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PSA Alert- Cyberbullying and Abuse of STO.



  • mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    Ok, lets come clean, is this an early April's fools joke? Or another episode of Soap Opera "The Days of STO"?

    Gimme 1 second let me call my wife, she loves Soap Operas. :D
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    gar1979 wrote: »
    Do you see how the one sided name and shaming is one sided? I know you are intelligent enough for this, I had faith. I wonder which side the scale will tip towards? me or the bunch of dental nerd of prey trolls ganging up calling in backup whom enjoy belittling mocking bullying players and people of multi cultural and diverse RL backgrounds..

    Will I be banned for unfairly picking on Cryptic's chosen sons? Stick around this thread or you might miss a dental being chased away from the community by a lone individual posting chatlogs and proof that cryptic does not want made public here due to a policy trolls have learned to adore and parrot at the drop of a cracker, showing how simple it is to see Cryptic WANTS those types here, (while they go bashing people and cryptic employees publicly in other chat channels or in public, based on their sexual preference, giggling about promoting illegal DDoS attacks on twitter, plenty of things that would get you banned regardless). They usually respond with "prove it" or "because you said it does not make it true"

    In other news, I'm actually Xean. Dun dun DUUUUUUUUN

    Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

    tilting at windmills

    Your weird paranoid rants are sounding like Xean, so when he's banned please keep posting. This kind of entertainment is why I keep checking the forums.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    I'll leave these here too https://twitter.com/Nabreeki/status/644681449963044865

    Because Dental Cares about your enjoyment, and the business model Cryptic has chosen

  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    You said something but just because you said it does not mean that it is true. See what I did here?[
  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    Reported. You ALL know Damned well this TRIBBLE isn't supposed to be on the forums. It's why the LAST ONE was deleted. if you people have issues in game... SOLVE IT THERE. if you can't solve it there then you better find a way to contact a GM. I'm tired of seeing the dramas between these same damned fleets.


    (If i get a warning for this... It's totally worth it.)​​
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    It's like attempting to dialog with the giant wheel being spun at the Price is Right, except every response is "you" or "no you" lololol and when you show the actual price proving them wrong they sort of walk off the stage quietly you know?
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    Deer leeder, pleeze ban the bad guy fighting against a group of trolls alone w no backup in this thread
    marginally successful (on a video game) troll - 2015
  • mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    OP why in the name of T'lik would you allow anyone who is a spy in your channel?
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    On the plus side, my fleet is not involved in any of this. I just know Dental is full of liars, and that does not exclude the other group that was here complaining.

    Then again, I'm Xean and I multibox,

    so disregard everthing I just posted
  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User

    Please note that this has nothing to do with Starfleet Dental/ NoP. The events in the OP refer to someone who isn't a member of our fleets or connected with us.

    We've been falsely accused.

    It doesn't matter if you are involved or not... Your fleets are ALWAYS the ones in the middle of this TRIBBLE... In fact is was you, specifically, that started a thread like this LAST TIME.​​
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    We've been falsely accused.

    pretty sure you are lying. It's the new cola.

    Then again, just because I said it does not make it true
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Xean, I could sit here and trigger you, troll you, or whatever, with minimal effort, however, I'm just going to be straight up honest.

    You, as in yourself, Xean, are doing such a fantastic job of trolling yourself that Starfleet Dental has absolutely no need to do ANYTHING to you, not that we'd even want to as we exist to HELP the community.

    You're a space-case and manage to make everyone around you outright hate you within about 3 seconds with your own completely unhinged behavior so it is no real wonder people, within your own fleet, are sabotaging things or messing with you.

    Even your own oh so trusted second in command utterly hates your guts and has been messing with you this entire time, yet you keep sitting there confiding your crazy in him and giving him the laughs he wants, even though he has nothing to do with Dental beyond casual contact and using our services in the NoP chat now and then, while carefully watching that he isn't seen doing it when you're online.

    Also, as painful as it may be for you to accept, the rest of your people are sticking around to see just how badly you can derail yourself or waiting for the day where we hear you got wheeled off to the institute by the white-coat rabbits.

    Now the best part: This is not the first time Dental, or many many many others who just plain have no connection to us at all, have told you all of this.

    You're just so overboard that you hear us in your home's walls by now and probably need to take some serious away time and maybe see to getting some help.

    Long story short, Dental isn't trolling you.

    Even if we wanted to, we wouldn't have to.

    You are trolling yourself.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    Enjoying my posts being censored by the CM while trolls continue to flood zonechat with inappropriate comments and the game with improper exploits and abuses. Still seeing the one-sidedness here and I'm sure anyone caching this will catch that and start to wonder...
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    lerpyderp wrote: »
    Xean, this is a long message I'm actually writing myself from my alt account

    now THAT was long enough to turn any deer turquoise

  • gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Oh Xean. I was wondering why I was mysteriously kicked from Xtern1ty channel.

    Dude. Can you genuinely not see what is going on? The guy who you provoked into doing this was your associate and friend - a nice guy who offered help, advice and charity to your members. As he and people in this thread have stated, he had no affiliation with SFD or whatever, beyond occasionally chatting with some of in public channels like most people do (often without realising).

    But your paranoia caused you to turn on him and start making wild unfounded accusations, destroying your friendship. You can see how hurt he was in his responses. Whilst I certainly do not condone his actions, you brought about this situation by 1) bizzarely turning on one of your closest friends and making false accusations, and 2) after having alienated him, failing to boot him allowing damage to be done.

    Was it really worth it? Really? Can't you see how your paranoia and wild accusations are slowly destroying your fleet and channel?
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    I see that Xean is at it again. So sad.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    Is a mod here secretly deleting posts as they read these threads in favor of Starfleet dental, or is that the sound of furious dentals on their own effort, furiously spamming the report function as they do any other mechanic to cause problems within an online community to troll someone? These are questions for the ages people
  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    gar1979 wrote: »
    Is a mod here secretly deleting posts as they read these threads in favor of Starfleet dental, or is that the sound of furious dentals on their own effort, furiously spamming the report function as they do any other mechanic to cause problems within an online community to troll someone? These are questions for the ages people

    A mod, and possibly Trendy, has been alerted to this thread. It's unknown if they are present.

    Still though... one has to wonder if you are, in fact, the OP or part of any of the mentioned fleets on an Alt account.
    You're screaming fire way too much, way too often for someone not involved to me....​​
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    Nabreeki - so alt account 1, how are you feeling today?
    Xean - I'm doing great alt account 2, but you know what? I HATE YOUR <censored> PIMPLY FACE
    Nabreeki - but I give away free stuff while keeping the really nifty items for myself!
    st.Olivia - No, you!

    all laugh. Curtains
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    gar1979 wrote: »
    Is a mod here secretly deleting posts as they read these threads in favor of Starfleet dental, or is that the sound of furious dentals on their own effort, furiously spamming the report function as they do any other mechanic to cause problems within an online community to troll someone? These are questions for the ages people

    I was hoping for better from this meltdown, honestly. :neutral:
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    grimrak1 wrote: »
    what I say is always fact even if I'm a known liar. :neutral:

    I was hoping for something new myself instead of the typical copout. So, Next?

  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    gar1979 wrote: »
    lerpyderp wrote: »
    Xean, this is a long message I'm actually writing myself from my alt account

    now THAT was long enough to turn any deer turquoise

    This endless source of paranoid loons is, as Grimrak said, going to provide comedy for months to come, it's the main draw these forums have.

    Tell me, when you pass by air vents, do you hear mysterious voices from within that speak the word "Dental"?
  • mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Guys lets drop it, the moderators will soon close this down and the OP is not listening anyways. This is no the place to post this problem he/she/whatever should contact the moderators or devs in the game and report the case and if it has merit the devs will decide
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Cool how's that working out for ya dude? Getting your swell on?
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    lerpyderp wrote: »
    We find you important enough to need to call in backup trolls to the forums and forget about Xean for a minute even though half us trolls think you are him

    I'm flattered

  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    If you pause your typing and listen quietly, you will hear the soft subtle lullaby of derpyderp losing it and trying to hit the flag button
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    mayito2009 wrote: »
    Guys lets drop it, the moderators will soon close this down and the OP is not listening anyways. This is no the place to post this problem he/she/whatever should contact the moderators or devs in the game and report the case and if it has merit the devs will decide

    I'd be inclined to second that if not already feeling myself and some family targeted both here and in game by these idiots, along with a few saved tickets never sorted out by Cryptic involving abuse such as bypassing the chat filter to zonechat adult chat and poking fun at religious/racial groups. Far as I'm concerened I'll talk my s*** same as they do, rules are for everyone not just for those that feel entitled because they run with a large online bully squad and feels free to stomp out people en masse. Sure, people trolled eachother over things long before the internet, it's true, but it's also true that you don't get a keyboard smashed across your teeth while safe behind a desk and thinking up things to do and say you would never, ever, try offline in public in front of your intended target.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    gar1979 wrote: »
    gar1979 wrote: »
    whaaaa whaaa cryptic hates u everyone loves starfleet <redacted second part of fleet name so comment can stay> whaaaa.

    Shut up Xean, we know it's you
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    gar1979 wrote: »
    mayito2009 wrote: »
    Guys lets drop it, the moderators will soon close this down and the OP is not listening anyways. This is no the place to post this problem he/she/whatever should contact the moderators or devs in the game and report the case and if it has merit the devs will decide

    I'd be inclined to second that if not already feeling myself and some family targeted both here and in game by these idiots, along with a few saved tickets never sorted out by Cryptic involving abuse such as bypassing the chat filter to zonechat adult chat and poking fun at religious/racial groups. Far as I'm concerened I'll talk my s*** same as they do, rules are for everyone not just for those that feel entitled because they run with a large online bully squad and feels free to stomp out people en masse. Sure, people trolled eachother over things long before the internet, it's true, but it's also true that you don't get a keyboard smashed across your teeth while safe behind a desk and thinking up things to do and say you would never, ever, try offline in public in front of your intended target.

    I'm insulted you think this kind of grade school subpar parroting is anywhere close to what we do. Please stop abusing your pain medication and put some effort in. Also if you're feeling the need to try and beat someone up over words on a screen you should look into anger management as that is seriously not healthy.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • gar1979gar1979 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I feel someone should post the name and shame policy or a copy of it here, unless that also violates a rule. Come to think of it, was discussing the rules here against the rules?
This discussion has been closed.