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Isn't this the perfect time to remove the Trinity?



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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    This new skill system is basically the 'make or break' for the future of STO.

    If you talk to 3 different people, the first says that it's basically the same thing we have now, another says we can actually build better builds, and the 3rd person says we're being nerfed into the ground.

    I'm going to wait and hold judgment, but I will say now that I won't take a massive nerf. They're free to do what they want, but if they change things too drastically, then they will see many players moving on, myself included.

    Right now, I'm in a total 'spending freeze' pending the final version of this new skill system. I know that either way it won't be a 'Trinity System' which I'm fine with that. Either way, if any of these negative reports seem to be true then my days in STO are numbered.

    Why, hop on over to Tribble, like I did, and give it a whirl. :) Working from what I had (with the emphasis on keeping my Offensive abilities), I'll have a glass cannon left, with only half my survivability skills (if that), with maybe a few partgens, but no longer any gravens. If you can do better, then kudos to you! But for me, I'm looking at a huge nerf across the board, either way I slice it.
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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    This new skill system is basically the 'make or break' for the future of STO.

    If you talk to 3 different people, the first says that it's basically the same thing we have now, another says we can actually build better builds, and the 3rd person says we're being nerfed into the ground.

    I'm going to wait and hold judgment, but I will say now that I won't take a massive nerf. They're free to do what they want, but if they change things too drastically, then they will see many players moving on, myself included.

    Right now, I'm in a total 'spending freeze' pending the final version of this new skill system. I know that either way it won't be a 'Trinity System' which I'm fine with that. Either way, if any of these negative reports seem to be true then my days in STO are numbered.

    Why, hop on over to Tribble, like I did, and give it a whirl. :) Working from what I had (with the emphasis on keeping my Offensive abilities), I'll have a glass cannon left, with only half my survivability skills (if that), with maybe a few partgens, but no longer any gravens. If you can do better, then kudos to you! But for me, I'm looking at a huge nerf across the board, either way I slice it.

    Because the version on Tribble is not the final version, and since I currently can't copy my main character I won't really know for sure. I think I'm just going to wait until it goes live and see how it looks.

    Honest truth is that I don't feel my helping to test will do any good because I don't think they're going to listen to user feedback anyway. Once they unlock it to copy over my main, I might have a look.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    meimeitoo wrote: »

    Is this what Bort wanted?! The Trinity was dead. But that was a good thing, really, as the Devs have always favored Tactical disproportionally as it was; but at least, as an Engineer, I could have a more-or-less Offensive build too. No longer the case, unless I'm willing to give up half my survivability.

    Pretty much.

    I think the good players coped with the lack of trinity by incorporating the most important aspects of it simply in each build they have. If cryptic takes that away from us over the revamp it will push those few that can and do pug out of the queues again just like Delta Rising did.

    It’s a bad call in my opinion. It would force a lot of players back into the DPS channels to go for the extreme while the rest may finally get their 45 minutes ISA runs they so desperately seem to have missed around here.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    eldritchx wrote: »

    With all due respect I don't know who you are or what your testing methodology is.

    It is all good, I don't care if you know me or my methods. I don't know you either, so we are even.

    Except that it's not all good. The burden of proof lies with the one making the claim, so you should care, and you aren't 'even'. Stating that you don't care and making no effort to substantiate your claims makes them seem even more worthless.

    I do not have to substantiate my "claims", they are fact, if you wish to verify them, you will have to log into Tribble yourself and see, or not and just wait until it goes live.
    You don't need to substantiate your claim. As you say, we're not in a court of law and no one's freedom depends on whether you substantiate your claim or not.

    But if you actually want to deliver actionable feedback to Cryptic (not the posters here, Cryptic, the guys that make the game, specifically Borticus who is heading this revamp), then you should provide the specifics and explain what build you couldn't replicate and how you tried it to them.

    There have been a few posts in the official feedback thread where people claimed they couldn't replicate their build, and then Borticuscryptic did exactly that. The new skill system rolls some skills together that weren't together before, and introduces a few new skills that didn't exist before. It's quite easy to make a mistake and put points into a skill that was never there before.

    The skill that affects damage drop-off, or the skills that grant hull hardness, hull or shield penetration for example all look desirable - but they didn't exist before. Of course you will have to make a trade-off to get them.

    Things that look like we can't replicate them now seems more like what skills you can unlock for Bridge Officer training, for example. Sometimes these require skill selections that definitely wouldn't fit your original build. That can be considered a nerf for some builds, but it's hardly of the magnitude of, say, losing 20 % of your DPS or 50 % of your healing capabilities.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    I'm for one like that the "Trinity" is almost useless in STO.
    How many times have you not been in Queue for a instance waiting for a Tank or healer?
    In STO, you wait 1-2 minutes, Their vague Trinity makes the gameplay faster and the waiting game shorter.

    With that said, I would be fun if they could get Trinity-focused on the Elite variants where a pre-made group is almost essential.
    Beside, if they are going to focus more on Trinity, then I want dual spec.
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    thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    semalda226 wrote: »
    With the new skill Revamp and the 3 trees it seems like the perfect time to remove the Trinity and allocate the class specific skills to the respective trees and just name it the Career Paths. If this is done it would eliminate the Trinity and make our Captians quite unique in that the career paths we have could wind up varying quite a bit outside of I'm red your blue and that guy is yellow. Anyone else think we should eradicate the Trinity at this time and make our Captians just Captians?

    Someone please pull the DEV QUOTE by TACOFANGS that says "When we (the dev team) release something as up coming in the game, it is ALREADY SET IN STONE and no amount of noise from the peanut gallery is going to change it."

    Oh great the link is now dead but at least it's documented at http://www.gamespot.com/star-trek-online/user-reviews/2200-12633495/
    Some proof of the developers lack of regard for the player opinion:

    1) http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=13321451#post13321451

    This link is to the Star Trek Online forums. It has a message from Tacofangs that tells us that by the time they are putting out content it is basically set in stone apart from the odd tweaks here and there, and usually they are just tweaks.

    Yes, so please stop clogging up the forums with your 'bright ideas' and 'player opinions'.

    ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻​​
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    lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I think if this revamp removes jack of all trade builds that can tank, DPS, heal, sci all as well as specialised builds its only a good thing.
    In the game at the moment you e got escorts with the same hull HPs as cruisers and cruisers moving as fast as escorts whilst putting out more damage. It is just nonsense and it's destroying any real build diversity as players just pick a set cookie cutter build that can do everything.
    If it brings back not so much a trinity system but perhaps an emphasis on actually needed to specialise in asset area to be most effective in it then I'm all for that.
    Of course there is still the problem of the game content itself that favours only damage dealing and that affects what builds are best but the underlying systems have been favouring builds capable of doing everything for too long.

    You want a high DPS escort; it'll be a glass cannon, want a massive BFAW cruiser; it'll turn like a whale. There have to be trade offs in the choices you make so some actual thought goes into builds, not just using a calculator and a spreadsheet to get the biggest numbers.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    semalda226 wrote: »
    I think a few people have misinterpreted what I was saying here... I'm talking about removing the Trinity of Classes ie. Tactical Science and Engineering in favor of using the skill tree to determine that instead of a choice upon creation. What im suggesting is that as you level a specific tree you unlock the skills associated with it rather than getting glued with the CLASS SKILLS. Frankly it's kind of odd that we have such a diverse range of ships that we can freely swap to but yet we are stuck having to choose from 3 classes when only 1 is truly useful. (And FYI my main is Science) and this skill tree revamp seems.to.me like the perfect way to implement a change like this.

    That's because "trinity" is an well-established term in MMOs so without further explanation people will tend to assume the established meaning.

    I'd say the perfect time to remove the classes was when specializations were released. IMO Tac/Eng/Sci should be turned into specializations that players could level independently and swap freely.
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    kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    ....want a massive BFAW cruiser; it'll turn like a whale......

    Yeah I'll take the BFAW cruiser that turns like a whale all day and I think most players probably would. "Turn like a whale" really isn't a con in this game while BFAW is the be all end all, and don't worry, BFAW users won't be effected by the changes coming up. ;)
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    You want a high DPS escort; it'll be a glass cannon, want a massive BFAW cruiser; it'll turn like a whale. There have to be trade offs in the choices you make so some actual thought goes into builds, not just using a calculator and a spreadsheet to get the biggest numbers.

    In other words, we have established that the revamp is, in fact, a HUGE nerf.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    kavase wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    ....want a massive BFAW cruiser; it'll turn like a whale......

    Yeah I'll take the BFAW cruiser that turns like a whale all day and I think most players probably would. "Turn like a whale" really isn't a con in this game while BFAW is the be all end all, and don't worry, BFAW users won't be effected by the changes coming up. ;)

    Of course not. I mean, why pay ANY attention to the most overused and OP ability in the game - the 'One Power to Rule Them All' - when you can dither about what to do about something that doesn't really need attention?

    As I said elsewhere too, the question is not whether I could still play without my max turn-rate, or whether I could do without EPS and half my shield regen and cap. The matter is that heretofore I had all those things, and now I no longer do. Simple as that.

    And that makes this revamp probably the largest nerf in this game's history (although I wasn't there for the big Science nerf in the first year).
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    In other words, we have established that the revamp is, in fact, a HUGE nerf.

    And that this is a good thing.

    Good for you, maybe. :) But honestly, I wasn't looking to be nerfed into oblivion, just to shake things up a bit. Especially when the Dev blog had me believe 'Players will lose nothing.'
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    The skill that affects damage drop-off, or the skills that grant hull hardness, hull or shield penetration for example all look desirable - but they didn't exist before. Of course you will have to make a trade-off to get them.

    You bring up an interesting point. While I would certainly consider investing into the new falloff mitigation skill kind of a must (after all, you need to invest extra points to compensate for the loss), I pretty much assumed that the the hardness skills (hull and shields) are incorporated into our current skills already. If I can drop the hardness skills, and still maintain what I have today (in terms of shield and hull), then that would certainly change the landscape a bit. :)

    What we need is a 'skill equivalency' blog, in which it becomes more clear what 'new' skills where not already part of the old, and such.
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    thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    I've treated this MMO more like a single player Theme Park than an MMO.

    And this is just how WE want it: One Ship. One Captain. Star Trek.

    Now, here is a book for all of you anti-antisocial people out there:


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    noblehouse#4574 noblehouse Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Thing is STO caters to an entirely different demographic than your average MMO junkie, always has tbh.
    Lets face it, STO has very little to offer the MMORPG market if you take the IP out of the equation and most likely would not even be celebrating its 6th birthday.

    Its entirely the appeal of "Star Trek" that makes this game financially viable.

    I read this all the time, but I disagree wholeheartedly. There are ZERO other Sea Dogs-style ship & bridge crew rpg sims in the MMO market today. That is what the word 'unique' means.

    There are other ship-based games set in space, but they either don't have a ground game, or they don't include building boffs.

    The reason it's uniquely attached to the Star Trek IP is that Star Trek is Horatio Hornblower in space; that is, in rpg form, a protagonist, a bridge crew, and a ship, each being customizable.

    Show us another past, present, or future, MMO that provides these features. There simply aren't any now, then, or on the horizon.
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    hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    hanover2 wrote: »
    I oppose anything that forcibly steers a player towards a prescribed set of skills, or a predetermined mission role. I LIKED my "jack of all trades" builds.

    The problem with that mentality is that you are gimping yourself, and therefor gimping your teammates.

    Well, if I could count on random teammates to be worth a TRIBBLE at tanking and team-healing, I wouldn't be hamstrung by the need to be totally self-reliant. But I can't control other peoples' behavior, and I have neither the time nor the inclination to form a "premade" team for group missions, so that's not going to change anytime soon.

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    thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    thetanine wrote: »
    Someone please pull the DEV QUOTE by TACOFANGS that says "When we (the dev team) release something as up coming in the game, it is ALREADY SET IN STONE and no amount of noise from the peanut gallery is going to change it."​​
    Why can't they change their policy? It's quite an old post, from a different person too.

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    thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    And that makes this revamp probably the largest nerf in this game's history (although I wasn't there for the big Science nerf in the first year).
    If it does, that's a good thing. Blowing up npcs in less than a second and not getting any damage in return is getting old.

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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    thibash wrote: »
    thetanine wrote: »
    Someone please pull the DEV QUOTE by TACOFANGS that says "When we (the dev team) release something as up coming in the game, it is ALREADY SET IN STONE and no amount of noise from the peanut gallery is going to change it."​​

    Why can't they change their policy? It's quite an old post, from a different person too.

    I think it really *was* Taco who said that. :) But worded differently; and, when taken out of context, often used to make it look like they don't listen. The reality is, course, that the only thing they can reasonably 'negotiate' on are the minutia of the deal, and (rightfully) ignore people who then come up with an entirely new idea of their own (and often not even well thought-out at all). They're the Devs: it's *their* job to design the game.

    When it comes to huge things (like, O, I dunno, a major skill revamp), I hope they *do* listen (and maye delay things a bit when too many bugs crop up, or the system could use some tweaking, etc). But even I am not so deluded as to think they'll cal it off. :)
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    alexraptorralexraptorr Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
    Thing is STO caters to an entirely different demographic than your average MMO junkie, always has tbh.
    Lets face it, STO has very little to offer the MMORPG market if you take the IP out of the equation and most likely would not even be celebrating its 6th birthday.

    Its entirely the appeal of "Star Trek" that makes this game financially viable.

    I read this all the time, but I disagree wholeheartedly. There are ZERO other Sea Dogs-style ship & bridge crew rpg sims in the MMO market today. That is what the word 'unique' means.

    There are other ship-based games set in space, but they either don't have a ground game, or they don't include building boffs.

    The reason it's uniquely attached to the Star Trek IP is that Star Trek is Horatio Hornblower in space; that is, in rpg form, a protagonist, a bridge crew, and a ship, each being customizable.

    Show us another past, present, or future, MMO that provides these features. There simply aren't any now, then, or on the horizon.

    Unique =/= Good Game
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
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    oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This game is about TEH DEEPZ. And that's not going to change anytime soon. Everytime they bring about a change to supposedly reign in the power creep, making the trinity have any sort of relevance, they turn around and add more cr@p to fill in the power void (sometimes even giving it a little shove forward).

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to change.
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    rygelx16rygelx16 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    How can you remove what this game doesn't have?

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    misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    I agree scrap the trinity and make the skill tree a career path. I mean Janeway started as a Science officer before moving into command. La Forge was a helmsman before moving to engineering. Worf went from jobber of the week to badass. Starfleet is the career, the divisions Science/Engineering and Tactical are branches and not set, officers can train and switch to any of them giving they have the ness skills.
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    nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    I think they should take this time to enforce the MMO trinity myself, but I know not everyone likes it

    If I wanted Trinity, I'd go play WoW. No, thank you - there's a reason I like this game and not WoW. STO would be imho better off without that.

    i highly disagree.
    if all your characters do nothing bum damage damage and have no real difference other than how they do damage then whts the point in even having any classes to begin with.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
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    nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    One more time, there IS NO TRINITY IN STAR TREK. Nobody in a single movie, television episode, or novel acted as a "tank" or "healer" while someone else acted as a glass cannon damage dealer. It DID. NOT. HAPPEN. EVER. It's not part of Star Trek and it doesn't belong in a Star Trek game. That concept was developed for a ground-based fantasy game featuring knights and wizards and such, it has nothing whatsoever to do with a spacecraft combat game in general or Star Trek in particular.

    The closest thing to roles you can get from the Star Trek IP is the formula some space games used where you have a "fragile speedster", "mighty glacier" and "middle ground", but that always worked in terms of speed vs toughness while damage output was mostly the same. And of course, the Defiant was hardly fragile was it? So, that's kind of a stretch. There were no carriers and especially no space wizard "science" vessels. Most ships were capital ships of various types designed to be self-sufficient, with some variation of course but for the most part there weren't a lot of segmented roles in Star Trek navies nor a lot of specialized ships. Where the game introduces them to add player variety it should be done in terms of what makes sense for a space navy, not what makes sense for a band of fantasy heroes in the magic middle ages.​​

    im sorry but technally you are wrong.
    sisko clearly calls for the galaxy to keep those destroyers distracted aka tank them.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
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    misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    One more time, there IS NO TRINITY IN STAR TREK. Nobody in a single movie, television episode, or novel acted as a "tank" or "healer" while someone else acted as a glass cannon damage dealer. It DID. NOT. HAPPEN. EVER. It's not part of Star Trek and it doesn't belong in a Star Trek game. That concept was developed for a ground-based fantasy game featuring knights and wizards and such, it has nothing whatsoever to do with a spacecraft combat game in general or Star Trek in particular.

    The closest thing to roles you can get from the Star Trek IP is the formula some space games used where you have a "fragile speedster", "mighty glacier" and "middle ground", but that always worked in terms of speed vs toughness while damage output was mostly the same. And of course, the Defiant was hardly fragile was it? So, that's kind of a stretch. There were no carriers and especially no space wizard "science" vessels. Most ships were capital ships of various types designed to be self-sufficient, with some variation of course but for the most part there weren't a lot of segmented roles in Star Trek navies nor a lot of specialized ships. Where the game introduces them to add player variety it should be done in terms of what makes sense for a space navy, not what makes sense for a band of fantasy heroes in the magic middle ages.​​

    im sorry but technally you are wrong.
    sisko clearly calls for the galaxy to keep those destroyers distracted aka tank them.

    Yes those Galaxy's were sent to stop the Dominion closing the gap and screen the smaller ships in the fleet because the Galaxy was the strongest ship in the fleet at the time, it was there job to keep the gap open because they had the defensive and OFFENSIVE capability to do it. Not to simply tank.
    If it were to simply tank but they had no firepower to aggro the Dominion forces then the Dominion would have ignored them and gone after the ships with the firepower that were punching holes in their lines. Remind you of a certain games PvE ?
    Also note that the Tank aka Galaxy is the only other fed ship during that battle to score a kill on screen with the Defiant
    Post edited by misterferengi#8959 on
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    alexraptorralexraptorr Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I think they should take this time to enforce the MMO trinity myself, but I know not everyone likes it

    If I wanted Trinity, I'd go play WoW. No, thank you - there's a reason I like this game and not WoW. STO would be imho better off without that.

    i highly disagree.
    if all your characters do nothing bum damage damage and have no real difference other than how they do damage then whts the point in even having any classes to begin with.

    By your reasoning War Thunder is an absolutely pointless MMO.
    There are no healers, no tanks, only different ways of dealing damage and destroying different kinds of targets.

    In fact, as I already mentioned that's actually how STO was designed, NOT with the Trinity in mind. In fact remote healing and support powers are pretty evenly split up between Engineer and Science abilities.

    Engineering: Engineering Team, Aux 2 Sif, Extend Shields
    Science: Science Team, Hazard Emitters, Transfer Shield Strength.

    Where's the trinity in that?

    Even ground combat does not adhere to the concept.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
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    nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    I think they should take this time to enforce the MMO trinity myself, but I know not everyone likes it

    If I wanted Trinity, I'd go play WoW. No, thank you - there's a reason I like this game and not WoW. STO would be imho better off without that.

    i highly disagree.
    if all your characters do nothing bum damage damage and have no real difference other than how they do damage then whts the point in even having any classes to begin with.

    By your reasoning War Thunder is an absolutely pointless MMO.
    There are no healers, no tanks, only different ways of dealing damage and destroying different kinds of targets.

    In fact, as I already mentioned that's actually how STO was designed, NOT with the Trinity in mind. In fact remote healing and support powers are pretty evenly split up between Engineer and Science abilities.

    Engineering: Engineering Team, Aux 2 Sif, Extend Shields
    Science: Science Team, Hazard Emitters, Transfer Shield Strength.

    Where's the trinity in that?

    Even ground combat does not adhere to the concept.
    and when have you EVER needed a heal/support from a sci or eng when playing a tac lately.
    That fact that certain build can go and destroy everything without any help mean those support powers that are pretty evenly split up are about as useful as a connie.
    And yes i would consider War Thunder a pointless MMO hell i would barley call it a mmo.
    but god forbid anyone ask to change the dps race.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
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    nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    One more time, there IS NO TRINITY IN STAR TREK. Nobody in a single movie, television episode, or novel acted as a "tank" or "healer" while someone else acted as a glass cannon damage dealer. It DID. NOT. HAPPEN. EVER. It's not part of Star Trek and it doesn't belong in a Star Trek game. That concept was developed for a ground-based fantasy game featuring knights and wizards and such, it has nothing whatsoever to do with a spacecraft combat game in general or Star Trek in particular.

    The closest thing to roles you can get from the Star Trek IP is the formula some space games used where you have a "fragile speedster", "mighty glacier" and "middle ground", but that always worked in terms of speed vs toughness while damage output was mostly the same. And of course, the Defiant was hardly fragile was it? So, that's kind of a stretch. There were no carriers and especially no space wizard "science" vessels. Most ships were capital ships of various types designed to be self-sufficient, with some variation of course but for the most part there weren't a lot of segmented roles in Star Trek navies nor a lot of specialized ships. Where the game introduces them to add player variety it should be done in terms of what makes sense for a space navy, not what makes sense for a band of fantasy heroes in the magic middle ages.​​

    im sorry but technally you are wrong.
    sisko clearly calls for the galaxy to keep those destroyers distracted aka tank them.

    Yes those Galaxy's were sent to stop the Dominion closing the gap and screen the smaller ships in the fleet because the Galaxy was the strongest ship in the fleet at the time, it was there job to keep the gap open because they had the defensive and OFFENSIVE capability to do it. Not to simply tank.
    If it were to simply tank but they had no firepower to aggro the Dominion forces then the Dominion would have ignored them and gone after the ships with the firepower that were punching holes in their lines. Remind you of a certain games PvE ?
    Also note that the Tank aka Galaxy is the only other fed ship during that battle to score a kill on screen with the Defiant

    most tanks in other mmos can tank and do decent damage and i did say technically, its not like you would expect sisko to yell out "WHERES A TANK, AGRO" on a tv show there apples and oranges.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
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