heres a tip but don't tell the devs in case its an unintentional bug rather then a feature but in the ship race if you loose for any reason don't drop the mission, return to the first Race Coordinator in the gazebo and restart after a 2 or 3 goes you usually get a race without an opponent so you can just walk it so you are guaranteed a win providing you don't go out of bounds.
you may get a few other racers and their opponents pass you by but don't worry it wont effect the outcome of your race.
EXPLOIT anyone?
please don't tell the devs there is no exploit, its easy for some who can do the run and win in one go but some players might have to do the run a few times to get the opponent free race so are actually doing more for the same reward, how is that an exploit.
have some empathy on the unfortunate who haven't got the motor skill or dexterity you have.
I am sure I am the only poster that mentioned it so hopefully the devs wont notice.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Bah, I have Multiple Sclerosis and a problem with arthritis, this is why I don't play games with a high hand skill requirement. Generally speaking most of the people at my MS support group don't play many video games...
I find the race quite simple and have read comments like this since the winter event added the race. It is easier than playing much of the game, especially ground combat. (Takes me longer to tie my shoe-laces than it does to finish the race, which makes my blood boil .)
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
another "trick" the OP might not know... just to cover all bases... if you try to move forward while the announcer is counting down 3...2...1.. youll fire out of the gates almost a full second before the opponent even begins moving
Btw, I suck at said minigame too; but figured out you mostly just have to walk, intstead of run. I usually just do a sprint at the start, and a quick one at the end.
Actually, I spend almost the entire track sprinting.
The key is to use the mouse to set the character's direction (hold RMB), and be ready with the roll keybind.
Once you know the boundaries of the course, you can hug the edge and aim for the corners - you'll be able to sprint right through an entire segment, where someone running near the center would have to slalom through several bends.
As you hit one of the sharp turns, let go of the movement key. Move the mouse around so that the camera points at the next 'corner' you should be aiming for, and tap the roll key. All lateral momentum is gone, and you can sprint forward to the next corner.
Rinse, repeat.
It's not a race, and it's not a track - it's a series of straight lines, point-to-point.
....and as far as 'getting' the 'point' of this thread, I have severe dyspraxia which set in during my early teens.
I'll probably never be able to paint a canvas or put on a tie, shoelaces are a time-consuming (but doable) task for me, hell I literally cannot ever play piano again which was one of my childhoold passions. There are some days when I can barely move one or both of my legs.
Admittedly, I routinely fail this race twice every year - the first two times. Once I actually recall how to beat it, muscle memory takes over and that's that.
Anything else the vouchers could possibly be awarded for would require more cognitive ability and more motor control.
Put in anything easier, and at that point you may as well just give everyone the bloody ship on login during the event period.
Actually, yeah, no - let's just do that from now on. Free ship upon login during Christmas week, December 23rd-27th, no strings attached.
Take the "metrics" and shove 'em, because if you actually need to force people to log in, I think that says it all.
The key is to use the mouse to set the character's direction (hold RMB), and be ready with the roll keybind.
As you hit one of the sharp turns, let go of the movement key. Move the mouse around so that the camera points at the next 'corner' you should be aiming for, and tap the roll key. All lateral momentum is gone, and you can sprint forward to the next corner.
Hey, that actually works!
I used the jump to stop the moment, but it was +/-useless. Thanks to your advice i was able to win the race for the first time.
Much obliged, mate!
No, I'm frustrated as hell (and dealing with a whole metric asston of TRIBBLE in my real life such that I do NOT need additional stress in my escapism thank you very much) and I have quit --I said I wasn't playing again without a fix. I'm going to try this fix that was suggested to me, because rather than "try again and again and you MIGHT get a no-opponent race once in a while" like the earlier posts implied, the last person said it's usually within two or three tries --WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I ASKED FOR, if you were paying attention. I said three fails should get you a consolation completion, this would amount to exactly that. Pay attention..
This isn't a job, the task requirements are whatever Cryptic decides they are. It makes no difference to them so long as we log in and participate. Well guess what? I'm not logging in now and i'm not participating because I am frustrated as all hell. I'm not earning dilithium to put on the exchange for people to buy, I'm not padding their metrics, my contribution to this game AND THE SALARIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE AND RUN IT have dropped to zero. You'd think that would be an outcome they'd wish to avoid, but apparently they don't care. So fine. I'm boycotting the game until they fix it. I have too much stress and problems in my life already right now that I seek temporary escape from in my spare time I can be home in front of the computer to get stressed out %$&%^$#^%$#ing more because the devs refuse to provide a fix to a known issue. SO, to hell with them. I quit. And again, no you can't has my stuffs. Bite my TRIBBLE.
So yeah, you specifically said you were quitting until THEY, the devs fix it. Not until some random person gives you a solution that might work. If you want to change your story now, that's fine. But you can't claim I wasn't paying attention when you are the one backpeddling and changing your story after getting called out on it.
At LEAST put the damn tags back in snowpiles.... after sifting 4-5 stacks of snowballs to test if there even was a "return" of them to snow... yea... not really and if so they're so rare that i'm not even gonna waste my time collecting ten stacks of snow to get 1 frelling tag.
While I agree that there should be an alternative way to get these things, putting them in snowpiles is a terrible step back. All that does is encourage people go afk after setting up F-spam macros.
I don't think we should put the tags in the snowball piles again. I admit I was never at WW when they were, so I wouldn't miss them.
I never thought I'd be able to run either FnF or FGoI, so never tried for two whole years. This year I decided I was going to try both. Guess what? After around 6 or 7 losses my first time out, I won it. Then I went around the track many times as practice runs until I had the course fairly memorized. The next day I won my first time out. Next day took four tries. Today took two tries. I find what works best for me is to dash through the straights, frog hop around bends and never stop. It works for me. I've seen many tips and tricks from people who have no problem beating the NPC. I'll likely never get to a point where I can always beat NPC first try, but I know I will eventually now.
As for FnF? I never try to win, I merely try to stay in bounds (since their boundaries are more strict that FGoI) and get the two tags. Three races and I have six. The races run back to back every hour so I have my tags. Lately I've been lucky enough to grab the second and third place flags once in awhile and even got the first place flag a couple times. People gripe because someone 'stole' their flag, but the flags are part of the race and grabbing it is part of the race. Some overshoot it, I'm guilty of that, and I don't gripe when someone else who's run many more times over the years than I have grabs *my* flag. I know I can at least get two tags per race. I'm good with that. I did find out that the frosted boots actually do help me stay on the track better and I have to frog hop less during this race. They don't help at all in FGoI, though.
I don't let most things about the game agitate me. I play it to have fun, and I have fun even when I'm not getting as many trinkets as the next person because I didn't kill as many snowmen as they did. I still killed some and helped kill the Snowverlord, whether he was in the Village(s) or the Fortress or the frozen lake.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Here ya go for easy alt method... When you chose the 'easy' way a 2 minute commercial pops up. Cryptic sells that ad space. Win-win. You get easy complete and Cryptic gets Ad revenue!
Altho I made several attempts [37] to try finish this race, my disabilities and motor skills damage make it impossible for me to affect this event. Maybe next year you folks could put in an alternative for those of us with similar issues. I know of several players in STO with this issue. Altho, I don't know how they are reacting, I have told my in game friends that if they talk to me about the event at all now, I will temporarily put them on my ignore list. I am that aggrieved.
Just saying...
There are easy tricks to winning the race. As you're coming to a corner you can do the roll trick as some folks have pointed out. the one that works best for me is as i'm running i'll let off the run key as i come to a turn. from there i jump into the air a few times and it slows me down enough that i can turn and run in the other direction. There's also lobi as well that allows you to bypass the race event outright. I sympathize with you for having a legitimate disability I honestly do. try some of those tricks and what not and they should help you. From a technical standpoint what exactly would you want them to do as an alternative? Depending on what you make the alternative, which would have to be easier than the race, many people would end up abusing said alternative just for an easier time. I would love to see games take more disabled people and disabilities into account but there's only so much that can be done. I'm not saying they shouldn't do something but what I am saying is that there's only so much that can be done without creating an easily abused alternative. Also don't take this as a swipe against you because it most certainly isn't but it's something that needs to be asked. If for example less than 5% of a game's populace has a disability that prevents them from completing an event, what motivation does a company have in order to alter the game to accommodate those few people? Cost is something that must be taken into account as well when doing something like this. Depending on how much resources it would take to implement an alternative, if it's not going to benefit but a few select people then why would they waste the extra time and resources. Again I'm not bashing you by any means at all. This is simply a question that must be asked when taking something into account like this.
This should have been done YEARS ago. It's ridiculous and infuriating that this race against an NPC, which utilizes skills found almost nowhere else in the game and is incredibly difficult / frustrating for some players to the point that many of them have failed DOZENS of times before giving up, should be the way you earn your daily completion grind. I hear "practice, practice, practice!" but excuse me, some of us have lives and jobs and TRIBBLE like that so we can't sink hours a day FAILING a task over and over. You ever hear the term "ragequit"? That's where I am right now. I love this game, I've been supportive of Cryptic many times, but right now I want to take my monitor, walk it up to their offices, throw it through the %^$^#$ing window and scream. I am PISSED OFF. I'm not even playing right now because just looking at the game screen makes my blood boil. It is completely unacceptable that this issue can have been known for so long and nothing whatsoever been done about it.
What exactly would you have them do as an alternative to the race? There are only so many different things that could be done that would be fair to all without that alternative being abused. Lets be honest here, you know as well as I do that people in this game will always take the path of least resistance and everyone would simply use the alternative if it was made as stupid easy as you seem to be wanting. As I said above to the OP, depending on how much time and resources it would take, if it's only going to benefit a certain select few people, then what is the company's motivation to do so if it would ultimately end up as a loss in terms of their return. It's a fair question that must be asked if we're to consider something like this.
When I first did the race and was trying to learn it, I failed bare minimum that I can remember at least 20 times. Once I got the hang of it however I could run it in my sleep. As others have pointed out to you specifically there are tricks and things you can do to win the race. If you decide not to use those tricks and what not and continue to fail, that's purely on you and not the game. There are plenty of people I know of who play this game that have jobs, lives, and kids to take care of that are still able to find the less than 5-10 minutes it takes at most to run the race. The "I have a life and job" excuse is only valid for so long and for so much. Too often I see that excuse tossed out as a means of trying to excuse their own mediocrity and to demand something be handed to them which honestly is what you sound like.
How %$&^*%$ing hard would it be to give the token after three fails? Or give it for completing the course and give some bonus trinkets for beating the NPC? Or adding the token as a reward to any (or all) of the other events like Tides of Ice and Cones of Conduct on the same 20 hour timer? This is an EASY fix, and they refuse to do it. I think I'll be refusing to play their mario kart bullshite game until they do something about this. Find another sucker. I'm done.
And no, you can't have my stuff. I have a fleetmate I'll give it to instead.
How hard is it for someone such as yourself to actually put forth minimum effort to actually use some of the tricks and what that have been told to you. If you don't use the advice that's been given to you by those of us who actually have been able to complete the race with no issues then that's on you. Something like what you're wanting would be abused so badly it's not even funny. why would someone legitimately try to run the race when they can just fail it 3 times and get the tokens? As for getting your stuff, I doubt you would have much of value with an attitude like yours.
I am a customer. Whether I pay real money or I grind and earn dil / tokens and provide participation numbers for events and such, they make their money off of me. I have a damned right to ask for accommodation on an issue that is of incredible frustration for many players for no advantage to Cryptic whatsoever. They've known about this for years, and refuse to do anything. The devs / staff won't even so much as address it. WHY?! What would be so hard about tossing the token into other events too on the same timer, or allowing a "three fails = you did your best here's your token" thing? This is not unprecedented, I might add. Remember the mission where you have to pilot your ship through the hoops to do the slingshot maneuver around the sun in order to time travel back and destroy the comet? You get an automatic completion option after 3 failures. That way if you just can't seem to nail the bloody thing for whatever reason you're not completely blocked from progressing. You think it's not more time and effort to try and fail three times than just to do it successfully if you can? You really think it's some kind of shortcut or exploit being asked for here? No, and hell no. We just want it to be made POSSIBLE for those who just can't get it right. And that is fair.
You can ask for accommodations all day long but by no means are you owed it by Cryptic to give you said accommodation. The issue is not with the event but with you. There is also a difference between running an episode mission which can be essential to story progression, and running an optional event mission. The first one can keep you from advancing in the game, the 2nd one has no bearing on your ability to progress, it simply means you won't get another shiny ship. You say what you're asking for isn't some sort of exploit or shortcut, yet that is exactly what you're asking for whether you acknowledge it or not. Instead of sitting down, and actually learning the race, and getting used to it, you're asking for the tokens to be given to you just because you "gave it your best try" and are asking for a participation reward. What you're asking for would also be greatly exploited if it were to be implemented. You can say all day long that you're not asking for a shortcut, yet you are. You can say that you don't want an exploit but that's exactly what would happen if this were implemented.
What you're asking for is to be rewarded whether you complete the task or not. You already have a fair chance of completing the race just as everyone else does. If you choose to not put forth the effort to learn it that's again purely on you and not the game. You already have a fair chance through lobi and the race itself to get the marks. If you put forth minimum effort in this game you will have minimum reward. If you put forth maximum effort you'll achieve maximum reward. It's highly unfair for the guy who puts forth minimum effort to expect to have maximum reward. The OP has a right to ask for an accommodation because he has a legitimate disability. You however don't have such a disability that I've seen and are just wanting something for nothing.
This isn't a job, the task requirements are whatever Cryptic decides they are. It makes no difference to them so long as we log in and participate. Well guess what? I'm not logging in now and i'm not participating because I am frustrated as all hell. I'm not earning dilithium to put on the exchange for people to buy, I'm not padding their metrics, my contribution to this game AND THE SALARIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE AND RUN IT have dropped to zero. You'd think that would be an outcome they'd wish to avoid, but apparently they don't care. So fine. I'm boycotting the game until they fix it. I have too much stress and problems in my life already right now that I seek temporary escape from in my spare time I can be home in front of the computer to get stressed out %$&%^$#^%$#ing more because the devs refuse to provide a fix to a known issue. SO, to hell with them. I quit. And again, no you can't has my stuffs. Bite my TRIBBLE.
Dude you really need to dial back the ego there. If everything else didn't make it obvious you want something for nothing, this did. We get it, you're frustrated. However your problem isn't with the game, it's with your own refusal to learn and adapt. You honestly need to learn and get better, drop some lobi, or don't do the event. The only issue here is with you and not the game. You're going to be waiting a LONG time then if you're going to try to boycott the game. They're not going to just hand you the ship. Honestly dude you really need to get over yourself. You're complaining about a problem that YOU created and that YOU are the solution to. Your problem is that you've not been willing to learn judging by your other comments made to other people and in general. What you're complaining about is NOT an issue to anyone except you. If the game is causing you as much stress as you're letting on then you probably do need to take a break from it. The devs usually are willing to at least listen to people provided they don't throw a temper tantrum like what you've done. Seriously dude I'll say it again, get over yourself. Get better at the race, drop the lobi, or don't get the marks, and quit asking for something to just be handed to you. You royally overestimate your value to this game.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Here ya go for easy alt method... When you chose the 'easy' way a 2 minute commercial pops up. Cryptic sells that ad space. Win-win. You get easy complete and Cryptic gets Ad revenue!
Microsoft actually does that for some of its casual games: you sit through a commercial, you get power-ups.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
you've already been given solutions to your problem dude. you've simply chosen to ignore them. there's nothing we can do if you won't listen
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
I mean unless you don't have any friends. Then you're really up TRIBBLE creek, but in that case you should probably go outside and meet people instead of playing STO.
Go to race coordinator and offer three options for an easy practice race (No NPC to race against, 40 gizmos reward), an indermediate race (current default, 60 gizmos and holiday items) and a "elite" version of the race (harder, more unforgiving NPC, 80 gizmos and more holiday items and an accolate winning X races).
Would that help?
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Go to race coordinator and offer three options for an easy practice race (No NPC to race against, 40 gizmos reward), an indermediate race (current default, 60 gizmos and holiday items) and a "elite" version of the race (harder, more unforgiving NPC, 80 gizmos and more holiday items and an accolate winning X races).
Would that help?
I would say that is a good idea only based on past experience of the way cryptic want this event to go I would say they want you to play for the full 25 days at least, they are not likely to do anything that potentially cuts that in half other then you using lobi which means someone has spent $$$.
now if you suggested the normal race for 40 gizmos with 20hr cooldown as usual and a No NPC for 10 gizmos repeatable every 30+ minutes to a maximum of 40 gizmos a day and a 18hr cooldown from the 4th race and of course doing one option locks you out of doing the other option for 20hrs.
that would be closer to getting a thumbs up from cryptic.
Post edited by bobbydazlers on
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Go to race coordinator and offer three options for an easy practice race (No NPC to race against, 40 gizmos reward), an indermediate race (current default, 60 gizmos and holiday items) and a "elite" version of the race (harder, more unforgiving NPC, 80 gizmos and more holiday items and an accolate winning X races).
Would that help?
I would say that is a good idea only based on past experience of the way cryptic want this event to go I would say they want you to play for the full 25 days at least, they are not likely to do anything that potentially cuts that in half other then you using lobi which means someone has spent $$$.
now if you suggested the normal race for 40 gizmos with 20hr cooldown as usual and a No NPC for 10 gizmos repeatable every 30+ minutes to a maximum of 40 gizmos a day and a 18hr cooldown from the 4th race and of course doing one option locks you out of doing the other option for 20hrs.
that would be closer to getting a thumbs up from cryptic.
Not bad, but I think we can do even better. The player can talk to the race coordinator to choose 1 of 2 options:
1) Standard race as it is now. The fastest of the two options, but also the most challenging.
2) They can opt to run 3 laps around the track without an opponent and without any out-of-bounds objective failure. A generous timer could be included to ensure the player doesn't run half of the objective, stop for dinner, then come back for the rest or something silly. To ensure they run their laps around the track, the player would have to run through checkpoints along the way. This would use the same tech used for the Risa event, so it's not like cryptic would have to add too much.
Both options would award 40 event ship widgets and would be on the same 18h, 20h, or whatever the current cooldown is. Just like that, everyone can feel included.
Here ya go for easy alt method... When you chose the 'easy' way a 2 minute commercial pops up. Cryptic sells that ad space. Win-win. You get easy complete and Cryptic gets Ad revenue!
It's a possibility, but there's an exploit people would use back in the old days... they'd just go to the bathroom during the commercial break. I know, it's totally OP and it takes advantage of the system to get a double benefit, but bathroom breaks during commercial were once a commonly accepted practice. These days, more high tech exploits like DVRs and multiple windows just make it harder to enforce fair play; the poor advertisers have such a hard time getting us to watch commercials that they have to use product placement instead!
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Go to race coordinator and offer three options for an easy practice race (No NPC to race against, 40 gizmos reward), an indermediate race (current default, 60 gizmos and holiday items) and a "elite" version of the race (harder, more unforgiving NPC, 80 gizmos and more holiday items and an accolate winning X races).
Would that help?
I would say that is a good idea only based on past experience of the way cryptic want this event to go I would say they want you to play for the full 25 days at least, they are not likely to do anything that potentially cuts that in half other then you using lobi which means someone has spent $$$.
now if you suggested the normal race for 40 gizmos with 20hr cooldown as usual and a No NPC for 10 gizmos repeatable every 30+ minutes to a maximum of 40 gizmos a day and a 18hr cooldown from the 4th race and of course doing one option locks you out of doing the other option for 20hrs.
that would be closer to getting a thumbs up from cryptic.
Not bad, but I think we can do even better. The player can talk to the race coordinator to choose 1 of 2 options:
1) Standard race as it is now. The fastest of the two options, but also the most challenging.
2) They can opt to run 3 laps around the track without an opponent and without any out-of-bounds objective failure. A generous timer could be included to ensure the player doesn't run half of the objective, stop for dinner, then come back for the rest or something silly. To ensure they run their laps around the track, the player would have to run through checkpoints along the way. This would use the same tech used for the Risa event, so it's not like cryptic would have to add too much.
Both options would award 40 event ship widgets and would be on the same 18h, 20h, or whatever the current cooldown is. Just like that, everyone can feel included.
bad idea, you only need to slip out of bounds once and you have to restart ok if its the first lap but the third lap YIKES!
and then the timer, supposing you get an emergency at home just as you are starting your last lap and fail as a result, or supposing you get disconnected or your computer crashes, not fair in my opinion.
no my option is still the best, you can take your time do the single lap if you fail for any reason you are not loosing a lot you can just restart, they could always add a 5minute timer to the lap if it makes it that a person wont go off and make tea or something, it does give you a bit of flexibility you have 30 minutes between each run if your hands are giving you pain and if you need to take a break for an hour or so between races as you can do a couple of runs log out for a hour or two and then finish up when you log back in later, bearing in mind you may have to wait longer the next day due to the cooldown being tied to the last race, that seems much fairer to me.
its all very well for some who find it sooo easy, not everyone is the same some find it much harder to get a win like myself or down right impossible like some others, there is no getting around the fact that compared to the summer event this race is much more difficult.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
@bobbydazlers : That just sounds cruel to me. Having to do the race track four times a day, quadrupling the hoops to jump through hardly sounds like a good offer. Then again, I'm not in the position to suffer from the "race" so maybe people who want the alternative should comment on that. I can see however how increasing rewards and cutting down time spent in the event would not be a thing Cryptic would do. Maybe it'd be better to just offer "easy" and "advanced" races, easy being no opponent and no time limit, you get the gizmos and advanced is the default race rewarding the gizmos and a asorted bunch of holiday currency for the items. I think that makes more sense than having four times the "work" as a compensation.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I don't understand why there is an issue at all. That is, if you're taking about the single player PvE race for the ship vouchers.
Hell, I just JOG around the whole track and win EVERY TIME. No sprinting. No ninja-fu rolls. No X-Games style radical sliding moves on the ice.
If the OP is referring to the PvP race, I can see where it would be a major problem for somebody who has a physical handicap/disability that screws the pooch on their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
absolutely support the OP here....the whole concept of the star trek decency would surely insist everyone can participate equally
If that is the point you want to make, fine; but that would apply to everything, not just this event. So if you really want to make that point, you are asking them to rework the entire game.
actually its reasonable for them to address issues as they arise rather than trying to rework everything at true equality that wouldnt work anyway.
its simple enuff to add an event that can be done more with the clicking skills of space combat rather than the mario kart controls of the race. Similarly they can add more cerebral type challenges.....with a little though I am sure that they could add something for everyone (or at least much more than currently).
STar Trek concept as I have seen it since TOS has been about being inclusive and respecting all peoples. It is the series that produced the first ever inter racial kiss on television, it has brought thought to the wham bam of space battles...surely we can reasonably expect this level of committment to this latest incarnation of Roddenberry's vision. Besides surely its in cryptics best interest to have a bigger market from which to gather income ?
please don't tell the devs there is no exploit, its easy for some who can do the run and win in one go but some players might have to do the run a few times to get the opponent free race so are actually doing more for the same reward, how is that an exploit.
have some empathy on the unfortunate who haven't got the motor skill or dexterity you have.
I am sure I am the only poster that mentioned it so hopefully the devs wont notice.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I find the race quite simple and have read comments like this since the winter event added the race. It is easier than playing much of the game, especially ground combat. (Takes me longer to tie my shoe-laces than it does to finish the race, which makes my blood boil .)
The key is to use the mouse to set the character's direction (hold RMB), and be ready with the roll keybind.
Once you know the boundaries of the course, you can hug the edge and aim for the corners - you'll be able to sprint right through an entire segment, where someone running near the center would have to slalom through several bends.
As you hit one of the sharp turns, let go of the movement key. Move the mouse around so that the camera points at the next 'corner' you should be aiming for, and tap the roll key. All lateral momentum is gone, and you can sprint forward to the next corner.
Rinse, repeat.
It's not a race, and it's not a track - it's a series of straight lines, point-to-point.
....and as far as 'getting' the 'point' of this thread, I have severe dyspraxia which set in during my early teens.
I'll probably never be able to paint a canvas or put on a tie, shoelaces are a time-consuming (but doable) task for me, hell I literally cannot ever play piano again which was one of my childhoold passions. There are some days when I can barely move one or both of my legs.
Admittedly, I routinely fail this race twice every year - the first two times. Once I actually recall how to beat it, muscle memory takes over and that's that.
Anything else the vouchers could possibly be awarded for would require more cognitive ability and more motor control.
Put in anything easier, and at that point you may as well just give everyone the bloody ship on login during the event period.
Actually, yeah, no - let's just do that from now on. Free ship upon login during Christmas week, December 23rd-27th, no strings attached.
Take the "metrics" and shove 'em, because if you actually need to force people to log in, I think that says it all.
Hey, that actually works!
I used the jump to stop the moment, but it was +/-useless. Thanks to your advice i was able to win the race for the first time.
Much obliged, mate!
Actually, I was paying attention:
So yeah, you specifically said you were quitting until THEY, the devs fix it. Not until some random person gives you a solution that might work. If you want to change your story now, that's fine. But you can't claim I wasn't paying attention when you are the one backpeddling and changing your story after getting called out on it.
Join Date: Sep 2008
I never thought I'd be able to run either FnF or FGoI, so never tried for two whole years. This year I decided I was going to try both. Guess what? After around 6 or 7 losses my first time out, I won it. Then I went around the track many times as practice runs until I had the course fairly memorized. The next day I won my first time out. Next day took four tries. Today took two tries. I find what works best for me is to dash through the straights, frog hop around bends and never stop. It works for me. I've seen many tips and tricks from people who have no problem beating the NPC. I'll likely never get to a point where I can always beat NPC first try, but I know I will eventually now.
As for FnF? I never try to win, I merely try to stay in bounds (since their boundaries are more strict that FGoI) and get the two tags. Three races and I have six. The races run back to back every hour so I have my tags. Lately I've been lucky enough to grab the second and third place flags once in awhile and even got the first place flag a couple times. People gripe because someone 'stole' their flag, but the flags are part of the race and grabbing it is part of the race. Some overshoot it, I'm guilty of that, and I don't gripe when someone else who's run many more times over the years than I have grabs *my* flag. I know I can at least get two tags per race. I'm good with that. I did find out that the frosted boots actually do help me stay on the track better and I have to frog hop less during this race. They don't help at all in FGoI, though.
I don't let most things about the game agitate me. I play it to have fun, and I have fun even when I'm not getting as many trinkets as the next person because I didn't kill as many snowmen as they did. I still killed some and helped kill the Snowverlord, whether he was in the Village(s) or the Fortress or the frozen lake.
There are easy tricks to winning the race. As you're coming to a corner you can do the roll trick as some folks have pointed out. the one that works best for me is as i'm running i'll let off the run key as i come to a turn. from there i jump into the air a few times and it slows me down enough that i can turn and run in the other direction. There's also lobi as well that allows you to bypass the race event outright. I sympathize with you for having a legitimate disability I honestly do. try some of those tricks and what not and they should help you. From a technical standpoint what exactly would you want them to do as an alternative? Depending on what you make the alternative, which would have to be easier than the race, many people would end up abusing said alternative just for an easier time. I would love to see games take more disabled people and disabilities into account but there's only so much that can be done. I'm not saying they shouldn't do something but what I am saying is that there's only so much that can be done without creating an easily abused alternative. Also don't take this as a swipe against you because it most certainly isn't but it's something that needs to be asked. If for example less than 5% of a game's populace has a disability that prevents them from completing an event, what motivation does a company have in order to alter the game to accommodate those few people? Cost is something that must be taken into account as well when doing something like this. Depending on how much resources it would take to implement an alternative, if it's not going to benefit but a few select people then why would they waste the extra time and resources. Again I'm not bashing you by any means at all. This is simply a question that must be asked when taking something into account like this.
What exactly would you have them do as an alternative to the race? There are only so many different things that could be done that would be fair to all without that alternative being abused. Lets be honest here, you know as well as I do that people in this game will always take the path of least resistance and everyone would simply use the alternative if it was made as stupid easy as you seem to be wanting. As I said above to the OP, depending on how much time and resources it would take, if it's only going to benefit a certain select few people, then what is the company's motivation to do so if it would ultimately end up as a loss in terms of their return. It's a fair question that must be asked if we're to consider something like this.
When I first did the race and was trying to learn it, I failed bare minimum that I can remember at least 20 times. Once I got the hang of it however I could run it in my sleep. As others have pointed out to you specifically there are tricks and things you can do to win the race. If you decide not to use those tricks and what not and continue to fail, that's purely on you and not the game. There are plenty of people I know of who play this game that have jobs, lives, and kids to take care of that are still able to find the less than 5-10 minutes it takes at most to run the race. The "I have a life and job" excuse is only valid for so long and for so much. Too often I see that excuse tossed out as a means of trying to excuse their own mediocrity and to demand something be handed to them which honestly is what you sound like.
How hard is it for someone such as yourself to actually put forth minimum effort to actually use some of the tricks and what that have been told to you. If you don't use the advice that's been given to you by those of us who actually have been able to complete the race with no issues then that's on you. Something like what you're wanting would be abused so badly it's not even funny. why would someone legitimately try to run the race when they can just fail it 3 times and get the tokens? As for getting your stuff, I doubt you would have much of value with an attitude like yours.
You can ask for accommodations all day long but by no means are you owed it by Cryptic to give you said accommodation. The issue is not with the event but with you. There is also a difference between running an episode mission which can be essential to story progression, and running an optional event mission. The first one can keep you from advancing in the game, the 2nd one has no bearing on your ability to progress, it simply means you won't get another shiny ship. You say what you're asking for isn't some sort of exploit or shortcut, yet that is exactly what you're asking for whether you acknowledge it or not. Instead of sitting down, and actually learning the race, and getting used to it, you're asking for the tokens to be given to you just because you "gave it your best try" and are asking for a participation reward. What you're asking for would also be greatly exploited if it were to be implemented. You can say all day long that you're not asking for a shortcut, yet you are. You can say that you don't want an exploit but that's exactly what would happen if this were implemented.
What you're asking for is to be rewarded whether you complete the task or not. You already have a fair chance of completing the race just as everyone else does. If you choose to not put forth the effort to learn it that's again purely on you and not the game. You already have a fair chance through lobi and the race itself to get the marks. If you put forth minimum effort in this game you will have minimum reward. If you put forth maximum effort you'll achieve maximum reward. It's highly unfair for the guy who puts forth minimum effort to expect to have maximum reward. The OP has a right to ask for an accommodation because he has a legitimate disability. You however don't have such a disability that I've seen and are just wanting something for nothing.
Dude you really need to dial back the ego there. If everything else didn't make it obvious you want something for nothing, this did. We get it, you're frustrated. However your problem isn't with the game, it's with your own refusal to learn and adapt. You honestly need to learn and get better, drop some lobi, or don't do the event. The only issue here is with you and not the game. You're going to be waiting a LONG time then if you're going to try to boycott the game. They're not going to just hand you the ship. Honestly dude you really need to get over yourself. You're complaining about a problem that YOU created and that YOU are the solution to. Your problem is that you've not been willing to learn judging by your other comments made to other people and in general. What you're complaining about is NOT an issue to anyone except you. If the game is causing you as much stress as you're letting on then you probably do need to take a break from it. The devs usually are willing to at least listen to people provided they don't throw a temper tantrum like what you've done. Seriously dude I'll say it again, get over yourself. Get better at the race, drop the lobi, or don't get the marks, and quit asking for something to just be handed to you. You royally overestimate your value to this game.
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Microsoft actually does that for some of its casual games: you sit through a commercial, you get power-ups.
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It's the easy, obvious solution.
Go to race coordinator and offer three options for an easy practice race (No NPC to race against, 40 gizmos reward), an indermediate race (current default, 60 gizmos and holiday items) and a "elite" version of the race (harder, more unforgiving NPC, 80 gizmos and more holiday items and an accolate winning X races).
Would that help?
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I would say that is a good idea only based on past experience of the way cryptic want this event to go I would say they want you to play for the full 25 days at least, they are not likely to do anything that potentially cuts that in half other then you using lobi which means someone has spent $$$.
now if you suggested the normal race for 40 gizmos with 20hr cooldown as usual and a No NPC for 10 gizmos repeatable every 30+ minutes to a maximum of 40 gizmos a day and a 18hr cooldown from the 4th race and of course doing one option locks you out of doing the other option for 20hrs.
that would be closer to getting a thumbs up from cryptic.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
1) Standard race as it is now. The fastest of the two options, but also the most challenging.
2) They can opt to run 3 laps around the track without an opponent and without any out-of-bounds objective failure. A generous timer could be included to ensure the player doesn't run half of the objective, stop for dinner, then come back for the rest or something silly. To ensure they run their laps around the track, the player would have to run through checkpoints along the way. This would use the same tech used for the Risa event, so it's not like cryptic would have to add too much.
Both options would award 40 event ship widgets and would be on the same 18h, 20h, or whatever the current cooldown is. Just like that, everyone can feel included.
It's a possibility, but there's an exploit people would use back in the old days... they'd just go to the bathroom during the commercial break. I know, it's totally OP and it takes advantage of the system to get a double benefit, but bathroom breaks during commercial were once a commonly accepted practice. These days, more high tech exploits like DVRs and multiple windows just make it harder to enforce fair play; the poor advertisers have such a hard time getting us to watch commercials that they have to use product placement instead!
bad idea, you only need to slip out of bounds once and you have to restart ok if its the first lap but the third lap YIKES!
and then the timer, supposing you get an emergency at home just as you are starting your last lap and fail as a result, or supposing you get disconnected or your computer crashes, not fair in my opinion.
no my option is still the best, you can take your time do the single lap if you fail for any reason you are not loosing a lot you can just restart, they could always add a 5minute timer to the lap if it makes it that a person wont go off and make tea or something, it does give you a bit of flexibility you have 30 minutes between each run if your hands are giving you pain and if you need to take a break for an hour or so between races as you can do a couple of runs log out for a hour or two and then finish up when you log back in later, bearing in mind you may have to wait longer the next day due to the cooldown being tied to the last race, that seems much fairer to me.
its all very well for some who find it sooo easy, not everyone is the same some find it much harder to get a win like myself or down right impossible like some others, there is no getting around the fact that compared to the summer event this race is much more difficult.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
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Hell, I just JOG around the whole track and win EVERY TIME. No sprinting. No ninja-fu rolls. No X-Games style radical sliding moves on the ice.
If the OP is referring to the PvP race, I can see where it would be a major problem for somebody who has a physical handicap/disability that screws the pooch on their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
actually its reasonable for them to address issues as they arise rather than trying to rework everything at true equality that wouldnt work anyway.
its simple enuff to add an event that can be done more with the clicking skills of space combat rather than the mario kart controls of the race. Similarly they can add more cerebral type challenges.....with a little though I am sure that they could add something for everyone (or at least much more than currently).
STar Trek concept as I have seen it since TOS has been about being inclusive and respecting all peoples. It is the series that produced the first ever inter racial kiss on television, it has brought thought to the wham bam of space battles...surely we can reasonably expect this level of committment to this latest incarnation of Roddenberry's vision. Besides surely its in cryptics best interest to have a bigger market from which to gather income ?
my tuppence worth only