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Galaxy class



  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    it's interesting the full Andromeda set works on the galaxy-x too. It's kind of nice having 4 tac consoles and 130 weapons power

    Oh, that explains all the Galaxy-X ships flying around suddenly.
  • polaronbeam1polaronbeam1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I see a certain troll has come out from under his bridge to spoil our happiness and gratefullness of this new Galaxy Class.

    All i can say about the ship is "WOW" didn't see the ship turning out as well as she has. Good job Cryptic, if a Tier 6 Soveriegn in the future trumps it, meh! so be it, i still have a very competitve Galaxy that i'll be proud to take in the PvE arena and not feel like a anchor dragging the rest of the team down. I'll be the anchor holding the team together and blowing through NPC's instead.

    Thank you again Cryptic for the Tier 6 Galaxy. Not the best ship in the game she never needed to be, but now she is on equal footing with everyone else which is all we really ever asked for.

    Nope. You boors have started mentioned me repeatedly recently, even though I had not thought about you all in quite some time. I know that some of you are like petulant children thinking that you can say whatever you want without repercussions, but you should know by now, that kind of foolhardly behavior that many of you have displayed for YEARS regarding this subject has ZERO sway on me.

    The bottom line is that if you can "dish it out", then be man/woman enough to take it. If you can't take it, then don't dish it out. How many times and how many thread closures do we have to go through before you FINALLY understand and accept that?
  • polaronbeam1polaronbeam1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    neo1nx wrote: »

    HAHAHA! i thaught you were out the game you naughty!
    hey you known i am going to name my new galaxy lol@polaronbeam, just for the lulz

    ha cmon don't do that face! it a joke, chillout! you known i can't help myself, i don't deny the part of me that is 9 years old is having a good time!!

    comon i give you a hug!:D:

    ho, and welcome back btw, just like the old time:):cool:

    Hey no worries, you can go right ahead and name all of you ships after me, because I guarantee that when the other ships are released that you will feel that put your GCS at less than "Iconic Status" (and there will be), there will suddenly be other "names" that will swirl through your mind, and mine WON'T be any of them. Lol!
  • polaronbeam1polaronbeam1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lol, raise your hands if you care that an eventual tier 6 sovereign will probably be a better tac cruiser then the galaxy.

    no one? oh thats right, we pretty much ended up getting exactly what we wanted, a fairly competitive also ran tac cruiser with a near perfect galaxy model. FAR better outcome then we were hoping for, that of a slightly better model with a pathfinder tier layout.

    even i, the galaxy class's biggest in canon supporter could care less how good a tier 6 sovereign would be, this is a silly star trek amusement park game, let the sov fans yet again have a top end ship in their favorite likeness. with the galaxy we have now, we cant be trolled by haters, we have achieved victory.

    though this is most likely what a tier 6 sov will look like

    COM eng
    LTC eng
    LTC tac
    LT uni
    ENS tac
    5/2/3 consoles, +1 tac from fleet

    not exactly blowing out the galaxy now is it. :P

    just go read his posts a few pages back, pretty much a frothing at the mouth hater of legendary proportions

    You brought up MY name in a disparaging manner, and then you whine about "trolls"? More of the same "eternal victim" mindset, eh? Well at least you are consistent with your illogic and hyprocracy.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You brought up MY name in a disparaging manner, and then you whine about "trolls"? More of the same "eternal victim" mindset, eh? Well at least you are consistent with your illogic and hyprocracy.

    Oh, is the little whiny moron butthurt that the GCS fans got what they wanted?

    After test-flying my shiny new GCS, I don't think we're the victims here.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I once called out an ex-girlfriend for being a lying manipulative narcissistic b****. But it only made me feel whiny and impotent for having done it when I shouldn't have wasted the time and energy and should have instead walked away knowing I was the better person. It ate at me for a long time to think I was so petty and desperate to be validated and vindicated.

    But now I feel much better about my moral character, because I witnessed a bunch of people flame a guy literally months after he had the audacity to express his opinion that a videogame spaceship wouldn't and shouldn't get buffed.
  • polaronbeam1polaronbeam1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    starswordc wrote: »
    Oh, is the little whiny moron butthurt that the GCS fans got what they wanted?

    After test-flying my shiny new GCS, I don't think we're the victims here.

    Not at all, fool. But do you really think that I care about what type of "ship" that you get in an on-line MMO? While I do understand that for some of you, the GCS changes may be the pinnacle of you life's accomplishments and aspirations, but for me, I have "bigger fish to fry".

    However, as I've said before, many of you "internet warriors" on this "Galaxy" thread, as well as the other ones that got shut down due to some of your members stupidity, have apparently gotten too accustomed to you being able to say disparaging things about people that don't agree with you, and you then seem to be utterly surprised when they respond to you in kind.

    Anytime that some of you idiots didn't agree with the direction of the game or anyone else who don't agree with you, you whine like little babies and feel "justified" to say whatever you want, and then when you're MULITPLE threads gets shut down because of that very nonsense, you do want to play the "eternal victim" instead of you taking ANY accountability in to how matters unfolded.

    Haven't you learned by now that if you are going to engage me in a disparaging way, ESPECIALLY when I have not engaged with any of you for several months, you're going to get a response in kind, which given the history of the MULTIPLE GCS thread closures, doesn't work out the way that you GSC members have hoped for?

    It's sad that this "lesson" has to be repeated over and over again.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You brought up MY name in a disparaging manner, and then you whine about "trolls"? More of the same "eternal victim" mindset, eh? Well at least you are consistent with your illogic and hyprocracy.

    look at them crocodile tears, wile at the same time calling others eternal victims and hypocrites, its to much :D

    no one even though about you until the day the stats got released and someone recalled you're insistence that this would never happen, in no time at all you show up out of nowhere to bask in the attention we lavished you. and even though they were deserved insults, attention is attention! there's no such thing as bad attention, you even get to throw out the victim card! regardless, you get to hijack the thread and make it about you and how dumb and hopeless we are and how mean everyone is back at you for thinking you're a douchebag :)
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Anytime that some of you idiots didn't agree with the direction of the game or anyone else who don't agree with you, you whine like little babies and feel "justified" to say whatever you want, and then when you're MULITPLE threads gets shut down because of that very nonsense, you do want to play the "eternal victim" instead of you taking ANY accountability in to how matters unfolded.

    Haven't you learned by now that if you are going to engage me in a disparaging way, ESPECIALLY when I have not engaged with any of you for several months, you're going to get a response in kind, which given the history of the MULTIPLE GCS thread closures, doesn't work out the way that you GSC members have hoped for?

    It's sad that this "lesson" has to be repeated over and over again.

    Who's the eternal victim? I'm genuinely confused. Everyone here has pushed for an improved Galaxy, and here we are, we got exactly what we wanted. We have no beef with Cryptic. How are we victims if there is no one putting us down? Well, except you of course. At least Cryptic has the decency to be respectful.

    Besides, you started this whole "disparaging talk" thing, not us. You were the one who popped up out of nowhere and started the last 2 pages. I shouldn't be surprised by this - it's the exact same behaviour you exhibited the last time you were around.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't want to be "that Targ", but could you cut it out already?

    It is clear at that point that neither of the involved parties left anything behind. What started as a fun remark now evolves once again into butthurt flaming. I'd suggest to burry the matter. Polaronbeam1 was wrong, but there is no point in continuing to harp on the matter. Maybe all of you should consider to be the "better person", shake hands and just let it go.

    Because honestly, it itches me to ask the moderation to close this topic since it is pretty much dealt with at this point. I am all for a canon discussion thread and we have the no beef celebration thread, if anyone carries the bad mood in there the person is guilty of stirring up the flame again and should be delt with accordingly, but the remaining heat in this topic should simply be put out.

    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm noticing a distinct lack of screenshots of everyone's sweet new rides in action. Less focus on the hater, more focus on posting pics the ship we've all waited for Boldy Going!
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    I don't want to be "that Targ", but could you cut it out already?

    It is clear at that point that neither of the involved parties left anything behind. What started as a fun remark now evolves once again into butthurt flaming. I'd suggest to burry the matter. Polaronbeam1 was wrong, but there is no point in continuing to harp on the matter. Maybe all of you should consider to be the "better person", shake hands and just let it go.

    Because honestly, it itches me to ask the moderation to close this topic since it is pretty much dealt with at this point. I am all for a canon discussion thread and we have the no beef celebration thread, if anyone carries the bad mood in there the person is guilty of stirring up the flame again and should be delt with accordingly, but the remaining heat in this topic should simply be put out.


    I so agree. I am constantly amazed how quickly people love to race to be the LCD of a conversation while enjoying the anonymity of the internet. I especially enjoy the intolerance of those who stand behind the auspices of tolerace, but thats for a different day to talk about. I miss he report button, can we get that as a feature of "Rebirth"?

    Targ, you need to change your sig' btw.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Targ, you need to change your sig' btw.

    Yes, I know. I even have those ships already, I just haven't thought of a new sig and didn't come around to change it yet :D
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So - broke mine out and got a fleet variant and did a few runs on her. Very good ship. She gives a fair beating and can take three times that in return. The Galaxy model is awesome - and if anyone really dislikes the starfleet emblem - change your fleet emblem to 'Energy type - Phaser' in red color 4. It fits the rest of the decals and decorations nicely - and the way it sits right over the primary phaser strip fits very nicely.

    The console is very dangerous - pop that in the middle of a bunch of nanite spheres and faw 3, beta 1 - and you'll tear them apart.

    I'll take some screenshots tonight, I didn't last night because I had directx 11 enabled - and you still can't take higher res screenshots with it, and I was too lazy to drop down to 9.
  • halconfenix00halconfenix00 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I so agree. I am constantly amazed how quickly people love to race to be the LCD of a conversation while enjoying the anonymity of the internet. I especially enjoy the intolerance of those who stand behind the auspices of tolerace, but thats for a different day to talk about. I miss he report button, can we get that as a feature of "Rebirth"?

    Targ, you need to change your sig' btw.

    i'm taking this chance to say "HI! long time (and lifetime) player and f
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm unsure if I should buy the Tier 6 Galaxy class, there is a lot of controversy on this thread and many different opinions on the "viability" of the Andromeda
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm unsure if I should buy the Tier 6 Galaxy class, there is a lot of controversy on this thread and many different opinions on the "viability" of the Andromeda

    If you like the Galaxy - now is the time to buy it. The Andromeda/Fleet Exploration is absurdly durable, has good to very high fire power (there are ships who outgun her, I won't deny it) - but no one will roll their eyes when you warp in anymore.

    The console 3 pack is amusing, but not mandatory. The three tac consoles aren't the greatest, but they're more then enough. With the right build you could hit 60-70k with 2 tac consoles and a lt tac station. So in my opinion, if you like the Galaxy - go for it. you won't be disappointed.

    Also, the ltcom eng/command station is very flexible and useful. right now I'm running it eptw1, rsp 1, overwhelm emitters 3 - and it seems to be working amazingly.
  • nataku302nataku302 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lol, raise your hands if you care that an eventual tier 6 sovereign will probably be a better tac cruiser then the galaxy.

    no one? oh thats right, we pretty much ended up getting exactly what we wanted, a fairly competitive also ran tac cruiser with a near perfect galaxy model. FAR better outcome then we were hoping for, that of a slightly better model with a pathfinder tier layout.

    even i, the galaxy class's biggest in canon supporter could care less how good a tier 6 sovereign would be, this is a silly star trek amusement park game, let the sov fans yet again have a top end ship in their favorite likeness. with the galaxy we have now, we cant be trolled by haters, we have achieved victory.

    though this is most likely what a tier 6 sov will look like

    COM eng
    LTC eng
    LTC tac
    LT uni
    ENS tac
    5/2/3 consoles, +1 tac from fleet

    not exactly blowing out the galaxy now is it. :P

    just go read his posts a few pages back, pretty much a frothing at the mouth hater of legendary proportions

    What happens if they made the tier 6 sov with a LT comm universal instead of the tactical one?
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    nataku302 wrote: »
    What happens if they made the tier 6 sov with a LT comm universal instead of the tactical one?

    Then it loses the ensign tac station. /shrug. Whatever the next ship is doesn't matter. The Galaxy looks awesome and flies well. If another ship is released with an awesome build and skin, great for the people who want it. It doesn't devalue the ship we wanted that is a great fun ship now.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jer5488 wrote: »
    If you like the Galaxy - now is the time to buy it. The Andromeda/Fleet Exploration is absurdly durable, has good to very high fire power (there are ships who outgun her, I won't deny it) - but no one will roll their eyes when you warp in anymore.

    That's my take after flying around in one on an Engineer. Building to hit 130 Weapon power all the time really seems to help (pretty easy on Eng with their trait). Surprisingly decent even with just the Lt. Comm Tac and Ens. Uni set to Tac, and the only cooldown reducer I have being the MACO two-set. With Reciprocity, or other other big cooldown reducers, it should put out even more.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm unsure if I should buy the Tier 6 Galaxy class, there is a lot of controversy on this thread and many different opinions on the "viability" of the Andromeda

    As the owner of one, I can tell you that the Andromeda is perfectly viable. It's more than viable, it's an excellent ship. It's not some insanely OP-ed and unbalanced monstrosity, so if you're thinking Scimitar or similar, you can forget about it.
    If you happen to like the ship design, be it the Andromeda or the actual Galaxy - don't worry, it's prefectly viable and fun for any and every game content with the new T6 setup.
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    shpoks wrote: »
    As the owner of one, I can tell you that the Andromeda is perfectly viable. It's more than viable, it's an excellent ship. It's not some insanely OP-ed and unbalanced monstrosity, so if you're thinking Scimitar or similar, you can forget about it.
    If you happen to like the ship design, be it the Andromeda or the actual Galaxy - don't worry, it's prefectly viable and fun for any and every game content with the new T6 setup.

    While the Scimitar does have higher dps potential - she also can't take the beating an Andromeda can. So it's a give and take.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jer5488 wrote: »
    While the Scimitar does have higher dps potential - she also can't take the beating an Andromeda can. So it's a give and take.

    True that and that's a part of what I like about these ships. I just mentioned the Scimitar because everyone seems to be on a DPS frenzy lately and the Scimitar is the go-to DPS ship. Personally, I much more prefer the classic well rounded Starfleet beam cruisers that can give and take a punch. And the Andromeda sure can do both.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    nataku302 wrote: »
    What happens if they made the tier 6 sov with a LT comm universal instead of the tactical one?

    A T6 Sovereign with Universal LtCdr is a false choice, in the same way the Universal station on the T5/T5U Fleet Vor'Cha was a false choice.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm unsure if I should buy the Tier 6 Galaxy class, there is a lot of controversy on this thread and many different opinions on the "viability" of the Andromeda

    If you already own the Guardian and Command Cruisers, or even the Kobali Samsar, and just want a new cruiser, do not buy it. The Guardian, Command Cruisers, and Samsar do the same thing but with better consoles/masteries (and the Command Cruisers are already at Fleet level).

    Now if you don't like or don't have any of the above ships, and/or love the ship enough like most others here, and/or own the old Galaxy bundle, go ahead and buy it. It will do well enough.

    Additionally, if you're not interested in using Command skills for whatever reason, even the T5U Odyssey will work better (LtCmdr Uni vs LtCmdr Eng/Command).

    Don't get me wrong, Andromeda is a solid ship. A solid alternative to the ones listed. But if you're looking to save for the eventual Pilot ships, and have one of the other listed cruisers, you may as well wait.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Dil exchange went down to 204, so I said TRIBBLE it and cashed in for it.

    Love it. I don't need any other Fed ships anymore. Going to rock the Andromeda skin for a while since it's rather nice. I did swap out the pylons for the classic Galaxy ones though.

    And as I always said, the very first thing I did with it? Barrel roll all over space in my proper, T6 Galaxy. Yum.

    Will have to work on a proper shot album later on.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    If you already own the Guardian and Command Cruisers, or even the Kobali Samsar, and just want a new cruiser, do not buy it. The Guardian, Command Cruisers, and Samsar do the same thing but with better consoles/masteries (and the Command Cruisers are already at Fleet level).

    Now if you don't like or don't have any of the above ships, and/or love the ship enough like most others here, and/or own the old Galaxy bundle, go ahead and buy it. It will do well enough.

    Additionally, if you're not interested in using Command skills for whatever reason, even the T5U Odyssey will work better (LtCmdr Uni vs LtCmdr Eng/Command).

    Don't get me wrong, Andromeda is a solid ship. A solid alternative to the ones listed. But if you're looking to save for the eventual Pilot ships, and have one of the other listed cruisers, you may as well wait.

    As a TAC Cruiser, I'd rate the T6 Galaxy over the Command FDCs any day of the week. The lack of Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command hurts the Command FDCs very badly, IMHO.

    Compared to the Eclipse, the Intel Battlecruiser is a meaner TAC ship. It can achieve practically the same BOFF layout as the Galaxy. But it has built in cloak, full access to Intel abilities, has Gather Intel mechanics, turns WAY better (10 vs 6, not a contest), can equip DHCs, and more importantly fly easily to support DHC play. When the Fleet Eclipse hits it will have 4 TAC Consoles because it already has 5 ENG. It lacks notable SCI ability so it will not get a SCI console. Another deceiving thing about the Eclipse is that Hybrid Cmdr ENG station. You can slot more offensive abilities on an Eclipse than any Fed Cruiser out there while still retaining more than enough survivability. Even without the Fleet version, the Eclipse is just a superior TAC boat.

    Compared to the Guardian, the Guardian is truly the multipurpose ship that is still TAC capable. Where the Guardian gets the LtCdr SCI, T6 Galaxy gets the LtCdr ENG. Both ships can be made punchy but still robust in different ways. But the Guardian can be built to do more due to the BOFF seating.

    What the T6 Galaxy really is, is a means for the guys that like the Galaxy-class that much to play it at high end levels. There are better ships that are fairly equal to or better than the T6 Galaxy. But they're not Galaxy-class.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    As a TAC Cruiser, I'd rate the T6 Galaxy over the Command FDCs any day of the week. The lack of Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command hurts the Command FDCs very badly, IMHO.

    Compared to the Eclipse, the Intel Battlecruiser is a meaner TAC ship. It can achieve practically the same BOFF layout as the Galaxy. But it has built in cloak, full access to Intel abilities, has Gather Intel mechanics, turns WAY better (10 vs 6, not a contest), can equip DHCs, and more importantly fly easily to support DHC play. When the Fleet Eclipse hits it will have 4 TAC Consoles because it already has 5 ENG. It lacks notable SCI ability so it will not get a SCI console. Another deceiving thing about the Eclipse is that Hybrid Cmdr ENG station. You can slot more offensive abilities on an Eclipse than any Fed Cruiser out there while still retaining more than enough survivability. Even without the Fleet version, the Eclipse is just a superior TAC boat.

    Compared to the Guardian, the Guardian is truly the multipurpose ship that is still TAC capable. Where the Guardian gets the LtCdr SCI, T6 Galaxy gets the LtCdr ENG. Both ships can be made punchy but still robust in different ways. But the Guardian can be built to do more due to the BOFF seating.

    What the T6 Galaxy really is, is a means for the guys that like the Galaxy-class that much to play it at high end levels. There are better ships that are fairly equal to or better than the T6 Galaxy. But they're not Galaxy-class.

    ya the command cruisers are flight deck cruisers that can use DHCs, not really battle cruisers. they aren't optimized for solo play at all, their skills are all about buffing a teams overall effectiveness, not grabbing glory and DPS records for it self.

    i doubt any cruiser will ever match the eclipse/qib, with their COM intel in an eng seat, you can load up intel skills in whats basically a dump seat anyway, wile still running a LTC tac. OSS3 and SS3 are monster damage skills, they don't inflate a DPS parse as much as a scimitar can, but it would be no contest between the 2 if you did pvp.

    the guardian is better then the galaxy, it can slot OSS2 at least, none of the skills available in an LTC command can buff DPS to match that. BUT, with the console that comes with these iconic ships, you get to run 130 weapons power all the time, so thats a hiden edge with these ships. there is actually a new sci skill on tribble though, that starts at LT, and basically turns aux power and particle gens into physical damage with 100% shield pen, that can also bounce between targets, sounds like chain lightning. SO, having something like a LTC sci with season 10 will mean they have access to what looks to be a bit of a game changing damage skill, especially if you ran TBR pull, and FBP. exotic damage was already stupid powerful, its like they want to make it strong enough for a pure sci ships to get through PVE as easily as an energy damage escort or cruiser, PVP be damned.

    the tier 6 galaxy is a still a better beam boat than any tier 5U tac cruiser though imo. and though basically an also ran, its on the Plateau of 'not dragging down the team', with the best ship model in the game.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    there is actually a new sci skill on tribble though, that starts at LT, and basically turns aux power and particle gens into physical damage with 100% shield pen, that can also bounce between targets, sounds like chain lightning. SO, having something like a LTC sci with season 10 will mean they have access to what looks to be a bit of a game changing damage skill, especially if you ran TBR pull, and FBP. exotic damage was already stupid powerful, its like they want to make it strong enough for a pure sci ships to get through PVE as easily as an energy damage escort or cruiser, PVP be damned.

    There's also the possibility that it isn't going to be a Sci ability, but yet another hybrid that was temporarily tagged as Sci for testing. It could also never come into being at all, since it probably wasn't supposed to come to light at all.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    no, for some reason its stuck with the old galaxy costume, they didnt update it too.

    i want to see a redone nebula too
    I gotta say, as the Miranda to the Galaxy's Constitution, I don't think a lot of people appreciate how beautiful the Nebula is. That is one well put together ship. I'm curious as to what Cryptic might do with a Tier 6 edition.
    130 max in all subsystems at all times is pretty sweet, and even though it says it doesn't stack with other boosts like that, my warp core allows me to have 135 max shield power.
    Wow, that's beastly. Another reason to pick it up for me really.

    jer5488 wrote: »
    While the Scimitar does have higher dps potential - she also can't take the beating an Andromeda can. So it's a give and take.

    I was just watching Nemesis last night. With the Galaxy in Battlegroup Omega, we were that close to seeing a Galaxy get into it with a Scimitar. Man I wish the budget had allowed for the fleet battle, Tachyon Grid for the save.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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