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If I were the Lead Dev for a day, I'd...



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    nitefiuunitefiuu Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    fire everyone who ruined this game onward LoR dlc

    balance those f******** skills to fit both pve&pvp cause its a big bag of pathetic joke not worth to play longer than a minute

    and 1000% xp boost for the pure reason of bothering with this game after all ~*THIS*~

    oh and id return to the Star Strek universe where theres something more of a depth to do other than KILL, SHOOT , BLOW APART EVERYTHING
    Battle Trek Online: KILL EVERYTHING
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    englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would take a ride on the company jet, cos lets face it not much else would get done in that day :p
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Are we? Are we really?

    I don't know for sure how many people actually play PWE's games totally. Millions, I would venture to guess. How many of them actually spend anything less than $15 per month? My guess is probably 75% Of that percentage, how many spend at least $15 per month. Probably at least 50%. And of that 50% how many spend up to $30 per month? Probably 50% again. Now of that percentage, how many are the so-called whales?"

    Cryptic is owned by PWE which is owned by PWI. We do not know what sort of GLOBAL expenses PWI has. On this level of corporate compartmentalization, there are budgets within budgets within budgets. The people sitting around the board room table wearing the fancy suits are going to take the BULK of the global revenue. And they are going to only allocate the bare minimum needed to maintain their holdings.

    Cryptic can only do what it can do with what they are given to do it with. And PWE can only do so much with what they are given to do it with.

    No matter how much we spend on this game, it is not going to have an effect on what resources are allotted to PWE to allot to Cryptic. The devs are not getting any more money than what their contract indicated. They may not have the option of going with another ISP because it isn't in their budget.

    It probably will be more in their budget as droves of people quit because of all the lag and their funding falls into the danger money zone. We will know when this occurs because the lag will disappear.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    if i were in gekos position for the day, i would make sure to get myself more time then work with first :P.

    after that, i would put in place things and make sure they ended up on the game and then i would leave, after that it remains in the game until its had its day. otherwise if i stayed for a day and had teams working on the new concept, it would be chucked out the moment im gone.

    so minimum of keeping myself around, 6 months.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Did everyone experience that lag? If so, then it is something the update caused that was not expected, and unless it's still effecting everyone, it's been corrected. If not, then it remains a Cogentco problem, where a major upsurge in traffic through their infrastructure RELATED to the major update to Neverwinter caused a bottleneck...

    It may be that simply graduating to the next corporate-grade tier in Cogentco's pricing plan may solve the problem... But that would mean that PWE would have to convince PWI to come off the cash needed to flip the switch...

    Anyone who works in the corporate world knows that it is next to impossible to get the boys on the board to allocate more funds to anything. And they are afraid to ask, because usually the boys on the board's first question is "how many do we fire to make up for it?" In this case, it would probably mean firing at least two developers. One might be enough, but if they fire two, it means that they end up profiting in the short run.

    Sadly at this point they need to do whatever they have to to get rid of the lag.

    There was a post here awhile ago about them admitting a mistake on the NW side causing problems, they can start with those personel.
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sadly at this point they need to do whatever they have to to get rid of the lag.

    There was a post here awhile ago about them admitting a mistake on the NW side causing problems, they can start with those personel.

    As LaughingTrendy pointed out elsewhere, Cryptic is aware of the latency issues people are having. Unfortunately, it is not a quick fix, since those "Aha! So that's what it is!" moments are typically fixed fairly quickly -- and I can't speak for everybody but my lag issues have been there since the 5th anniversary.

    This is apparently one of these issues where there is no clear culprit despite internet detectives on the STO forums saying otherwise -- but they have not stopped trying to get to the bottom of the investigation.
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    solarwraithsolarwraith Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, as it was pointed out earlier being a dev for a day will not get much done, but this one thing will be possible; add code that allows us to introduce Tovan Khev to the port airlock and...swoosh! Only then will Rommie toons have a clean and tidy ship. Do this one thing and many Romulans will sing songs of joy, and they might even do a little jig to boot.
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    jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Mission rewards scale to Mk XII. (One of my requests - for the blue retrofit phasers on the Connie to scale to Mk XII -eventually happened when crafting was introduced so it's possible.)
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    caylenrcaylenr Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you were "lead dev" for a day, IT would set up your internal accounts, you'd meet the team, read documentation, and maybe start a TODO list.

    You really don't know how game development works, do you?
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    delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    amezuki wrote: »
    My day as Lead Developer:

    This guy gets it.

    Also this.
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    caylenrcaylenr Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This guy gets it.

    Also this.

    Ohhh, that's nice. Better than mine. :P
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    thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2015


    Nowhere in this link was the "Slap people in the meeting in the head for staring at me." option which is the one I'd have chosen everytime the lead Josh dared make eye contact. Just because you are paying me doesn't mean you are better/ safe or can act less than cordial to me.

    I'll ask my cousin to view it later, he's "kinder" than I am.

    Neat story thou.

    Did I mention: I'd fix the lag.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    amezuki wrote: »
    My day as Lead Developer:

    4:30 - Alarm goes off

    5:00 - Realize that I don't have time to login to STO send out my doffs like I usually do before work, because I don't yet know how long the commute will take and have to leave way early to deal with Day 1 setup

    5:45 - Arrive at work, realize that I don't yet have a badge, send email from my phone to the person who's supposedly my lead and ask them to come let me in

    5:50 - Realize that my AD and Exchange Server credentials have still not been provisioned by IT; spend time eating breakfast and getting to know coworkers

    6:00 to 7:00 - Roll chair over to coworker's desk while they show me the volume of email I'd be dealing with if my email was actually set up

    7:00 to 8:00 - Corp login and email credentials provisioned; login to company laptop and receive an email from my manager with twenty links to applications I need to install, set up, and familiarize myself with in order to do my job - and do so while being constantly randomized by people coming over to say hi to the new person

    8:05 - Laptop still not completely set up, no access to P4 or whatever code repo is being used; missed the morning standup because no one forwarded me the meeting request

    8:30 - New employee orientation! Spend half an hour filling out hardcopy forms that duplicate information I've already provided, because HR and reasons

    9:00 to 9:10 - Mandatory self-study HR materials on sexual harassment in the workplace, which involve a video that no one watches and questions everyone already knows how to answer

    9:10 to 9:30 - Now that everyone's in the office except career developers who don't get out of bed before 10am (kidding! I love all you guys, even when you resolve my bugs as Won't Fix), endure the obligatory tour where I'm taken around the office and introduced to fifty people whose names I won't remember until I've heard them repeatedly

    9:30 to 11:30 - Excruciatingly long meeting with the project managers and QA team where I largely sit there in silence and look derpy while everyone uses impenetrable internal jargon that I'm not expected to understand because it's my first day

    11:30 - Still no access to repository, but that's okay because I really shouldn't be checking in anything on my first day anyway; spend time continuing to install required software on my laptop and set up rules to filter the deluge of email

    11:40 - Shown where to find the beer in the walk-in cooler; day improves significantly

    12:00 - 1:45 - "Working" lunch with the team that almost invariably involves Indian food and a lot more beer; I learn more during this lunch than in all of the training materials thus far combined

    2:00 - Return to desk and learn that I missed several important emails and a meeting invite because they were buried amongst the other 2,000 emails with which I'm not yet familiar enough to write effective rules

    2:10 - Trendy puts up a blog post announcing the change in leadership; manager strongly "suggests" that I jump in the forums and introduce myself in order to get to know the players in my new role

    2:35 - After twelve pages of disparaging commentary about my ancestry, hobbies, habits, politics, criminal record, sexual orientation, hostility to PvP, past forum posts, involvement in every unpopular decision made since the game's launch, as well as my preferred operating system and game console, I manage to completely lose my **** at some idiot a valued customer and go on a 4,000-word rant about how the dev team could design a Tribble that ate latency and crapped Zen, and the forums would still explode with complaints that the cooldown was too long

    3:05- Handed a cardboard box and escorted out of the building

    Any resemblance to actual persons or events may or may not be the product of personal experience.

    Brilliant! That's probably the most accurate likeness of what would actually happen.
    Though I've never worked on a full game, I have worked on several large scale mods for numerous games and after reading some of the responses to this thread I'm left dumbfounded by what some people seem to think they could get done in 24 little hours. I've spent longer than that looking for a misplaced semi-colon or a misspelled variable.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    mainamaina Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1. Give every idiot a chance to fix lag on the condition they pay me $100 when they figure out they can't.
    2. Collect $100 from every poster that thinks they are qualified to hold the position.
    3. Add Japanese Schoolgirl uniforms to the c-store.
    4. Make "Volunteer forum mods" work one weekend day a week.
    5. Add the auto-response "We've reviewed your ticket and decided that the cause of the problem(s) is PEBKAC" to 99% of the tickets sent to support.
    6. charge $100 to every chat user that feels the need to claim to have sex, drink, use drugs, or talk religion in chat. Also offer $100 to anyone who reminds me of a e-peen topic I forgot from that list.
    7. Zen per spec point option.
    8. Beer. Well just Beer. I'd work that in somewhere.
    9. Give PVP it's own server. Granted just a copy of the current server and it gets no support, but hey at least I did something for them.....
    10. Did I bring up the idea of schoolgirl outfits?
    11. Charge $100 to anyone who thinks #8 is in conflict with #6.
    12. Cross Faction EVERYTHING.
    13. Charge $100 to everyone who argues canon about an IP that is so F***ed canon-wise as to make canon moot (or at least subjective wise).
    14. Re-open the "Everything is doomed!!" thread.
    15. Give some of the $100's I earned to Taco and Trendy.
    16. Charge $100 to anyone who thinks advertising their current favorite game on another games forums is cool.

      The most important thing though, is if I was Lead Dev for a day, I'd cash the check and leave as fast as I could. Nothing is going to make you people happy.
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    englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    maina wrote: »
    1. Give every idiot a chance to fix lag on the condition they pay me $100 when they figure out they can't.
    2. Collect $100 from every poster that thinks they are qualified to hold the position.
    3. Add Japanese Schoolgirl uniforms to the c-store.
    4. Make "Volunteer forum mods" work one weekend day a week.
    5. Add the auto-response "We've reviewed your ticket and decided that the cause of the problem(s) is PEBKAC" to 99% of the tickets sent to support.
    6. charge $100 to every chat user that feels the need to claim to have sex, drink, use drugs, or talk religion in chat. Also offer $100 to anyone who reminds me of a e-peen topic I forgot from that list.
    7. Zen per spec point option.
    8. Beer. Well just Beer. I'd work that in somewhere.
    9. Give PVP it's own server. Granted just a copy of the current server and it gets no support, but hey at least I did something for them.....
    10. Did I bring up the idea of schoolgirl outfits?
    11. Charge $100 to anyone who thinks #8 is in conflict with #6.
    12. Cross Faction EVERYTHING.
    13. Charge $100 to everyone who argues canon about an IP that is so F***ed canon-wise as to make canon moot (or at least subjective wise).
    14. Re-open the "Everything is doomed!!" thread.
    15. Give some of the $100's I earned to Taco and Trendy.
    16. Charge $100 to anyone who thinks advertising their current favorite game on another games forums is cool.

      The most important thing though, is if I was Lead Dev for a day, I'd cash the check and leave as fast as I could. Nothing is going to make you people happy.

    This is full of WIN

    Although you are forgetting to charge well over the odds for "wales" so you may want to include the x10 wale charge :p
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