Kind of sad how willing you are to give up your basic human rights, I'm pretty sure PWE's code of ethics adheres to and abides by this international convention. The reason why you and I can discuss this point is directly because of that convention as it enforces civil rights.
This doesn't have anything to do with civil rights.
Unless the OP feels disenfranchised, is part of a minority group class of people that are discriminated against on the basis of disliking Gorn jokes. Of course, legitimate minority groups of people through out the world have no legal standing to stand up in to those in their own country who discriminate against them. I think the OP needs to petition the UN for special recognition.
I can just agree with valoreah, which is much easier.
OP agree to disagree, I dislike a number of things in the game and ppl who play, but I deal with it, without posting on the forums. Unless it comes to the dil exchange, 500 to 1!!!
You do not have to be part of a minority group to have civil rights, and burying your head in the sand is the reason why you still have to contend with the numerous issues that you dislike.
I didn't misquote anything, that was copied and pasted straight from wikipeadia, but as you brought them up, perhap you could provide the exception that punch these holes in my argument.
You can copy and paste all you like, you're still not understanding what you're posting.
When you are chatting in a video game world or typing on an internet forum, you are speaking in a privately owned space. Privately owned entities have no obligation to allow you to speak freely in their space. Literally, you have no first amendment right (or whatever convention) to free speech in those privately owned places.
Please do yourself a favor and do the research to educate yourself.
It seems odd that the worlds governments would allow private entities such power as to totally do away with the most basic of human rights, the freedom of speech/expression.
Perhaps you could provide the source of your information, no doubt you have readily to hand, having researched it yourself so extensivly.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights commits its parties to respect the civil and political rights of individuals, including the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and a fair trial. As of April 2014, the Covenant has 74 signatories and 168 parties.
Hmm, it even has a list of parties and I don't see Perfect World or Cryptic anywhere on that list.
This is a re-hash of the "First Amendment/Freedom of Speech" argument earlier in this thread. It only applies to governments (that sign the treaty), not corporations.
Well I guess I don't know, maybe you are a citizen of The People's Democratic Republic of Cryptic? Kingdom of Arc? Perfect World Federation?
One dark day in the middle of the night, two dead Gorn got up to fight. Back to back the faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came and shot those two dead Gorn. Now if you don't believe this lie is true, just as the Deferi he saw it too.
my only issue with Gorn Mass-hysteria (which is what happens), its that it completely locks up chat for an hour at a time. Yesterday someone posted a gameplay question but it just got drowned out by "Gorn with the Wind!" "The Gorn Identity" etc etc . and there was an answer, but again that scrolled off the page quicker than anyone could read it.
there should either be a "help" channel (built-in, not opt-in) or a "bad Gorn jokes and sillyness" channel lol
you can pause and scroll back chat you know.
Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always have a receptive audience.
why should it be the players who enjoy all kinds of chat - jokes included - who need to find their own little used corner to chat, why not just make you own channel for serious chat only(no jokes allowed) and see how much company you get to chat with there.
you can even moderate it yourself and tell players to leave if they don't follow your rules.
You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority.
Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer?
NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell jokes.
its not spamming just because you say it is, its just harmless chat like any other harmless chat, it is you insisting that you don't want to see it, why should we have to move just because you (who are just as arguably not in the majority) don't like our chat, you forget we might not like your meandering waffle any more then you like our occasional banter but we are not insisting you leave just proposing a way for you to avoid chat you obviously don't want to see.
the majority of users are not on for hours and hours, they might log in crack a few gorn gags if they see others doing it, do a few event missions and log out within an hour maybe crack a couple more breen jokes before they leave.
yet another day they might log in see no jokes so just play a bit of the event stuff and log out without using chat at all.
it might appear that its just a few players cracking an endless stream of jokes over and over sometimes but most often if you took any notice you would see its just a very large number of different players telling one or two jokes each at most.
hence repeated jokes as a player who has just logged in wont know what jokes were told 10 minutes ago.
Courtesy of
spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game:
Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by the volume.
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I be is Gorn Jokes (which can consume an entire chat for 30 minutes by dozens of people posting Puns) linked to human rights violations?
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights commits its parties to respect the civil and political rights of individuals, including the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and a fair trial. As of April 2014, the Covenant has 74 signatories and 168 parties.
Hmm, it even has a list of parties and I don't see Perfect World or Cryptic anywhere on that list.
This is a re-hash of the "First Amendment/Freedom of Speech" argument earlier in this thread. It only applies to governments (that sign the treaty), not corporations.
Well I guess I don't know, maybe you are a citizen of The People's Democratic Republic of Cryptic? Kingdom of Arc? Perfect World Federation?
Do you think maybe the 74 signatories are member states of the United Nations, and that 168 parties are made up of a selection of non-Governmental organizations and non- profit organizations ?
Whilst you are technically correct it only signed by those I mentioned above, part of that signing process is an aggreement to ensure that individuals, organizations and companies located within their borders and as such subject to the laws of that country also adhere to the same convention. So if with we live in one of those countries we have signed that treaty by proxy, and are defaqto signatories.
I be is Gorn Jokes (which can consume an entire chat for 30 minutes by dozens of people posting Puns) linked to human rights violations?
"We’re a Culture Not a Costume" Or in this case "We're a Species Not a Pun" Though I guess that would also be sentient rights, rather then human rights. Laws will need quite a bit of updating.
my only issue with Gorn Mass-hysteria (which is what happens), its that it completely locks up chat for an hour at a time. Yesterday someone posted a gameplay question but it just got drowned out by "Gorn with the Wind!" "The Gorn Identity" etc etc . and there was an answer, but again that scrolled off the page quicker than anyone could read it.
there should either be a "help" channel (built-in, not opt-in) or a "bad Gorn jokes and sillyness" channel lol
you can pause and scroll back chat you know.
Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always have a receptive audience.
why should it be the players who enjoy all kinds of chat - jokes included - who need to find their own little used corner to chat, why not just make you own channel for serious chat only(no jokes allowed) and see how much company you get to chat with there.
you can even moderate it yourself and tell players to leave if they don't follow your rules.
You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority.
Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer?
NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell jokes.
its not spamming just because you say it is, its just harmless chat like any other harmless chat, it is you insisting that you don't want to see it, why should we have to move just because you (who are just as arguably not in the majority) don't like our chat, you forget we might not like your meandering waffle any more then you like our occasional banter but we are not insisting you leave just proposing a way for you to avoid chat you obviously don't want to see.
the majority of users are not on for hours and hours, they might log in crack a few gorn gags if they see others doing it, do a few event missions and log out within an hour maybe crack a couple more breen jokes before they leave.
yet another day they might log in see no jokes so just play a bit of the event stuff and log out without using chat at all.
it might appear that its just a few players cracking an endless stream of jokes over and over sometimes but most often if you took any notice you would see its just a very large number of different players telling one or two jokes each at most.
hence repeated jokes as a player who has just logged in wont know what jokes were told 10 minutes ago.
Courtesy of
spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game:
Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by the volume.
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game.
It seems odd that the worlds governments would allow private entities such power as to totally do away with the most basic of human rights, the freedom of speech/expression.
Perhaps you could provide the source of your information, no doubt you have readily to hand, having researched it yourself so extensivly.
It's not odd at all. Google is your friend. As I mentioned earlier, do yourself a favor and educate yourself. Knowledge is power.
I intended to, thats why I asked for your source, you gave me a search engine, and as we all know it is very hard to find the right information.
I be is Gorn Jokes (which can consume an entire chat for 30 minutes by dozens of people posting Puns) linked to human rights violations?
It's not. People are going on insane tirades again. Which is why I posted a silly pun/poem.
I be is Gorn Jokes (which can consume an entire chat for 30 minutes by dozens of people posting Puns) linked to human rights violations?
Because somebody way back said it was his right to flood zone chat with Gorn jokes.
my only issue with Gorn Mass-hysteria (which is what happens), its that it completely locks up chat for an hour at a time. Yesterday someone posted a gameplay question but it just got drowned out by "Gorn with the Wind!" "The Gorn Identity" etc etc . and there was an answer, but again that scrolled off the page quicker than anyone could read it.
there should either be a "help" channel (built-in, not opt-in) or a "bad Gorn jokes and sillyness" channel lol
you can pause and scroll back chat you know.
Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always have a receptive audience.
why should it be the players who enjoy all kinds of chat - jokes included - who need to find their own little used corner to chat, why not just make you own channel for serious chat only(no jokes allowed) and see how much company you get to chat with there.
you can even moderate it yourself and tell players to leave if they don't follow your rules.
You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority.
Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer?
NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell jokes.
its not spamming just because you say it is, its just harmless chat like any other harmless chat, it is you insisting that you don't want to see it, why should we have to move just because you (who are just as arguably not in the majority) don't like our chat, you forget we might not like your meandering waffle any more then you like our occasional banter but we are not insisting you leave just proposing a way for you to avoid chat you obviously don't want to see.
the majority of users are not on for hours and hours, they might log in crack a few gorn gags if they see others doing it, do a few event missions and log out within an hour maybe crack a couple more breen jokes before they leave.
yet another day they might log in see no jokes so just play a bit of the event stuff and log out without using chat at all.
it might appear that its just a few players cracking an endless stream of jokes over and over sometimes but most often if you took any notice you would see its just a very large number of different players telling one or two jokes each at most.
hence repeated jokes as a player who has just logged in wont know what jokes were told 10 minutes ago.
Courtesy of
spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game:
Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by the volume.
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game.
Same word, more than one definition.
chat is one of the messaging systems for use in the game the definition stands.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I be is Gorn Jokes (which can consume an entire chat for 30 minutes by dozens of people posting Puns) linked to human rights violations?
Because somebody way back said it was his right to flood zone chat with Gorn jokes.
its hardly flooded, there were many other conversations going on at the same time and you know what, not one of them moaned about gorn jokes. how strange.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Do you think maybe the 74 signatories are member states of the United Nations, and that 168 parties are made up of a selection of non-Governmental organizations and non- profit organizations ?
Whilst you are technically correct it only signed by those I mentioned above, part of that signing process is an aggreement to ensure that individuals, organizations and companies located within their borders and as such subject to the laws of that country also adhere to the same convention. So if with we live in one of those countries we have signed that treaty by proxy, and are defaqto signatories.
The treaty is about the making and enforcing of "laws or other measures" that infringing on the "inherent dignity of the human person", non-govermental organizations and non-profit organizations generaly don't make or enforce laws.
No, I think the parties it states it applies to, are the parties listed. Also of note that China (home of Perfect World), while a Signatory is not one of the parties covered, and while the USA (home of PWE,Cryptic) is a party, as the wiki states "the United States has not accepted a single international obligation required under the Covenant. It has not changed its domestic law to conform with the strictures of the Covenant."
my only issue with Gorn Mass-hysteria (which is what happens), its that it completely locks up chat for an hour at a time. Yesterday someone posted a gameplay question but it just got drowned out by "Gorn with the Wind!" "The Gorn Identity" etc etc . and there was an answer, but again that scrolled off the page quicker than anyone could read it.
there should either be a "help" channel (built-in, not opt-in) or a "bad Gorn jokes and sillyness" channel lol
you can pause and scroll back chat you know.
Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always have a receptive audience.
why should it be the players who enjoy all kinds of chat - jokes included - who need to find their own little used corner to chat, why not just make you own channel for serious chat only(no jokes allowed) and see how much company you get to chat with there.
you can even moderate it yourself and tell players to leave if they don't follow your rules.
You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority.
Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer?
NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell jokes.
its not spamming just because you say it is, its just harmless chat like any other harmless chat, it is you insisting that you don't want to see it, why should we have to move just because you (who are just as arguably not in the majority) don't like our chat, you forget we might not like your meandering waffle any more then you like our occasional banter but we are not insisting you leave just proposing a way for you to avoid chat you obviously don't want to see.
the majority of users are not on for hours and hours, they might log in crack a few gorn gags if they see others doing it, do a few event missions and log out within an hour maybe crack a couple more breen jokes before they leave.
yet another day they might log in see no jokes so just play a bit of the event stuff and log out without using chat at all.
it might appear that its just a few players cracking an endless stream of jokes over and over sometimes but most often if you took any notice you would see its just a very large number of different players telling one or two jokes each at most.
hence repeated jokes as a player who has just logged in wont know what jokes were told 10 minutes ago.
Courtesy of
spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game:
Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by the volume.
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game.
Same word, more than one definition.
chat is one of the messaging systems for use in the game the definition stands.
Hopefully Bobby this will convince you your definition is the wrong one.
Your definition specifically mentioned electronic messaging systems.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electronic messaging may refer to:
One to One communication
Instant message (on a computer network)
Personal message (on a computer network)
Text message (on a cellular phone network)
SMTP (on a computer network)
Email (on a computer Network)
Voicemail (using the PSTN)
Fax (using the PSTN)
Pager (using the PSTN)
One to Many communication
Bulletin board system (on a computer network)
Internet forum (on a computer network)
Internet Newsgroups on the Usenet (on a computer network)
Online game messaging[edit]
Many online games allow players to contact each other via player-to-player messaging, chat rooms, or public discussion areas. What qualifies as spam varies from game to game, but usually this term applies to all forms of message flooding, violating the terms of service contract for the website. This is particularly common in MMORPGs where the spammers are trying to sell game-related "items" for real-world money, chiefly among them being in-game currency. In gameplay terms, spamming also refers to the repetitive use of the same combat skills as a cheap tactic (e.g. "to defeat the blue dragon, just spam fireballs").
my only issue with Gorn Mass-hysteria (which is what happens), its that it completely locks up chat for an hour at a time. Yesterday someone posted a gameplay question but it just got drowned out by "Gorn with the Wind!" "The Gorn Identity" etc etc . and there was an answer, but again that scrolled off the page quicker than anyone could read it.
there should either be a "help" channel (built-in, not opt-in) or a "bad Gorn jokes and sillyness" channel lol
you can pause and scroll back chat you know.
Bobby you seem insistent that users of zone chat make all the concessions, "pause and scroll back" or turn off zone chat. An alternative is that the Gorn spammers find the their own little used Gorner of the galaxy like Risa or Vulcan so that they can spam away to their hearts content. The added bonus being you will always have a receptive audience.
why should it be the players who enjoy all kinds of chat - jokes included - who need to find their own little used corner to chat, why not just make you own channel for serious chat only(no jokes allowed) and see how much company you get to chat with there.
you can even moderate it yourself and tell players to leave if they don't follow your rules.
You expect others who do not partake in this spamming to make concessions, whilst they are arguably in the majority.
Also, I have asked and I am yet to recieve an answer as to why repeating the same thing over and over for hours on end is funny, perhaps you could supply the answer?
NOTE: I said spammers, not people who tell jokes.
its not spamming just because you say it is, its just harmless chat like any other harmless chat, it is you insisting that you don't want to see it, why should we have to move just because you (who are just as arguably not in the majority) don't like our chat, you forget we might not like your meandering waffle any more then you like our occasional banter but we are not insisting you leave just proposing a way for you to avoid chat you obviously don't want to see.
the majority of users are not on for hours and hours, they might log in crack a few gorn gags if they see others doing it, do a few event missions and log out within an hour maybe crack a couple more breen jokes before they leave.
yet another day they might log in see no jokes so just play a bit of the event stuff and log out without using chat at all.
it might appear that its just a few players cracking an endless stream of jokes over and over sometimes but most often if you took any notice you would see its just a very large number of different players telling one or two jokes each at most.
hence repeated jokes as a player who has just logged in wont know what jokes were told 10 minutes ago.
Courtesy of
spamming (lowercase) Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game:
Your example of how it might appear to be a few users but is actually more defines this as spam, the number of contributors does not stop it from being spam, this is defined by the volume.
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game.
Same word, more than one definition.
chat is one of the messaging systems for use in the game the definition stands.
Hopefully Bobby this will convince you your definition is the wrong one.
Your definition specifically mentioned electronic messaging systems.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electronic messaging may refer to:
One to One communication
Instant message (on a computer network)
Personal message (on a computer network)
Text message (on a cellular phone network)
SMTP (on a computer network)
Email (on a computer Network)
Voicemail (using the PSTN)
Fax (using the PSTN)
Pager (using the PSTN)
One to Many communication
Bulletin board system (on a computer network)
Internet forum (on a computer network)
Internet Newsgroups on the Usenet (on a computer network)
Online game messaging[edit]
Many online games allow players to contact each other via player-to-player messaging, chat rooms, or public discussion areas. What qualifies as spam varies from game to game, but usually this term applies to all forms of message flooding, violating the terms of service contract for the website. This is particularly common in MMORPGs where the spammers are trying to sell game-related "items" for real-world money, chiefly among them being in-game currency. In gameplay terms, spamming also refers to the repetitive use of the same combat skills as a cheap tactic (e.g. "to defeat the blue dragon, just spam fireballs").
Example, Gorn spam
Instant message (on a computer network)
that's game system chat.
the rest of this is totally unconnected to gorn jokes in any way shape or form apart from the "Example, Gorn spam" that did not originate from any online definition.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
You do not have to be part of a minority group to have civil rights, and burying your head in the sand is the reason why you still have to contend with the numerous issues that you dislike.
It seems odd that the worlds governments would allow private entities such power as to totally do away with the most basic of human rights, the freedom of speech/expression.
Perhaps you could provide the source of your information, no doubt you have readily to hand, having researched it yourself so extensivly.
Hmm, it even has a list of parties and I don't see Perfect World or Cryptic anywhere on that list.
This is a re-hash of the "First Amendment/Freedom of Speech" argument earlier in this thread. It only applies to governments (that sign the treaty), not corporations.
Well I guess I don't know, maybe you are a citizen of The People's Democratic Republic of Cryptic? Kingdom of Arc? Perfect World Federation?
My character Tsin'xing
funny cos the definition I found says "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site."
telling gorn or other jokes is not advertising and the frequency of any repeated jokes is not rapid enough to be construed in that manner either.
you cant class it as spam just because it contains the word gorn just as you cant class any other chat posts as spam just because they happens to contain the word phaser for example.
besides which it is not unsolicited as players are posting expecting similar quips from other players therefore they are a solicited response.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Do you think maybe the 74 signatories are member states of the United Nations, and that 168 parties are made up of a selection of non-Governmental organizations and non- profit organizations ?
Whilst you are technically correct it only signed by those I mentioned above, part of that signing process is an aggreement to ensure that individuals, organizations and companies located within their borders and as such subject to the laws of that country also adhere to the same convention. So if with we live in one of those countries we have signed that treaty by proxy, and are defaqto signatories.
"We’re a Culture Not a Costume" Or in this case "We're a Species Not a Pun" Though I guess that would also be sentient rights, rather then human rights. Laws will need quite a bit of updating.
The clue is in the definition, in the one you provided it says messaging, in mine it says video game.
Same word, more than one definition.
I intended to, thats why I asked for your source, you gave me a search engine, and as we all know it is very hard to find the right information.
BTW see above
My character Tsin'xing
Because somebody way back said it was his right to flood zone chat with Gorn jokes.
chat is one of the messaging systems for use in the game the definition stands.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
its hardly flooded, there were many other conversations going on at the same time and you know what, not one of them moaned about gorn jokes. how strange.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
The treaty is about the making and enforcing of "laws or other measures" that infringing on the "inherent dignity of the human person", non-govermental organizations and non-profit organizations generaly don't make or enforce laws.
No, I think the parties it states it applies to, are the parties listed. Also of note that China (home of Perfect World), while a Signatory is not one of the parties covered, and while the USA (home of PWE,Cryptic) is a party, as the wiki states "the United States has not accepted a single international obligation required under the Covenant. It has not changed its domestic law to conform with the strictures of the Covenant."
Hopefully Bobby this will convince you your definition is the wrong one.
Your definition specifically mentioned electronic messaging systems.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electronic messaging may refer to:
One to One communication
Instant message (on a computer network)
Personal message (on a computer network)
Text message (on a cellular phone network)
SMTP (on a computer network)
Email (on a computer Network)
Voicemail (using the PSTN)
Fax (using the PSTN)
Pager (using the PSTN)
One to Many communication
Bulletin board system (on a computer network)
Internet forum (on a computer network)
Internet Newsgroups on the Usenet (on a computer network)
Online game messaging[edit]
Many online games allow players to contact each other via player-to-player messaging, chat rooms, or public discussion areas. What qualifies as spam varies from game to game, but usually this term applies to all forms of message flooding, violating the terms of service contract for the website. This is particularly common in MMORPGs where the spammers are trying to sell game-related "items" for real-world money, chiefly among them being in-game currency. In gameplay terms, spamming also refers to the repetitive use of the same combat skills as a cheap tactic (e.g. "to defeat the blue dragon, just spam fireballs").
Example, Gorn spam
Google says About 3,440,000 results when you search for International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Which one did you use, because I'd really like to find about how private companies are allowed to ignore civil rights.
Instant message (on a computer network)
that's game system chat.
the rest of this is totally unconnected to gorn jokes in any way shape or form apart from the "Example, Gorn spam" that did not originate from any online definition.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.