I see that you have wallpaper contest threads. That is certainly a cool thing.
But as someone who came over from CO, where we have a lot of fun posting pics of oddities we cap from or game, I was wondering if you guys have an Amusing Moments Picture thread like it. If you don't, would we be allowed to create one?
The general idea would be that any player would cap an odd looking moment from the game and then post it, either with an amusing remark or without for others to add an amusing remark.
ZOINKS! It's the Borg! Quick, let's hide behind this sun.
Edit - I was finally able to change the thread Header!
Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
It's Iconian...sort of. Some of letters and numbers are canon, the rest were custom made.
Have fun trying to decipher the message. :P
Yeah, I like creamy peanut butter over crunchy too. I hate getting bits of peanut stuck between my teeth.
I have no idea how I got this bug so I took a pic
Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv
Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
I've got a few I've been meaning to post. Maybe tomorrow.
Edit - Or now is good.
"Take the turbolift to the Officers' Lounge they said".
So you're in a universe all by yourself.
My character Tsin'xing
True, but I one upped him by doing it without the space suit. :cool:
In space without a space suit...
So, after Dr. McCoy says that immortal line (I won't say it here), you planning on coming back as a Kobali?
We could call that the Kim Maneuver.
Maybe we can declare to two of them future STOers.
Give us more STO Amusing Moments!
That is precious!
Here we see Trevor, Morrigan, and yours truly getting ready for another fun day on the STO forums. You can see here that I am pondering why something happened in STO.
***SPOILER***: It's iconians.
Here, we see a thread being trolled by an unscrupulous poster, and Smirk laying the smackdown. It also appears that by editing and removing posts, he inadvertantly activates Draw Fire! Interesting! To the left we see Trendy waiting patiently to step in. Leeks take up too much RAM and thus do not render well in this [REDACTED] technology, so she is spinning a Tholian Crystalline Sword instead. In a future update, I might get some memory leek support.
Here, the poster in question has managed to expose himself to a wall of text attack, represented by my Plasma Repeater Pistol. I probably should not have done this, but sometimes I can't resist a nice tasty hook. So, do as I say, not as I do! Don't feed the trolls!
It looks like Trevor has KO'd the poster in question with his patented Smirk-Fu! Good job! One down, a few hundred more to go!
Whoa! Looks like a new dev blog just hit the STO forums! The thread does not seem to be appreciative of Smirk's news release! Oh no!
I think I should just take a few steps back and watch this thread for a few before weighing in... it seems like Morrigan is at the ready to answer questions, though! Might want to get an environmental suit for this flame war, Trendy!
Oh dear. Looks like the posters in that thread did not like what I had to say about the news release, either! Wait... is Smirk still unresponsive to the thread?
Uh, Trevor? You, um.. you okay there, buddy?
... and that concludes this round of the non-adventures of the STO forums!
(I'm playing my Caitian, named Blaze the Cat, and I found... Groot.)
Snowman on Risa
Teh Green Ball of Death!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Bwahahaha!!!! FEar me puny Klingons!
My character Tsin'xing
It's all geek to me.
Your toon looks like a young Rod Stewart! :P
My character Tsin'xing
I see you found the font... XD
Not from STO. In fact, it is a screen shot from my ST:Armada II install. But it fits. Some more...
Tovan! Over here! I've found Rinna! I think...
Yeah, yeah. It's Dilithium Weekend again. No need to lose your head over it, though.
This is what happens when one does not use the most recent update to the assimilation protocols.
My character Tsin'xing