I get slapped with 5 points, banned for 3 days, had my sig deleted and can't make a sig still, can't start a thread either. For saying, "would you like a cookie for fixing a bug" to a dev during the specgate crackdown.
And this person has more privileges than me... wow.
Your attempts to highjack the forums for your personal use is sad, I feel really sorry for you now.
You and your posts are proof that it is time to skip the STO forums completely and find other avenues to connect with real STO players outside the game.
At the very least, if for nothing else, this thread will tell us *exactly* how long Askray goes to lunch.
I'm starting to think raeat IS askray, in his cunning disguise as 'askray at work'. Would go a long way to explaining why this thread is still running. Mind you, a forum ban seems to be what raeat is aiming for, so he can feel all persecuted and... Stuff. Innit.
You and your posts are proof that it is time to skip the STO forums completely and find other avenues to connect with real STO players outside the game.
I tried to connect with Trekkies once, never again. In my innocence at one of those "comic book" stores I said I liked the new series and thought the Enterprise D looked nice. I didn't know what I was letting myself in for. Luckilly an argument broke out between a few of them about it's merits or lack thereof and so I wa able to sneak away.:eek:
Not sure who to quote for this: The defanition of madness is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.
Not knowing how to attribute that is appropriate; a quick check shows that it probably originated with a group called the Hazelden Foundation, writing about addiction in 1980.
(As a side note, Psychology Today notes that "insanity" is a legal term, not a medical one; the definition, swiped from law.com, in fact starts with:
"Insanity n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.")
So Askray publicly confirmed, in writing, my claim that he had accused me of threats of harm, after several pages of white knights trying to pretend it just wasn't so (showing the white knights for the disingenuous nothings they are).
And, of course, Askray closed the thread before I could respond to any of it. The act of a coward who knows he/she/it is in the wrong.
If, as Askray has now confirmed he claimed, I have threatened actual harm to anyone, I strongly recommend he/she/it take it to the legal authorities and see how that works out. He/she/it can expect to be laughed at by the police.
Shut up, white knights. You are exposed as the mindless, braying yes-men you so obviously are. If you are the community standard, no wonder Craptic thinks it can behave any way it wants to.
I look forward to any police response indicating otherwise. Until then and to reiterate, Askray needs to be removed from the moderation team for making false claims about a user as an excuse for disciplinary action. I did not say banning, in case anyone has made that claim. I said disciplinary action, not banning - for those who cannot read. In this case damage to my reputation for something I did not do, and harm to a peaceful reputation I worked a lifetime to build and maintain.
so what? askray is like anyone else, he had good and bad days and hes allowed to have his own opinion like anyone else. and humans are hypocrites, that will never change and so askray has nothing to defend because its a constant for all of us.
before you get further ahead on your rant try not to remember how many times you may of caused offense in the real world or in front of a computer screen like the nameless keyboard warrior over the years that you will pretend not to know of.. quit while youre behind.
this is nothing worthy of going to the police over because of some words on a computer screen.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
But I don't give a flying helicopter to them, and neither you should OP
That's a good microwave granite zimbabwe spring leaf helicopter...
... wait, what was this thread about again?
This place needs an TRIBBLE.
Not sure who to quote for this: The defanition of madness is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.
I think that can apply to a few of us and not jsut the OP but seems more appropriate here.
That was Einstein (about insanity).
Lol, you quoted Rylana. Praise Cheesus!
Nice one.
Sadly, I forsee no change. To stay Biblical, as King Solomon once said, A fool is wise in his eyes.
Seeing more disassembling going on, actually. The fun kind.
/Come, join us on the fun side of the island!
Totally agree, Askray has proven to be an excellent moderator and has earned our support.
And this person has more privileges than me... wow.
Just because people think the OP is dumb for insisting on breaking the rules repeatedly, dosen't mean they are white knights.
Also... Isn't coming to OP's aid in any form, without being asked, being a white knight?
Or was that what you meant?
Whenever someone talks about White Knights I keep thinking about JJ, Champ and Apple.
I thought I was already one of the White Knights.
Or has OP been stripped of his honorific-granting powers?
I don't know... I am extremely confused by this thread really...
Your attempts to highjack the forums for your personal use is sad, I feel really sorry for you now.
You and your posts are proof that it is time to skip the STO forums completely and find other avenues to connect with real STO players outside the game.
I'm starting to think raeat IS askray, in his cunning disguise as 'askray at work'. Would go a long way to explaining why this thread is still running. Mind you, a forum ban seems to be what raeat is aiming for, so he can feel all persecuted and... Stuff. Innit.
I tried to connect with Trekkies once, never again. In my innocence at one of those "comic book" stores I said I liked the new series and thought the Enterprise D looked nice. I didn't know what I was letting myself in for. Luckilly an argument broke out between a few of them about it's merits or lack thereof and so I wa able to sneak away.:eek:
(As a side note, Psychology Today notes that "insanity" is a legal term, not a medical one; the definition, swiped from law.com, in fact starts with:
"Insanity n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.")
Now, I'm a happy person and smirk likes me
so what? askray is like anyone else, he had good and bad days and hes allowed to have his own opinion like anyone else. and humans are hypocrites, that will never change and so askray has nothing to defend because its a constant for all of us.
before you get further ahead on your rant try not to remember how many times you may of caused offense in the real world or in front of a computer screen like the nameless keyboard warrior over the years that you will pretend not to know of.. quit while youre behind.
this is nothing worthy of going to the police over because of some words on a computer screen.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.