Someone call the waaaaaaambulance!
That said, cannons could use a buff.
Dual Cannons especially. They are literally good for nothing.
There is NO advantage to using them over DHCs; in fact, you actually lose a good chunk of damage due to the innate CrtD modifier, power cycles, and firing rates.
Overcapping is not a bug. They've stated that several times. Continuing to call it a bug won't change that. The reason one can stop ~135 with Cannons but may need to hit up 180-200+ with Beams is part of the drain mechanics...and...having to do 180-200 to get the same benefit as 135 isn't a good thing - isn't something in Beams' favor.
That Cryptic went from nerfing +Pwr consoles saying they didn't want folks to have that much power to where ships just outright bleed surplus power would be where that overcapping bit lost its balance, mind you. If you wanted that overcap, you had to give up something somewhere else - once folks no longer needed to do that...tada. Overcapping is no longer balanced by anything...outside of needing more for Beams to get the same benefit as what Cannons get (though folks always seem to get that backward for some not needing to go beyond 135 is a bad thing - I'm sure Beam users would love only needing to get to 135 instead of what they're aiming for with their builds).
That being said...I blame FAW for 99.93% of the problems in the game. Too high? Okay, 99.92% of the problems in the game.
Nah, seriously though...I'd say at least 80% or more of the arguments that come up on the forums could be traced to FAW. If FAW didn't work the way it did...the game would be a completely different know, with folks doing all sorts of other things instead of just FAW.
Dual Cannons especially. They are literally good for nothing.
There is NO advantage to using them over DHCs; in fact, you actually lose a good chunk of damage due to the innate CrtD modifier, power cycles, and firing rates.
That's um...not true in the least. Each have their roles where they would outshine the other. Now, if you were talking about Single Cannons.
If FAW didn't work the way it did...the game would be a completely different know, with folks doing all sorts of other things instead of just FAW.
I doubt that very much. If it weren't faw, then it would be a different game. If it weren't faw however, it would definitely be something else.
Nah, seriously though...I'd say at least 80% or more of the arguments that come up on the forums could be traced to FAW. If FAW didn't work the way it did...the game would be a completely different know, with folks doing all sorts of other things instead of just FAW.
How? Isn't most of this game play'd on a personal level, with a smaller percentage (compaired to the overall users), in pugs?
If Faw is a problem because it's effective (even if overly) isn't it still a choice to use? There is nothing I do with FAW that impacts what any of you do.
I doubt that very much. If it weren't faw, then it would be a different game. If it weren't faw however, it would definitely be something else.
That's how these mmo things work after all.
Another option would be making the content less of a monster farm - relegating FAW to trash duty by the very design of the content, eh? It's only because so much of the content is comprised of trashmobs, yeah?
When would you want to use DCs over DHCs? The proc rates were normalized a while back, so I can't think of any time where DCs have an advantage.
Cryptic keeps adding more and more per shot procs. Cycle proc? Sure, they're both a standard 3s cycle so for cycle procs DCs have nothing over DHCs and DHCs have their CrtD over the DCs. But Cryptic keeps adding per shot that 4/3 vs. 2/3...
How? Isn't most of this game play'd on a personal level, with a smaller percentage (compaired to the overall users), in pugs?
If Faw is a problem because it's effective (even if overly) isn't it still a choice to use? There is nothing I do with FAW that impacts what any of you do.
Do you use the Exchange? Do you use the Dil:Zen Exchange? Does Cryptic have metrics showing how long things take to be completed? Etc, etc, etc...this isn't a single-player game.
Cryptic keeps adding more and more per shot procs. Cycle proc? Sure, they're both a standard 3s cycle so for cycle procs DCs have nothing over DHCs and DHCs have their CrtD over the DCs. But Cryptic keeps adding per shot that 4/3 vs. 2/3...
I remember when this would get you burned at the stake. Anyway, even 'back when' DEM was the equalizer for that, and now as you've pointed out, there's more like it.
Back on topic...
Hey, suppose NPC's just used moar scrambles? moar tac team? Hell, moar anything? Interesting to note that those NPC's that DON'T sit still and allow players to simply exploit FAW/BETA debuffing just aren't the popular NPC's at the dance.
My Derpy Recruit is flying a Marauder...with FAW...and it's a shiny Marauder, cause I'm still sporting the Reman shields since none of that really matters while leveling. But it's a trip, cause I don't bother renaming ships...but it's the I.K.S. B'Mah. My Derpy Recruit's flying a B'Mah...Bimmer...a shiny Bimmer. Need to put on some 80's new wave while flying around Beta Ursae. I.K.S. B' X5 M, with the M being for Marauder instead of Motorsport, yeah?
My main, mind you, alternates between Phased Biomatter and Vaadwaur Polaron DHCs/Turrets running CSV off of a Geneva. I just can't decide between the cool travel FX of the Vaad or the cool Needle FX of the Biomatters.
edit: And oh man, my Derpy Recruit's a Tac. I actually rolled a Tac. I had 11 Sci...well, I deleted one, so I had 10 Sci. Now I've got 10 Sci and a Tac! Er, a Tac that's going to join 9 of the Sci and not be played outside of DOFFing. Cause I FAW DOFF! Er...though, I can't remember the last time I DOFF'd...hrmm, yeah.
I'm just a little surprised that its an AOE ability that keeps full normal effectiveness on top. Most games the AOE powers either do less damage or have shorter range or something to make them situational. Here you get AOE plus a damage bonus with 2/3 uptime. Its an odd design decision.
Solution: Give NPCs FBP, then watch the fireworks display.
Seriously, NPCs need more skills to keep players on their toes. Right now they are just damage-soaking targets. The wild (bugged) Borg shield drains were a(n accidental) step in the right direction IMO.
Solution: Give NPCs FBP, then watch the fireworks display.
Seriously, NPCs need more skills to keep players on their toes. Right now they are just damage-soaking targets. The wild (bugged) Borg shield drains were a(n accidental) step in the right direction IMO.
Well, we saw what happened when NPCs were given even basic EPtE...
Though, I have a sneaking suspicion (maybe mostly just hope) that The Herald will have Surgical Strikes.
Personally I always felt faw should be an androgynous skill. After all being ordered to shoot at whatever you want shouldn't be limited to your weapon type.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited April 2015
I actually put Dual Cannons and Dual Heavy Cannons on my Mat'ha. Looks pretty good firing all four cannon hardpoints instead of just two. Did the same on my Mirror BoP.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Sure, Cannons are doable; but they're nowhere near as universally usable or effective (thanks, Overcapping bug that's existed for 5 years!) as Beams.
Torps can be done too - but they need a highly specific build in order for it to do what FAW does.
FAW does it all, single target AND AoE, and it does it way too easily.
Maybe it's time we buffed up other things, to make them more desirable? Drains (both power and shield), disables, tanks, etc.
I dont think they need to buff anything at all.
Its time that people stop whining and start adapting.
If you do buff one or all or make another weapon more powerful than the rest, then people will just go back to the whining cycle.
For examples purposes, If the devs made Mines the most powerful in space both in ease of use and dps, players will just transfer to that and players like you will just post another thread like this trying to make Mines look bad and buff all other weapons. Hence, the whining cycle.
Well, we saw what happened when NPCs were given even basic EPtE...
We see what happens when every NPC on the map is given a single ability, whether it was EPtE or now TB.
What we need is for NPCs, even ones who appear as generic as the Borg, to have some variety.
Also, EPtE was a poor choice on the dev's part; all the AI could do with it was run out of weapons range.
Actually, I'm not entirely certain the player skill system could ever be well adapted for use by NPCs.
But I am certain that just dropping an extra ability on every NPC on the map isn't a good solution.
Case in point: if you're not bringing temporary hit points, which completely negate TB, then you might as well hull tank any Borg content, because the effort to maintain shields just isn't worth it. If TB was only on, say, the tactical cube, that might be different.
Solution: Give NPCs FBP, then watch the fireworks display.
Seriously, NPCs need more skills to keep players on their toes. Right now they are just damage-soaking targets. The wild (bugged) Borg shield drains were a(n accidental) step in the right direction IMO.
Funny, I've actually seen NPCs using things like feedback pulse, tractor beams, and a few others. Your sentiment remains understandable.
Anyways, FAW, like its relatives CSV and TS, has its place, and that is most definitely not as 'the one tool for all jobs'. Most of my stick time these days is in escorts - they're just fun to fly and paired DHCs up front with a launcher (and a DBB if you have room) just seems right. For instance, the Schwarze (Mirror Adv. Escort) has both the Nukara and Omega weapon packs abaord, with a Vaadwaur cluster torp taking up the remaining rear slot (it plays very nicely with the web mines, thank you very much).
Its time that people stop whining and start adapting.
If you do buff one or all or make another weapon more powerful than the rest, then people will just go back to the whining cycle.
For examples purposes, If the devs made Mines the most powerful in space both in ease of use and dps, players will just transfer to that and players like you will just post another thread like this trying to make Mines look bad and buff all other weapons. Hence, the whining cycle.
So you're opposed to attempts at balancing the game?
edit: Then again, this game...balance? Meh, never mind.
edit2: But yeah, it doesn't have to be a case of it just being the FoTM stuff over and over again. Here though? Meh...
edit3: Course, going with a more balanced variety to tackle content that fit that sort of thing - would likely lead to more and more complaints. It would add complexity that a bunch of folks just wouldn't want - and - it could end up being a nightmare for pugs, even as premades were to take a look at it and bring what they needed - pugs could end up with all sorts of different things where it could be an easy run or a nightmare run. Then again, that's the general angle of approach that Cryptic's taken with almost everything in the game - trying to simplify everything so folks can just pew pew and wheeee!
Picturing something like ISA where you'd have guys focused on trashmob damage against Spheres and guys with bossmode damage against Cubes, Gates, and even Trans. The ability for those trashmob guys to disengage and switch BOFFs for some focused damage...with a lack of any supporting abilities there. Sure, the Cannon guys can go back and forth between CRF/CSV...Beam guys would go from FAW to lol-BO-lol? Certain ships could do the FAW to SS, but others couldn't. Then dealing with the same thing in all the other queues...just a complex mess...wouldn't be that casual fun pew pew game it is. Would lose customers...go under...boom...oh well.
But it's still nice to think about at least some attempt at some form of balance...meh.
edit4: Maybe if they just did a mix of content that catered to different players preferences...folks would fight so much about those preferences. Instead of dropping out more content that's just going to favor one over another...and even more than before...meh. Inside 5km with Cannons or outside of 5km with Beams - the new stuff makes it pretty clear which is going to work and which isn't going to work...meh.
I'm just a little surprised that its an AOE ability that keeps full normal effectiveness on top. Most games the AOE powers either do less damage or have shorter range or something to make them situational. Here you get AOE plus a damage bonus with 2/3 uptime. Its an odd design decision.
Funny how that works out, doesn't it? Pretty much every dev team out there gets that, but not here.
Cryptic should make an abillity 'Fire Decoys' for players and non-players. On activating your ship launches a number of decoy targets. Those can absorb FAW damage.
Don't know if we something like this already in the game, since I am not up-to-date with the latest mechanics, intell and command.
having issues with OP pets? FAW
Having issues with spamming high yield plasma torps? FAW
Got surrounded by alot of ships ? FAW
Got some crazy orion girl preggo?...FAW FAW FAW!!!!
Got yourself in to a pickle over jam? FAW
Got athletes foot from a klingon? FAW
Got a parking ticket at ESD? FAW
and last but not least
Got a date with an iconian mistress only to find out shes been minipulating you to overthrow the universe? FAW
That said, cannons could use a buff.
Dual Cannons especially. They are literally good for nothing.
There is NO advantage to using them over DHCs; in fact, you actually lose a good chunk of damage due to the innate CrtD modifier, power cycles, and firing rates.
That Cryptic went from nerfing +Pwr consoles saying they didn't want folks to have that much power to where ships just outright bleed surplus power would be where that overcapping bit lost its balance, mind you. If you wanted that overcap, you had to give up something somewhere else - once folks no longer needed to do that...tada. Overcapping is no longer balanced by anything...outside of needing more for Beams to get the same benefit as what Cannons get (though folks always seem to get that backward for some not needing to go beyond 135 is a bad thing - I'm sure Beam users would love only needing to get to 135 instead of what they're aiming for with their builds).
That being said...I blame FAW for 99.93% of the problems in the game. Too high? Okay, 99.92% of the problems in the game.
Nah, seriously though...I'd say at least 80% or more of the arguments that come up on the forums could be traced to FAW. If FAW didn't work the way it did...the game would be a completely different know, with folks doing all sorts of other things instead of just FAW.
That's um...not true in the least. Each have their roles where they would outshine the other. Now, if you were talking about Single Cannons.
I doubt that very much. If it weren't faw, then it would be a different game. If it weren't faw however, it would definitely be something else.
That's how these mmo things work after all.
True! I can't argue with you there!
When would you want to use DCs over DHCs? The proc rates were normalized a while back, so I can't think of any time where DCs have an advantage.
For gods sake just play as you want, no one is fawing(?) on your parade or in your cheerios.
Ever think just "firing at will" got you in trouble in the first place? Just saying.......
If you didn't see that coming, please get out of the gene pool.
Leave the Bad Girls to the experts.
How? Isn't most of this game play'd on a personal level, with a smaller percentage (compaired to the overall users), in pugs?
If Faw is a problem because it's effective (even if overly) isn't it still a choice to use? There is nothing I do with FAW that impacts what any of you do.
Another option would be making the content less of a monster farm - relegating FAW to trash duty by the very design of the content, eh? It's only because so much of the content is comprised of trashmobs, yeah?
Cryptic keeps adding more and more per shot procs. Cycle proc? Sure, they're both a standard 3s cycle so for cycle procs DCs have nothing over DHCs and DHCs have their CrtD over the DCs. But Cryptic keeps adding per shot that 4/3 vs. 2/3...
Do you use the Exchange? Do you use the Dil:Zen Exchange? Does Cryptic have metrics showing how long things take to be completed? Etc, etc, etc...this isn't a single-player game.
But over the years, I converted them. Now, none of them are playing cannons. At best, DBB.
The easy choice AND the best one.
As for cannon/dual cannon, I don't even know if they were ever useful.
This keeps coming up.
I remember when this would get you burned at the stake. Anyway, even 'back when' DEM was the equalizer for that, and now as you've pointed out, there's more like it.
Back on topic...
Hey, suppose NPC's just used moar scrambles? moar tac team? Hell, moar anything? Interesting to note that those NPC's that DON'T sit still and allow players to simply exploit FAW/BETA debuffing just aren't the popular NPC's at the dance.
Funny how that is.
My Derpy Recruit is flying a Marauder...with FAW...and it's a shiny Marauder, cause I'm still sporting the Reman shields since none of that really matters while leveling. But it's a trip, cause I don't bother renaming ships...but it's the I.K.S. B'Mah. My Derpy Recruit's flying a B'Mah...Bimmer...a shiny Bimmer. Need to put on some 80's new wave while flying around Beta Ursae. I.K.S. B' X5 M, with the M being for Marauder instead of Motorsport, yeah?
My main, mind you, alternates between Phased Biomatter and Vaadwaur Polaron DHCs/Turrets running CSV off of a Geneva. I just can't decide between the cool travel FX of the Vaad or the cool Needle FX of the Biomatters.
edit: And oh man, my Derpy Recruit's a Tac. I actually rolled a Tac. I had 11 Sci...well, I deleted one, so I had 10 Sci. Now I've got 10 Sci and a Tac! Er, a Tac that's going to join 9 of the Sci and not be played outside of DOFFing. Cause I FAW DOFF! Er...though, I can't remember the last time I DOFF'd...hrmm, yeah.
The Secret World
In this case, you're better off with FAP than FAW.
give single target beam rapid fire
Give faw the sfatter volley traits of limited number of targets and only hitting things close(like 10 km) to the main target.
Seriously, NPCs need more skills to keep players on their toes. Right now they are just damage-soaking targets. The wild (bugged) Borg shield drains were a(n accidental) step in the right direction IMO.
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Well, we saw what happened when NPCs were given even basic EPtE...
Though, I have a sneaking suspicion (maybe mostly just hope) that The Herald will have Surgical Strikes.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I dont think they need to buff anything at all.
Its time that people stop whining and start adapting.
If you do buff one or all or make another weapon more powerful than the rest, then people will just go back to the whining cycle.
For examples purposes, If the devs made Mines the most powerful in space both in ease of use and dps, players will just transfer to that and players like you will just post another thread like this trying to make Mines look bad and buff all other weapons. Hence, the whining cycle.
What we need is for NPCs, even ones who appear as generic as the Borg, to have some variety.
Also, EPtE was a poor choice on the dev's part; all the AI could do with it was run out of weapons range.
Actually, I'm not entirely certain the player skill system could ever be well adapted for use by NPCs.
But I am certain that just dropping an extra ability on every NPC on the map isn't a good solution.
Case in point: if you're not bringing temporary hit points, which completely negate TB, then you might as well hull tank any Borg content, because the effort to maintain shields just isn't worth it. If TB was only on, say, the tactical cube, that might be different.
Not much of a choice there. Go beams or (effectively) gtfo.
If we're settling on a single meta, cannons were better. Not very Trek, but more enjoyable game play. "Press FAW to win!" is rather lackluster.
Funny, I've actually seen NPCs using things like feedback pulse, tractor beams, and a few others. Your sentiment remains understandable.
Anyways, FAW, like its relatives CSV and TS, has its place, and that is most definitely not as 'the one tool for all jobs'. Most of my stick time these days is in escorts - they're just fun to fly and paired DHCs up front with a launcher (and a DBB if you have room) just seems right. For instance, the Schwarze (Mirror Adv. Escort) has both the Nukara and Omega weapon packs abaord, with a Vaadwaur cluster torp taking up the remaining rear slot (it plays very nicely with the web mines, thank you very much).
That first one there...most defiantly, spam that FAW, that last one...meh, I could go for it....
It wasn't so much the fact of them having epte, it was that they spammed the living TRIBBLE out of it and, ran away like chickens.
Borg don't run from what they deem to be, inferior enemies!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
So you're opposed to attempts at balancing the game?
edit: Then again, this game...balance? Meh, never mind.
edit2: But yeah, it doesn't have to be a case of it just being the FoTM stuff over and over again. Here though? Meh...
edit3: Course, going with a more balanced variety to tackle content that fit that sort of thing - would likely lead to more and more complaints. It would add complexity that a bunch of folks just wouldn't want - and - it could end up being a nightmare for pugs, even as premades were to take a look at it and bring what they needed - pugs could end up with all sorts of different things where it could be an easy run or a nightmare run. Then again, that's the general angle of approach that Cryptic's taken with almost everything in the game - trying to simplify everything so folks can just pew pew and wheeee!
Picturing something like ISA where you'd have guys focused on trashmob damage against Spheres and guys with bossmode damage against Cubes, Gates, and even Trans. The ability for those trashmob guys to disengage and switch BOFFs for some focused damage...with a lack of any supporting abilities there. Sure, the Cannon guys can go back and forth between CRF/CSV...Beam guys would go from FAW to lol-BO-lol? Certain ships could do the FAW to SS, but others couldn't. Then dealing with the same thing in all the other queues...just a complex mess...wouldn't be that casual fun pew pew game it is. Would lose customers...go under...boom...oh well.
But it's still nice to think about at least some attempt at some form of balance...meh.
edit4: Maybe if they just did a mix of content that catered to different players preferences...folks would fight so much about those preferences. Instead of dropping out more content that's just going to favor one over another...and even more than before...meh. Inside 5km with Cannons or outside of 5km with Beams - the new stuff makes it pretty clear which is going to work and which isn't going to work...meh.
Funny how that works out, doesn't it? Pretty much every dev team out there gets that, but not here.
Don't know if we something like this already in the game, since I am not up-to-date with the latest mechanics, intell and command.