Y axis is damage, X axis is for showing marks. Wanna be more specific? Sure.
between MK XI and XII damage, there is around 4,5% difference.
between MK XII and XIII damage, there is around 15% difference.
between MK XIII and XIV damage, there is around 21% difference.
between MK XII and XIV damage, there is around 32,5% difference.
Why didnt you just simply adjust the x axis to reflect he mark level? Plugging the numbers in Excel would have pretty much done all the work for you. You coulve even shown R and Rsquared for correlation.
Sorry, a lot of my work requires analysis, so I am a bit particular.
That makes even less sense. Time is a constant, not a variable for a measurement like this. According to you chart, the lower level equipment is getting less time to generate damage . Its not an apples to apples comparison. Try using the same time for ew h weapon and find a new "x" that is a viable factor, and maybe you have a point.
It's at the point where it maxes its potential...
Also, it should be rather obvious that it's not my chart.
Folks, let's keep some things in mind as you post here and remember that a thread very similar to this one ended up being closed for trolling. If I recall, more than a few people got infractions on that one.
Fantasizing about what you'd do as Lead (Whatever) can be fun. It can also be used as an excuse to trash talk a Dev and to flame or troll the Dev team. Please do not do that. It is a violation of forum rules.
If your post amounts to something along the lines of "fixing that sucky thing so-and-so did" or "firing so-and-so out of a cannon", you're better off keeping it to yourself.
And since by definition everything in this thread is basically only a fantasy, there's really no need to argue about who's fantasy is better and whose fantasy sucks. Let people have their fantasies, 'kay? If you can have a civil discussion, discuss don't cuss.
I'm also going to throw a cold, wet bucket of reality before people get too excited. I'm absolutely sure that none of the Leads take only one day to make stuff happen and they need a team to get anything done. Realism isn't much fun, but it's... Reality.
Well, if I'm only the Lead Dev for a day -- I'm under the impression there is a whole lot of nothing I can get done in a single work day (even accounting for working overtime).
I can't hire a whole bunch of people on the spot in a day, so if I'm going to make a strong impression on the development team, it'll be with the complete disregard of budgetary constraints.
Yeah, what he said.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Why didnt you just simply adjust the x axis to reflect he mark level? Plugging the numbers in Excel would have pretty much done all the work for you. You coulve even shown R and Rsquared for correlation.
Because I was too lazy to do that. When it comes to doing these kind of graphics I use Geogebra, it's an habit I have from studying maths.
Remove the Romulan Republic from their playable Faction status
Instead, I would add Romulan and Reman playable options into the C-Store with some kind of bundle package that enables use of their ships and costumes.
I would add the Cardassian to the game in a similar manner as above.
I would restart the cold war between the Federation and Imperials
Imperials would be the renamed Klingon Defense Force, and would consist of their current species in addition to the Talarian and Tzenkethi. I would remove the Orion, Lethean and Ferasan.
I would remove the Pakled from being playable; I would instead have an FE series that has the Imperials annihilate them.
I would further restrain from enabling Federation players to play as Klingons.
I would give the Red Team (Imperials) every bit of attention that has been given to the Federation faction, thus making them equals
I would further have distinct advantages, disadvantages and overall differences between the (now two) factions.
I would revisit the level system and officer titles - we would be playing as Captains (or at most, Commodores), that and I would do away with levels; we would have ranks alone.
I would further potentially have the Dominion developed as the third and final faction for the game, utilizing the Vorta, Jem Hadar, Karemma, and Dosi (etc)
The Dominion would play their own antihero role (similar to how the Imperials would play theirs)
All three factions would have their own unique story content.
All (if any) special bridge officer rewards would be fully customizable within the tailor.
2. I would then take the team out for burritos. Because, y'know, why should Salamii and Geko get the day off but not everyone else?
Be careful where you go. Me and some friends went to a Mexican restaurant back last month, two or three of the group ordered a Burrito and were served with a Fajita. :P
Fantasizing about what you'd do as Lead (Whatever) can be fun. It can also be used as an excuse to trash talk a Dev and to flame or troll the Dev team. Please do not do that. It is a violation of forum rules.
If your post amounts to something along the lines of "fixing that sucky thing so-and-so did" or "firing so-and-so out of a cannon", you're better off keeping it to yourself.
- Fix all the ship models to make them super sexy and accurate with what was seen in the shows (including windows/lights and weapon placement).
- TWOK Bomber jackets and Scotty's Vest.
- T3 Connie/Connie Refit and T'Liss BoP.
- TOS/TMP era costumes for all ships, based on the current ship model configuration.
- TWOK phasers (shipboard and hand-held).
- Hulls resist energy weapons so torpedoes make a comeback.
- More diplomacy for the UFP.
- More conquering for the Klingon Empire.
- More subterfuge for the Romulans.
- More exploration for all.
- Have the Romulan Republic fold under a movement to re-establish the Star Empire based on popular support.
- Make the Romulans their own faction completely.
- Staff Pizza Party.
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
Be careful where you go. Me and some friends went to a Mexican restaurant back last month, two or three of the group ordered a Burrito and were served with a Fajita. :P
I'd use my magic 1 day lead dev powers to go to a high quality restaurant that knew what it was doing!
Hmmm. I'd also add flavor text to failures on the DOFF mission "Correlate Historical Records using Digestive Remains". Because, y'know, it would be awesome.
Folks, let's keep some things in mind as you post here and remember that a thread very similar to this one ended up being closed for trolling. If I recall, more than a few people got infractions on that one.
Fantasizing about what you'd do as Lead (Whatever) can be fun. It can also be used as an excuse to trash talk a Dev and to flame or troll the Dev team. Please do not do that. It is a violation of forum rules.
If your post amounts to something along the lines of "fixing that sucky thing so-and-so did" or "firing so-and-so out of a cannon", you're better off keeping it to yourself.
And since by definition everything in this thread is basically only a fantasy, there's really no need to argue about who's fantasy is better and whose fantasy sucks. Let people have their fantasies, 'kay? If you can have a civil discussion, discuss don't cuss.
I'm also going to throw a cold, wet bucket of reality before people get too excited. I'm absolutely sure that none of the Leads take only one day to make stuff happen and they need a team to get anything done. Realism isn't much fun, but it's... Reality.
Can we at least say bad things about our favorite Romulan Mr. Khev?
Seriously, I agree. The most a person could do, if the company was open enough is to talk to a member of higher leadership and discuss a narrow subject in hopes of convincing them to sponsor a project to fix that narrow aspect.
Hit Fire at Will with the nerfbat to bring it in line with scatter volley.
Rebalance all the existing abilities to make every single one appealing and not useless (Aceton Beam much?).
Increase the XP gain by x2.
Remove the T5U thing and straight make a ship upgradable to T6 capabilities (minus the trait), making their Lieutenant seats hybrid universal.
Hit AtB with the nerfbat by allowing to slot only one of those doffs.
Hit Romulan Boffs with the nerfbat to bring them in line with other factions. (It's not possible that my Scimitar has 1/3 crit chance, 33% and unspeakable CrtD).
Give innate resistance to energy damage on hull to give torpedoes a reason to exist.
Give some basic matchmaking to PvP matches and make them more rewarding by increasing the awarded XP and adding an Advanced R&D Pack Reward.
I agree with all of this except FAW because honestly, cannons are still pretty weak generally speaking and beams feel much stronger atm (though im either statisically wrong or right on this I dont know just going on my own experience with both) I'd buff scatter volley to bring it in line with FAW...not the other way round - Im sure im going to get some hate for suggesting such a thing though haah
I could have swore we just had this thread a week or two ago.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
all they need to do to fix two problems at the same time is, two times the experience of argala for a pvp match.
Done, pvp is full, people stopped crying about grind fest.
I honestly wish it were that simple and easy. There are several factors that have put PvP is in the state it is and several things that would need to be done to fix it. No one wants to PvP against players just there to farm XP, so that one definitely will not help. I'd list them, but it would be waste of time TBH.
Track individual accounts on the STO forums and if they haven't touched the game for months, but persist in trolling and flaming? Remove them.
Since trolling and flaming is against the TOS this is reasonable.
If individuals on the STO forums posts feedback on changes in the game without actually testing/playing it for themselves, remove them.
And begins your dissent into 'I dont like these people so I dont want to deal with them, even though simply not posting in their thread or outright ignoring them would accomplish this.'
But no, lets ban everyone that annoys iconians.
If individuals have a track record of displaying gross insanity who have completely lost their grip on reality, remove them -- or at least flag their accounts for the public to see just how insane they are.
Again with the ban anyone that you cant be bothered with ignoring.
Remove the name and shame policy for the forums, hold individuals accountable for their actions and what they say. If they can hold a grudge against Cryptic for saying this or that and not delivering, we should be able to give STO forum posters the same latitude.
So mob mentality should rule? Yeah. Youre really proving your sanity over others here.
Also, everybody gets a pay raise.
Pay people without any sort of evaluation of their duties and responsibilities. And if theyre even meeting those responsibilities?
Dave over there shows up 5 minutes early and works all day long, he even puts in extra hours in the evening to hit his deadline...Mike on the other hand shows up, regularly can not be found at his desk and goes home 15 minutes early every wednesday and friday. Mikes missed quite a few deadlines.
Give NPCs an Artificial Intelligence worth of that name by making them use more advanced tactics rather than being hitpoint bags.
Though I do agree that a better AI would be nice, this is a bad reason for it. A better AI means that the NPC's hit harder or take more punishment before dying (or both). The result of hitpoint sponges is an NPC that takes more punishment before dying. I want an AI overhaul to increase the tactical nature of the game and not in any way to alter the difficulty.
I can agree on most everything else except T5U is fine with me and the mk 14 damage. I like that exponential curve
Throll post? You can't do much in 1 day if you were a DEV. Takes time to even know what you are doing. Should be put more rhetorically as in "If I were a DEV I would do TRIBBLE?" instead of ONE DAY.
Make all queues for 5 players, private queues can still play with the original amount of players if they want.
Create a tutorial and a practice version of each queue, mandatory, at least once per account to unlock normal queues.
Make advanced and elite queues unlockable, you unlock them by beating a queue with less difficulty (normal unlocks advanced, advanced unlocks elite).
Remove cooldown for failing.
Remove shared cooldown (so you only get cooldown on one difficulty and not all 3 at the same time).
Reduce cooldown to 15 minutes.
Reduce the amount of time based objectives, let people play at their own pace.
Increase the amount of conditional fail objectives.
Add a weekly random feature queue, beating said queue rewards 25, 50 or 100 REFINED dilithium (max:500/day), depending on difficulty, and 1, 2 or 3 special tokens that can be exchanged for special stuff, like costumes, pets, and other cosmetics, as well as special upgrade tokens for your gear and stuff from past events and featured episodes.
Extra rewards depending on average completion time and optional objectives.
Increase rewards:
Normal queue: 500 dilithium, 1 normal R&D pack, 5000xp&expertise, 25k energy credits, 1 very rare item for best player, rare for 2nd and 3rd;
choose between:
100 marks
1000 bonus dilithium
100k energy credits
10k xp&expertise.
1 extra normal R&D pack
1 very rare item of your choosing
Advanced queue: 1k dilithium, 1 normal R&D pack, 1 advanced R&D pack, 10k xp& expertise, 50k energy credits, 2 very rare items for best player, 1 very rare for 2nd, 1 rare for 3rd.;
Choose between:
150 marks & 1 rep item (ex: borg neural processor)
2k bonus dilithium
200k energy credits
15k xp& expertise
1 extra advanced R&D pack
2 very rare items of your choosing
Elite queue: 1.5k dilithium, 1 Normal R&D pack, 1 advanced R&D pack, 1 elite R&D pack, 15k xp&expertise, 100k energy credits, 1 ultra rare item for best player, 2 very rare for 2nd, 1 very rare for 3rd;
Choose between:
200 marks & 2 rep items
3k bonus dilithium
300k energy credits
20k xp&expertise
1 extra elite R&D pack
3 very rare items of your choosing
Begin R&D Phase 2
You know, current R&D feels incomplete, there are many things left to RNG and too few left to real crafting and personal effort, crafting made a lot of things obsolete, instead of being an improvement to all items in game, it became a curse for most, which are left forgotten.
I'm proposing a new revamp, one that will make all items useful, one that will get rid of the random number generator, true crafting.
Let's begin with with Modifiers:
From now on I'll call them Mods or [Mod]
We need craftable modifier, think of them as Gems from other MMOs, and we also need Mod slots, which would be equivalent to gem Sockets.
They'll be completely removable and exchangeable, think of weapons and mods as profession kit with their kit modules, you can have a [CrtD] mod, but if you grow tired of it you can just simply replace it with a [Pen] mod from your inventory, then you can use that [CrtD] mod for another weapon, or you can sell it in the exchange.
So, now Items will have [Mod] sockets based on rarity, 1 for uncommon, 2 for rare, and so on, Epic items will have one special socket for a dual mod.
Some special items might have more or less Sockets or might come with an special irremovable [Mod] (For example the AR-116b will have 4x irremovable shield penetration mods).
A [Mod] might have a quality, meaning it cannot be equipped to lower quality items, for example, the [arc] mod should be very rare and you won't be able to socket it in rare items.
Quality upgrades
Quality upgrades now rely in the RNG lottery, and that's annoying, you might upgrade something in your first try or spend a fortune of dilithium and failing to do so.
No more, you'll still need dilithium and tech upgrades to increase an item's level, and you can still craft very rare items, but you'll need a new quality upgrade item to increase an item's quality.
Such Quality tech upgrades will also be craftable items, for example, salvaged tech (reward from Elite PvE) can be used to craft a quality tech upgrade, let's say you need 4 salvaged tech to craft 1 quality tech upgrade, and 1 quality tech upgrade to increase an item's quality from very rare to ultra rare, 2 to increase quality from ultra rare to epic.
Basic crafting:
It also relies in RNG, let's get rid of it.
A profession level shouldn't influence the chance to get a very rare instead of a rare, a profession level should guarantee rarity, and decrease time and costs needed to craft, research and upgrade.
So, I propose the ability to craft uncommon items at any level, rare items at level 5, very rare items at level 10, and special items at level 15.
Missing features:
We still need device crafting, and profession kit and modules crafting and upgrading.
Ship upgrading:
Why not? why can't we upgrade our favorite ship from tier 1 to tier 5 (and then 5-U with the zen token).
We need ship upgrading, allow us to level up our ship using crafting to add weapon, console, boff and device slots.
I'm not talking about adding extra weapon slots to T5/T6 ships I'm talking about having a T5-U an NX-01 (no, I don't own or want this ships, it's just an example) with 4 fore weapons and 2 aft weapons, 2 device slots, 5 bridge officers and 10/11 consoles like most escorts of that tier.
Other stuff
Upgrade the trait screen, with separate tabs for ground and space as well as adding filtering options and trait loadouts, added captain traits (like starship traits for ground).
Revamp the skill tree to something along the lines of the current specialization skill tree, merging several skills, adding new ones, ability to retrain for a dilithium fee, skill loadouts.
Duty officer mission system revamp.
Premium bridge officers and unique BOFFs will get customization options they were missing.
A fix for the exchange, many items don't show, filtering is broken and missing many options.
PVP revamp, with exclusive PVP stats and gear, so zen ships won't get advantage over free ships.
Monthly foundry contest, top ranked missions will be added (with permission from authors) as official content for patrols, exploration clusters or sidequests, authors will get in-game rewards like zen, costumes, special items, etc.
Increased XP from delta rising content so you can get to level 60 by playing the story, reduced spec points (after level 60) to 125k xp per point, you also get 1 spec point per level (60 at level 60).
Added ability to swap control of bridge officers during ground missions, added kit slot (so bridge officers can get set bonuses, doesn't affect skills) and secondary weapon slot for bridge officers, improved AI, they crouch while at low HP or if taking fire from 3 or more enemies, they aim if you aim, they'll attempt to dodge grenades.
If I were on the Product Team, I would queue up investigating in researching what would happen if Advanced and Elite STF's were gated.
This would set up the following scenarios.
Crystalline Catastrophe - Since you are rewarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, then in order to be able to queue up for CC-Advanced, you must get 3rd place or better at least 5 times before you will even see that there is an Advanced option that you can queue up for.
All other Advanced and Elite STF's would be updated so that they also award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Those too would then be further updated so that the player must get 3rd place or better at least 5 times before the next higher level is available.
This would be character based, and not an account wide unlock.
Personally, I seriously wish that every game that offers Advanced/Elite modes would put in a Gatekeeper, of some type, like TSW did.
You want to play with the big dogs, then you have to prove you can hold your own by facing an opponent who isn't going to let you sit there and pewpew your way through or force others to carry you.
There is something extremely satisfying about fighting, and beating, a gatekeeper, thus proving you know how to fight and how to play your character.
Why didnt you just simply adjust the x axis to reflect he mark level? Plugging the numbers in Excel would have pretty much done all the work for you. You coulve even shown R and Rsquared for correlation.
Sorry, a lot of my work requires analysis, so I am a bit particular.
It's at the point where it maxes its potential...
Also, it should be rather obvious that it's not my chart.
No... It's an entirely perfect fix... Cause the Lead dev, dosen't make the decisions...
Fantasizing about what you'd do as Lead (Whatever) can be fun. It can also be used as an excuse to trash talk a Dev and to flame or troll the Dev team. Please do not do that. It is a violation of forum rules.
If your post amounts to something along the lines of "fixing that sucky thing so-and-so did" or "firing so-and-so out of a cannon", you're better off keeping it to yourself.
And since by definition everything in this thread is basically only a fantasy, there's really no need to argue about who's fantasy is better and whose fantasy sucks. Let people have their fantasies, 'kay? If you can have a civil discussion, discuss don't cuss.
I'm also going to throw a cold, wet bucket of reality before people get too excited. I'm absolutely sure that none of the Leads take only one day to make stuff happen and they need a team to get anything done. Realism isn't much fun, but it's... Reality.
Yeah, what he said.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Because I was too lazy to do that. When it comes to doing these kind of graphics I use Geogebra, it's an habit I have from studying maths.
If I were the Lead Dev for a day, I would...
That'll do.
2. I would then take the team out for burritos. Because, y'know, why should Salamii and Geko get the day off but not everyone else?
The first part made even less sense than what you had said before.
The second part makes sense
But that's how it started... :rolleyes:
I would also do that. That guy is a jerk.
Understood, but you could see where one could get confused?
- TWOK Bomber jackets and Scotty's Vest.
- T3 Connie/Connie Refit and T'Liss BoP.
- TOS/TMP era costumes for all ships, based on the current ship model configuration.
- TWOK phasers (shipboard and hand-held).
- Hulls resist energy weapons so torpedoes make a comeback.
- More diplomacy for the UFP.
- More conquering for the Klingon Empire.
- More subterfuge for the Romulans.
- More exploration for all.
- Have the Romulan Republic fold under a movement to re-establish the Star Empire based on popular support.
- Make the Romulans their own faction completely.
- Staff Pizza Party.
I'd use my magic 1 day lead dev powers to go to a high quality restaurant that knew what it was doing!
Hmmm. I'd also add flavor text to failures on the DOFF mission "Correlate Historical Records using Digestive Remains". Because, y'know, it would be awesome.
Can we at least say bad things about our favorite Romulan Mr. Khev?
Seriously, I agree. The most a person could do, if the company was open enough is to talk to a member of higher leadership and discuss a narrow subject in hopes of convincing them to sponsor a project to fix that narrow aspect.
I agree with all of this except FAW because honestly, cannons are still pretty weak generally speaking and beams feel much stronger atm (though im either statisically wrong or right on this I dont know just going on my own experience with both) I'd buff scatter volley to bring it in line with FAW...not the other way round
Done, pvp is full, people stopped crying about grind fest.
(Seriously, 99 developer seats included.)
I honestly wish it were that simple and easy. There are several factors that have put PvP is in the state it is and several things that would need to be done to fix it. No one wants to PvP against players just there to farm XP, so that one definitely will not help. I'd list them, but it would be waste of time TBH.
Since trolling and flaming is against the TOS this is reasonable.
And begins your dissent into 'I dont like these people so I dont want to deal with them, even though simply not posting in their thread or outright ignoring them would accomplish this.'
But no, lets ban everyone that annoys iconians.
Again with the ban anyone that you cant be bothered with ignoring.
So mob mentality should rule? Yeah. Youre really proving your sanity over others here.
Pay people without any sort of evaluation of their duties and responsibilities. And if theyre even meeting those responsibilities?
Dave over there shows up 5 minutes early and works all day long, he even puts in extra hours in the evening to hit his deadline...Mike on the other hand shows up, regularly can not be found at his desk and goes home 15 minutes early every wednesday and friday. Mikes missed quite a few deadlines.
But sure lets give both Dave and Mike pay raises.
This is why posts like these don't have much of a point. There is no detail here on what the problem is or a solution, both of which are opinions.
Though I do agree that a better AI would be nice, this is a bad reason for it. A better AI means that the NPC's hit harder or take more punishment before dying (or both). The result of hitpoint sponges is an NPC that takes more punishment before dying. I want an AI overhaul to increase the tactical nature of the game and not in any way to alter the difficulty.
I can agree on most everything else except T5U is fine with me and the mk 14 damage. I like that exponential curve
Also, if you do please go crazy here: http://crypticstudios.com/openings
Not defending anyone but just saying...to put one's foot into a mouth
Fix queue problems:
Increase rewards:
Normal queue: 500 dilithium, 1 normal R&D pack, 5000xp&expertise, 25k energy credits, 1 very rare item for best player, rare for 2nd and 3rd;
choose between:
Advanced queue: 1k dilithium, 1 normal R&D pack, 1 advanced R&D pack, 10k xp& expertise, 50k energy credits, 2 very rare items for best player, 1 very rare for 2nd, 1 rare for 3rd.;
Choose between:
Elite queue: 1.5k dilithium, 1 Normal R&D pack, 1 advanced R&D pack, 1 elite R&D pack, 15k xp&expertise, 100k energy credits, 1 ultra rare item for best player, 2 very rare for 2nd, 1 very rare for 3rd;
Choose between:
Begin R&D Phase 2
You know, current R&D feels incomplete, there are many things left to RNG and too few left to real crafting and personal effort, crafting made a lot of things obsolete, instead of being an improvement to all items in game, it became a curse for most, which are left forgotten.
I'm proposing a new revamp, one that will make all items useful, one that will get rid of the random number generator, true crafting.
Let's begin with with Modifiers:
From now on I'll call them Mods or [Mod]
We need craftable modifier, think of them as Gems from other MMOs, and we also need Mod slots, which would be equivalent to gem Sockets.
They'll be completely removable and exchangeable, think of weapons and mods as profession kit with their kit modules, you can have a [CrtD] mod, but if you grow tired of it you can just simply replace it with a [Pen] mod from your inventory, then you can use that [CrtD] mod for another weapon, or you can sell it in the exchange.
So, now Items will have [Mod] sockets based on rarity, 1 for uncommon, 2 for rare, and so on, Epic items will have one special socket for a dual mod.
Some special items might have more or less Sockets or might come with an special irremovable [Mod] (For example the AR-116b will have 4x irremovable shield penetration mods).
A [Mod] might have a quality, meaning it cannot be equipped to lower quality items, for example, the [arc] mod should be very rare and you won't be able to socket it in rare items.
Quality upgrades
Quality upgrades now rely in the RNG lottery, and that's annoying, you might upgrade something in your first try or spend a fortune of dilithium and failing to do so.
No more, you'll still need dilithium and tech upgrades to increase an item's level, and you can still craft very rare items, but you'll need a new quality upgrade item to increase an item's quality.
Such Quality tech upgrades will also be craftable items, for example, salvaged tech (reward from Elite PvE) can be used to craft a quality tech upgrade, let's say you need 4 salvaged tech to craft 1 quality tech upgrade, and 1 quality tech upgrade to increase an item's quality from very rare to ultra rare, 2 to increase quality from ultra rare to epic.
Basic crafting:
It also relies in RNG, let's get rid of it.
A profession level shouldn't influence the chance to get a very rare instead of a rare, a profession level should guarantee rarity, and decrease time and costs needed to craft, research and upgrade.
So, I propose the ability to craft uncommon items at any level, rare items at level 5, very rare items at level 10, and special items at level 15.
Missing features:
We still need device crafting, and profession kit and modules crafting and upgrading.
Ship upgrading:
Why not? why can't we upgrade our favorite ship from tier 1 to tier 5 (and then 5-U with the zen token).
We need ship upgrading, allow us to level up our ship using crafting to add weapon, console, boff and device slots.
I'm not talking about adding extra weapon slots to T5/T6 ships I'm talking about having a T5-U an NX-01 (no, I don't own or want this ships, it's just an example) with 4 fore weapons and 2 aft weapons, 2 device slots, 5 bridge officers and 10/11 consoles like most escorts of that tier.
Other stuff
Upgrade the trait screen, with separate tabs for ground and space as well as adding filtering options and trait loadouts, added captain traits (like starship traits for ground).
Revamp the skill tree to something along the lines of the current specialization skill tree, merging several skills, adding new ones, ability to retrain for a dilithium fee, skill loadouts.
Duty officer mission system revamp.
Premium bridge officers and unique BOFFs will get customization options they were missing.
A fix for the exchange, many items don't show, filtering is broken and missing many options.
PVP revamp, with exclusive PVP stats and gear, so zen ships won't get advantage over free ships.
Monthly foundry contest, top ranked missions will be added (with permission from authors) as official content for patrols, exploration clusters or sidequests, authors will get in-game rewards like zen, costumes, special items, etc.
Increased XP from delta rising content so you can get to level 60 by playing the story, reduced spec points (after level 60) to 125k xp per point, you also get 1 spec point per level (60 at level 60).
Added ability to swap control of bridge officers during ground missions, added kit slot (so bridge officers can get set bonuses, doesn't affect skills) and secondary weapon slot for bridge officers, improved AI, they crouch while at low HP or if taking fire from 3 or more enemies, they aim if you aim, they'll attempt to dodge grenades.
If I were on the Product Team, I would queue up investigating in researching what would happen if Advanced and Elite STF's were gated.
This would set up the following scenarios.
Crystalline Catastrophe - Since you are rewarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, then in order to be able to queue up for CC-Advanced, you must get 3rd place or better at least 5 times before you will even see that there is an Advanced option that you can queue up for.
All other Advanced and Elite STF's would be updated so that they also award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Those too would then be further updated so that the player must get 3rd place or better at least 5 times before the next higher level is available.
This would be character based, and not an account wide unlock.
Personally, I seriously wish that every game that offers Advanced/Elite modes would put in a Gatekeeper, of some type, like TSW did.
You want to play with the big dogs, then you have to prove you can hold your own by facing an opponent who isn't going to let you sit there and pewpew your way through or force others to carry you.
There is something extremely satisfying about fighting, and beating, a gatekeeper, thus proving you know how to fight and how to play your character.