It needn't be either it just needs to be objective and useful. Brutal personal attacks help no one.
I haven't seen any 'Brutal personal attacks' but then again, I haven't been looking for them. I've seen some people demonstrate, with a stern tone, how upset they are over some changes. That is objectionable and useful, right? If a change is being made that will upset a percentage of the player base, even if it is eventually discounted, it still needs to be considered. Right?
Personally, I have 3 leeches on 3 of my characters. I paid more than 70 million for each one of them. I'll be a bit upset if my purchases lose value. Will it cause me to attack someone? No way. Will I make sure the developers know about it? You better believe it.
I thought the nerf to kemocite was a little heavy handed, but I supported it even though I had spent several million ec on it. Unfortunately, I'm noticing a trend now. Cryptic happily release a lockbox with overpowered stuff in it. Let's it's players buy it up then once the box has run its course and is no longer profitable nerf it. It honestly wouldn't be a huge deal, but people paid for these things and it's, at least in my view, bad form to advertise a product as something then change it later on under the guise of "balance". Let's be honest sto isn't balanced and will never be balanced. Cryptics entire business model revolves around releasing more and more power creep to the masses every few months for moar profit. So any talk from them of balance is laughable. It makes me wary of purchasing anything. Why take the chance of wasting money, or time, acquiring in game items if they will just nerf them at a later date? I think this was a bad move on their part.
In this case however that's not entirely true.
The plasmonic leech is not actually a lockbox creation but existed already long before that.
I haven't seen any 'Brutal personal attacks' but then again, I haven't been looking for them. I've seen some people demonstrate, with a stern tone, how upset they are over some changes. That is objectionable and useful, right? If a change is being made that will upset a percentage of the player base, even if it is eventually discounted, it still needs to be considered. Right?
Personally, I have 3 leeches on 3 of my characters. I paid more than 70 million for each one of them. I'll be a bit upset if my purchases lose value. Will it cause me to attack someone? No way. Will I make sure the developers know about it? You better believe it.
It was released to the fedside in a lockbox.