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BOff Training System Bugs Reporting Thread



  • zeroraijinzeroraijin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Can't sell, trade ,or mail Boff Candidates.
    I've got a full team waiting to be sent to an alt and I can't do a thing with them other than leave them be or discharge. This is very frustrating.
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    The issue with Intel Boffs being unable to learn other skills has a fix inbound. Thanks for the reports.
    STO QA Team
  • hugin1205hugin1205 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    interessting twis in the BOff/layout bug yesterday:

    At start of ISA my power tray had again gone AWOL - as did my BOffs. When placing them back to stations, my tac commander only showed GORUND SKILLS - which I could of course not activate. Relogging fixed that twist though - it did not restore the loadout though. Had to redo that and save it (for better days?)
    18 characters
    KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
    KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
    FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
    TOS: 1 tac
    all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
    all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
    highest DPS: 60.982
  • aelogriaaelogria Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am unable to train Intelligence officers with regular officer abilities.

    Currently trying to train an Engineer/Intelligence officer in Emergency Power to batteries 1. And am unable to. Have the book. Just will never train.

    Please fix. This is limiting my game play.

    @Desdecardo since 2008.
  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just tried it on my Gorn Science captain, Trihth. Bug is fixed.
    DxDiag64 dump 19Feb2016: http://pastebin.com/1c0pkEuw
  • draconir83draconir83 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    Getting some fun in my Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer in that when I try and set the Commander science skill it gets permanently stuck on Tyken's Rift 3 no matter what you try and change it to even after taking out and putting back on the boff, swapping skills etc.

    This only seems to happen if the boff has learned Tyken's Rift 3 as well as any other Commander ability such as Gravity Well 3 (which is what I want!). If a boff just has, say, Gravity Well 3 as the only skill it is fine.

    Right now the only way around I have is a boff with just Gravity Well 3 learned with nothing else.


    Edit - Just tried it with a tactical boff as well and same issue. Looks like this is unique to Dyson ship, guessing something to do with the way it changes the Commander slot?
  • doctordositheusdoctordositheus Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am unable to change my Lt. ground ability on my new bridge officer. I received a new officer at level 25 and had him join my crew. My captain is Romulan. I went to the Romulan Command Center on New Romulus and went to the bridge officer trainer vendor. He came with Stasis Field I in that spot.

    1. I purchased the manual for Tachyon Harmonic II from the Bridge Officer Trainer.
    2. I went to the the Bridge Officer's Skills tab in the Status Window and was able to click Learn and successfully train the officer in this skill.
    3. Both Stasis Field I and Tachyon Harmonic II are "lit up" in the Skills tab when the Lt. level ground skill is selected.
    4. When I went to the Stations tab and clicked on the Bridge Officer desired in the Standard Away Team section, I clicked on Stasis Field I and underneath clicked on Tachyon Harmonic II.

    5. After I did this all of his ground abilities disappeared and became "X'ed out" on the right-hand side. In the Standard Away Team section, he still shows his original 4 abilities unchanged but on the right he always shows all abilities "X'ed out" now.
    6. Not only that, ALL of my Bridge Officers now show ALL of their ground abilities "X'ed out" on the right-hand side ever since. No ground abilities will ever be able to be changed for any of them.
    7. Their space abilities are unaffected.
    8. This was all done in the room with the Bridge Officer Trainer at the Romulan Command Center on New Romulus.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Okay, when I went up to my ship, apparently this was fixed, Once in space, the ground abilities display correctly, showing that the Lt. ability was indeed changed as desired. So this bug is location-based. For some reason, to change ground abilities or to see changes in ground abilities properly rather you must be in space (kind of counter-intuitive but good to know). I hope this at least helps some other people who may experience the same issue.
  • temptstormertemptstormer Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    draconir83 wrote: »

    Getting some fun in my Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer in that when I try and set the Commander science skill it gets permanently stuck on Tyken's Rift 3 no matter what you try and change it to even after taking out and putting back on the boff, swapping skills etc.

    This only seems to happen if the boff has learned Tyken's Rift 3 as well as any other Commander ability such as Gravity Well 3 (which is what I want!). If a boff just has, say, Gravity Well 3 as the only skill it is fine.

    Right now the only way around I have is a boff with just Gravity Well 3 learned with nothing else.


    Edit - Just tried it with a tactical boff as well and same issue. Looks like this is unique to Dyson ship, guessing something to do with the way it changes the Commander slot?

    I'm in the same boat of a problem as him. I commissioned my Breen Tac BOFF, had him learn Attack Omega 3 (He started with Disperse Beta), and assigned him to the Tac position. When I went into tac mode of my Dyson Destroyer, he still had Disperse Beta as his Commander ability. Going to the stations tab, I cannot change the selection of Commander ability (but can do so for the other levels) and it shows Omega 3. I attempted to circumvent this problem by assigning a different BOFF, and setting Omega 3 to be my Breen's default ability and reassigning him to the position, but nope, he still has Disperse Beta when in Tac mode. Very frustrating. I also cannot change in the stations menu my Science Commander ability, though my BOFF currently is using the ability I want. I had submitted a ticket and they suggested using the force verify via patcher which I did, but sadly it did nothing to fix this issue.
  • temptstormertemptstormer Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Even when I switched to another Tactical Officer, who had Omega 3 as default ability, the Commander ability was Disperse Beta. Gyah.

    Is there a way to remove skills from boffs? That way I could delete entirely the Disperse Beta skill, and maybe then, actually get the ability I want in the tray.

    Additionally, I had another officer who didn't have Disperse Beta, but Scatter Volley and Attack Delta. Attack Delta was his default, and current commander ability, but when assigned to the station, Scatter Volley was displayed, and again, couldn't switch it in the Stations menu.

    Perhaps due to the Dyson's variable boff slot ability, you can't change the ability because the game thinks its not there? That would explain the stations menu being unresponsive for commander level abilities, though not the active ability on the boff tray.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Skills reset about everytime I enter a map. Have to put everyone back at their stations and then make sure the correct skills are active.

    I literally missed an entire fleet alert last nite because of seating, redoing tray and redoing active skills.

    People thought I was afking.
  • temptstormertemptstormer Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Did you save your loadout? I've had blank stations and quick bars before, but having your loadout saved will stop it most of the time. Switching from shuttle to ship and vice versa I'll sometimes have to reload the load out.

    Also as a habit, I use two quickbars, I set them to 9 and 10, rather than 1 and 2, it tends to ensure that abilities dont get removed, switched or otherwise messed with.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Did you save your loadout? I've had blank stations and quick bars before, but having your loadout saved will stop it most of the time. Switching from shuttle to ship and vice versa I'll sometimes have to reload the load out.

    Also as a habit, I use two quickbars, I set them to 9 and 10, rather than 1 and 2, it tends to ensure that abilities dont get removed, switched or otherwise messed with.

    and I bathe in beaver blood to ward off bubonic plague. Must work because Ive never gotten bubonic plague.

    Here is what happens. 50/50 chance if loading a load out does anything.

    If BOs do load there is a 50/50 chance they will have the wrong skills.

    Sometimes the the tray fills in skills, sometimes not.

    FWIW, I save the freaking load out several times - like everytime I redo everything, Which is more or less everytime I zone.

    And saving load outs does nothing for Ground BOs having the wrong skills everytime
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I see this a lot.

    When you open an close stations tab or fill in the blanks stations, often the wrong skills are listed in the wrong rank. Like a Lt skill will be listed in a Lt Cmdr slot or Ensign in LT.

    This goes away if you fiddle with the windows but there seems to be a DB or lag issue
  • kajofolfkajofolf Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Transfer shield strength 3 missing
    Still missing, pls fix this. I really need that skill for my setups.
  • andyy22andyy22 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I just bought the dyson and have the same problem, i cant change any of the commander abilities no matter what i try.
  • andyy22andyy22 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I found a semi work around for the dyson destroyer bug. You need to buy a boff with the commander skill you want to use and can than also learn the T3 version of it. Basically make the skill you want to use the only skill this boff has on the commander slot available. The game will than use the highest version of the only skill it can slot. So do not learn any other commander skill on this boff.

    This works ofc only with skills that boffs can naturally have as commander version.
  • b33lz3bubbab33lz3bubba Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hi hope this is the correct thread for this. Since the training system was introduced all my commissioned Boffs show the same passive abilities, in the following format:



    Martial Arts
    Palm Strike
    Martial Arts Right Strike
    Martial Arts Left Strike




    The xxxx blocks are (class) (level) and relevant active skills for that level (i.e. all my active skills).

    I have no idea of the passives of any of my commsioned Boffs due to this.
    Regards, Bubba
  • gabrielinwestmingabrielinwestmin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Dyson Science Destroyer, Cannot change the Commander Science ability. It has been stuck now ever since Delta Rising even though I have now tried 3 times to buy "Gravity Well II" and choose "Learn".

    I slot it, go to bridge officers, change that officer to none, put it back and still .. Nothing. Now I am out a small chunk of dilithium from purchasing the Gravity Well II ability 3 times now.:mad:
    Greywolf Taskforce - Officer of the Fleet
  • mrseelemrseele Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    My main issue with this system at the moment (aside from the Dyson Science Destroyer stuff) is, that the system / server (?) keeps arbitrarily forgetting some of my boffs' skill configurations.
    What I mean: I choose default abilities for my boffs, which have multiple per level (Ensign, Lt. etc.); then I play for a while (changing maps in the process), and at some point one of my boffs had his default abilities reset and I have to set them again.

    PS: I am sorry if a similar issue has already been discussed here, I have taken the liberty to post wthout reading through all 140 replies :o
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Mine constantly change skills and don't save to what I set them too.

    I just assume on ground I have to fix the same ones every time

    in space its just a roll of the dice whether they will be right.

    At times when opening the station window, they will show the wrong rank skills in the wrong slot. So I might have maybe THY2 in both the Lt and Lt Cmdr slots for a BO. It "fixes" itself if you go to the BOs detail.
  • tychomorpheousatychomorpheousa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So I noticed something interesting with this bug. Almost without fail when going from ship to ground, the boff skills get changed. What I noticed however is that they seem to change to the lowest skill in the alphabet. So if something starts with A, but the skill you wanted starts with S, it will switch to the A skill. If you unlock new skills that are earlier in the alphabet than previous ones, now that skill will be the one that it switches to, again, always the earliest in the alphabet.

    This seems to only apply to ground skills. Space skills seem to stay where they are for me, but once and a while the boffs leave their stations, and i have to load the loadout again to get them back quickly.
  • bellis01bellis01 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have been playing Star Trek Online for a while now, and for some reason I am not receiving Dilithium. I have been doing missions where I receive Dilithium, and according to the rewards I should be getting them. Yet when I enter the Dilithium store I am told I have none. Am I missing something or is my account glitched?
  • stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Mine constantly change skills and don't save to what I set them too.

    I just assume on ground I have to fix the same ones every time

    in space its just a roll of the dice whether they will be right.

    At times when opening the station window, they will show the wrong rank skills in the wrong slot. So I might have maybe THY2 in both the Lt and Lt Cmdr slots for a BO. It "fixes" itself if you go to the BOs detail.

    I cannot stress enough how ive had this issue i mean to a very aggravating point. when i change any BOFF skill it will most likely reset all my BOFF ground skills the space skills stay the same but the ground skills reset over and over and over they do not save in the loadout for the ship. This issue seems to have been going on since 2014 which i cannot even fathom why it is even still a thing now. i made a bug report and this will be my submission into the forums next step will be a petition because it happens so frequently playing ground has become a nuisance.
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I see how the space skills work with the 'reload default' for space... nothing for ground. I just have to stop my boffs from breathing otherwise they will reset their ground loadouts.

    A good idea would be to allow ships to be upgraded to intel/command/pilot/etc like boffs but I guess that will come in a year or two when it finally clicks, or the next producer comes in and concentrates on that part of the game.

    I do like being able to login to Arc and not having to login to the gateway or any game forums. One login system is such a great idea, I wonder when other games will catch up with how Perfect World works.

    Anyway, going to spend the next 5 mins remembering which standard/intel/command ground skills I had for my four boffs before I beam down.
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    My ground powers keep resetting too.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Please read the bug report below.

    Holodeck ticket #3,331,297: No abilities listed for some bridge officer candidates
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • zidanetribalzidanetribal Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I noticed something interesting with this bug. Almost without fail when going from ship to ground, the boff skills get changed. What I noticed however is that they seem to change to the lowest skill in the alphabet. So if something starts with A, but the skill you wanted starts with S, it will switch to the A skill. If you unlock new skills that are earlier in the alphabet than previous ones, now that skill will be the one that it switches to, again, always the earliest in the alphabet.

    This seems to only apply to ground skills. Space skills seem to stay where they are for me, but once and a while the boffs leave their stations, and i have to load the loadout again to get them back quickly.

    I trained all my BOffs in all their respective Career skills so I could plug and play on the go, but the away team skills keep switching back to a set pattern Tactical officers revert to Draw Fire I, II, III, and Ambush I, Science Officers revert to Dylovine I, II, III and Anesthizine Gas I, and Engineers revert to Chroniton Mine Barrier I, II, Cover Shield I, and Combat Supply I. Kind of like the alphabetzing of the bridge officers that defaults to putting the away team at the top, this skill defaulting takes time to put back in order.
  • vandyfoxvandyfox Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My problem is exactly like Zidane above, and I am sure many others are suffering from this as well. I take 2 tac officers into ground combat usually and both default to Draw Fire I and II. This leads to quick deaths and me fighting by myself while my engy cover shields and blocks another teammate usually. This has been happening frequently for months (?) now but lately it is guaranteed to happen every ground mission!

    This is just very sloppy testing and instead of selling us players on new items or boxes, can we plz fix these annoying bugs that have plagued this game?

    Sincerely, Really Annoyed
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is such a Joke, until the Last Maintenance it was Working again, my Boff Powers were not Reseting, but with the Last Maintenance they totaly Broke the WHOLE System again! Iam so FRIGGIN Tired of Setting up my Boff Powers, cause 1 Minute Later they will Just Reset, i dont even have to Switch to another Map, i could Set it Up, Just stand where iam and BAM a Minute Later all Boff Powers will Reset! What Kind of Quality Testing is this???? WHY is everything Rushed to the Live Server without Testing?! WHY are the SAME EXACT Bugs comming Back AGAIN AND AGAIN after they have been Fixed?! THIS IS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:
  • paddster7paddster7 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    It has been frustrating for me as well. I cannot figure out why sometimes the system remembers the changes and sometimes it does not. What about just implementing a system like you current use for ship loadouts that works for all the BOFF powers. That way, if they do reset, it is just one click to return them to normal.

    Update: If I set up my ground BOFF powers, then open the Character Status window and click through all my BOFFs in the left-hand column, all the BOFF powers reset to default. Really?!?!
This discussion has been closed.