While not an optimal solution... if you have a friend who you trust w/ your login to run the race on your toon. You could get the ship that way. Race only takes a couple minutes at most to run, so not a huge imposition I would think.
^^ That is against the TOS. The OP would do wise not to follow that advice.
Btw, I suck at said minigame too; but figured out you mostly just have to walk, intstead of run. I usually just do a sprint at the start, and a quick one at the end.
You ever hear the term "ragequit"? That's where I am right now. I love this game, I've been supportive of Cryptic many times, but right now I want to take my monitor, walk it up to their offices, throw it through the %^$^#$ing window and scream. I am PISSED OFF. I'm not even playing right now because just looking at the game screen makes my blood boil.
This kind of statement suggests serious mental problems that may be a danger to yourself or others, so you should seek professional help. I am not saying that as an insult, but as someone who does not want to see anyone get hurt.
As for those who say they can't because they would have to provide alternative to all mission. They already do, it's the team up function. Can't complete a part of a mission then ask someone to team up and complete the part you are having trouble with. We have had that request from perfectly able in real life but not so much in game people, in our fleet and armada already. Heck I was doffing in sector space when someone asked me for help on a mission they couldn't complete and couldn't get any help from their fleet, they are now a fleet member.
That is a valid point. Here is the next question: if there is a simpler/easier way to complete an event, wouldn't everyone(or most people) just do that? And what happens when someone who has a different issue wants a simpler/easier version of that?
Well, yeah everyone (or most) wants a good time/reward but if the race or mission takes an average or "ideal" amount time the alternative way should take an equal amount of time. If we go back to those mission on Bajor; one was a ground fight and the other a space, with the DPS some have now which mission do you think is getting play more?
Ideally the alternative would be as costly in time or task as the original.
Just add a doffing mission that can be accessed in the Winter Wonderland. As excluding those that cannot do it, due to limitations. Is rather short sighted.
As for those who say they can't because they would have to provide alternative to all mission. They already do, it's the team up function. Can't complete a part of a mission then ask someone to team up and complete the part you are having trouble with. We have had that request from perfectly able in real life but not so much in game people, in our fleet and armada already. Heck I was doffing in sector space when someone asked me for help on a mission they couldn't complete and couldn't get any help from their fleet, they are now a fleet member.
That is a valid point. Here is the next question: if there is a simpler/easier way to complete an event, wouldn't everyone(or most people) just do that? And what happens when someone who has a different issue wants a simpler/easier version of that?
They aren't asking for faster or easier. They are asking for a game / hoop with a different skill set. It could take twice as long and twice as much thinking, just less hand-eye coordination.
If your want for a fugly alien ship is pushing you towards torturing yourself with repeated exposure to frustration stemming from your inability to complete a specific task, then it's your fault, not cryptic's
Not to be a complete TRIBBLE but I need to point out for the record that if your are born with a disability it literally means there are some things you don't nor ever will have the ability to do.
Now, ramps for people who can't walk up stairs? Check. Braille signs for the blind? Check. Sign language translators at all major events for the deaf? Check. Alternative ways to earn pixels in a video game? Um... uh...
I think you see my point, although I certainly do empathize.
I don't see anything wrong with the idea of two ways to earn the prize, as there used to be with the epohh tags (where if you were willing to take forever, you could dig in the snow). Wish that would be brought back, as I can barely even hold my own in the PvE race, let alone consider the PvP one, and not for any lack of trying.
Post edited by gulberat on
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
I, too, have a problem completing the race and have just resigned myself to never being able to get the ship. It's unfortunate, but I don't anticipate the company caring one iota for players that can't complete it.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
The PvE "hoop" as people are starting to call it, has a "little to no hand-eye coordination required" mode.
It's when the game spawns zero opposition for you. There is no actual timer to the race. You can jog/walk/roll to your hearts content, as long as you stay on the track...
The challenge to this is having enough patience to talk to coordinator-breen, go to official, check if there's a spawn-foe, immediately beeline back to coordinator when foe seen, repeat till a "no foe" race is spawned.
Also, be wary of attempting this practice during the last quarter-hour, when the zone-wide snowman fight spawns. This method does not provide invulnerability to snowman attacks - yet you are still restrained to the course during your "race".
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I don't see anything wrong with the idea of two ways to earn the prize, as there used to be with the epohh tags (where if you were willing to take forever, you could dig in the snow). Wish that would be brought back, as I can barely even hold my own in the PvE race,belt alone consider the PvP one, and not for any lack of trying.
I've long been a proponent of the idea that every event should give you a choice of activities to complete the daily reward grind.
If for no other reason than to alleviate the tedium of doing the same thing day after day. It could also work for people with disabilities, depending on the activities.
But surely we need to realize that if there is a quick and easy alternative to doing the official activity, that people will do that instead. And I can easily see that as an unintended behavior that is at cross-purposes with the Dev's intent for the event.
I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, mind you. I am saying that there's a "what's in it for us?" element that as a business they have to take into consideration. They can't simply make it a DOFF assignment that encourages people to click the button and then leave the game until the assignment cools down. Because that defeats one of the main purposes of the event. They don't create that "free" ship for free and they ask for a certain amount of time and effort in return.
The winter/summer events are fairly mature now and each has a number of different activities to participate in. What they could do is to create a daily mission as a wrapper, that requires a certain number of points to advance. Similar to the completion percentages in some other missions. Then completing each activity in the zone would award a certain number of points toward completion of the wrapper mission. (This is not a new suggestion, by the way.)
Fastest Game on Ice might award 100 pts, as it has no other reward. The PvP race might award 60 pts, plus whatever tags the player happens to earn. The other activities all have other rewards, so they'd probably earn fewer points. Maybe 20 points each.
I think the Devs could live with a solution like that and it has the side benefit of engaging players in their favorite activities. FGoI might still get played because it's the fastest way to earn the tokens.
However, there is the very real possibility that Cryptic has its own reasons for leaving things the way they are and can't or won't accommodate the few who can't or won't play FGoI. As it stands, our choices are to find a creative way to do it or don't. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh -- I'm not entirely unsympathetic -- but reality does not shape itself to our requirements. The angry tone of some posters is understandable but I don't see how it's supposed to motivate the Devs to do anything about it. Positive suggestions that have built-in incentives for Cryptic are more likely to have an effect.
Their other alternative is simply to stop offering free ships. If they can't get the RoI they're expecting from the resources involved in creating them, there's way less point in offering them.
TLDR: It can be done but it's a pain in the butt. Access to easier solutions would be nice.
The long version:
There are minor differences in normal content vs the race. Normally, there are pauses in the action. The next wave needs to be navigated to. It doesn't often come after you from behind and pass you up to beat you. Thankfully, in this game, you can move with your right (or left depending on your mouse) hand only. It's quite easy to fly a ship with one hand and do actions with it - 7 button mouse accommodates targeting and a few often used skills while leaving the other hand to minimal use.
In the race, you can't roll without double tapping keys. I'm sure the other mouse buttons can be programmed to do it but it's not as intuitive as a + layout on a keyboard. Also, there is much more opportunity to practice alternative methods for regular content. These events are time-limited and being impaired is more frustrating for the impaired than those out there who get frustrated over the impaired preferring some alternative method to be available for them, especially when a string of failures acerbates their frustration.
It's possible to make just about anything on a computer assessable through the OS, however doing it is a nightmare. You have voice activated commands, but hows does one get "Roll left" to tell STO to double tap the "A" key and then do it? It's fine for Word but no so fine for games. Maybe the industry needs to look into that aspect of the world.
@stobg2015, Your idea on points to completion reminds me a lot of the New Romulus zone, and I like it. Plus I'd note that if the alternatives were Tide of Ice or Cones of Conduct, the trade off is that those events take longer than the race, so to my mind that is an acceptable trade off: if you want something easier, it will take time away from something else you might like to be doing.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
if you are talking about the pvp race? that isn't required for getting the ship...
as for the solo race... well aside from the 'no opponent' option, have you read the guides on it? This race is really really simple if you use either the jump or tumble tricks, and its almost impossible to loose once you use those.. Gorn are slower than any other playable species in game but they can win this race easily with either of those tricks.
Which part of 'motor skill issues' was it that was hard for you to comprehend?
Now I don't have motor skill issues on good days, but on bad ones where my arthritis is flaring then I do. Yesterday I had such as day and the pve race for the ship was undoable for me. The pvp race is actually more doable as long as I only go for placing in it, even after 1st place is done I have a full minuet to get to the finish line which means I can jog the whole way which is about as fast as I can go. Jogging the entire stretch is not an option in the pve race which on bad days is something I can't complete.
Given that my problem is only intermittent I should be able to complete the race 25 times and get the ship, but a lot of people with motor skill issues have the all the time so they have little to no option of completing the race and getting the ship.
And no, the summer race is not "basically the same thing". It has a 10 minute time, much longer than this race, which gives even disabled people plenty of time to complete it. Furthermore the summer race is not based on having as good reflexes as the winter race demands.
heres a tip but don't tell the devs in case its an unintentional bug rather then a feature but in the ship race if you loose for any reason don't drop the mission, return to the first Race Coordinator in the gazebo and restart after a 2 or 3 goes you usually get a race without an opponent so you can just walk it so you are guaranteed a win providing you don't go out of bounds.
you may get a few other racers and their opponents pass you by but don't worry it wont effect the outcome of your race.
I guess it is a feature for players with a disability or who just haven't got motor skill or dexterity to do it otherwise.
I have found that often if I have got an opponent free race I get it again and again for quite a few days after though that might just be a lucky fluke.
I managed it ok last year but I have got a different laptop and the keyboard is a bit.....funky so I am finding it a lot harder, if it wasn't for the opponent free 'feature' I would be in a right pickle.
Post edited by bobbydazlers on
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
TBH yes, they should drop the the time attack portion of it. Staying on the track so you're not DQ-ed should be enough challenge. Or put in the click to move feature like in any other 3D MMORPG out there.
Anyway, a small piece of advice. You can't complete the run with constantly pushing forward button. You need to stop in every corner either by jumping or rolling. Change your direction then push forward button again.
I suggested at the close of last year's event that they should implement several ways to get the q photos--which would allow the tanks to get them through tanking, the healers to get em through healing and the dpsers to get em through pew pew.
at the very least, it would be nice if all the other winter items could be sold to a q vendor in exchange for photos for those of us that are a bit traction challenged...
Which part of 'motor skill issues' was it that was hard for you to comprehend?
<snip> I can jog the whole way which is about as fast as I can go. Jogging the entire stretch is not an option in the pve race which on bad days is something I can't complete.
Actually that is my point... You CAN jog the entire time.... Com up on a turn? Turn to face the new direction and double tap the direction key, W in this instance, and roll. You will not skid and be at full stop in your new direction. Now start running again, at each turn, repeat the roll. There are also a couple spots where you can just run straight across clipping the edges of the turns/curves.
Every player has a method available to them to get the glossy photos over running the races, and that is with lobi.
Yeah, but it's a lot of Lobi. I used that method for the summer event because I was a little behind, but it took more than I really wanted to part with. I wouldn't want to sink lobi for the whole thing.
TBH yes, they should drop the the time attack portion of it. Staying on the track so you're not DQ-ed should be enough challenge.
The "time pressure" comes from the "randomly assigned opposition". Get a race with no opponent, you have no time pressure.
Walk track and stay inbounds. 100% success rate, even if it takes 30 minutes to do so... ( <- hyperbole on time window)
Memory and reminders in thread indicate that after like 2-3 failures in a row (not drops, failures where you check back in at race official and he says "sorry, you lost"), you're all but assured a "no opponent" race.
Just be careful of trying a "no opponent" race in the window of the snowball fight event...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
TBH yes, they should drop the the time attack portion of it. Staying on the track so you're not DQ-ed should be enough challenge.
The "time pressure" comes from the "randomly assigned opposition". Get a race with no opponent, you have no time pressure.
Walk track and stay inbounds. 100% success rate, even if it takes 30 minutes to do so... ( <- hyperbole on time window)
Memory and reminders in thread indicate that after like 2-3 failures in a row (not drops, failures where you check back in at race official and he says "sorry, you lost"), you're all but assured a "no opponent" race.
Just be careful of trying a "no opponent" race in the window of the snowball fight event...
I'll try to get that no opponent thing. I hope to hell it works.
That is roughly $200 of keys and promo packs or 1 billion EC.
Just thought I'd do the math.
I was doing some today as well. My dilithium fortune is worth a grand and sad total of 2 billion EC which also = $500
So the cost to get the ship with no race - $250! yikes.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
So that those with disabilities have an equal chance at completing the race, the race should not be against an opponent. If anything, I would remove the opponent and make a timed track. If you complete the race--no matter how long it takes--you get your 40 vouchers. If you complete the race within a given time, you get--in addition to the 40 vouchers--epohh tags or winter items (recipes, non-combat pets, lump of coal, ornaments, etc.). That way, those who do struggle with track--whether it's due to disability or something else--have the opportunity to get the winter ship like everyone else.
heres a tip but don't tell the devs in case its an unintentional bug rather then a feature but in the ship race if you loose for any reason don't drop the mission, return to the first Race Coordinator in the gazebo and restart after a 2 or 3 goes you usually get a race without an opponent so you can just walk it so you are guaranteed a win providing you don't go out of bounds.
you may get a few other racers and their opponents pass you by but don't worry it wont effect the outcome of your race.
TBH yes, they should drop the the time attack portion of it. Staying on the track so you're not DQ-ed should be enough challenge.
The "time pressure" comes from the "randomly assigned opposition". Get a race with no opponent, you have no time pressure.
Walk track and stay inbounds. 100% success rate, even if it takes 30 minutes to do so... ( <- hyperbole on time window)
Memory and reminders in thread indicate that after like 2-3 failures in a row (not drops, failures where you check back in at race official and he says "sorry, you lost"), you're all but assured a "no opponent" race.
Just be careful of trying a "no opponent" race in the window of the snowball fight event...
I'll try to get that no opponent thing. I hope to hell it works.
This solution has been given to you before, as have multiple videos on how to do the event.
The OP has a legitimate issue that prevents him/her from completing the event. You just refuse to use the help you have been given and instead choose to rage on the forum. It's been explained to you multiple times how to EASILY complete this event, the only thing that explains you still having this issue is that you refuse to use the help you have been given.
The OP is not physically able to do it. For him, there should be another option or hopefully someone from Cryptic will be nice enough to intervene. For you, all you need to do is read all the tips that have been given that tell you how to easily handle this event. The Fastest Game on Ice is incredibly easy if you just listen to what people tell you. Try that instead of trying to make this thread all about you.
^^ That is against the TOS. The OP would do wise not to follow that advice.
Btw, I suck at said minigame too; but figured out you mostly just have to walk, intstead of run. I usually just do a sprint at the start, and a quick one at the end.
This kind of statement suggests serious mental problems that may be a danger to yourself or others, so you should seek professional help. I am not saying that as an insult, but as someone who does not want to see anyone get hurt.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Well, yeah everyone (or most) wants a good time/reward but if the race or mission takes an average or "ideal" amount time the alternative way should take an equal amount of time. If we go back to those mission on Bajor; one was a ground fight and the other a space, with the DPS some have now which mission do you think is getting play more?
Ideally the alternative would be as costly in time or task as the original.
They aren't asking for faster or easier. They are asking for a game / hoop with a different skill set. It could take twice as long and twice as much thinking, just less hand-eye coordination.
Now, ramps for people who can't walk up stairs? Check. Braille signs for the blind? Check. Sign language translators at all major events for the deaf? Check. Alternative ways to earn pixels in a video game? Um... uh...
I think you see my point, although I certainly do empathize.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
The PvE "hoop" as people are starting to call it, has a "little to no hand-eye coordination required" mode.
It's when the game spawns zero opposition for you. There is no actual timer to the race. You can jog/walk/roll to your hearts content, as long as you stay on the track...
The challenge to this is having enough patience to talk to coordinator-breen, go to official, check if there's a spawn-foe, immediately beeline back to coordinator when foe seen, repeat till a "no foe" race is spawned.
Also, be wary of attempting this practice during the last quarter-hour, when the zone-wide snowman fight spawns. This method does not provide invulnerability to snowman attacks - yet you are still restrained to the course during your "race".
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I've long been a proponent of the idea that every event should give you a choice of activities to complete the daily reward grind.
If for no other reason than to alleviate the tedium of doing the same thing day after day. It could also work for people with disabilities, depending on the activities.
But surely we need to realize that if there is a quick and easy alternative to doing the official activity, that people will do that instead. And I can easily see that as an unintended behavior that is at cross-purposes with the Dev's intent for the event.
I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, mind you. I am saying that there's a "what's in it for us?" element that as a business they have to take into consideration. They can't simply make it a DOFF assignment that encourages people to click the button and then leave the game until the assignment cools down. Because that defeats one of the main purposes of the event. They don't create that "free" ship for free and they ask for a certain amount of time and effort in return.
The winter/summer events are fairly mature now and each has a number of different activities to participate in. What they could do is to create a daily mission as a wrapper, that requires a certain number of points to advance. Similar to the completion percentages in some other missions. Then completing each activity in the zone would award a certain number of points toward completion of the wrapper mission. (This is not a new suggestion, by the way.)
Fastest Game on Ice might award 100 pts, as it has no other reward. The PvP race might award 60 pts, plus whatever tags the player happens to earn. The other activities all have other rewards, so they'd probably earn fewer points. Maybe 20 points each.
I think the Devs could live with a solution like that and it has the side benefit of engaging players in their favorite activities. FGoI might still get played because it's the fastest way to earn the tokens.
However, there is the very real possibility that Cryptic has its own reasons for leaving things the way they are and can't or won't accommodate the few who can't or won't play FGoI. As it stands, our choices are to find a creative way to do it or don't. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh -- I'm not entirely unsympathetic -- but reality does not shape itself to our requirements. The angry tone of some posters is understandable but I don't see how it's supposed to motivate the Devs to do anything about it. Positive suggestions that have built-in incentives for Cryptic are more likely to have an effect.
Their other alternative is simply to stop offering free ships. If they can't get the RoI they're expecting from the resources involved in creating them, there's way less point in offering them.
The long version:
There are minor differences in normal content vs the race. Normally, there are pauses in the action. The next wave needs to be navigated to. It doesn't often come after you from behind and pass you up to beat you. Thankfully, in this game, you can move with your right (or left depending on your mouse) hand only. It's quite easy to fly a ship with one hand and do actions with it - 7 button mouse accommodates targeting and a few often used skills while leaving the other hand to minimal use.
In the race, you can't roll without double tapping keys. I'm sure the other mouse buttons can be programmed to do it but it's not as intuitive as a + layout on a keyboard. Also, there is much more opportunity to practice alternative methods for regular content. These events are time-limited and being impaired is more frustrating for the impaired than those out there who get frustrated over the impaired preferring some alternative method to be available for them, especially when a string of failures acerbates their frustration.
It's possible to make just about anything on a computer assessable through the OS, however doing it is a nightmare. You have voice activated commands, but hows does one get "Roll left" to tell STO to double tap the "A" key and then do it? It's fine for Word but no so fine for games. Maybe the industry needs to look into that aspect of the world.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
heres a tip but don't tell the devs in case its an unintentional bug rather then a feature but in the ship race if you loose for any reason don't drop the mission, return to the first Race Coordinator in the gazebo and restart after a 2 or 3 goes you usually get a race without an opponent so you can just walk it so you are guaranteed a win providing you don't go out of bounds.
you may get a few other racers and their opponents pass you by but don't worry it wont effect the outcome of your race.
I guess it is a feature for players with a disability or who just haven't got motor skill or dexterity to do it otherwise.
I have found that often if I have got an opponent free race I get it again and again for quite a few days after though that might just be a lucky fluke.
I managed it ok last year but I have got a different laptop and the keyboard is a bit.....funky so I am finding it a lot harder, if it wasn't for the opponent free 'feature' I would be in a right pickle.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Anyway, a small piece of advice. You can't complete the run with constantly pushing forward button. You need to stop in every corner either by jumping or rolling. Change your direction then push forward button again.
at the very least, it would be nice if all the other winter items could be sold to a q vendor in exchange for photos for those of us that are a bit traction challenged...
via Imgflip Meme Generator
Yeah, but it's a lot of Lobi. I used that method for the summer event because I was a little behind, but it took more than I really wanted to part with. I wouldn't want to sink lobi for the whole thing.
That is roughly $200 of keys and promo packs or 1 billion EC.
Just thought I'd do the math.
The "time pressure" comes from the "randomly assigned opposition". Get a race with no opponent, you have no time pressure.
Walk track and stay inbounds. 100% success rate, even if it takes 30 minutes to do so... ( <- hyperbole on time window)
Memory and reminders in thread indicate that after like 2-3 failures in a row (not drops, failures where you check back in at race official and he says "sorry, you lost"), you're all but assured a "no opponent" race.
Just be careful of trying a "no opponent" race in the window of the snowball fight event...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
So, you were just BSing when you said you quit?
Join Date: Sep 2008
I was doing some today as well. My dilithium fortune is worth a grand and sad total of 2 billion EC which also = $500
So the cost to get the ship with no race - $250! yikes.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
This solution has been given to you before, as have multiple videos on how to do the event.
The OP has a legitimate issue that prevents him/her from completing the event. You just refuse to use the help you have been given and instead choose to rage on the forum. It's been explained to you multiple times how to EASILY complete this event, the only thing that explains you still having this issue is that you refuse to use the help you have been given.
The OP is not physically able to do it. For him, there should be another option or hopefully someone from Cryptic will be nice enough to intervene. For you, all you need to do is read all the tips that have been given that tell you how to easily handle this event. The Fastest Game on Ice is incredibly easy if you just listen to what people tell you. Try that instead of trying to make this thread all about you.