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PLEASE help the terrible players in this game



  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2015
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You disrespect yourself and those who are forced into grouping with you by going into challenging content to RP.

    I certainly don't waste my time trying to ruin RPers time if I come across some in-game.

    I'd ask the same of you.

    Otherwise, I hope that ******e anti-RP fleet has you on lockdown.
    Funny how you think you know what I do ingame without even asking first.

    No, I do not do advance/elite stfs because I know my ship is not capable of that kind of grouping.

    Yes I do normal on occasion when I'm repping. And when I do go in, I do my very best to do the mission with the others. Yes, I've been in PUGs where the afkers sit out there and laugh. I still do my part to finish the mission. What constrains me from having the builds I'd really like to have is purely monetary. So I play the game the best I know how with what I can get.

    But thank you for trying to insult me. I wouldn't want to play with you either and it don't hurt my feelings at all that you don't want to play with me.

    Don't go assuming I'm one of those idiots who think they can do advanced/elite and go in there and ruin your day just because I think you elitist pedestal-sitters aren't worth my time any more than I'm worth theirs. And that's fine and dandy too.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    They can have all the dps in the world and, it wouldn't matter one bit if you don't know how to use it.

    They can have the very best ship thrown together for them but, if they do not know wth they are doing, than it is absolutely useless.

    I find more people TRIBBLE up STF's, by simply not knowing wth they are doing or, are incapable of keeping up with wth is going on or, wth they should be shooting at more so than worrying about their dps #'s.

    You cannot fix stupid and, there will always be trolls to contend with too!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    They really just need to make the "attack" power setting the default instead of "balanced." I'm sure 90% of the low-DPS pugs have never changed it.
  • xaviermace86xaviermace86 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2015
  • mercenary4hiremercenary4hire Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rattler2 wrote: »
    And this is why people struggle. Because no one is willing to give friendly advice. Its all "You suck! GTFO N00B!"

    And I am not a troll just because I do around 7k consistantly with my Guardian. Excuse me for not upgrading from mk XII purple phasers. It may not be a DPS beast, but its consistant, and isn't a cookie cutter build that doesn't fit my playstyle.

    Thank you. I've helped countless of new players and the appreciation I get back is more than worth it.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Cool thanks for the link. :)

    Seems like a fun build. I will admit I have never flown a ship with out any EPTx... I guess with an engi power isn't and issue. I like the bonuses they provide though.

    Here is my suggestion to try... (and I understand that getting a ton of new gear is a pain in the backs side) Still perhaps you can pull a few things and try and see if anything works or makes sense for your style.

    Ok here is a list of changes... incorperate what works for you if anything. (I know I am suggesting a completely different style here) :)

    - Doffs... 1 TBR Reversal Tractor beam doff, 1 Anti Matter Aux to Damp doff, 2 DMG control doffs, 1-2 Torpedo Cool down doffs (2 if you have the fleet unlock of the 6th doff)
    Run your power at 100 Aux... and Weapons at 25. The rest spread as you like. If you get an amp core later set it up so you can run FULL aux and keep the rest of your systems in bonus dmg territory.

    So let me break down what I did...

    - Made it more sci heavy. I know your traits and such work well with the tac stuff... but I think you may find the sci heavy option might provide more dmg over all.

    - Converted your energy dmg to Sci dmg. As such removed the phaser consoles and replaced with particle generator consoles. (embassy are your best option. Between -Threat and +Threat it would be up to you... scis want + threat to power there own Sci Exotic boost trait... in the engi case you may want to tank... or you may want to offset with 2 of each. up to you... I would suggest 2 Shield heal and 2 Hull heal if you go with embassy consoles... and if you do BUY the MK 10 and upgrade them as you feel like it its cheaper then buying the mk 12s lol)

    - Your not running any torp dmg consoles... however this build has 2 set bonuses for torpedo dmg. It would turn on the 2 piece Lobi Plasma set with the torp and bounty hunters friend for 1 DMG console for the plasma torps. You would also have all 3 pieces of the Photonic Arsenal set... This would give you +3% CrtH + 10% CrtD... 22.9% photon dmg... and the coolest one +10% CrtH on your photon torps. (with 1-2 torp consoles and the 3 fairly low cool down torps in the front you should have a constant stream of procing torps.)

    - The dmg on this build will come from the TBRs... and they do take some getting used to... YOU HAVE to use the reversal doff... pushing with TBR leads to no dmg and all you do is push things all over and make a mess in general. The reversal doff if you use it properly can be a great control skill... and a massive dmg skill with Particle manipulator. Another option here for Exotic dmg is to remove one of the Projectile doffs and run a GW doff in stead of the bonus dmg there.

    - Aux to Damp or Aux to Sif up to you completely. I love damp for being able to get around a bit better and the massive Kinetic resist from it. However one big advantage to sticking with sif is the extra healing you can share of course and you free up a doff slot. (the aux to damp doff is to go to not run if you run damp)... if you haven't tried damp I would say try it out for a night and see what you think. What ever works for you of course.

    - Run 2 dmg control doffs so you can keep EPTS and EPTE up all the time. The speed boost from engines will (or at least can) boost your dps quite a bit simply by getting you to the targets faster. EPTS I like for the resist more then anything. (that could be the PvPer in me I know its not required for PvE) I have always felt a lot safer running it in everything though.

    - I put down an Elite fleet core with AMP... the AMP bouns does provide a great bouns to engies as you can keep all 4 systems in bonus territory. I assume you just haven't been able to upgrade to one yet. If you can at some point there worth it.

    - On the teams... I doubled up on Sci team... I love sci team right now for anything with borg in it. Science team counters Borg shield drain beams. having 2 copies of that I feel is a better option then having 2 copies of engi team. (having said that keeping the SIF over Damp might make a lot of sense as far as having the extra hull heal there).

    - On your traits if you have the Nukura Rep select both the Aux Power bonus skills... one boosts dmg by your aux power and one your defenses. There both well worth it and with this build you should be at 130 aux with the right core. Other then that Add the Omega Shearing trait as well for free dmg.

    - On your skills. (I know respecing is a suck Cryptic money sink... but if you respec at some point this is what I would consider looking at)

    . Batteries You had this at Zero... it should be at 9 on an engi. You will want to add the trait "EPS manifold Effic" I removed pattern recoginiton but up to you how you get it in there I just think that one is the weakest considering you have some nice traits like biopatch. Anyway that trait will give you a very nice Boost to all subsystem power when you use Emergency powers. (which with this build you would now be using every 15s or so as long as the doffs proc) By specing battaries you in fact boost the uptime on that bonus just like it was a bat. So you get the power boost from that trait almost ALL the time.

    .I maxed some of the basic healing skills in Tier 1 and 2 Shield / Hull... as well as integrity as that flat out gives you more hull with no diminishing returns.

    . I reduced your points in Warp core Effice cause honestly 4 points is exactly the same as 6 points... I know Cryptic math at work. Also makes your projectile to 9 (not super important honestly)

    . In tier 3 I maxed your Pgens and Impulse (as the turn isn't diminishing again) and Pgens = dmg in this build.

    . in tier 4 I made a minor tweak to your resists. I moved your armor plate down to 6 and I bumped your threat control from zero to 3. What this means for you is you will take a slight bit more argo. (if you don't want to offset that by running -threat embassy consoles). What you gain is this... with 9 points in Armor plate you gain 12.4% Dmg resistance to all energy dmg. With 6 in you gain 10.7% but with 3 in threat you gain 4.9% there for 15.6% in total. (Slightly more but 3.2% is still a bit better lol) I also removed 3 points out of your shield performance.. cause again thanks to Cryptic math, 6 points in the power options is the same as 9.

    . in tier 5 I removed some points from armor rein... this spec is ONLY for kinetic dmg resist. with 3 in you gain 7.2% with 9 in you gain 12.4%... I don't think its worth those very expensive skill points myself. If you really need that resist... you would be better off taking off one of your universal consoles and running a Normal Neutronium console which will give you a lot more Kinetic resist as well as the same bonus to standard energy weapons.

    I know thats a ton of typing... but I hope something I suggested helps you tweak something. Or at least gives you an idea for something fun to mess around with.

    EDIT - One other note... I know you have 2 of the Crafted consoles (the engi and sci ones) long term if you like this type of build the ones with [pgen] on them are the ultimate as they will boost your dps by a good amount on the exotic. Also I forgot we talked earlier in the thread about the new lockboxes universal console. The constriction anchor, it would be worth loosing either your borg or zero point for that one... as it gives you a flat +to exotic dmg.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • zeven2004zeven2004 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    STOP selling them ships with optioins.

    Please just sell ships with Hard fixed weapons and consoles. Develop a system to let people upgrade them a bit if you want to try to make some extra cash.

    BUT Stop giving people options.

    Cause when you give them options they start thinking the stupidest things you can imagine are good ideas for there ship builds.

    I am sick of popping in now and then to play this game and realizing that a quick PvE Que is a no go because the average player in this game is beyond help.

    Just spoon feed them please. There is no excuse for ships doing under 10k DPS anymore. The only conclusion is that players doing under that are Trolls / RPers that might as well be trolls... or just not intelligent enough to realize the game design is DPS DPS DPS....
    Some stuff just won't work folks... One of each weapon type... Torp/Beam/Single Canon/Torp... ect ect.

    Just sell them preset STF Approved ships... they need it.

    No offense, but I have experienced MANY pugged ICAs where the DPS-focused guys inadvertently pop a generator with their FAWs while we're still taking down the cube and sphere. In fact, I typically save my GWs for precisely these moments. Granted, with enough DPS, we can take out the other generators and transformer quickly enough to prevent failure; however, that is not always the case. I'd argue that the biggest problem is not DPS, but rather a simple failure to understand the objectives at hand. Too many people care more about their own numbers than the actual mission. On the other hand, I believe your argument, though harshly stated, has merit.
  • nyx219nyx219 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Ok, Mr Know-It-All, how about trying this on for size since you're so hot to knock all lower DPS players on a dime, even those who do try hard.

    Make a guide that is understandable, succinct & not full of acronym or slang gibberish, that clearly, in plain English spells out exactly what someone needs to do to accomplish boosting DPS. All of these guides out here that high DPS players have made? Are not helpful. Not at all helpful.
    Most of the time, it's like trying to read Chinese, especially when you have to try to figure out what the lingo used and what the acronyms used mean in the first place. Turn-off numero uno right there. I appreciate the effort made by players, but it needs to be simplified much, much more than is currently offered for people to be able to make use of the info. I don't want or need fancy l33t manuals, I need direct & to the point help that directly explains exactly why Ship XYZ isn't pulling enough DPS consoled out the way it is.

    I've been playing this game for several years and the best I can manage to eek out of my current ship is a few thousand DPS despite respec'ing several times, trying every weapon type, cycling through consoles, etc. I dumped a bunch of EC into buying better & different stuff last night, following console suggestions, in effort to boost my DPS. I barely nudged the numbers and am out a lot of EC. I appreciate advice, but at this point, it's becoming worthless yammering to me because all it improves is someone else's EC stockpile. I don't particularly care anymore what anyone thinks of my DPS, but I'll still try to make improvements when & where I can.

    Oh, that reminds me, have to remember to contact someone in-game that offered to help me out. I completely forgot about them. Maybe they'll be the advice that actually helps this time.
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    He does get that point. The problem is that too many people find it acceptable to drag others down, and will make excuses for those who do it.

    Seems like too many people are finding it acceptable to drag others down right here in this thread by saying that they're not good enough to play the game by their own self-imposed standard. And it seems like too many, yourself included, are making excuses for them.
    Just because it is a PUG and is pretty much anonymous, does NOT make it ok to drag the others down. Even though that person may never group with those players again, doesn't make it acceptable.

    So because you participate in any activity, everyone in that activity must be as good as you or they don't get to participate anymore, even when they may have been playing far longer than you have? By that standard, if someone else comes along that's better than you, then you need to GTFO and make room for them, 'cause you're bringing them down.
    It is not unreasonable to expect someone who clicks on the queue for events button to be useful and understand the event they are queuing for.

    It also is not unreasonable for players to understand the inherent nature of PUGs and that they may be subjected to "substandard play" if they participate. Hence all the features that allow them to avoid such public nuisances.
    50k dps is not required for advanced events. A decent understanding of mechanics and a decent ship build is not an unreasonable requirement.

    And, guess what, I'm just going to sum it up that NOT EVERYONE PLAYS THE SAME WAY YOU DO, but there is no such rated restriction to public queues (other than level). So if you don't like who plays public queues, don't play them.

    This argument has been made numerous times in another game and it failed as well. Or don't we remember the "good ol' days" of WoW raids?

    "Oh, he ninjaed my phat lewtz! Ban him!" - "Well, dumb@$$, you let him into the group in the first place without knowing who he was!"

    "Waaahhh, I got stuck with a group that didn't know everything there was to know about X instance!" - "That's why WE raid with our guild, not PUGs. We know everyone we team up with, what their gear, capabilities, play styles are, they know their roles, they know the instances, and we don't have the PUG problem anymore."

    "Devs/GMs, change the WHOLE DAMNED GAME because I'm unhappy!" - "STFU or don't play. It's all the same to us. With MILLIONS of paying subscribers, a few elite aren't going to make us change the whole game. We're still getting paid."

    Does THIS game have private queues and closed team settings? YES!

    Does THIS game have friend lists, ignore lists, and "guilds" (fleets)? YES!

    Do you have DPS/combat stat tracking software that runs in-game? YES!

    Cryptic already made it possible for you to play with those you deem worthy and leave "unworthy" players to themselves, and you can rate and record and gild your laurels all you want with these DPS trackers, so Cryptic doesn't need to integrate any of it into the game. We all know they have a hard enough time fixing it as it is without adding more TRIBBLE to it.

    And if you try to state that it's only the elite that pay and, therefore, Cryptic only wants elite and is moving out the casuals, there's more than enough cosmetic, RP, and "fun" stuff that can be bought that has nothing to do with ramping up the DPS. I alone have paid lifer membership after subscribing for a while (and that was after F2P went live), paid the monthly membership for my wife as well, numerous unlocks in the Store for costumes, ships, BOffs, pets, bridge packs, bundles, DOff roster increases, extra ship slots, character slots, BOff slots, more keys than I care to think about, and dil to pay for whatever it was I so desperately felt I needed at the time, not to mention singlehandedly paying the dil for every single limited-time special fleet project in our fleet as well as contributing whatever's needed to other normal projects and upgrades. All of that went straight into Cryptic's wallet. I don't think Cryptic minds one damn bit and I don't give a Vaadwaur's TRIBBLE$ about my current DPS rating.

    Who are you to suddenly be the "DPS Police" and tell players that they can't even group with others to play because, in your judgment, they're not good enough?

    By the same standard, the vast majority of casual (sub-standard, by your definition) players could tell you that you need to GTFO out of their game for reasons of TRIBBLE up their enjoyment of it by griefing. But that would be wrong...

    Elitist @#$%^...
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am not a programmer type, but i wonder if something like you suggest could done with the foundry? A mission that is a training program. Use your current ship, have the NPC's explain what will work and wont work. What this weapon type does, etc.

    If I could use the foundry, I would spend some time making those, then try to get them shared on the forms and by the powers that be.

    I have no clue what my dps is, but I normally get 1st or 2nd in Advanced Crystal Entity, with my Eng Oddy. How can I find out? I don't mind hunting it down if you don't have time. I'm not lazy or anything.

    Well, im lazy sometimes. But not today.

    Many ages, universal consoles, DOFFs, specializations, and lockbox ships ago, I made the closest you can make for such a Foundry mission, aimed at PvP players.

    The Foundry doesn't allow you to evaluate what kind of ships or powers you have. So my mission simply was a lot of text that explained all the various powers and different scenarios that were trying to test you.

    I believe the first part was you just flying from point A to point B and trying to survive without firing a shot, with lots of NPCs around you and shooting at you. That was to teach you the value of shield distribution (with or without tactical team) and shield damage reduction granting powers like EptS or any heals.

    The second part was trying to keep alive a bunch of NPC ships against a bunch of hostiles - ideally without firing your weapons much.

    The third part was you tasked with destroying a particular ship, trying to teach how to perform alpha strikes.

    (But as the Foundry author, you can't really control what the player does - if he just wants to blow p everything, that's what the player can do, and you also can't say that particular NPC ships cannot be allowed to die.)

    The basic ideas behind the lessons may still be valid, but the importance has shifted, and there is so incredibly much more now in the game that I don't cover...

    I don't know if the mission is still up and running. (Probably not now, with the Foundry being down for republishing). BUt if it is, I believe mission start is at Wolf 359 and you can find it under the author MustrumRidcully.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • capemike4capemike4 Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Some of you know me as 'that crazy guy who mains a T5-U Fleet Nebula'.... :D

    I'm still slightly surprised that people still question or chuckle at me flying it around in Advanced/Elite stfs, especially ISA!

    .....they stop laughing after I've locked down 6-8 spheres/nanite probes with minimal effort, making -their- job much easier, and while I only recently cracked 10k dps for the 1st time, it's nice to be appreciated afterwards in those kinds of runs...so much so, that I've actually convinced 2 players to purchase one for themselves.... ;)

    That said, I'm not sure if the Op is being sarcastic or not...I sure hope he/she is...; I'm just gonna keep right on rolling with what I've got...who says Sci Captains don't have fun?
    When in doubt...Gravity Well TO THE FACE!! :D
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ovrkyl wrote: »
    I don't think Cryptic minds one damn bit and I don't give a Vaadwaur's TRIBBLE$ about my current DPS rating.

    Who are you to suddenly be the "DPS Police" and tell players that they can't even group with others to play because, in your judgment, they're not good enough?

    By the same standard, the vast majority of casual (sub-standard, by your definition) players could tell you that you need to GTFO out of their game for reasons of TRIBBLE up their enjoyment of it by griefing. But that would be wrong...

    Elitist @#$%^...

    I still can't wrap my head around people wanting to do something called "Advanced" or "Elite" content, but refusing to be at an "Advanced" or "Elite" level.

    "I refuse to get better at this game, but I still want to play things specifically marked as built for those that do. Waaaaahhhh gimme everything because I say so!"

    It's not "elitist" to say "If you're not at this skill level, why are you in queues that are marked at this skill level?"

    "Elitist" is fast becoming a copout word for those who aren't bothering to learn the game. Or worse, those who refuse to learn, and bash others for not refusing.
  • emplehodemplehod Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rattler2 wrote: »
    And this is why people struggle. Because no one is willing to give friendly advice. Its all "You suck! GTFO N00B!"

    ^^ Exactly this.

    I recently entered a Borg STF for the first time ever and didn't really understand what I should do. I was killing stuff but another player just yelled at me and called me a noob.

    If you want better players in the game, help them, or keep your piehole closed.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Op, go TRIBBLE yourself. People can use whatever they want. Maybe some are still learning, maybe some want to try new things. Just because you know nothing but how to stack dps on a ship does not mean that its the only way to play. If you're having a problem, please, leave. Permanently. One less dps nut works for me.
  • zbzznzbzzn Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Op, go TRIBBLE yourself. People can use whatever they want. Maybe some are still learning, maybe some want to try new things. Just because you know nothing but how to stack dps on a ship does not mean that its the only way to play. If you're having a problem, please, leave. Permanently. One less dps nut works for me.

    I have to agree. The most obnoxious players in the game are the ones who insist that everybody should play their way.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    zbzzn wrote: »
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Op, go TRIBBLE yourself. People can use whatever they want. Maybe some are still learning, maybe some want to try new things. Just because you know nothing but how to stack dps on a ship does not mean that its the only way to play. If you're having a problem, please, leave. Permanently. One less dps nut works for me.

    I have to agree. The most obnoxious players in the game are the ones who insist that everybody should play their way.

    Yeah, that is pretty annoying...but what does that have to do with this thread?
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yeah, that is pretty annoying...but what does that have to do with this thread?

    People forcing their inability/unwillingness to do Advanced/Elite content on others' queues. :D
  • zbzznzbzzn Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yeah, that is pretty annoying...but what does that have to do with this thread?

    Ask OP, he seems to want to force everyone into specific styles of play.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sinn74 wrote: »
    People forcing their inability/unwillingness to do Advanced/Elite content on others' queues. :D

    I was thinking about that ongoing discussion about how things could be gated and that almost everything could be gamed/trolled/exploited/etc...

    ...what if each queue had an initial engagement, and based on performance in that - a player could end up being flagged as a NPC so the other players that put even the most minimal effort into trying to accomplish the mission could just blow that player up, yeah? Obviously, being flagged as a NPC would mean they would not get any rewards.
    zbzzn wrote: »
    Ask OP, he seems to want to force everyone into specific styles of play.

    His complaint is people showing up for content they're obviously not prepared for and looking at a potential solution that might help with that...how is that a bad complaint?

    To elaborate on that a bit, this was from early this morning.

    Player A) 14,705
    Player B) 5,509
    Player C) 5,121
    Player D) 849
    Player E) Warped out at the start.

    Player E probably recognized Player D, eh? That ISA failed 243 seconds in.

    Do I have any beef with Player B or Player C? Nope, not that I can think of...

    If Player E had recognized Player D and that was the reason they warped, I'm kind of ticked they didn't let the rest of the group know. If Player E just warped to leave the group a man down, that's kind of irritating.

    Player D...Player D...Player D...yeah.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I was thinking about that ongoing discussion about how things could be gated and that almost everything could be gamed/trolled/exploited/etc...

    ...what if each queue had an initial engagement, and based on performance in that - a player could end up being flagged as a NPC so the other players that put even the most minimal effort into trying to accomplish the mission could just blow that player up, yeah? Obviously, being flagged as a NPC would mean they would not get any rewards.

    His complaint is people showing up for content they're obviously not prepared for and looking at a potential solution that might help with that...how is that a bad complaint?

    That would be hilarious, but still likely wouldn't solve the problem. Later I need to start a thread discussing gating this stuff in detail, so I don't keep threadjacking people. ;)
  • zbzznzbzzn Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    His complaint is people showing up for content they're obviously not prepared for and looking at a potential solution that might help with that...how is that a bad complaint?

    If you PuG , then you take that risk. Telling others how they should have fun is not a solution.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    zbzzn wrote: »
    If you PuG , then you take that risk. Telling others how they should have fun is not a solution.

    If one's fun is at a cost of negatively affecting someone else's fun, there's a problem. If you can't do Advanced content, and you knowingly queue for it anyway, you're a leecher at best.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    zbzzn wrote: »
    If you PuG , then you take that risk. Telling others how they should have fun is not a solution.

    It's a team. Nobody's trying to tell folks how they should have fun when they're off playing by themselves. If their idea of fun is to troll the queues to ruin fun for the other four folks there...

    I don't get why so many folks are into defending trolling. You'd think this was a thread on Party Amps or something.
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Better yet?

    Sell ships with options. Diversity is part of this game.

    BUT it's past due to require players to qualify for the STF they're in.

    * 5 successful runs (with optional completed) on "Normal" for (STF name); qualified to access Advanced.

    * 5 successful runs (with optional completed) on "Advanced" for (STF name); qualified to access Elite.

    Yes, some players will be carried by other players. (I've tried to help players; have stayed in the action when others AFK or drop out.) It's a risk with the qualification ideas.

    Do I think this will 100% solve the OP's issue? No.
    Will this idea (above) get implemented? Unlikely.

    I just felt like contributing it to the conversation. Carry on. :)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    tucana66 wrote: »
    Better yet?

    Sell ships with options. Diversity is part of this game.

    BUT it's past due to require players to qualify for the STF they're in.

    * 5 successful runs (with optional completed) on "Normal" for (STF name); qualified to access Advanced.

    * 5 successful runs (with optional completed) on "Advanced" for (STF name); qualified to access Elite.

    Yes, some players will be carried by other players. (I've tried to help players; have stayed in the action when others AFK or drop out.) It's a risk with the qualification ideas.

    Do I think this will 100% solve the OP's issue? No.
    Will this idea (above) get implemented? Unlikely.

    I just felt like contributing it to the conversation. Carry on. :)

    It's one of those things where I think we might tend to focus too much on trying to solve the problem...rather than just looking at ways to try to minimize the problem. I tend to rip apart all sorts of suggestions because of how they could be gamed, exploited, etc...and that they really wouldn't solve the matter. But to be honest, if they could cut down on the problem...wouldn't that be a good thing? So yeah, I've been a little too rough on those suggestions in the past...

    But yeah, no, lol - Cryptic enjoys trolling their players too much to even look at something like that.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think what it gets into for some folks out there would be the following:

    Joe Jackass, doing his 30-40k DPS, takes note of Average Andy doing his 7-8k DPS and proceeds to mock Average Andy out the wahzoo.

    Concerned Charlie comes along to complain about Tommy the Troll doing his 1-2k DPS.

    Average Andy has some sort of PTSD moment and goes off on Concerned Charlie, when Concerned Charlie likely thinks Joe Jackass is as much of a dumbass as Average Andy does.
  • zbzznzbzzn Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's a team. Nobody's trying to tell folks how they should have fun when they're off playing by themselves. If their idea of fun is to troll the queues to ruin fun for the other four folks there...

    I don't get why so many folks are into defending trolling. You'd think this was a thread on Party Amps or something.

    Trolling, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Besides, aren't you just assuming that those people are trolling?

    It's pretty hard to take you seriously when you label anyone who doesn't play your way as a "troll".
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    been saying this for years...all this boff setup options just makes it difficult for people. It is fun and has depth, but preset boff powers has its advantage.

    it is also an excellent option for a balanced PVP...preset ships with preset roles. Diversity comes from the type of captain you bring.
    Go pro or go home
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    zbzzn wrote: »
    Trolling, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Besides, aren't you just assuming that those people are trolling?

    It's pretty hard to take you seriously when you label anyone who doesn't play your way as a "troll".

    Have you read through some of my posts in this thread?

    It's hard to take you as anything other than a troll. /shrug
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