Maybe we should hail them and offer assistance? Or just blow it up.
If we offer our assistance, it may help our relations with the Undine. That or they will just blow us up anyways. Do you have any ideas?
Worffan: you continue on course 40 LY to go. You may win.
You continue on course for several hours, bored to death in your runabout when your sensors detect a distress call. What do you do?
If we offer our assistance, it may help our relations with the Undine. That or they will just blow us up anyways. Do you have any ideas?
Worffan: you continue on course 40 LY to go. You may win.
You continue on course for several hours, bored to death in your runabout when your sensors detect a distress call. What do you do?
I am bound by orders and the Laws of Odo'Ital to respond to distress calls, but I'm not an idiot. I keep my shields up and approach the distress call.
As you approach the sojrce of the distress call, you find that it is an old Bolian deep space freighter that is under attack by a Hirogen escort, no doubt one of Sela's minions. The freighters' hull strength is down to 64% and they have lost shields. What do you do?
As you approach the sojrce of the distress call, you find that it is an old Bolian deep space freighter that is under attack by a Hirogen escort, no doubt one of Sela's minions. The freighters' hull strength is down to 64% and they have lost shields. What do you do?
I approach the Hirogen ship under cloak and open fire on their rear arc with my Rommie plasma beam and hypertorp, trying to disable their engines.
I approach the Hirogen ship under cloak and open fire on their rear arc with my Rommie plasma beam and hypertorp, trying to disable their engines.
You knock out their warp drive but they still have impulse and manuvering thrusters. Wfter your first salvo, they turn towards you and begin fireing. They are able to knock out your disruptor array as well as your inertial damper.
You knock out their warp drive but they still have impulse and manuvering thrusters. Wfter your first salvo, they turn towards you and begin fireing. They are able to knock out your disruptor array as well as your inertial damper.
Plasma conduits begin to explode all around your runabout. If you are going to take their ship, now is the time!
Westex and I: we beam back to our ships and destroy the Undine's. We then continue back on course and we gain 20 LY. I think we have 80 Left.
Rooster: up ahead you find an active Iconian gateway. What do you do?
I beam over with my minigun, armor, Jem'Hadar shields, kar'takin, and every last scrap of weaponry I could grab and fit onto my body. Then I shroud. Because I'm not a complete idiot, and if I have invisibility I'm going to use it.
I beam over with my minigun, armor, Jem'Hadar shields, kar'takin, and every last scrap of weaponry I could grab and fit onto my body. Then I shroud. Because I'm not a complete idiot, and if I have invisibility I'm going to use it.
You beam aboard their ship and find that there are 10 Hirogen on it, each manning their stations. One of them got a glimpse of your transporter effect so they are alerted to your presence. They begin scanning for you as a precaution.
What do you do?
Westex and I: as we are traveling through space, our sensors detect signs of debries ahead. When we move in closer, we find a damaged freighter and a Hirogen vessel, along with an abandoned Romulan runabout. (We do not know Worffan is on it).
I hail the Vaadwaur: "Should we destroy those Hirogen in case they pose a threat?"
You beam aboard their ship and find that there are 10 Hirogen on it, each manning their stations. One of them got a glimpse of your transporter effect so they are alerted to your presence. They begin scanning for you as a precaution.
What do you do?
Westex and I: as we are traveling through space, our sensors detect signs of debries ahead. When we move in closer, we find a damaged freighter and a Hirogen vessel, along with an abandoned Romulan runabout. (We do not know Worffan is on it).
I hail the Vaadwaur: "Should we destroy those Hirogen in case they pose a threat?"
I take cover as best I can and prepare to shoot as many of these Hirogen as I can before I die for the Laws of Odo'Ital. Victory is life!
Your scans reveal that there are about 1300 humanoids living on the asteroid.
Worffan: you destroy the gateway. (A shame because I was going to make it lead to either Vulcan or the Talaxians homeworld:P).
You gain 20 LY so you have about 60 to go. The same goes for Westex and I. I think Rooster has 100 LY but I'll double check.
Westex and I: as our ships cruise through space, we find a damaged bioship with one Undine aboard. What shall we do?
Worffan: you converge on the same bioship.
This should get interesting.
Orders are orders, after all. And Glorious Odo'Ital disapproves of pointless deaths.
Maybe we should hail them and offer assistance? Or just blow it up.
If we offer our assistance, it may help our relations with the Undine. That or they will just blow us up anyways. Do you have any ideas?
Worffan: you continue on course 40 LY to go. You may win.
You continue on course for several hours, bored to death in your runabout when your sensors detect a distress call. What do you do?
Ask the undine what happened.
I will hail them.
"Undine vessel, we are here to offer assistance. Please respond. Do you know who did this to you?"
Undine: "Yes humanoid! Send your repair teams! We were attacked by Klingons!"
Sounds kind of fishy. Not sure if we should trust him but send over a repair team filled with red shirts in case its a trap.
I will send over a medical team since their ship is organic.
*Ten minutes later, the Undine vessel powers up and there is no signal from our away teams*.
"I think we can fear the worst. I'm going to board that ship and rescue our people myself. Are you comming?"
As you approach the sojrce of the distress call, you find that it is an old Bolian deep space freighter that is under attack by a Hirogen escort, no doubt one of Sela's minions. The freighters' hull strength is down to 64% and they have lost shields. What do you do?
I approach the Hirogen ship under cloak and open fire on their rear arc with my Rommie plasma beam and hypertorp, trying to disable their engines.
You knock out their warp drive but they still have impulse and manuvering thrusters. Wfter your first salvo, they turn towards you and begin fireing. They are able to knock out your disruptor array as well as your inertial damper.
What do you do?
I ignore them and continue on my way.
Are their shields still up?
Yes, but they are very weak.
Rooster: you gain 20 LY (80 ly left). I will give you a scenario in the afternoon. I don't have time now.
I fire the torpedoes again on max yield, right in their faces, since I can't go to warp with the inertial dampeners offline.
At least they were redshirts. " Sure I'll come with."
I grab my CRM-114 and transport onto their ship with an away team consisting of you, and three officers.
We do a standard scan of the bioship but can't get a reading.
All of the sudden an Undine drops from the ceiling and kills the officers!
What should we do?
Worffan: their shields drop and their hull gets minor damage.
What do you do?
Shoot it with everything!
I fire at it with my CRM and it explodes on contact. "Beam us up!"
More undine begin to run out from the walls and attack us.
Do you wish to abort the mission?
I do and order my ship to fire an assault barrage at the undine ship as we leave
Plasma conduits begin to explode all around your runabout. If you are going to take their ship, now is the time!
Westex and I: we beam back to our ships and destroy the Undine's. We then continue back on course and we gain 20 LY. I think we have 80 Left.
Rooster: up ahead you find an active Iconian gateway. What do you do?
Unsure what to do, I check my handy-dandy Starfleet Officer's Manual.
*you are reading it*
I beam over with my minigun, armor, Jem'Hadar shields, kar'takin, and every last scrap of weaponry I could grab and fit onto my body. Then I shroud. Because I'm not a complete idiot, and if I have invisibility I'm going to use it.
You beam aboard their ship and find that there are 10 Hirogen on it, each manning their stations. One of them got a glimpse of your transporter effect so they are alerted to your presence. They begin scanning for you as a precaution.
What do you do?
Westex and I: as we are traveling through space, our sensors detect signs of debries ahead. When we move in closer, we find a damaged freighter and a Hirogen vessel, along with an abandoned Romulan runabout. (We do not know Worffan is on it).
I hail the Vaadwaur: "Should we destroy those Hirogen in case they pose a threat?"
I take cover as best I can and prepare to shoot as many of these Hirogen as I can before I die for the Laws of Odo'Ital. Victory is life!
You take cover behind a crate of body parts and you manage to gun down 4 of the Hirogen before one of them wounds you in the shoulder.
Any plans to get out of this? (Hint: use one of your weapons as a grenade).