I would actually be more concerned on how intensive would working with this program be..? I mean, would we still be able to play the game..?
The expectation in terms of submission is a matter of quality, not quantity.
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers. But seriously, I wanted to voice this concern on record.
I would actually be more concerned on how intensive would working with this program be..? I mean, would we still be able to play the game..?
The expectation in terms of submission is a matter of quality, not quantity.
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers. But seriously, I wanted to voice this concern on record.
^ This, so much this. I assume Cryptic already knows what they are doing and will do careful job selecting players. But it indeed creates wonderful opportunity for players to "fix" things they don't like, but that actually are WAI.
I'll be perfectly honest. I know some stuff about codes, and sometimes I created detailled bug reports with the way I detected said bug and how to reproduce it. That doesn't mean that I know as much as other folks who already posted in this thread.
Still, I'd like to help out in any way in can. What does help is being in touch with a lot of fleet members, of which only a few regularly post on these forums even though some know a lot about ingame mechanics. So I can be a kind of relay for when one of the 1000+ characters (not players though), finds something interesting and decides to share it.
So, in case I can help, feel free to shoot me a message!
I, @joker1374 and @nandospc would like to join. @joker1374 is a lifetimer and a veteran very experienced player, who's been here since the beginning, he's a high-caliber member of the PvP community and he actively plays PvE as well. @nandospc is also a very important member of the PvP community, been here since ftp, he also plays PvE a lot and he's very active on the forums and in chat channels, he constantly keeps informed about the game and writes also on Twitter ( Trendy should remember him lol )
I am here since about a year and a half because of Star Trek. I used to be a very casual player at the beginning but , now, I have got a lot more experience about the game under the belt.
We all know the mechanics of the game very well.
QueenVaccine here, I am your QA Lead for Star Trek Online.
First of all, I am thrilled to see so many people volunteer for this group. I have wanted to start a group like this on Star Trek Online since I first joined the STO team last year and I owe LaughingTrendy for helping to make it happen. This is a great way for my team to work closer with the community to help make a better experience for everyone.
In the past when we’ve collected player reports of bugs from tickets and forums, verifying these issues can be problematic. Sometimes there’s not enough details, sometimes there’s not enough data, and sometimes there’s misleading information. This isn’t as efficient as it could be and ends up being a very reactive approach to identifying bugs. With the Operational Support Team, our QA team will be able to spend more time proactively finding bugs before they ever hit Holodeck. This will not only result in less player reported issues, but also a better player experience.
By working with the Operational Support Team, we’ll have a better opportunity to work alongside the community investigating issues and developing high-quality reports for the rest of the development team. We’ll also be able to test out new gameserver loads such as the successful community test runs with Borticus, ColdSnapped and Farktoid.
Besides joining the Operational Support Team, how else can I help?
There’s a bunch of ways:
- Always post bug reports to the forums. Even if you make a bug or CS ticket, post something on the forums in Gameplay Bug Reports. By posting on the forums, you not only increase its visibility but you can also see if there’s a solution.
- Check out new features when they’re on Tribble. Some of our best feedback comes from players spending time on Tribble because it gives us a chance to address features before they’re live.
- Spread the word about the Starfleet Operational Support Team. #Bugbashers. Tell your fleet, tell your Armada, tell your friends, heck, tell Zone chat. The more bugbashers we have, the better.
Thank you in advance for working with us to make Star Trek Online the best game it can be.
Besides joining the Operational Support Team, how else can I help?
There’s a bunch of ways:
- Always post bug reports to the forums. Even if you make a bug or CS ticket, post something on the forums in Gameplay Bug Reports. By posting on the forums, you not only increase its visibility but you can also see if there’s a solution.
- Check out new features when they’re on Tribble. Some of our best feedback comes from players spending time on Tribble because it gives us a chance to address features before they’re live.
- Spread the word about the Starfleet Operational Support Team. #Bugbashers. Tell your fleet, tell your Armada, tell your friends, heck, tell Zone chat. The more bugbashers we have, the better.
Thank you in advance for working with us to make Star Trek Online the best game it can be.
- QueenVaccine
Hi QueenVaccine,
Have you given any thought to giving us access to a real bug tracking tool like Bugzilla? Someone on reddit gave an example here:
While Cryptic's trying to get the community more involved in tracking down bugs: How about creating a public bug tracker that people can submit their bugs to and track what's happening to them?
An example would be the one DGC runs for Planetside 2 (and their other games): https://dgcissuetracker.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10600
AFAIK that one is community moderated with a direct line for the official QA department to respond to the reported issues.
Also, can you shed some light on why Holodeck ticket numbers and Tribble ticket numbers are different? What is your internal process for tracking bugs on Tribble that have gone live? Sometimes, I report a bug four times (as explained below), and it's quite inefficient. Giving us better tools would make bug reporting more efficient.
I actually do this type of stuff for a living so if you are looking for a mix of dedicated players and people with a professional background, like if you give us our own Jira or Bugzilla tracker...
Yes, a real bug tracking tool would be great. The in-game bug reporting tool is severely limited: I can't look up my old bug reports, and I can't search to see if an issue has already been reported. I have to rely on the forums for those things.
Also, Tribble ticket numbers and Holodeck ticket numbers are completely different. Why is that? What happens to a bug report filed on Tribble after the bug goes live? Is the bug report automatically copied over? Does QA have to do it manually? Maybe, Cryptic could shed some light on this process. Sometimes, I report a bug four times: once on Tribble, once on the "Tribble - Bug Reports" forum, again on Holodeck after the bug goes live, and once more on the "Gameplay Bug Reports" forum. It's a huge waste of time. It would be much more efficient if I could simply look up a bug that I reported on Tribble and mark it as having gone live.
I also waste a great deal of time uploading images to imgur. Part of that would be alleviated by better text-based tools.
(a) raw data dump of an item.
(b) raw data dump of the character, including skills, traits, and specializations.
(c) raw data dump of a ship build, including boffs and doffs.
(d) raw dump of the graphics settings. (Actually, I can get this already, but I don't know if QA knows how to interpret it.)
(e) completely disable animations in the tailor. (No, "Static Stance" doesn't do this.)
(f) A button in the tailor to generate a JPEG file with shots of the character from 4 or 5 different angles. There should be a full-body version and a close-up version. The JPEG file should include the metadata contained in saved costume files.
(g) A better combat log. Yes, I know that combat log parsers already exist. But my understanding is that a lot things are reported in a weird way, and if you don't know all the quirks, then you can't write a good parser. The log doesn't have to be human readable, but it needs to be accurate and consistent. Keep the current combat log for humans if you want, but you should create an "advanced" combat log specifically designed to be parsed by machines.
But it would also help if I could upload files directly your bug database. I'm not thinking only of images here; some people might want to upload combat logs or other data.
QueenVaccine here, I am your QA Lead for Star Trek Online.
First of all, I am thrilled to see so many people volunteer for this group. I have wanted to start a group like this on Star Trek Online since I first joined the STO team last year and I owe LaughingTrendy for helping to make it happen. This is a great way for my team to work closer with the community to help make a better experience for everyone.
In the past when we’ve collected player reports of bugs from tickets and forums, verifying these issues can be problematic. Sometimes there’s not enough details, sometimes there’s not enough data, and sometimes there’s misleading information. This isn’t as efficient as it could be and ends up being a very reactive approach to identifying bugs. With the Operational Support Team, our QA team will be able to spend more time proactively finding bugs before they ever hit Holodeck. This will not only result in less player reported issues, but also a better player experience.
By working with the Operational Support Team, we’ll have a better opportunity to work alongside the community investigating issues and developing high-quality reports for the rest of the development team. We’ll also be able to test out new gameserver loads such as the successful community test runs with Borticus, ColdSnapped and Farktoid.
Besides joining the Operational Support Team, how else can I help?
There’s a bunch of ways:
- Always post bug reports to the forums. Even if you make a bug or CS ticket, post something on the forums in Gameplay Bug Reports. By posting on the forums, you not only increase its visibility but you can also see if there’s a solution.
- Check out new features when they’re on Tribble. Some of our best feedback comes from players spending time on Tribble because it gives us a chance to address features before they’re live.
- Spread the word about the Starfleet Operational Support Team. #Bugbashers. Tell your fleet, tell your Armada, tell your friends, heck, tell Zone chat. The more bugbashers we have, the better.
Thank you in advance for working with us to make Star Trek Online the best game it can be.
- QueenVaccine
So how do we know if were part of the Operational Support Team? Have you chosen people yet, or are you still reviewing people?
I would actually be more concerned on how intensive would working with this program be..? I mean, would we still be able to play the game..?
The expectation in terms of submission is a matter of quality, not quantity.
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers. But seriously, I wanted to voice this concern on record.
^ This, so much this. I assume Cryptic already knows what they are doing and will do careful job selecting players. But it indeed creates wonderful opportunity for players to "fix" things they don't like, but that actually are WAI.
In the past we've had people report things as issues because they feel they're underpowered or too much of a nerf. While we will always keep awareness of anything reported by players, this does not infer that it will automatically result in a change occurring. For instance, if someone said that FAW is bugged because it should be doing atleast 200% more damage to really be useful, we'll go "That's more related to balance and not an inherent bug."
If they use this to only propose such false issues, then I'll simply remove them. However frankly, I'd prefer not to even have someone like that in the first place. We're keeping this group ~50 active members at all time because this will involve more direct coordination.
I'll be doing selections later this week. We're going to do rolling invites to get the number up to roughly ~50 members that we'll be involved with in coordination efforts.
I'll be doing selections later this week. We're going to do rolling invites to get the number up to roughly ~50 members that we'll be involved with in coordination efforts.
I would actually be more concerned on how intensive would working with this program be..? I mean, would we still be able to play the game..?
The expectation in terms of submission is a matter of quality, not quantity.
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers. But seriously, I wanted to voice this concern on record.
^ This, so much this. I assume Cryptic already knows what they are doing and will do careful job selecting players. But it indeed creates wonderful opportunity for players to "fix" things they don't like, but that actually are WAI.
In the past we've had people report things as issues because they feel they're underpowered or too much of a nerf. While we will always keep awareness of anything reported by players, this doesn't not infer that it will automatically result in a change occurring. For instance, if someone said that FAW is bugged because it should be doing atleast 200% more damage to really be useful, we'll go "That's more related to balance and not an inherent bug."
If they use this to only propose such false issues, then I'll simply remove them. However frankly, I'd prefer not to even have someone like that in the first place. We're keeping this group ~50 active members at all time because this will involve more direct coordination.
I would actually be more concerned on how intensive would working with this program be..? I mean, would we still be able to play the game..?
The expectation in terms of submission is a matter of quality, not quantity.
For instance, one of the big concerns is that many people can say "Something doesn't work." However, your ability to discern and disseminate the reasoning for why something doesn't work, reproducing the behavior allows a better understanding of the interworkings that are causing said bug. This is our big goal I'm looking for.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers. But seriously, I wanted to voice this concern on record.
^ This, so much this. I assume Cryptic already knows what they are doing and will do careful job selecting players. But it indeed creates wonderful opportunity for players to "fix" things they don't like, but that actually are WAI.
In the past we've had people report things as issues because they feel they're underpowered or too much of a nerf. While we will always keep awareness of anything reported by players, this doesn't not infer that it will automatically result in a change occurring. For instance, if someone said that FAW is bugged because it should be doing atleast 200% more damage to really be useful, we'll go "That's more related to balance and not an inherent bug."
If they use this to only propose such false issues, then I'll simply remove them. However frankly, I'd prefer not to even have someone like that in the first place. We're keeping this group ~50 active members at all time because this will involve more direct coordination.
Thank you for this clarification, Trendy! Your work is appreciated.
Definitely interested in this. Been testing since open beta and I try to get on Tribble whenever I can to help play test new features and see if I can break things.
My post got lost over the pages even I can't find it XD
Nothing important on it tho.
Just wanted to make clear,->>I am completely interested this<<-. I know you guys need well explained bug reports, rather than just: hey, you have to fix the bug that happened yesterday when i was doing something XD
You can toss my name in the hat. I'm an old school programmer (1991) . (Languages Basic, Pascal, Perl, C, C++, Java, etc..) I feel I am more than qualified and would love to help.
Qualifications (short list)
-I'm in game 8-14 hours every day
-I have 18 working test beds (windows 98SE-10), all popular browser versions, and popular software for the testing setups. (stuff that runs in the background)
-I have three ways of booting the game. ARC, Steam, and disc are installed on four test beds already. (trouble shot STO to get the best quality for myself)
-I am one of the original 36 members of Mozilla. (the Netscape Navigator days)
-I've been an active member of the Microsoft testing and support team from 1994 until last year. (hence all the test beds LOL! )
-I'm the guy that designed the original Direct X Cube. I also helped in testing the limits of Direct Draw applications in the beginning) The Borg Cubes are like my great grand babies. I keep wanting to spin them at all angles.
-Beta tester (software/hardware) for more than 20 years.
-I've been offered tenure/professorship at 2 universities for computer science.
-....... and on and on and on.
_ Be Forewarned ! I am NOT politically correct. I'm an old school Tennessean with traditional values and no filter. If it comes into my head, it goes out my mouth. (think John Wayne as a Boyscout) It does get me into situations from time to time.
-I'm as loyal as a dog to people and companies that I appreciate. After a few months in game I knew I was hooked. So, I've become a paid subscriber. And I try to spend as much time each day helping people in game. Especially computer related problems. I've found that the biggest problem is when people (even 2 other "programmers") blame so much on lag. I've found that 63% of "lag" problems are client side. By resolving unnecessary background programs and properly calibrating client side graphics (and in game graphic settings) I've helped a couple dozen folks solve most of their game "lag" problems. (rubberbanding not included) So I'm essentially doing this already. Just not game wide.
NOTE: I am fully aware that people are not going to accept responsibility for anything being their fault these days. You have those who boot their five year old laptop up through their wifi and expect the game to perform perfectly with out "lag". Which I perceive to be most of what we will be working on on. (test beds! ) So streamlining code and optimizing where we can should help. But, IMHO, we should work on a way to help client side problems as well. ex. A small compatibility/optimization program that could give tips specifically for the client's setup, but more importantly, send us info on exactly what types of setups we're dealing with.
-I was crippled in an accident a few years back and I am mostly house bound. I have to have something to do because I've worked since I was 14. This game and the people in it have given me a lot and I'd love to give back!
Throw people a bone. Why not give some sort of incentive for volunteering? I'm a Tennessean, volunteering is what we do. (Alamo) But if you're going to get quality people doing this, most are going to want something in return. ex. Starfleet Operational Command arm badge and title. Volunteers would get recognition for what they do. Players would be able to recognize volunteers in game and be able to chat. This might speed up bug finding and would make the team feel like what they are doing is important. This would also help with the stigma the game has with support. Most that I've talked to say they feel alone and ignored when they have a problem.
Thanks ~BigMoo
BTW LaughingTrendy, You are the first person online "EVER" that knows the proper use of a tilde! Kudoes!
EDIT: I just finnished testing the popular game accelerators and have comme accross some interesting "glitches". I'm going to try to replicate them over the next few days.
FYI: So far, the best, most reliable way to play is:
-Windows 7, XP mode
-reboot (old school) MSDOS gameing mode (only the stuff you need)
-boot game from disc. (just the loader without ARC or Steam)
I'll be doing selections later this week. We're going to do rolling invites to get the number up to roughly ~50 members that we'll be involved with in coordination efforts.
I am not nearly knowledgeable enough to qualify. I *do* fear, though, many there be that will (ab)use this opportunity to try and get things nerfed because they deem them OP (aka 'broken') in PvP (which they always deny, of course). So, while I applaud this initiative to include player-testers, I hope Cryptic will be careful not to give a handful of (the usual) people easy access to nerfings that really only benefit PvP.
Yes, start your flamethrowers.
^ This, so much this. I assume Cryptic already knows what they are doing and will do careful job selecting players. But it indeed creates wonderful opportunity for players to "fix" things they don't like, but that actually are WAI.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Still, I'd like to help out in any way in can. What does help is being in touch with a lot of fleet members, of which only a few regularly post on these forums even though some know a lot about ingame mechanics. So I can be a kind of relay for when one of the 1000+ characters (not players though), finds something interesting and decides to share it.
So, in case I can help, feel free to shoot me a message!
Join the Deltas today!
join date is Feb 2010
@joker1374 is a lifetimer and a veteran very experienced player, who's been here since the beginning, he's a high-caliber member of the PvP community and he actively plays PvE as well.
@nandospc is also a very important member of the PvP community, been here since ftp, he also plays PvE a lot and he's very active on the forums and in chat channels, he constantly keeps informed about the game and writes also on Twitter ( Trendy should remember him lol )
I am here since about a year and a half because of Star Trek. I used to be a very casual player at the beginning but , now, I have got a lot more experience about the game under the belt.
We all know the mechanics of the game very well.
If u need some free help, i'm volunteer.
If u need more infos about my past experiences, i could send a link for my profile in Linkedin.
Best Regards,
Aduin Finrod
QueenVaccine here, I am your QA Lead for Star Trek Online.
First of all, I am thrilled to see so many people volunteer for this group. I have wanted to start a group like this on Star Trek Online since I first joined the STO team last year and I owe LaughingTrendy for helping to make it happen. This is a great way for my team to work closer with the community to help make a better experience for everyone.
In the past when we’ve collected player reports of bugs from tickets and forums, verifying these issues can be problematic. Sometimes there’s not enough details, sometimes there’s not enough data, and sometimes there’s misleading information. This isn’t as efficient as it could be and ends up being a very reactive approach to identifying bugs. With the Operational Support Team, our QA team will be able to spend more time proactively finding bugs before they ever hit Holodeck. This will not only result in less player reported issues, but also a better player experience.
By working with the Operational Support Team, we’ll have a better opportunity to work alongside the community investigating issues and developing high-quality reports for the rest of the development team. We’ll also be able to test out new gameserver loads such as the successful community test runs with Borticus, ColdSnapped and Farktoid.
Besides joining the Operational Support Team, how else can I help?
There’s a bunch of ways:
- Always post bug reports to the forums. Even if you make a bug or CS ticket, post something on the forums in Gameplay Bug Reports. By posting on the forums, you not only increase its visibility but you can also see if there’s a solution.
- Check out new features when they’re on Tribble. Some of our best feedback comes from players spending time on Tribble because it gives us a chance to address features before they’re live.
- Spread the word about the Starfleet Operational Support Team. #Bugbashers. Tell your fleet, tell your Armada, tell your friends, heck, tell Zone chat. The more bugbashers we have, the better.
Thank you in advance for working with us to make Star Trek Online the best game it can be.
- QueenVaccine
Hi QueenVaccine,
Have you given any thought to giving us access to a real bug tracking tool like Bugzilla? Someone on reddit gave an example here:
Also, can you shed some light on why Holodeck ticket numbers and Tribble ticket numbers are different? What is your internal process for tracking bugs on Tribble that have gone live? Sometimes, I report a bug four times (as explained below), and it's quite inefficient. Giving us better tools would make bug reporting more efficient.
So how do we know if were part of the Operational Support Team? Have you chosen people yet, or are you still reviewing people?
If they use this to only propose such false issues, then I'll simply remove them. However frankly, I'd prefer not to even have someone like that in the first place. We're keeping this group ~50 active members at all time because this will involve more direct coordination.
Top DPS 102k
Very glad to hear this, thanks for clarification
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Thank you for this clarification, Trendy!
Premade Pvp Falchi Tricolori
Nothing important on it tho.
Just wanted to make clear,->>I am completely interested this<<-. I know you guys need well explained bug reports, rather than just: hey, you have to fix the bug that happened yesterday when i was doing something XD
You can toss my name in the hat. I'm an old school programmer (1991) . (Languages Basic, Pascal, Perl, C, C++, Java, etc..) I feel I am more than qualified and would love to help.
Qualifications (short list)
-I'm in game 8-14 hours every day
-I have 18 working test beds (windows 98SE-10), all popular browser versions, and popular software for the testing setups. (stuff that runs in the background)
-I have three ways of booting the game. ARC, Steam, and disc are installed on four test beds already. (trouble shot STO to get the best quality for myself)
-I am one of the original 36 members of Mozilla. (the Netscape Navigator days)
-I've been an active member of the Microsoft testing and support team from 1994 until last year. (hence all the test beds LOL! )
-I'm the guy that designed the original Direct X Cube. I also helped in testing the limits of Direct Draw applications in the beginning) The Borg Cubes are like my great grand babies. I keep wanting to spin them at all angles.
-Beta tester (software/hardware) for more than 20 years.
-I've been offered tenure/professorship at 2 universities for computer science.
-....... and on and on and on.
_ Be Forewarned ! I am NOT politically correct. I'm an old school Tennessean with traditional values and no filter. If it comes into my head, it goes out my mouth. (think John Wayne as a Boyscout) It does get me into situations from time to time.
-I'm as loyal as a dog to people and companies that I appreciate. After a few months in game I knew I was hooked. So, I've become a paid subscriber. And I try to spend as much time each day helping people in game. Especially computer related problems. I've found that the biggest problem is when people (even 2 other "programmers") blame so much on lag. I've found that 63% of "lag" problems are client side. By resolving unnecessary background programs and properly calibrating client side graphics (and in game graphic settings) I've helped a couple dozen folks solve most of their game "lag" problems. (rubberbanding not included) So I'm essentially doing this already. Just not game wide.
NOTE: I am fully aware that people are not going to accept responsibility for anything being their fault these days. You have those who boot their five year old laptop up through their wifi and expect the game to perform perfectly with out "lag". Which I perceive to be most of what we will be working on on. (test beds!
-I was crippled in an accident a few years back and I am mostly house bound. I have to have something to do because I've worked since I was 14. This game and the people in it have given me a lot and I'd love to give back!
Throw people a bone. Why not give some sort of incentive for volunteering? I'm a Tennessean, volunteering is what we do. (Alamo) But if you're going to get quality people doing this, most are going to want something in return. ex. Starfleet Operational Command arm badge and title. Volunteers would get recognition for what they do. Players would be able to recognize volunteers in game and be able to chat. This might speed up bug finding and would make the team feel like what they are doing is important. This would also help with the stigma the game has with support. Most that I've talked to say they feel alone and ignored when they have a problem.
Thanks ~BigMoo
BTW LaughingTrendy, You are the first person online "EVER" that knows the proper use of a tilde! Kudoes!
EDIT: I just finnished testing the popular game accelerators and have comme accross some interesting "glitches". I'm going to try to replicate them over the next few days.
FYI: So far, the best, most reliable way to play is:
-Windows 7, XP mode
-reboot (old school) MSDOS gameing mode (only the stuff you need)
-boot game from disc. (just the loader without ARC or Steam)
Win 15,000 GPL in the Hodos Racing Challenge!