I'm going Fed alien all the way, but i'm not sure if romulans can use the fed intel ships or not. I want to make him pure intel DPS, but it all depends on if they can or not. Otherwise it's a Scimi to blast through everything as fast as possible.
I'm going Fed alien all the way, but i'm not sure if romulans can use the fed intel ships or not. I want to make him pure intel DPS, but it all depends on if they can or not. Otherwise it's a Scimi to blast through everything as fast as possible.
Romulans only have access to T1 - T4 Fed / KDF ships.
I had been thinking FED Klingon Engineer but now I'm pretty sure I'm gonna gonna make liberated Borg, one from each faction and probably all tacs, unsure there
Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
I wasn't sure if I was going to participate in the delta event or not. Still not sure actually. If I do I'll probably make a telaxian kdf sci. That way after the event ends I can farm contraband.
After long consideration and thought I am going to make a Federation Farmer to stand at Starfleet academy to do the lore mission everyday
I have no desire to redo all the reps and get skill points on a new toon so its the most positive character I can make nor will I buy new ships or expensive Doffs and equipment like a plasmonic Leach or lobi items when I already have them on existing characters
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I have the most fun when I create concept characters. I currently play a character that I head canon they accidentally time traveled from the WOK era to current game time.
I believe my Delta Recruit will be a similar character...my characters will have traveled to the STO universe from the JJ Abrams universe. So I did a test run today...created a character and put them in the TOS uniforms...i darkened the colors and gave them silver badges and rank...then I used the WOK pants.
I gave my captain and his bridge officers the TOS phaser but I think I will be switching to the phaser pistols since they fire the bursts like the JJ phasers.
I will probably go with the Exeter refit since it looks like the JJ rise but smaller. I'd probably go with antiproton arrays since it looks somewhat like the JJ phaser fire and quantum torps since they match what the torps look like in Star Trek (2009).
I can't wait to create a science Boff like Science Officer 0718....the cybernetic guy on the bridge in STID and maybe pattern some of the other BOFFS after some of the other bridge officers on the JJ Enterprise.
I'll level him up to 50 in the Exeter and then switch to a T5U Oddy which is more the size of the JJ Enterprise and more useful at endgame.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I have the most fun when I create concept characters. I currently play a character that I head canon they accidentally time traveled from the WOK era to current game time.
I believe my Delta Recruit will be a similar character...my characters will have traveled to the STO universe from the JJ Abrams universe. So I did a test run today...created a character and put them in the TOS uniforms...i darkened the colors and gave them silver badges and rank...then I used the WOK pants.
I gave my captain and his bridge officers the TOS phaser but I think I will be switching to the phaser pistols since they fire the bursts like the JJ phasers.
I will probably go with the Exeter refit since it looks like the JJ rise but smaller. I'd probably go with antiproton arrays since it looks somewhat like the JJ phaser fire and quantum torps since they match what the torps look like in Star Trek (2009).
I can't wait to create a science Boff like Science Officer 0718....the cybernetic guy on the bridge in STID and maybe pattern some of the other BOFFS after some of the other bridge officers on the JJ Enterprise.
I'll level him up to 50 in the Exeter and then switch to a T5U Oddy which is more the size of the JJ Enterprise and more useful at endgame.
lol, I wonder how many people squirmed with anger while reading that. I'm kind of envious of the concept though as I'll be running a Rommie.
lol, I wonder how many people squirmed with anger while reading that. I'm kind of envious of the concept though as I'll be running a Rommie.
I am sure loads are but it's my character. I was originally going to do an Enterprise concept but the JJ-Verse sounds more intriguing.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Thinking Tactical Fed (Trill or Bajoran) running both the non C-store prometheus, and the T5 Excelsior, eventually going to the Avenger. My Excelsior very much under used and I want to experiment with some cruiser builds. I might do it on Elite unless playing Delta Rising, in which case maybe Normal. That seems like it would be too tedious on Elite.
Not sure if I'll run a Romulan as I just did that. I might go with a science ship, roleplaying him/her as either Tal Shiar or former Imperial Navy who believes that the Republic is doomed to fail and is sour over D'Tan's policies. My current Romulan is all for the Republic so going the opposite way could be fun.
Klingon, possibly alien character, not sure about class. I'm seriously considering running a torpedo build in either a bird of prey or carrier just for fun.
Dil can be traded between characters via the Dilithium Exchange.
Lobi is account bound and can be traded via account bank.
EC can also be traded via account bank.
???????? Did u actually read what I said?
Im talking about items already bought (with dil etc.) that are character bound.
I will likely be KDF aligned and tactical, because I don't have a tac on KDF side. Will it be Rommie, because I have all the LOR ships and Scimitar pack? Or will I choose one of the servitor races of the Empire? I could finally make a Talaxian, or go with Liberated Borg or even Joined Trill... Or even convert some dilithium and go Ferasan. I guess I will finalize those decisions in a couple days.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
Romulans only have access to T1 - T4 Fed / KDF ships.
Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
I have no desire to redo all the reps and get skill points on a new toon so its the most positive character I can make nor will I buy new ships or expensive Doffs and equipment like a plasmonic Leach or lobi items when I already have them on existing characters
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I believe my Delta Recruit will be a similar character...my characters will have traveled to the STO universe from the JJ Abrams universe. So I did a test run today...created a character and put them in the TOS uniforms...i darkened the colors and gave them silver badges and rank...then I used the WOK pants.
I gave my captain and his bridge officers the TOS phaser but I think I will be switching to the phaser pistols since they fire the bursts like the JJ phasers.
I will probably go with the Exeter refit since it looks like the JJ rise but smaller. I'd probably go with antiproton arrays since it looks somewhat like the JJ phaser fire and quantum torps since they match what the torps look like in Star Trek (2009).
I can't wait to create a science Boff like Science Officer 0718....the cybernetic guy on the bridge in STID and maybe pattern some of the other BOFFS after some of the other bridge officers on the JJ Enterprise.
I'll level him up to 50 in the Exeter and then switch to a T5U Oddy which is more the size of the JJ Enterprise and more useful at endgame.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
lol, I wonder how many people squirmed with anger while reading that. I'm kind of envious of the concept though as I'll be running a Rommie.
I am sure loads are but it's my character. I was originally going to do an Enterprise concept but the JJ-Verse sounds more intriguing.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Not sure if I'll run a Romulan as I just did that. I might go with a science ship, roleplaying him/her as either Tal Shiar or former Imperial Navy who believes that the Republic is doomed to fail and is sour over D'Tan's policies. My current Romulan is all for the Republic so going the opposite way could be fun.
Klingon, possibly alien character, not sure about class. I'm seriously considering running a torpedo build in either a bird of prey or carrier just for fun.
???????? Did u actually read what I said?
Im talking about items already bought (with dil etc.) that are character bound.
Thank you though. Still might do Rom intel though.
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.