Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I will probably be rolling a KDF Rom Engineer.
Theres less missions to run to finish the story, I have a KDF fleet that I only have one toon in (I'd like another), and also it will give me another reason to play that side more often.
Honestly I didn't really want to roll another toon just yet, (I have four at 60 and beyond, with mk14 gear), but I feel compelled to at least for the benefits of the trait and possible xp goodness.
From what I know so far its likely going to be a pain in the TRIBBLE (for me at least), but hopefully a useful one in the long term.
What bothers me though is I like to keep all of my toons competitive and I fear I will not have the time to maintain a 5th, but we shall see.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
If the bonus ability is worth having for my existing characters it will be a Fed farmer so it can farm the lore mission and crafting assistance missions
no desire at all to level up the reputations then even look at spec points on a new toon
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I thought about making a Romulan Science Captain but from what I'm hearing it sounds like a bad idea due to lack of ship selection. So...two questions for people since I'm relatively new.
1. If I go with a Fed aligned Romulan Science Captain can they use Federation ships instead of Romulan ones down the road? Dil/and or C-store only or what?
2. Would you recommend a Engineering or Tactical Romulan instead, and if so... which one and why?
I thought about making a Romulan Science Captain but from what I'm hearing it sounds like a bad idea due to lack of ship selection. So...two questions for people since I'm relatively new.
1. If I go with a Fed aligned Romulan Science Captain can they use Federation ships instead of Romulan ones down the road? Dil/and or C-store only or what?
2. Would you recommend a Engineering or Tactical Romulan instead, and if so... which one and why?
Fed Alignemd Romulans can use Federation ships for leveling, but not at end game.
Tactical officers are the easiest to use when you're ramping up your DPS in space, which alot of the end game is focused on. Science and engineering officers get the funnest ground kit powers.
Then you won't be having a "Klingon" experience, will you? You'll be having a generic Fed Alien experience without benefit of traits like "Leadership" (Only comes in 'human' flavour)....basically just ridged make-up on your toon.
There actually is a Klingon character available under the Federation side with typical Klingon traits.
Klingons are a proud warrior race from the planet Qo'noS that values tradition, honor, and strength above all else. Klingon culture is rooted in aggression and military prowess, and they are a feared and respected race throughout the galaxy. In game Klingons are natively part of the Klingon Empire faction. They can also be playable for the Federation after unlocking them from the Cryptic Store for 600 zen
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
if they bring in special one time races for this event only, unlockable klingons, humans, bajorans... and such for the romulans, unlockable orions, romulans, gorn, letheans.. and such for the feds, unlockable humans, ferengi, remans, vulcans.. and such for the klingons, jem'hadar, cardassian, hirogen, kobali, kazon, ocampa, vorta, cryptic generic races; ken'shek, vito'd, boktian, kibo cri'box... and so on, could play it on any of the 3 factions. that would be a very tough choice to make, my head would explode if they did that!
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"What race & career have you chosen for Delta Recruit?"
None. I have plenty of enough alts and this game is already Alt-Unfriendly. Getting to 50 isn't an issue. You can easily do that even now. But it's the Lv50+ that makes this a chore. Not to mention the time, effort, resources to work on your Reputation, get decent gear, etc.
If you actually mean to play your alts and not just use them for farming and bank space, you want to improve them. That's natural. Then you'll run into the brick wall that I listed already of how Alt-Unfriendly this game is.
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
The noobiest one I could think of. Generic tactical human male with no customization. He's got the generic Cryptic derp face that is perfect for this kind of event. :P
You win the internet for the week!!!! That was AWESOME!!!
I think im going to roll a Romulan Tactical likely female with a lot of junk in the trunk and huge bumpers.
Then again ANOTHER Fed just to run the newest storyline all the way through might be fun. Or,,, a Klingon because I haven't run the " NEW" Klingon missions from the beginning either...
Going to be hard deciding which to do,, in the end, I will likely just flip a coin and go for it. Likely wont be dumping many resources into the Delta Toon for a while,, to many other toons to get Repped up,, last thing I wanna do is worry about a newbie not even 60 toon...
I think its going to be fun!!!
*************************** Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon Fighting 5th Attack Squadron The Devils Henchman
I have an Orion tac already, and I never bothered to level my Reman (I dislike Romulans, and I'm vain enough to not enjoy playing my Reman.)
I never got to play liberated borg. I went lifetime after I settled into my main, and I'm not one that much enjoys alts.
Tac because I play mostly space, and it might be nice to be able to compete in a DPS race again. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the tacs on my sci.
Edit: Although... I always kinda wanted to play a Caitian...
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
The only drone to ever be liberated by the Borg Queen herself.
His most famous quote; "Geordi helped make us go, but toilets helped make us not go all over the floor."
Actually though, even with 17 characters I have never made a human.
He will be a science oriented Tac but the problem I have will be with a name.
The other day I kept coming up with names and when I went to Google them I found that there were real people already by those names, and I tried a lot of names.
Real people are OP, please nerf.
Maybe I should try an aliengen Hirogen, but then I would need to get their unique ships and that would cost lots of.......oh well played.
i think i´ll create one Tac and a Engineer since i have 2 free slots. No idea how far i´ll get them. Levelling one (Engineer) character up to 60 and getting all the Rep. gear, Lockbox Uni consoles and best weapons (CritDx3 and x4)was already hard and expensive enough and i left my Tac at lvl 51 (he was at 50 before DR came out and hasn´t finished any Rep. systems or R&D).
Don´t see why i would do that again with more chars.
Just like the title say, what race and career have you chosen for the delta recruit event? Or have you decided not to play the event? I'm thinking of going Romulan male, the career is tactical, and is ally to the Klingon faction.
I'm leaning pretty heavily towards a Fed-Talaxian Engineer.
The noobiest one I could think of. Generic tactical human male with no customization. He's got the generic Cryptic derp face that is perfect for this kind of event. :P
I'll know which human derpface to use once I settle on a name. Right now, I'm torn between "Luke Nounverber" and "Blast Hardcheese."
hehhehe, human tac #2!!!! I have 10 chars already all factions careers... plus an extra andorian fed sci for time ship.. the free slot will be as easy and fast leveled as possible thus human fed tac.. I may eventually delete her... but not until after I have gained every conceivable bonus from her limited existence..
I am leaning seriously towards deleting and rerolling my Fed engineer IF I do this. I can't maintain more than my two serious toons anymore, though if this could help me get my Reman-Fed resurrected, it might help.
The other option I am considering is a Romulan, since they have the strongest storyline by far...though my understanding is that the revisions to the Fed story are helping them somewhat. I will NOT, however, entertain any considerations of a KDF or Rom-KDF toon. KDF for obvious storyline reasons (bullcrap premise to go to war, cruel actions you're forced into, no option to actually play a non-Klingon toon as non-Klingon, and the fact that Cryptic has realized item #1 and ended the war, appropriately rendering their existence as a faction moot). Rom-KDF is out for the fact that no self-respecting Romulan...even with T'Nae's obvious trolling behavior...would really want to become subjects of an empire that hates them and would sooner make slaves out of them than anything else, given the chance. For a Reman, who has already been a victim of slavery once, doubly so because the Feds can be counted on to put pressure on the Republic to STAY a republic and maintain the representative democracy that helps to protect the Remans from being enslaved again.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
or a
Saurian Tac
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Theres less missions to run to finish the story, I have a KDF fleet that I only have one toon in (I'd like another), and also it will give me another reason to play that side more often.
Honestly I didn't really want to roll another toon just yet, (I have four at 60 and beyond, with mk14 gear), but I feel compelled to at least for the benefits of the trait and possible xp goodness.
From what I know so far its likely going to be a pain in the TRIBBLE (for me at least), but hopefully a useful one in the long term.
What bothers me though is I like to keep all of my toons competitive and I fear I will not have the time to maintain a 5th, but we shall see.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
no desire at all to level up the reputations then even look at spec points on a new toon
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
"Sometimes you have to do things that you hate, so you can survive to fight another day."
I have a temporal themed character and a temporal ship lockbox to unlock for her...
Rommie sci! Should be fun!
Interested in Role Playing? Join the 12th Fleet Science division!
1. If I go with a Fed aligned Romulan Science Captain can they use Federation ships instead of Romulan ones down the road? Dil/and or C-store only or what?
2. Would you recommend a Engineering or Tactical Romulan instead, and if so... which one and why?
Fed Alignemd Romulans can use Federation ships for leveling, but not at end game.
Tactical officers are the easiest to use when you're ramping up your DPS in space, which alot of the end game is focused on. Science and engineering officers get the funnest ground kit powers.
There actually is a Klingon character available under the Federation side with typical Klingon traits.
Klingons are a proud warrior race from the planet Qo'noS that values tradition, honor, and strength above all else. Klingon culture is rooted in aggression and military prowess, and they are a feared and respected race throughout the galaxy. In game Klingons are natively part of the Klingon Empire faction. They can also be playable for the Federation after unlocking them from the Cryptic Store for 600 zen
He makes things go..... BOOM!
He will be the best delta recruit ever and the players will LOVE him!
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
None. I have plenty of enough alts and this game is already Alt-Unfriendly. Getting to 50 isn't an issue. You can easily do that even now. But it's the Lv50+ that makes this a chore. Not to mention the time, effort, resources to work on your Reputation, get decent gear, etc.
If you actually mean to play your alts and not just use them for farming and bank space, you want to improve them. That's natural. Then you'll run into the brick wall that I listed already of how Alt-Unfriendly this game is.
You win the internet for the week!!!! That was AWESOME!!!
I think im going to roll a Romulan Tactical likely female with a lot of junk in the trunk and huge bumpers.
Then again ANOTHER Fed just to run the newest storyline all the way through might be fun. Or,,, a Klingon because I haven't run the " NEW" Klingon missions from the beginning either...
Going to be hard deciding which to do,, in the end, I will likely just flip a coin and go for it. Likely wont be dumping many resources into the Delta Toon for a while,, to many other toons to get Repped up,, last thing I wanna do is worry about a newbie not even 60 toon...
I think its going to be fun!!!
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
I have an Orion tac already, and I never bothered to level my Reman (I dislike Romulans, and I'm vain enough to not enjoy playing my Reman.)
I never got to play liberated borg. I went lifetime after I settled into my main, and I'm not one that much enjoys alts.
Tac because I play mostly space, and it might be nice to be able to compete in a DPS race again. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the tacs on my sci.
Edit: Although... I always kinda wanted to play a Caitian...
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
The only drone to ever be liberated by the Borg Queen herself.
His most famous quote; "Geordi helped make us go, but toilets helped make us not go all over the floor."
Actually though, even with 17 characters I have never made a human.
He will be a science oriented Tac but the problem I have will be with a name.
The other day I kept coming up with names and when I went to Google them I found that there were real people already by those names, and I tried a lot of names.
Real people are OP, please nerf.
Maybe I should try an aliengen Hirogen, but then I would need to get their unique ships and that would cost lots of.......oh well played.
Don´t see why i would do that again with more chars.
I'm leaning pretty heavily towards a Fed-Talaxian Engineer.
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
I'll know which human derpface to use once I settle on a name. Right now, I'm torn between "Luke Nounverber" and "Blast Hardcheese."
The other option I am considering is a Romulan, since they have the strongest storyline by far...though my understanding is that the revisions to the Fed story are helping them somewhat. I will NOT, however, entertain any considerations of a KDF or Rom-KDF toon. KDF for obvious storyline reasons (bullcrap premise to go to war, cruel actions you're forced into, no option to actually play a non-Klingon toon as non-Klingon, and the fact that Cryptic has realized item #1 and ended the war, appropriately rendering their existence as a faction moot). Rom-KDF is out for the fact that no self-respecting Romulan...even with T'Nae's obvious trolling behavior...would really want to become subjects of an empire that hates them and would sooner make slaves out of them than anything else, given the chance. For a Reman, who has already been a victim of slavery once, doubly so because the Feds can be counted on to put pressure on the Republic to STAY a republic and maintain the representative democracy that helps to protect the Remans from being enslaved again.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Joined Trill, probably just do tac. Maybe a Ferasan as well.