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  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    teknesia wrote: »
    A). I'm fairly certain if I went on twitter in a way that both identified me and the company I work for and made publicly snide comments about the company's customers, there would be a problem. Twitter also is not a private thing anymore than Facebook is.

    B). That's why I mentioned omits. Even if he didn't directly lie in that case the message was clearly manipulative and misinformative.

    (Hah, upon checking something, I've been blocked too. Ah, well. It's just twitter)

    B) Uhm.. well, since his only point is that they exist, I don't know how that's misinformative.. maybe I just misheard it.

    ETA: Removing A. On reflection, that isn't the point I want to make, and it's wrong.
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A) Sure, if your company is a massive jerk. (Hah, upon checking something, I've been blocked too. Ah, well. It's just twitter.)

    B) Uhm.. well, since his only point is that they exist, I don't know how that's misinformative.. maybe I just misheard it.

    His point was that sci kdf ships don't sell. But when there are only two and the two that are suck, then it's fairly disingenuous to imply that people don't want a good kdf sci ship as much as that the ones there are subpar.
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    teknesia wrote: »
    Prophet makes good on prophecy by making it fulfilled personally?

    * The very fact that someone is even talking about it with people on the forums is a good start. If it turns out for nothing, then by all means, get upset and let them know with your wallet or rage or what have you. However, making up conspiracy theories about moderator action that's only going to inevitably lead to moderator action against you which will then confirm your conspiracy theories actually just ends up as a lose lose situation. You lose your voice. PW risks losing a customer.

    Replies like that one are the very core of what this is all about lol. They plan on archiving all the threads/posts so they can be swept under the cyber rug. See the thing is they made it personal because they took over a year working on DR and then everyone was expecting something out of this world to play that would take so long and tight lipped about it just to find out it was not even as good as old content they had made. It just looked like an old rehash of the old federation missions they got rid of before the game changed to f2p.

    As for moderators yeah they took it too far and crossed the line and their metrics are showing that some of the players with signifigant weight have abandoned the game and they are trying to see how gullible they are to draw them back in. Of course for me I've gone back to the gaming roots where you play to have fun and not play to grind.
  • kwyjenkwyjen Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think this is working as intended. To get the real Voyager experience, they want us to get trapped leveling up in the Delta Quadrant for the in-game equivalent of 7 years.

    good one :D
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    If it's a private twitter account, then he is doing a terrible job separating his private and public life. Not only does he explicitly label himself the "Lead Designer of STO," he regularly communicates with players (albeit in a less-that-desirable fashion if said players offer any criticism of the game) and other staff, including Trendy.

    He has opened himself up as a public figure, and, sorry, but them's the breaks.

    Interestingly, people often talk about work using twitter. It's how social media is... I'm not really going to consider his twitter proof of anything. (Not the least surprising, I can't actually access it anyway.)
  • machel84machel84 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They used to. Then people began to complain when things didn't go out as planned. (A fairly common occurrence for any studio with deadlines.)

    When you identify as "Star Trek Online Lead Designer" on your PRIVATE Twitter account, then I don't consider it particularly private anymore.

    What you say in public (podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc) should absolutely matter just as much to the company, as what you say in private within the company, or at home, or to your friends. Geko has been utterly disrespectful towards the playerbase on more than one occasion. Apparently this is okay with the higher-ups, since they allow him to continue working, and representing the company.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    If you can't access it -- even view it, at that -- then I don't know why you're even jumping in here. If it were a personal twitter, it probably wouldn't be "@captaingecko."

    "Star Trek Online Lead Designer. Fun sneak Tweets about STO. No trolls please. Have fun and play nice."

    Yes, this reads like a private page. Absolutely.

    I can't because lol blocked.
  • blaz3rdudeblaz3rdude Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I watched a fascinating documentary on the last Tsar of Russia.
    Locked himself in his castle, listened to all the wrong kind of people, made no concessions. Insisted his way was the only way and the right way. Underestimated the discontent.

    It ended badly.

    I want Dev's to take the KDF seriously. We love the KDF. We want to see it viable. We don't want to see ships made on the apparent sole premise of whether that specific ship will make money - we want to see efforts injected into the game across the board, whether a specific ship makes money is immaterial to whether it actually benefits the game as a whole.

    Not everything fits into neat little programming lines. Part of the fun is discovering and enjoying the differences across the game, those neat little special things that you can do. If everything is the same, then there is kind of no point for anything. It doesn't seem to matter what you do any more, it's all kind of the same.

    We love this game. I love this game. Give it the respect it deserves and give some love to the KDF - not just with this relatively minor issue, but making the faction a viable, living, breathing world.

    The idea of only doing things if they are financially suitable is ignoring the big picture. To make the KDF alive yo need to create great content for the KDF and create incentives for it. Where is that exactly? Build it and they will come. And when you build it - MEAN IT.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    blaz3rdude wrote: »
    I watched a fascinating documentary on the last Tsar of Russia.
    Locked himself in his castle, listened to all the wrong kind of people, made no concessions. Insisted his way was the only way and the right way. Underestimated the discontent.

    It ended badly.
    I am sure that was a fascinating documentary, but... It has nothign to do with STO.

    Just because someone does something you don't agree with doesn't mean he has no clue what is really going. He may actually know a bit more about the situation then you do.

    If you're not working for Cryptic or PWE, you don't have access to server statistics or sales numbers. You only know what you would like to see. That's fine. There is no need to exaggerate the situation and claim that somehow Cryptic is completely ignorant of realities and only people on the forums have the wisdom to truely know what's going on - when they objectively definitely lack data Cryptic has access to.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    teknesia wrote: »
    His point was that sci kdf ships don't sell. But when there are only two and the two that are suck, then it's fairly disingenuous to imply that people don't want a good kdf sci ship as much as that the ones there are subpar.
    1.) You're also assuming that a majority of sales is based on the mechanical qualities of ships and how wel they compare to other ships across factions. Is that actually true? Remember, we have posts here on the forums where people wonder how people could deal so little DPS in Queued content.
    Not everyone actually has a good idea what is good build or what makes a good ship.

    2.) You ignore that if you want a Science Vessel at al on the KDF, you have no choice but to pick one of those that are there, or you can't play SV on KDF at all.

    Remember back in the days? Klingon Battle Cruisers were objectively pretty much always superior to the Federaton Cruisers. More turn rate, the ability to use DHCs, and cloak.
    Only now there are some "losses" for picking a Battle Cruiser - namekly the loss of Cruiser Commands. But even that is hardly relevant, since you can have only one command active on a time, and one could argue that Battlecruisers have access to one of the best commands anyway.
    But that didn't stop Federation players from flying Cruisers in masses.

    3.) You're assuming that Cryptic is comparing everything across the board, and cannot look into more detail - for example, looking into "weak" Fed Science Vessels and compare them to the KDF science Vessels.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    If it's a private twitter account, then he is doing a terrible job separating his private and public life. Not only does he explicitly label himself the "Lead Designer of STO," he regularly communicates with players (albeit in a less-that-desirable fashion if said players offer any criticism of the game) and other staff, including Trendy.

    He has opened himself up as a public figure, and, sorry, but them's the breaks.

    I agree with you on one hand.

    On the other hand, game developers are entertainment personalities who seem to get a bit of leeway when it comes to talking religion/politics/gossip-y talk.

    Actually, I think "designer" is the key word.

    If Cryptic's accountant or someone who handled ad sales at PWE talked like that, they'd be fired. Designers tend to be mouthy. Not just in video games. They tend to get treated as members of the artistic class.

    I seem to recall multiple theatrical and graphic designers I've worked with over the years doing things you couldn't do as a "rank and file" employee.

    I suppose the theory behind it is similar to being a tenured faculty member, an entertainment comentator, or other kinds of artistic designers. It's work where you get paid for your opinions and you get paid to think about things. Which gives you more or less workplace-protected freedom of speech to say provocative things, as long as you don't cross the line into talking about the boss's wife/kids, the shareholders, or anything negative about racial/ethinic/gender minority groups.

    You get paid to have opinions and shoot from the hip to some extent in that line of work. It is a kind of class privileged type job but I'm not sure how far out of line it is within his job class.

    Designers as a class of people can generally swear, get arrested, make snide comments... And as long as it doesn't interfere with design work, people do look the other way a lot, I guess.

    It's also generally more of an upper managerial perk. I always noted (to the discomfort of my classmates) that most of what we were taught as MBAs about who to respect and how to communicate doesn't seem to apply to CEOs, who are often very off-color compared to rank and file managers and their second-in-commands even more so.

    If STO were a company of its own, Geko would be the Vice President. There's a history of "above the fray" chiefs while VPs take the "bulldog" stance. He's sort of the Joe Biden or **** Cheney of STO. Think about the kinds of stances he takes. Now think about the last couple of U.S. Vice Presidents.

    These are all unattributed because I don't want this to turn into political wrangling. VPs from different presidencies, different political parties. Just focus on the style of communication.

    "If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong."

    "If I blindfolded someone and took them at 2 o'clock in the morning into the airport in Hong Kong and said 'where do you think you are?' They would say, 'this must be America. This is a modern airport.' If I took them blindfolded and took them to LaGuardia Airport in New York, he would, like, 'I must be in some Third World country.' I'm not joking."

    "I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators."

    "I think of myself as a recovering politician. I'm on about step 9 ... recovering, boozing it up of course."

    "I believe that I've made good judgments in the past, and I think I've made good judgments in the future."

    "The President has only 190 million bosses. The Vice President has 190 million and one."

    "I don't want to spend the next two years in Holiday Inns."

    "I apologize for lying to you. I promise I won't deceive you except in matters of this sort."

    I'm sharing this to point out that the communication style might seem familiar. Quotes from different people. But they're all sort of blunt and gaffe prone and cocky.

    I submit that Lead Designer on STO is a LOT like the profile of a Vice President and I'd venture that it calls for a similar personality. I think there's some truth in the idea that there's a "stock type" for a number two in an organization.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    Yes they did... And it kinda speaks volumes of why a State of the Game blog could be useful as it would be an official heads up on incoming changes, as opposed to tid-bits here and there on Twitter, Reddit and such...

    A blog, outlining upcoming plans and changes to STO, would clearly not go astray given the game's development is already pretty well defined for the next 6-12 months (at least) and Cryptic apparently have rough plans already stretching out for the next couple of years...

    I see no harm in giving players a heads up on what's coming down the pipeline in an official capacity and it could in fact work in Cryptics' favour, by avoiding massive player backlash when they make what are perceived as sudden, and often drastic changes, without any prior discussion with players...

    I realise Cryptic are under no obligation to do so, but there's no harm if they were to do so...
    Like the other guy said, they used to... and got flamed for not doing everything they listed as soemthign they *might* do....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    2.) You ignore that if you want a Science Vessel at al on the KDF, you have no choice but to pick one of those that are there, or you can't play SV on KDF at all.
    Huh? That is false. My KDF Science character is in a Timeship. In fact, the Timeship, the various Voth vessesl and even the Orb Weaver (with it's broken Sensor Analysis) are all options for KDF. Lockbox/Lobi ships are hands down a better science vessel than anything you could get from the C-store as a KDF character. Most Lockbox/Lobi ships don't hold a candle to the Vesta-pack options though.

    For an interesting metric, I wonder what the ratio of KDF sci players in lockbox/lobi ships is to the ratio of Starfleet sci players in lockbox/lobi ships. I think that right there could prove there are KDF players that want a C-store sci ship that matches lockbox/lobi ones.
  • blaz3rdudeblaz3rdude Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I am sure that was a fascinating documentary, but... It has nothign to do with STO.

    The attitude does. The disconnect between him and much of the community when they express concern. His way is right.
    Just because someone does something you don't agree with doesn't mean he has no clue what is really going. He may actually know a bit more about the situation then you do.

    Oh I should hope so. He calls all the shots. ALL of them. Thus the Tsar, you see.
    If you're not working for Cryptic or PWE, you don't have access to server statistics or sales numbers.

    Actually it's not me making this up - he said it himself on P1 Productions Podcast - He stated that he won't make Sci ships because of sales figures and that this was a key consideration in making more.

    I'm sure your very passionate about defending Cryptics decisions, and they have made some great ones, such as planning to redo the doffing system as a whole - but along the way they make some stinker decisions. This is one of them.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    One of the rare times I find myself in agreement with stoleviathan.

    I completely understand that those of a "creative" nature (and those in certain positions of authority) often are not held to the same standards as those of the rank-and-file workers in a company. As you mentioned, we can see this in the behavior on a daily basis from those occupying CEO positions or creative jobs, and it would be silly to conclude that this simply doesn't apply to STO.

    The problem here is this: We have what is essentially a "Vice President" of STO (as you put it), who is also in a design (creative) position. So not only does this person call the shots, he is directly and personally involved with content creation and major decisions that affect gameplay. If something he designed or created is criticized, he might take it personally for more reasons than a regular designer, as the former creates and green lights whatever is put into the game. That's why I think it's erroneous to blame the current unpopular decisions (xp nerfs, etc) on anyone but the man at the top. I have no problems with other Devs -- Taco is a pretty decent guy and Borticus is whatever -- but with the cuts at Cryptic coupled with rumors that PWE has moved Devs off STO to their new currently unnamed project (and a few that left the project of their own volition, and reviews of the company from former employees), I think, if anything, this displays a relatively unhappy working environment. None of this simply appears out of a vacuum, so something about the way the office is managed is a likely culprit.

    You hear more from the inside than I do. And I suspect most of our disagreements come down to a few issues that are hot button for me but which probably don't preclude us agreeing on a lot of other things. Heck, I like Al as a person and have always said that I have beefs with Geko but not Al Rivera. I think a lot of the devs and players of all stripes from Dental to some Drozana fleet somewhere all have more in common with eachother than with the general population. Maybe not the same set of traits but I'd say STO (in terms of developers and players) skews towards educated, high strung, former military, autism spectrum, background in sales, background in retail management/training, tech oriented, specialized business knowledge (very specialized, deep in one area, often shallow outside of it), American, comic book reader, web-connected, well-traveled, self-absorbed... Odds are, most people here are half of those things. Some people here are all of them.

    Put any two of us in a room of 100 people and we'd hit it off for at least a few drinks or some banter. It's when you get 100 of us together that it gets messy. Heck, I've run into people I knew from STO and discovered they were people I knew outside STO. One of the podcasters is a guy I used to play STCCG with. A guy I'd known for years (prior to STO) that I tried doing a STO machinima with was rumored to be taking over the franchise after Star Trek 3 and helming a new CBS show. Within nerd circles, this guy and I fight like cats and dogs over things like copyright law. But I think we'd also plug one another's Kickstarters in a heartbeat too.

    You're not wrong on any of this.

    I think if they're pulling people to a new project, it would be a strategic mistake not to have taken Geko. He is very good as designing and spitballing ideas in a vacuum. He's task-oriented and focused on business goals. Most of the areas where I'd say his performance dips involve sugarcoating, PR, or working within the parameters of either an established system put forth by other developers or an emergent system. He doesn't approach things like an improv comic with a "Yes and..." philosophy. Which is what I think a live game calls for along with a willingness to sacrifice design eloquence for a consistent experience with what already exists. I think he tends to treat everything like it's in Beta or Alpha rather than like a live game. So I think you'd get a LOT of benefit out of a bright, experienced, vision oriented guy like him on a permanent "prelaunch"/"store opening crew" type position where he launches games and then gets assigned to the next game as each one goes live. His liabilities all involve problems accepting that "the author is dead" and treating a live game with living, breathing players as its own organism. His assets meanwhile would make him KILLER at designing things from the ground up, getting them going, and moving on to another project.

    Honestly, I'd think he and Cryptic BOTH missed the boat if they didn't think about putting him on "store opening crew" detail. That seems like a position that would pay better, would be gratifying for him, and good for Cryptic AND him. I'd have to imagine the only thing keeping him here on this project is the Star Trek brand and the friends he's made. Granted, that's ALSO probably true for a lot of players too.
  • kwyjenkwyjen Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Let's stay on subject , don't give damn about twitter , or other philosophical meanderings about devs.. This post is about the upcoming changes to the Doff system and dislike/disagreement by the majority of the players.. So create your own thread for that other BS
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kwyjen wrote: »
    Let's stay on subject , don't give damn about twitter , or other philosophical meanderings about devs.

    Those 'meanderings' about Devs become relevant when you have a certain Lead Dev locked in a tunnel-vision, hovering over his metrics, looking for peaks in XP rewards to nerf, with extreme prejudice, when he game so needs focus on fixing a zillion other, truly high-priority things first.
  • kwyjenkwyjen Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    QUOTE Those 'meanderings' about Devs become relevant when you have a certain Lead Dev locked in a tunnel-vision, hovering over his metrics, looking for peaks in XP rewards to nerf, with extreme prejudice, when he game so needs focus on fixing a zillion other, truly high-priority things first.

    Agree But... when you have a over a half page of meanderings ... we are totally getting off subject Again..
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kwyjen wrote: »
    Let's stay on subject , don't give damn about twitter , or other philosophical meanderings about devs.. This post is about the upcoming changes to the Doff system and dislike/disagreement by the majority of the players.. So create your own thread for that other BS

    You realize the two twitter posts being discussed were about the upcoming Doff reward change, right? Actually if you hadn't read the twitter posts you might not, as nobody seems to have addressed the specifics of their content, preferring instead to lodge complaints about their tone or jump to dramatically baseless generalizations.

    So actually, you know what, I agree with you. It will not be productive for this group to discuss those tweets, no good will come of it.
  • crowley875crowley875 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey guys! Just wanted to get back to you on this. I'm talking with the team about the leveling curve and progression rates. I'll let you know once I have a little more info.

    I just hope something positive will come out of this. Getting to level 60 after 50 is an absolute nightmare.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey guys! Just wanted to get back to you on this. I'm talking with the team about the leveling curve and progression rates. I'll let you know once I have a little more info.
    Out of all of my issues with STO, the leveling time between 50 and 60 caused me to leave. If Cryptic is able to dramatically speed up leveling, I would come back to STO in a heartbeat. I would also spend more money on zen and c-store items.

    I was a steadily paying mini-mini-whale.

    'Dramatically' speeding up the leveling in between 50 and 60 is the key.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Like the other guy said, they used to... and got flamed for not doing everything they listed as soemthign they *might* do....

    What was that old saying again?

    You can't please all of the people, all of the time

    So, whether your job is game development, or retail (mine), "flames" - occasionally known as very pointed criticisms, will be directed your way no matter what you do.

    Personally, I've taken it upon myself to do everything in my power to avoid as many flames as I can, and suck up the few that I can't dodge. Perhaps, I may learn something from it.

    The whole reason I'm even bringing up something that resembles the return of "state of the game" blogs is that, in my viewpoint of flame avoidance / minimization, a certain amount of regular communication and/or "advertisement" is necessary.

    Perhaps I don't need to know that Season 11 is going to contain another faction, if said plans are still only on the drawing board. However, once the code is being replicated to start a new faction and/or it's "reached the point of no return, it's going in", that's prime material to go out in the next "state of game blog".

    Perhaps I don't need to know every little bit of the formulae being used to generate rewards. However, knowing that the current goal is to get 8k dil in about 3.5-4 hours of playtime, or that 7x 3.5 hour sessions should equal a spec point, when an outlier comes up that allows 5x, 10x, or 17x the gains - there's a statement already made that can be referenced, pointed out, and used as the fact to minimize or avoid flames.

    And, it would let me complain that after 3x big dig runs or 5x mine traps, I'm coming nowhere near the reward gains that I should and perhaps a mention to the Dev Team, again pointing out the facts, would garner attention and perhaps adjustment.
    Or a statement that says "the reward here is a much larger EC boost, therefore the remaining payouts will be slightly lower for overall balance concerns"...

    Perhaps the old blogs did say too much, but the absolutely nothing being said now is proving to be an even worse predicament. Perhaps the old blogs were inefficient, but the reliance on "easy voice interviews" with little to no "follow up use" other than "listen to it" isn't the way to go. Perhaps a (the) dev(s) have way too little tolerance for flames considering their artistic profession. Perhaps the community is being way too vocal over minor things.

    The Deferi have an idea for us. "Everything in balance". Of course, we have a much harder time finding this balance then they do... ;)
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    machel84 wrote: »
    Patrols should be optional content, to augment your XP gain and (nowadays) Dilithium gain. Not required as part of the leveling content (post-50). Delta Quadrant Patrols need to be REMOVED from the leveling progression, and made optional, without being "forced" into grinding them to level up.

    The current system of "level gating" episodes, especially in the Delta Quadrant needs to be revisited as well. While I haven't taken a recent count, there's gotta be at least 60 Episodes in the game, to allow a player to level almost exclusively doing PVE story content, without resorting to needless "grinding".
    I absolutely agree.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Double post, sorry
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dareau wrote: »
    The Deferi have an idea for us. "Everything in balance". Of course, we have a much harder time finding this balance then they do... ;)
    Some players' ideas of balance = stagnation though. To the point they get offended when an MMO dares to change things up to refresh the meta. STO moreso than others for some hilarious reason.

    Though bugs are the worst part of STO; due to old and inefficient code that was never properly cleaned up and optimized, which naturally affects a different part of balance. So things that have been scaling wrongly have been taken for granted as what it should be (like some of the Doffing stuff requiring changes), and players get pissy that something is finally being done about it.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think there's some truth in the idea that there's a "stock type" for a number two in an organization.

    That's one type .
    The other is the guy who has been around for so long that he's been eventually bumped up to a position of seniority .
    He may or may not deserve it, he may or may not be qualified for it, but he has the seniority .

    Honestly, I'd think he and Cryptic BOTH missed the boat if they didn't think about putting him on "store opening crew" detail

    Unless they already have someone who fits the description you assigned to him in terms of vision & creativity .
    Someone who's been STO's EP in the past perhaps ?

    ... some folks like that work together well ... , others are like oil and water ... . Not that I'm saying that he's on an obsessed quest to remold STO into His Vision after other visions (Zinc, DS) got to have their way before ... , 'cause that'd be ... , you know ... petty ...
  • hipachilleshipachilles Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You mean, on his private twitter? The one that he's under no obligation to be a company worker on?

    I am probably late to say this, but I know many people who have been formally reprimanded by their employer for just that. The problem wasn't that they said insensitive things on their private twitter account. Rather, the problem was that they did so while "wearing the company hat" so to speak.
  • seannewboyseannewboy Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    For science.

    That is why i like her.
    New home of the Romulan Republic.
    I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
    I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
    I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dareau wrote: »
    Perhaps the old blogs did say too much, but the absolutely nothing being said now is proving to be an even worse predicament. Perhaps the old blogs were inefficient, but the reliance on "easy voice interviews" with little to no "follow up use" other than "listen to it" isn't the way to go. Perhaps a (the) dev(s) have way too little tolerance for flames considering their artistic profession. Perhaps the community is being way too vocal over minor things.
    Yeah, I can't point at any one of those things and say it's THE issue. Maybe all of them? I dunno....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • x10110100x10110100 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My prediction is this won't be changed because they are planning a new refinement system for DOFF's that will allow you to pay dilithium to turn your DOFF's gold which will give double the exp of current purple DOFF's and explode the dps gap between players even further.
This discussion has been closed.