Smith. "A cloaked transphasic self replicating minefield programmed only to target Dominion and Kobali ships with this realities quantum signature" answered Trianna. "It's not like we can lay this minefield cloaked, we would have to decloak to release mines" replied Smith, Trianna smiled and answered "One of the enhancements to our full Battle Group were enhanced battle cloaks. We can fire torpedoes and deploy mines from behind a cloak, our armor and secondary shields can handle enemy fire long enough for us to deploy our mines." "Is thalaron on the table?" asked Dexter, Trianna shook her head and answered "no thalaron, we don't want to irradiate the wormhole aliens."

                                          "That limits our options, what about hijacking the Dominion computer control network?" asked Smith, Trianna just smiled and answered "Let's turn the wormhole defense platform against the reinforcements, at the same time our Cyber warfare teams start hijacking computers." "How much damage could that virus do?" asked Smith, Trianna smiled and answered "it caused the USS Yamato's destruction in the other universe. During the Iconian War in the other reality, many AQA ships were lost because of this nasty little virus. My counterpart is a survivor of that virus, at Iconia, her ship was crippled by that virus. She sent it back via a feedback pulse and saved her ship, father and crew." "Nasty little virus, that'll fry the Dominion computer grid. I want you to infect their entire network, deploy viral probes into the minefield with the same parameters as well" replied Smith. "First things first lets deploy this stealth minefield, cyber warfare teams start targeting Dominion computer networks with that virus and take control of the defense platforms around the wormhole and be ready to fire as soon as the enemy come through" ordered Smith. The Irregulars now stealthily moved up to the wormhole entrance and over the next 6 tense hours the minefield grew and grew. Cyber Warfare teams now attacked the computer grid on Bajor and the ships in orbit, infecting the defending fleet with a cocktail of computer viruses.

                                          It caused maximum confusion as Jem Hadar ships in the system suddenly started exploding from core breaches. At the same time the Dominion computer grid went down as communication systems were taken over remotely and false messages of resistance activity broadcast drawing the Bajor garrison fleet away into as their helms were hijacked remotely. "Fly them into the sun" ordered Smith as 400 Jem Hadar ships were flown into the Bajor star and destroyed. The Irregulars now stayed hidden using the Neutrino clouds as cover, that night the crews were thinking about the battle ahead. Trianna and Hetal were talking laid in bed, "No matter what happens, I love you" said Trianna to Hetal. "I know, if we survive this together, let's just get married, Betazoid customs of course" said Hetal. "Then we must win when the enemy comes through" said Trianna smiling. In the Smith's quarters, it was the quiet before battle. "Mereu, we're literally carrying the weight of the empire on our shoulders here" said Smith. "Dexter, we have to succeed for the Empire's survival. No win or lose, it's win or die trying" answered Mereu honestly. In the other crew quarters, the feeling was the same. For the Irregulars, their next battle would decide the fate of the empire.
                                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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