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STO Player Poll! February 12th, 2015



  • dammitjimdammitjim Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd love to see some new episodes. Let's face it - without the episodes and the whole storyline this game is like every other about shooting, DPS and stuff. It is the story, the characters, the maps that make things interesting. And it is in episodes that you have to read what various NPC are telling you. Sometimes in order to advance you have to think of a solution, and not just shoot around.

    I'm also an accolade hunter. I'd really love the small mess with accolades gone and some new nice accolades introduced. This sound when the accolade notification pops up.. I love it :D
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    For me Exploration. I do remember that i liked those random generated missions, especially those where you had to teleport over a planet, fight some bad guys or inventigate some ruins and stuff like that. Used to take pics when a very beatiful map was generated :)
    I would love to have that back, maybe with something extra, plots, twists etc.
    Maybe even some space ones, like investigate a nebula or a blackhole (now that would be awesome) to find something strange in the nebula or on the orbit of the blackhole...
    Anyway, something random generated, so it surprise you everytime. But not to long, a quick 10-15 mins of gameplay. That would be wonderful.

    Altho, first I wanted to vote more episodes, but remembered the last one, the anniversary FE, wich left a sore taste for me with those awful electric arcs, maze and platforms. So... no thanks, if this is the direction we are going towards :(
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am voting for more pvp since we have got enough pve , exploration and foundry stuff but the FIRST THING FIRST which should be fixed is the gameplay : bugs, ui lag ( which has not gone away yet!), rubberbanding, general lag, disconnects and so on ...
    You don't fix this ---> people get pissed off ---> people leave game/ don't buy stuff ---> game dies

  • teluasteluas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for exploration, but I was really on the fence between that and more episodes.

    My biggest thing regarding exploration, is that it should MEAN something. For example, the rewards should be worthwhile enough that I would WANT to play an exploration mission more than once, but yet without overshadowing the other content. There should also be a fair amount of variation... I'd like to go into an exploration mission and actually be surprised once in a while, or at least be left thinking "hey, that was kind of neat." I also feel that exploration missions should have the "flavor" of the sector they're started in (i.e. missions in Romulan space have a Romulan-centric story/theme).

    I certainly never want to have a random encounter with the Third Borg Dynasty holding the residents of a colony (with no buildings) hostage...
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd like to see all of these things, but not listed and of utmost importance is a PvE/PvP balance pass. When it's balanced, STO PvP is absolutely amazing, currently it is so out of balance as to be nearly un playable, unless you actually LIKE being the person using the out of balance I-WIN-BUTTON nonsense that pervades.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    What i would like to see in STO?

    -Less grinding

    -Problems and errors getting fixed

    -Less lagging and Rubberbanding

    -Increased rewards (EC, XP, Marks, Dilithium) to match the increased need for those since DR

    -Decreased requirements to gain spec points.

    -No "mandatory optionals" anymore

    (or, to put all those above together: lets get back to the pre-DR state of the game)

    -The City on new Romulus actually growing so that we coul denter it and discover more (i think that was promised with LoR ,right?)
  • mjarbarmjarbar Member Posts: 2,084 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for better foundry functionality because as others have said it would allow us the most scope to come up with all types of missions including exploration.

    As for the list it may be better to explain or share some of the possible ideas for each option and then let us vote, because something like exploration could mean a reintroduction of the clusters that were taken out or a total overhaul using procedure generated content! but anyhow my choices in order would be:

    1. Foundry
    2. Exploration
    3. Fleet
    4. New Episodes
    5. PvP Queues

    As for stuff that isn't on the list how about a playable Cait adventure zone - something akin to New Romulus where you could have mini games that gave rewards and where Taco and team have free reign to create a map that players can jump about and explore with lots of hidden paths and ledges where it wouldn't be obvious on how to get to them???

    LoL not soon enough for me :)

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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited February 2015
    I have to say, in order Id like to see them,

    Bug Fixes/Existing Content Improvement
    More Episodes
    Exploration Missions
    More Foundry Functionality
    More Fleet Functionality

    Exploration would be higher but the current and previous incarnations have left me feeling cryptic doesn't have any good method to implement this kind of feature. Its a core feature of Trek, but implementation in a game, especially in a way that doesn't get old fast or feel tedious is a difficult nut to crack. The foundry has been needing a fecal load of work for ages, there's many ideas I've had for stories to make in the foundry which I cannot do because of limitations of the foundry. Just as a quick example, being able to populate a room with Gorn and Voth that are friendly or neutral so the player can interact with them. "Fleet Functionality" needs to be clarified imo, there are many ways I can think of to improve the experience of being in a fleet in STO, but what does Cryptic mean when they say "More Fleet Functionality"??

    I intentionally left PvP off my list because its an area I have 0 interest in at all, and I think STO is better off without.
    I added what I think STO needs most to the top of my list, even tho I know it has little to no chance of being a focus, I really think we could use a year of just this.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • renebrehmer#9819 renebrehmer Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Why even consider making new content when you haven't fixed the existing content and still haven't moved the game to servers capable of running the game properly?

    I've played on and off for 3 years now and with every patch and new content release there are more and more major bugs and problems that don't ever get fixed. Until the bugs are fixed the existing game cannot be considered in any way finished or even half complete to the point where new content is warranted.

    The Jem'Hadar season is still terrible and disjointed (granted it's based on DS9, but that's still no excuse), and the romulan season makes so little sense when you don't play it as a romulan. The Deltra quadrant/Rising stuff needs more missions and a proper daily patrol mission. Getting from 50 to 60 by only doing the story missions which is the method used in all other MMOs, simply cannot be done without repeating the same missions over and over (which should never be required if the game was made properly). The missions in fluid space are still buggy as f*** and almost iimpossible to complete solo if you get the bugged NPCs that refuse to help you like they're supposed to.

    Another thing that has become clear, especially with the last few patches: When you release new stuff it's not just badly coded, you also clearly do not test it whatsoever. If you had tested anything then there wouldn't be half a dozen bugs that most of us run into within 10 minutes of playing after a login on any character, and most of the pitiful few bug fixes over the last two weeks wouldn't have been necessary. If you can't get PWE to understand that noone will pay the for a broken game, then find a publisher that will. It's plain and simple: When you make games you don't release any of the content till it's ready. If it's broken and unstable you just look like fools and chase players away.
  • gljp411gljp411 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm a big fan of story missions in STO, but the Delta Rising story arc lacked creativity and original thinking in my opinion. Most were "point and shoot" and survive three waves of baddies, then every other misssion was patrol 4 systems - very dull and boring (for me at least)
  • leethorogoodleethorogood Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    VB is the best forum software ever, and the employees love it!
    So it begins, I can't wait for all the Cryptic and PWE Staff on the forums to have sig pic memes of this! :D
  • alridgerunneralridgerunner Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I doubt this will get seen because it doesn't fit in the neat little parameters set by the Devs, but for me, the answer is simple. Fix. The. Bugs.

    Your story telling and art has come a very, very long way since launch and I applaud that. That said, there are certain bugs that make this game nearly unplayable. I recently started playing another MMO and while it has its flaws, they're not critical yet perpetually broken systems. You have added system after system and they are all broken in some way.

    For instance, I've had a ticket in for 20+ months now. My Romulan toons can not heal ground injuries using regenerators. I have to go to a Sick Bay. There are repeated threads on the forum with no response. I was ignored on Twitter and Facebook. I would hope anyone would agree that this is causing those toons to miss out on a fairly significant, and quite fun, part of the game. Another is the "loadout" system. Yes, you "fixed" it only for it to be destroyed, again, by the new BOFF skill system. Now it is even worse than it was before.

    Fix. The. Bugs.
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It would be nice if we could rank those choices instead of making a single firm choice... In that light, I would rank them:

    #1 Exploration (the core of Trek)
    #2 Fleet activities (making them more relevant & involved)
    #3 Foundry (players have good ideas, too)
    #4 Episodes (decades' worth of lore to mine)
    #5 PvP (sorry guys, I've not done this yet)


    My order is:

    #1 Exploration
    #2 Foundry
    #3 Episodes & Fleet Activities
    #5 PvP
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • jauhn82jauhn82 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    choices choices... It so hard to choose (monotone)... Well since I can only choose one then I will have to go with Foundry Functionality of course :D
    @Rellimtime82 - Foundry Author
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Really need exploration....what else should I do in a multiplayer game than stay alone and "discover" empty space.

    roleplayers ruined the game and they keep doing that till the last day.
  • gamer940gamer940 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The constructive feedback really works well...

    This is the first time since years that we can influence in some kind the next happenings in the game, and our usual conspiracy-doom-everything is bad guys are ranting around.

    Yeah...I just wish those sorts would just leave so that these forums and the FB page wasn't filled with toxic and bile-filled comments all the time. They're a minority, but they're just that dang vocal.
  • tonyedutonyedu Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for more PvP, because it necessitates balance adjustments (hopefully fixes) to powers in the game. Fixing control powers so they don't oscillate between worthless and OP would make me happy.

    The guys advocating fleet upgrades are pretty persuasive, though.
  • t0ffik1#9170 t0ffik1 Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    how fun that some ppl cant vote... maybe cryptic should invastigate why the poll is locked for some ppl even if their forum acc has over a year
  • methos5kmethos5k Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My order would be:
    1) exploration (I voted for this). I like the foundry addition, but feel exploration could be even better.
    2) More fleet functionality + more episodes. This is a tie, because fleets are great, but so are the episodes and the story of the game. :)
    3) Pvp Queues + Foundry options. Also, another tie. PvP can be fun.. and new options in the type of gameplay (queues) could be great. PvP is lower on my list of priorities in STO, though, but still fun.. Foundry can be a lot of fun, and even though I only use it a little bit to write/play, I know that many people like it and it's pretty cool..
  • slachanceslachance Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    by this I mean better ships..... the command cruisers are a step down from the avenger... and a significant step down from the fleet avenger.... but at an increased cost up from 2500 zen to 3000 zen....

    bad cryptic bad
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    actually more queues for pvp is the whole wrong question regarding pvp. indeed i think the whole question is wrong regarding anything!
    check last poll, there we had a question like "what u would like to get worked on". and indeed i really would've appreciated by that time that the tops 3's had been fulfilled! it only was the first two and several others that got worked on.
    pvp was no3 in there, only btw....!

    so, as for this vote: u can count my vote (pvp) per like 100 times for all the pvp'ers that frequented the forums back in the day, before.... nothing happened to pvp but one punch after the other....
    if pvp got worked on they'd be here by now, that's for sure :P!

    so don't forget that last poll and finally fulfill no3 before starting way ahead with still a lot to work on in ur back ;)...

    and if it comes to that pvp again makes it in the top 3: MAKE THE TOP 3 HAPPEN..........*sigh*
  • zippostylezippostyle Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    STO needs pvp, not else!!!!
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for "more episodes". But exploration would be a close second.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My vote for the poll is for the record Exploration content/missions. The line "To explore strange new worlds" doesn't really hold up if a star trek game doesn't have this potential. Sure there is the foundry, but not everyone wants that to be primary.

    If we could vote for a top 2 choices though, my second choice would be foundry functionality, if to me that meant you could add in stuff that neverwinter has in there currently.

  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I want some more episodes, something that really skewers the Kobali better, more in-depth looks into the other DQ species, and Iconians.

    I want to fight some Iconians. Lots of Iconians.

    Cryptic, please give me some Iconians to shoot.
  • angelsilhouetteangelsilhouette Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2015
    Bug Fixes.

    It's been a year since I last played and that stupid bug where you zone in and have your BOffs unseated is not only still there, it's worse than it was, before.

    Take 6 months, cancel all projects for new shinies (we're not magpies), and focus on bug fixes. Once you've knocked down all the biggest ones and after the 6 months, move back into trying to distract the magpies with the shinies.
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    augm3nt wrote: »

    what a sneaky little b... you know pvp players in minority and this is just another slap in face... shame on you.

    cryptic....putin should take notes on how to rig votes.
  • galorndoncoregalorndoncore Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Needs MOAR PvP Queues!
  • synfoolasynfoola Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Put me in the Bug Fix camp. Clean up both of your DX clients. Clean up your HUD & Loudout issues. Hell, even some of your ships weren't working.

    No new content PVE, PVP or otherwise means anything if I crash on the way to said content, crash during said content, or have to sit there re-slotting my BOffs and their abilities while those lucky enough not to be affected by that mix of buggy garbage (THIS TIME! DUN DUN DUNNN!) have to carry my weight.
  • scimitarsbladescimitarsblade Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Needs MOAR PvP Queues!

    This! 100%
This discussion has been closed.