I've just recently rolled a Fed Talaxian Tac and a Liberated Borg KDF Eng so my next was going to be Romulan/liberated borg Romulan and career to be determined.
If Cryptic introduced Suliban for the Romulan side I'd be 100% sold on rolling one of those, even if it was a pay unlock. Same goes for Denobulan for the Feds.
Hell, I've enough spots, I may roll one for each faction at this rate.
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Romulan, because of the sheer number of benefits they gain and i have all the ships.
Class? Engineering, because I have not tried that yet and Orbital Devastation is green.
Faction - thats a tough call. Part of me thinks KDF.
that's not a bad idea, I might roll a reman/kdf.
I have a fed and kdf and a romulan/fed so a reman/kdf would fit just right with me.
I have been finding it hard to think what to go with but this will fit the bill nicely, hope you don't mind if I kinda poach your idea but thanks anyway.
now I just need to decide eng, tac or sci, to be quite honest im kinda leaning towards engineer or maybe sci myself.
at the end of the day I guess its not so crucial cos I doubt I will play him as much as my main after the event anyway.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Well, if new info on the perks these delta recruits get comes out, and those perks are worthwhile for a new character i might make one i take seriously instead of just a farm mule.
My current plan is t take my unloved Fed science captain and replace him with... another unloved fed science captain XD
I have 12 characters which are pretty much "one of each". My tentative plan is for a Romulan Science captain, the one combination I don't have.
Exactly the same here. I have 12 chars, different species, different careers, different factions. I plan to reduce them to a total of three including the delta recruit. My mains so far are an alien fed sci and a kdf joined trill sci. Since sci is my thing in STO and in real life, I want to complete my group with a romulan sci captain. I also bought the dyson big pack when it was on sale, so I am kinda looking forward to have my first (real) Romulan using it. I will join the KDF though, mainly because I have plasmonic leech and aceton assimilators etc there anyway and because I am very much into DOFFing, where KDF has a bit more to offer.
All my friends are doing KDF now. Rewatching the Reanimator has rekindle my love of Vorta in a big way, and Exothermic Reaction in ground combat never gets old.
I have a Fed Klingon Tactical Captain sitting at 11 I'll probably just reroll. I should probably roll a Romulan since I don't have one (Have one Kilingon and two Fed characters already,) but I'm not big into their ships except the c-store stuff....not looking to invest into them yet (specially without better sci options.)
Even though I've got 3 heavily-specced Klingons (Tac, Eng and Sci) I will probably go with a KDF Alien Tac, if the event rewards look good enough.
I've itched at various points to do one of the 'variant' Klingons - either TOS/Augment human looks, or the JJ-Abrams verse red demon look - and having bought most of the C-store Klingon ship I am already heavily invested in the faction.
More practically, levelling is easier for Klingons thanks to their DOff missions, and even a neglected Klingon is an efficient marauder (read - Dil/EC farming alt).
Remember. Klingons are EFFICIENT - Spock and Riker said so.
I'll be making a Fed, because they'll probably have the most attention paid to their storyline. Using one of the more novel, underplayed races since I'm not going to try to optimize her. Perhaps Bolian?
Just like the title say, what race and career have you chosen for the delta recruit event? Or have you decided not to play the event? I'm thinking of going Romulan male, the career is tactical, and is ally to the Klingon faction.
I'm not buying into this farce. I have three solid characters that I am already working with. I have no intention to create another.
Probably Reman Tac, KDF aligned because I suppose I unlocked them for a reason. That, or a Orion Tac, only because I've actually got C-Store ships I can use for KDF at endgame.
Either KDF alien or KDF-Rom alien. Either way he is probably not going to survive after the 7-week long event ends and I dont want to spend a fortune on plasmonic leech for FED toon to throw it away afterwards.
I am thinking either a female KDF aligned Romulan engineer 'cuz my Fed & KDF engineers are both male. Or a male KDF tactical 'cuz my current KDF tactical is female.
Leaning towards male KDF tactical 'cuz:
1. Don't have to deal with the -40 power penalty of the Singularity Core even though I have access to the Plasmonic Leech and the penalty is merely just an annoyance for an Engineer compared to being a severe limitation for my science Rom toon.
2. My current female KDF tactical flies BoPs only. If it is not a BoP, then it is a PoS. This will allow me an opportunity to fly the T6 Matha Raptor since it came with the DR Ops Pack anyway.
If Cryptic introduced Suliban for the Romulan side I'd be 100% sold on rolling one of those, even if it was a pay unlock. Same goes for Denobulan for the Feds.
Hell, I've enough spots, I may roll one for each faction at this rate.
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
that's not a bad idea, I might roll a reman/kdf.
I have a fed and kdf and a romulan/fed so a reman/kdf would fit just right with me.
I have been finding it hard to think what to go with but this will fit the bill nicely, hope you don't mind if I kinda poach your idea but thanks anyway.
now I just need to decide eng, tac or sci, to be quite honest im kinda leaning towards engineer or maybe sci myself.
at the end of the day I guess its not so crucial cos I doubt I will play him as much as my main after the event anyway.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
My current plan is t take my unloved Fed science captain and replace him with... another unloved fed science captain XD
Exactly the same here. I have 12 chars, different species, different careers, different factions. I plan to reduce them to a total of three including the delta recruit. My mains so far are an alien fed sci and a kdf joined trill sci. Since sci is my thing in STO and in real life, I want to complete my group with a romulan sci captain. I also bought the dyson big pack when it was on sale, so I am kinda looking forward to have my first (real) Romulan using it. I will join the KDF though, mainly because I have plasmonic leech and aceton assimilators etc there anyway and because I am very much into DOFFing, where KDF has a bit more to offer.
All my friends are doing KDF now. Rewatching the Reanimator has rekindle my love of Vorta in a big way, and Exothermic Reaction in ground combat never gets old.
Burn burn burn!!!!!!
I've itched at various points to do one of the 'variant' Klingons - either TOS/Augment human looks, or the JJ-Abrams verse red demon look - and having bought most of the C-store Klingon ship I am already heavily invested in the faction.
More practically, levelling is easier for Klingons thanks to their DOff missions, and even a neglected Klingon is an efficient marauder (read - Dil/EC farming alt).
Remember. Klingons are EFFICIENT - Spock and Riker said so.
rofl The klingon experience... all those fed playable klingons are from the house of torg.
Mutant Human/Pakled Tac XO
Human Tac BOff
Human Sci BOff
Human Eng BOff
That's for the initial away team; others TBD...:cool:
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
Main is Fed tactical human.
Probably a Starfleet female Joined Trill science Captain.
My character Tsin'xing
Rom=SRO on exchange
Tac=kills faster
KDF=plas leech
Leaning towards male KDF tactical 'cuz:
1. Don't have to deal with the -40 power penalty of the Singularity Core even though I have access to the Plasmonic Leech and the penalty is merely just an annoyance for an Engineer compared to being a severe limitation for my science Rom toon.
2. My current female KDF tactical flies BoPs only. If it is not a BoP, then it is a PoS. This will allow me an opportunity to fly the T6 Matha Raptor since it came with the DR Ops Pack anyway.
I'm going with a Horta Bartender myself.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)