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Hey everyone, wanna know a super easy way to boost your DPS?



  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    The same group of players are still the TOP DPSers pre-DR and Post DR. Their builds have been available in the forums and sto academy.

    Nerf stuff all you like, but those TOP DPSers are here to stay.

    If you think these top DPSers are not skilled, declare that Felisean, Ryan, alfiendo, Jena, porchsong equal to the skill of a pug who does 1k dps r lower. I dare you. But hey, according to you there is no such thing as skill.

    I dont know if you call plasma doping an exploit.

    Plasma proc is plasma damage. Beam is DMG console for all types. But it aint our decision to make anyways.
    I'm not talking about ryan and all, I'm talking about the huge number of players that pretend it's being skilled to do 30K dps.

    Guess what, it's not. One day, I'm going to upgrade one embassy to epic, grab my scimitard, and make a video of myself doing 40K+ by randomly smashing buttons.
    Because currently I do 30K with non upgraded MK XII fleet gear, and by randomly smashing buttons on that ship. I already have a parser, without the embassy console. I used to have pre DR 50K DPS (thanks recluse), when BFAW was bugged and the crit were not triggering, but CLR can't read pre DR log on my PC (I have an error).
    Now, you may argue I'm uber skilled or something, but I'm not. Trust me on that.

    I never said there are no skill in the game. There is. I'm just saying, to reach 30K dps, that's not skill, that's gear/basic knowledge of the game. Then, it slowly start to become skill.
    Unless you do it the hard way, and start doing 30K dps by using DHC build, without embassy console and such. Then, yeah, I'll be really impressed.

    As for the totally incompetent noob doing less than 5K dps in a scimitard, that's because he is incompetent. Doesn't mean the guy doing more than 10K is competent. That just mean he can use powerlevel, and the proper BOFFs skills/gear.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This is all very confusing.

    According to several forum posts, Plasma DoTs from energy weapons don't stack. No dev post confirms this though. However it seems that DoTs will stack from different weapon types (beam/cannon/turret), caustic plasma, romulan consoles (each will grant a stackable DoT, so 5 consoles = 5 stacks max), etc. This is not counting torpedoes of any kind.

    Also, the OP says that +Beam consoles boost plasma DoT damage but Plasma consoles (energy) also do, again according to forum posts. I like Plasma so getting the most out of the proc is appealing to me.

    I wish all plasma DoT could be stackable from all sources, since it can be countered by a Tier I skill.
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  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tk79 wrote: »
    This is all very confusing.

    According to several forum posts, Plasma DoTs from energy weapons don't stack. No dev post confirms this though. However it seems that DoTs will stack from different weapon types (beam/cannon/turret), caustic plasma, romulan consoles (each will grant a stackable DoT, so 5 consoles = 5 stacks max), etc. This is not counting torpedoes of any kind.

    Also, the OP says that +Beam consoles boost plasma DoT damage but Plasma consoles (energy) also do, again according to forum posts. I like Plasma so getting the most out of the proc is appealing to me.

    I wish all plasma DoT could be stackable from all sources, since it can be countered by a Tier I skill.
    They shouldn't stack, when they comes from the same source (IE same player plasma torps for example).
    If I remember correctly, it used to be stackable (up to 10 I think) during beta. But it was nerfed.

    Anyway, it's not about dot stacking. When you upgrade the embassy console, the added plasma dot (on your non plasma weapon) increase. I've seen, and again, tooltip, 1K+ dot on those console. You can already have some nice DPS (15K or so) from it, and the console only.
    Then, adding the "bugged" tac console will increase the DPS even further.

    Finally, they are affected by crit, so the more crit and critD you have, the better.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    On the other hand, mind you, I just really hate broken stuff. Hate bugs. Don't see bugs getting fixed as nerfs...it's just fixing bugs. Lots of folks out there love to call them nerfs...meh, whatever. I just really hate broken stuff. Broken stuff tends to lead to other broken stuff or even stuff that's not broken looking broken because it's involved with the broken stuff in some way. So sometimes the not broken stuff gets "fixed" when it wasn't broken, and if they fix the broken stuff, then the stuff that wasn't broken is now broken. Yeah, I just don't like broken stuff.

    There's all sorts of broken stuff in this game. Some of it has been around since we used to play STO on our Vic20's playing at 300 baud. Er, wait, that didn't happen - just a dream - nightmare - or was that how it felt the other day with my connection? But yeah, anyway - there's all sorts of broken stuff in the game - some that's been around forever and folks just kind of accept it. But that's the thing, in a way, with so many things out there. It's a trip to see folks saying what they "consider" to be broken. Basically, they know a bunch of stuff is broken but they just "consider" certain things to be broken...they cherry pick stuff. Meh, it gets so subjective.

    It really gets into the territory of 'what exactly is broken' because as you said, so much stuff is that it gets impossible to tell. Consider for a moment the amount of (broken record time) SP you get from a single DR patrol VS the SP you get from an advanced PvE queue. Measured in time taken it can nearly reward 17x!

    But that is intended this time. I think. Yet a few months ago people should have realized it was an exploit. I think.

  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    I'm not talking about ryan and all, I'm talking about the huge number of players that pretend it's being skilled to do 30K dps.

    That's funny, for a "huge amount of players", we never see them post on reddit or these forums.

    The only situations I've seen where skill is referenced is the utterly incompetent, or the top DPSers.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So, is it safe to upgrade embassy consoles now? I remember for a while upgrading would lose their primary ability. Was that fixed?
  • alfiedonoalfiedono Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Although I am in the lower DPS channels I am really nothing to do with these dps guys. I have, however, watched the youtube of the run you are talkikng about and you are pretty spectacularly wrong.

    A fleetie and I would be happy to provide double recluse cover for you and I would be very surprised if you can hit 30k+. The skill lies ALL within the tac captain getting the 160k. Recluses are just staying within range and hitting with a heal every now and again and allowing their pets to BFAW APB stack everything in sight. No skill there.

    Getting extremely low GDF, manuevering so everything is in weapons range, keeping our weapons power sky high, cloak decloaking exactly to minimise time outta combat. All these things require LOADS of skill. I know as I have spent ALOT of EC/dil to build a nearly identical ship but cannot get higher than 45k. That is because I suck and do not currently have the skill required...

    Umm.. you do know I held the second highest single recluse DPS cheat record in the game pre-DR right?

    Trust me, I know how these runs work, and if you're not getting the numbers with your recluses, it's most likely your recluses aren't doing the right things. And for you guys in the dark, beta-spamming is only a modest component of how a recluse pads your DPS.

    I suppose the scimis do need some shred of skill in these runs, like flying to point A and spamming spacebar and flying to point B and spamming spacebar ... Oh I almost forgot, you obviously also need a keyboard with a functional spacebar...;)

    BTW, my current 126K non-recluse and doping-free record was a failed run with a teammate on the other side popping - my deeps fell off a cliff as we cleaned up the mess at the end - so I guess to be fair I should be betting you 100K dil that I'll do your 30K with a 110K handicap?
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    john98837 wrote: »
    My sci captain gets burns in the 15-25k range, so your argument doesn't seem to hold water, unless ofcourse a sci has APA and I just haven't realized it yet.

    Actually thats prob the difference between Mk XIV, and MK XIV Epic. I have yet to Epic my gear. Too many toons to upgrade and between making one toon epic or making several MK XIV. I decided......yeah. Skipping Epic for now.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    Then, adding the "bugged" tac console will increase the DPS even further.

    tac console are not bugged any more than weapons with [DMG] mods are bugged.

    Go ahead an look at your DoT or any weapon proc that does damage on a weapon that has a [DMG] mod. look at it again on a weapon with [DMG]x2.

    Anything that adds base damage to a weapon will also add base damage to any proc it has, including plasma dots.

    all that a +beam tac console does is add all damage to your weapon.

    if you where using cannons with embassy consoles, a +cannons console would do exactly the same thing.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have 2 epic embassy consoles, and get an average of 2-3k DPS from them (of around 32k DPS)- then again, I have the embassy consoles for the -th and flow caps, and don't have the +beam consoles. As one of the admins of the DPS channels said in the 10k channel (sarcasmdetector maybe?), it's unwise to base your entire build around a 2.5% proc.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So, am I hearing that Beam/Cannon consoles and the Dmg mod, are actually useful again?
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
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    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Wow... aelfwin1... I love the signature image! lol

    Don't forget the Kinetic Cutting beam gets boosted as well. All of this is not intended and why I haven't switched to it. Though if I get enough dilithium and fleet marks sitting around long enough it might be fun for a spin or two before the change. :)

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  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    so a rainbow beam build (no plasma beams) with the sci +plasma dot consoles and +beam dmg consoles are good then?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tac console are not bugged any more than weapons with [DMG] mods are bugged.

    Go ahead an look at your DoT or any weapon proc that does damage on a weapon that has a [DMG] mod. look at it again on a weapon with [DMG]x2.

    Anything that adds base damage to a weapon will also add base damage to any proc it has, including plasma dots.

    all that a +beam tac console does is add all damage to your weapon.

    if you where using cannons with embassy consoles, a +cannons console would do exactly the same thing.
    and it doesn't work with plasma consoles because the embassy science consoles work differently for plasma weapons. (they boost plasma weapon damage instead o fading a second plasma DoT.)

    One really fun aspect of this is that it works as well with rainbow as a set damage type. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What's entertaining is that long ago Cryptic removed Plasma burns being tied to Particle Generators because they didn't like Science boosting it :D
  • pewpewphazorspewpewphazors Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Wow... aelfwin1... I love the signature image! lol

    Don't forget the Kinetic Cutting beam gets boosted as well. All of this is not intended and why I haven't switched to it. Though if I get enough dilithium and fleet marks sitting around long enough it might be fun for a spin or two before the change. :)

    KCB doesn't get boosed by +beam consoles, unfortunately.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What's entertaining is that long ago Cryptic removed Plasma burns being tied to Particle Generators because they didn't like Science boosting it :D

    Didn't they at one time adjust torpedo plasma burn to not be effected by energy damage consoles? It was either right before or after the change to tac consoles. Or something to that effect.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bareel wrote: »
    Didn't they at one time adjust torpedo plasma burn to not be effected by energy damage consoles? It was either right before or after the change to tac consoles. Or something to that effect.

    edit: This needed a rewrite, lol. It happened back during the LoR beta when Archon was still here. Plasma Infusers and [Pla] were boosting Exotic Plasma. Ambiplasma, even though it boosted Projectile Plasma, did not. It was changed so that neither Tac consoles nor [Pla] affected Exotic Plasma. Around the same time, [Pla] was changed so it would also boost the PDoTs of Projectiles - it had only been boosting Energy PDoTs after the previous change. Couldn't get them to budge on the 2pc Harness increase to Plasma damage also to affect Projectile PDoTs though. Hrmmm, does the 2pc Contractual that boosts Plasma Projectiles also boost the PDoTs? I haven't checked that.
  • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The interesting thing about the Embassy Consoles is...

    When you have, say...4 equipped, and 1 of the DOTs proc? You get 4 DOTs, because ALL of the Embassy consoles will apply their Plasma Burn.

    And Jena is correct, as usual. The Plasma Burn from those consoles is affected by things that increase the base damage of the weapon, including Dmg mods if you REALLY wanna go down that road.

    But, Plasma Burns can crit, and are affected by Crit Severity. It's how people are getting 20k or more DPS just from Burns.

    So stack Embassy Consoles and +Beam or +Cannon consoles to your hearts content!

    Let's bring more DPS knowledge to the masses!
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    When you have, say...4 equipped, and 1 of the DOTs proc? You get 4 DOTs, because ALL of the Embassy consoles will apply their Plasma Burn.

    A bug since they were implemented, though cryptic never cared. I guess they will now.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    woodwhity wrote: »
    A bug since they were implemented, though cryptic never cared. I guess they will now.

    Cryptic will be all over this in a year. :(
  • jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2015

    When you have, say...4 equipped, and 1 of the DOTs proc? You get 4 DOTs, because ALL of the Embassy consoles will apply their Plasma Burn.

    But, Plasma Burns can crit, and are affected by Crit Severity. It's how people are getting 20k or more DPS just from Burns.

    Let me clear 2 things up.

    First, the 4 dots is actually WAI. I've parsed it out several times to check - if you have 1 console, you have a 2.5% chance to proc that one burn. If you have 2 consoles, you have the same chance, it just procs both burns. In practice, it's effectively no different for dps purposes than if it rolled a separate 2.5% chance per console and just proc'd the one dot for that console; however, this way it makes less rolls overall to average the same number of attacks.

    Second, plasma fire rolls for crits on just the first hit - if the first tic crits, the rest of that specific dot does. If the first tic doesn't, than the rest of the dot won't.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

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  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    Let me clear 2 things up.

    First, the 4 dots is actually WAI. I've parsed it out several times to check - if you have 1 console, you have a 2.5% chance to proc that one burn. If you have 2 consoles, you have the same chance, it just procs both burns. In practice, it's effectively no different for dps purposes than if it rolled a separate 2.5% chance per console and just proc'd the one dot for that console; however, this way it makes less rolls overall to average the same number of attacks.

    Second, plasma fire rolls for crits on just the first hit - if the first tic crits, the rest of that specific dot does. If the first tic doesn't, than the rest of the dot won't.

    To expand on what Vel posted here:

    This is the way it works for ALL procs. Example: the +HuH or +ShH (hull heal or Shield heal) embassy consoles. If you have multiple consoles fit, it will only roll once for the procs and trigger them all if the roll succeeds.

    It works the same way for weapons procs*, if you have a weapon with double procs (RomPlas for example). when one of the procs rolls a success, both procs trigger.

    *not sure how ProtPols work as i haven't tested them.

    The game can get pretty laggy sometimes especially on maps with a lot of ships flying around, i prefer it to roll only once per weapon firing instead of rolling 4 or 5 times.

    There is nothing broken here.
  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is nothing broken here.

    Nothing against what you guys have done or are doing, but 40k DPS from [+Pla] combined with [+Beam]? Having a hard time seeing the logic behind it, but lord knows STO isn't based on logic anyway. Again my only concern is how +Beam is boosting the plasma burn from embassy consoles to obscene levels. Then again, I'm not the governing authority on what is and is not obscene, just my opinion.
  • furiontassadarfuriontassadar Member Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So stack Embassy Consoles and +Beam or +Cannon consoles to your hearts content!

    Ah, so this whole plasma doping thing actually works with +Cannon consoles as well? And here I was worried this was another instance of beam spam being infinitely superior to cannons....

    I don't suppose that +Pla Tac Consoles increase the damage of the plasma dot as well? Or does it have to be straight +Beam or +Cannons for this little, ah, "trick" to work?
    "There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    tac console are not bugged any more than weapons with [DMG] mods are bugged.

    Go ahead an look at your DoT or any weapon proc that does damage on a weapon that has a [DMG] mod. look at it again on a weapon with [DMG]x2.

    Anything that adds base damage to a weapon will also add base damage to any proc it has, including plasma dots.

    all that a +beam tac console does is add all damage to your weapon.

    if you where using cannons with embassy consoles, a +cannons console would do exactly the same thing.
    jjdez wrote: »
    Nothing against what you guys have done or are doing, but 40k DPS from [+Pla] combined with [+Beam]? Having a hard time seeing the logic behind it, but lord knows STO isn't based on logic anyway. Again my only concern is how +Beam is boosting the plasma burn from embassy consoles to obscene levels. Then again, I'm not the governing authority on what is and is not obscene, just my opinion.

    See my previous post (quoted above yours). It's always been this way.

    and what happened to your sig pic?!
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is nothing broken here.
    What's broken IMO, is having a console doing such a huge dps by itself. On a 30K dps, that's more than a 50 to 60% damage boost, and not the base damage or something.
    Not to mention that 20K dps is more than most of the players in this game.
    I think that's the single best damage boost console in the entire game. By far.

    I just want to show how stupid this is :
    By simply applying dot, not even counting anything else, you are able to go into the "basic" DPS channel.
    Now, by applying the DOT and doing 10-15K dps on top of it (remember, "basic" dps), you can reach the second rank of DPS channel.
    To reach the next rank, you need 25-30K dps on top of that. That's what I have with my scimitard, not upgraded, without the embassy console. And I'm not that good. Yet, being part of the 50K dps channel is not for everyone. Not the best, granted, but not for everyone. It is, after all, a small part of the game population.

    So unless there are more restrictions to enter those channels (there used to be a long time ago), I think it shows how incredibly easy this console make it to reach those otherwise (more or less) difficult to reach steps.

    Let's face it, there are no skills involved in upgrading a console and spam BFAW. Don't you think it's dumbing down the DPS race, and will allow otherwise average players to reach higher tier than they should ?
    Not to sound like an elitist jerk (I'm not even part of those DPS channel myself, for personal reasons), but most of those people will be clueless when the nerf hammer hit, we all know that. They are using the FOTM build, that's all.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Only thing hardcore hate more than carrying the bads through conduit is letting the bads know the secret to upgrading their damage by half or more. :P All this time it was all "Stop being bad" when it should have beam "Use beam spire consoles with plasma embassy consoles".
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    When they stopped listening to PvPers the power creep increased exponentially.

    If they had listened to PvPers we would still have Season 1.2

    I don't suppose that +Pla Tac Consoles increase the damage of the plasma dot as well? Or does it have to be straight +Beam or +Cannons for this little, ah, "trick" to work?

    Pla would boost the proc, but would only support plasma-weapons (if you dont support the mainweapon, you will loose dps even if you boost the Embassy consoles), but plasma-weapons overwrite embassy-console-proc, hence you wouldnt get the improved burn, just the (low) standard burn of plasma-weapons. So Pla-Consoles wont help you.

    Ill look forward to the cries when embassy consoles get fixed (or if you like it more: nerfed, though I see it has a fix) and ppl who bought Beam-console will whine. Though I am sure those are not high-dpsers, as they would have taken that probability into account when buying them.
  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    See my previous post (quoted above yours). It's always been this way.

    True, and I don't argue that at all. Just because something has always been that way doesn't make it right or good though. I believe the way it is being used now for such high DPS shows it is a recent realization of the true potential. If not, why did no one have such great plasma burn procs before?
    and what happened to your sig pic?!

    I took it down willingly for now while I contemplate a new one. Not sure what direction I want to go with it though.
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