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Hey everyone, wanna know a super easy way to boost your DPS?



  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    If you believe it's so miniscule then just keep doing what you're doing

    I am going to keep doing what I'm doing.

    But I'm also pointing out in a thread about "a super easy way to boost your DPS" isn't really boosting your DPS :rolleyes:
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I am going to keep doing what I'm doing.

    But I'm also pointing out in a thread about "a super easy way to boost your DPS" isn't really boosting your DPS :rolleyes:
    Did you do the parser ? Because I can tell from the parser I did that tac console DPS increase is negligible (I'm talking the dmg increase, not the spire console crit increase, which is not, but you still have access to that).
    As for DOT, they are usually negligible to (around 100-200dps). But with the proper embassy console, they reach 15-20K (and more). By themselves. Without any buffs other than the embassy console.

    So yeah, it's not negligible. That's a lot more than the average pug player DPS. And that's just the console.

    I just leave a 19k+ dps from dot only parser here (total DPS 51K, using a Scimi). I also have a 15K dot only parser, from a Recluse.

    If tac consoles would increase by 15k+ DPS your weapon DPS, that would be something new.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    Did you do the parser ? Because I can tell from the parser I did that tac console DPS increase is negligible (I'm talking the dmg increase, not the spire console crit increase, which is not, but you still have access to that).
    As for DOT, they are usually negligible to (around 100-200dps). But with the proper embassy console, they reach 15-20K (and more). By themselves. Without any buffs other than the embassy console.

    So yeah, it's not negligible. That's a lot more than the average pug player DPS. And that's just the console.

    I just leave a 19k+ dps from dot only parser here (total DPS 51K, using a Scimi). I also have a 15K dot only parser, from a Recluse.


    I guess I was wrong then :D
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    I guess I was wrong then :D
    NP, the first time I did the parser, I was like "WTF ?". I thought there was a bug somewhere.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have one of these consoles. Does it stack or is it limited to one? Contemplating buying a second.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sonnikku wrote: »
    I have one of these consoles. Does it stack or is it limited to one? Contemplating buying a second.

    My understanding is that the big numbers come from stacking because when it triggers all consoles apply their damage at once.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    nothing bugged or broken here. this is how they have always worked.

    it's not like i've been stacking embassy consoles for years or anything.
  • leceterleceter Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    And some people still argue that skill>gear in this game.
    Because doing 15k+ dps with a single console is being skilled :D

    I guess they refer to skill as:
    know about it = skill
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So beam tac consoles + plasma embassy consoles > energy's specific consoles + plasma embassy consoles or roughly equal? Even if roughly equal, it would still be better since you'd only need one set of consoles if you like switching energy type.
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    nothing bugged or broken here. this is how they have always worked.

    it's not like i've been stacking embassy consoles for years or anything.

    I have become very wary of things that "work as intended" in this game as of late...
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    prierin wrote: »
    I have become very wary of things that "work as intended" in this game as of late...

    So long as you're only dealing in beams, I guess. I've used the plasma tactical consoles on my escorts using cannons and my cruisers using beams alike, all of which have used plasma.
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hope I remember this correctly...
    nothing bugged or broken here. this is how they have always worked.

    Isn't there a 100% chance to apply a plasma dot when using FAW instead of 2,x%? Working as intended...:rolleyes:
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    I hope I remember this correctly...

    Isn't there a 100% chance to apply a plasma dot when using FAW instead of 2,x%? Working as intended...:rolleyes:

    dont make stuff up. it's still a 2.5% chance
  • kostamojenxkostamojenx Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Is this boosting the Emission Torpedo proc as well???
  • paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    If tac consoles would increase by 15k+ DPS your weapon DPS, that would be something new.

    Plasma doping have been around for ages. its just so happened that it only reached the forums now just like the superiority of Amp core over the 2pc obelisk which only reached the forums last month.
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    So beam tac consoles + plasma embassy consoles > energy's specific consoles + plasma embassy consoles or roughly equal? Even if roughly equal, it would still be better since you'd only need one set of consoles if you like switching energy type.

    It depends. But it does help certain builds dps. If you look at Ryans 171k parse, 6k proc plasma dot. Feliseans 160k scimitar build only uses 1 embassy console.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    And as much as it might satisfy a persecution complex the devs probably aren't trauling the forums to find inspiration for the next great nerf. If anything they can just use the in-game statistics, we're here if they need a circus.

    The concern would not be that the Devs would see the post directly, but rather that the masses would adopt and spread the strategy to the point where a blip turns into a trend on their metric reports.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This thread is very reminiscent of the "here is how to level easily" thread that came out a few days after DR, followed by a massive nerf/rollback and the forums being burnt to the ground in the ensuing war.
  • alfiedonoalfiedono Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    Depends on what your build is. Plasma doping is not assured on all builds. There are few builds that are dependent on plasma doping to do dps, Sci ships(highly dependent) and the likes of Galaxy R(slightly dependent).

    Well it is. Even if placed you with the gears of the top dps players you will be lucky to even get 75k DPS. Why do you think there is a huge discrepancy between the Top Scimitar DPS player and all other Scimitar players even though almost identical builds? 160k dps down.

    There is a matter of positioning and getting a gdf which is a skill acquired through constant repetition of missions/grinding which whinning players in the forums dont like.

    There is also a matter of organization and group coordination which is a skill itself.

    Nope - 160 K dps is a matter of having 2 recluse nannies wiping your butt throughout the entire run :P

    It proves that the recluse pilots are "skilled" I suppose, not much more unfortunately.

    Edit: Oh I almost forgot, getting 20K of free DPS from plasma doping also helped :P (Not good for your health though, definitely don't recommend it - see your doctor if you start getting any green rashes)

    And NO to "plasma doping has been around for ages" - plasma DOT burn was miniscule prior to delta rising. And FYI I'm the guy that coined the term "plasma doping", and others such as "recluse nannies" and "noob patrol"... See a trend here all you fake DPS padding cheaters?
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Actually I like how it gives a reason to run a SCI console in a SCI slot more then a another Uni.

    And isn't the biggest offender to this the same as alot of things in this game?, SCi powers included....That being Attack pattern Alpha?

    On my Engie Orion in the Sarr Theln stacking 4 of them consoles I get between 6-9k Plasma Burn by "Plasma Doping". No where near what a TAC can get. And its a dice roll. Sometimes its around 3k.

    But, a Tac with APA boosts it up big time, Like everything else in game. So yes please Nerf it. Rather then APA.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Actually I like how it gives a reason to run a SCI console in a SCI slot more then a another Uni.

    And isn't the biggest offender to this the same as alot of things in this game?, SCi powers included....That being Attack pattern Alpha?

    On my Engie Orion in the Sarr Theln stacking 4 of them consoles I get between 6-9k Plasma Burn by "Plasma Doping". No where near what a TAC can get. And its a dice roll. Sometimes its around 3k.

    But, a Tac with APA boosts it up big time, Like everything else in game. So yes please Nerf it. Rather then APA.

    My sci captain gets burns in the 15-25k range, so your argument doesn't seem to hold water, unless ofcourse a sci has APA and I just haven't realized it yet.
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    alfiedono wrote: »
    Nope - 160 K dps is a matter of having 2 recluse nannies wiping your butt throughout the entire run :P

    It proves that the recluse pilots are "skilled" I suppose, not much more unfortunately.

    Although I am in the lower DPS channels I am really nothing to do with these dps guys. I have, however, watched the youtube of the run you are talkikng about and you are pretty spectacularly wrong.

    A fleetie and I would be happy to provide double recluse cover for you and I would be very surprised if you can hit 30k+. The skill lies ALL within the tac captain getting the 160k. Recluses are just staying within range and hitting with a heal every now and again and allowing their pets to BFAW APB stack everything in sight. No skill there.

    Getting extremely low GDF, manuevering so everything is in weapons range, keeping our weapons power sky high, cloak decloaking exactly to minimise time outta combat. All these things require LOADS of skill. I know as I have spent ALOT of EC/dil to build a nearly identical ship but cannot get higher than 45k. That is because I suck and do not currently have the skill required...

  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    john98837 wrote: »
    My sci captain gets burns in the 15-25k range, so your argument doesn't seem to hold water, unless ofcourse a sci has APA and I just haven't realized it yet.

    Yeah sounds like the Engie Captain doesn't have the right skill layout.

    I get good damage from burns, though my main is a Corrosive Plasma setup. Changing to AP so I can use the 360 beams though as I usually run a 7 weapon ship instead of an 8 weapon ship. It's even more obvious if I were to run my Scimitar, as that's a 5/3 layout which can do epic damage as a result.

    Even so there are exploits to be had, piloting basically now requires one to just headbutt the target, then wait for GDF to proc on warp breach. Then go and headbutt the next target (or as close as) due to the bonus for close range damage.

    IMO the damage ranges need to be altered. With beams there should be a focal point of high damage around the 3-5km region and with Cannons there should be a 3-7km damage window. Get too close and the damage drops off, same with too far away. Otherwise the balance is skewed pretty badly.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    alfiedono wrote: »
    Nope - 160 K dps is a matter of having 2 recluse nannies wiping your butt throughout the entire run :P

    It proves that the recluse pilots are "skilled" I suppose, not much more unfortunately.

    And NO to "plasma doping has been around for ages" - plasma DOT burn was miniscule prior to delta rising. And FYI I'm the guy that coined the term "plasma doping", and others such as "recluse nannies" and "noob patrol"... See a trend here all you fake DPS padding cheaters?

    I'm guessing you've watched Ryan's nx run. Even just the first couple minutes see him deal more damage with a t1 ship than a recluse. In the second he beats two players one in a jem dread. All of them have access to the same attack beta. Ryan does more damage anyway.

    Everything he has so do the other players, and he still did more damage than some of them. It is literally accurate to say that in those runs, his skill added more dps than 8 consoles, 5 weapons, 10 boff powers, and potentially two boff traits did for the three people he beat.

    In the final run he did even better than that.

    If you look you can find multiple posts where people taught to properly activate their skills and not space bar mash everything see huge DPs gains. No recluse needed.

    Sorry, but you are simply wrong. On the skill thing. On the size of the records, you are right that's people really good at building and really good at piloting with really good gear having stacked pattern beta. But give the same gear to another pilot and the wizards will still do more. That is skill. And given your damage records, I'm guessing you were more talking about the absolute number, while we've been talking about relative values.

    Edit, you did get me thinking though, how thing would change if beta and any shared damage buffs could parse as damage from the source of the buff not the weapon. Like I have a gun doing 100, your tactical fleet or fire on my mark buff in my gun counts all damage over 100 as yours not mine. That would be fascinating I think.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    john98837 wrote: »
    This thread is very reminiscent of the "here is how to level easily" thread that came out a few days after DR, followed by a massive nerf/rollback and the forums being burnt to the ground in the ensuing war.

    As opposed to the threads (plural) on tribble where borticus actively participates, or the constant chatter about it in game, or the fact that the devs said they acted because they saw it in their metrics... But no, that one forum post did it.

    And there's not a 12+ page thread about devs paying more attention to reddit than this forum and gecko posting to reddit while he only reads the official forum to " count posts until a Hitler reference".

    Oh, speaking of, this was mentioned on reddit first.

    Please don't take this as an attack, it is not meant as one. Simply, people got real harsh on gulberat, and given what is there as evidence, that was a witch hunt. I'd rather not see another.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A fleetie and I would be happy to provide double recluse cover for you and I would be very surprised if you can hit 30k+.

    If you're quoting the right person, I bet you 100k dilithium you're wrong. Alfiedono is listed at over 126,000 DPS. Check the DPS league table. You won't need to scroll down.

    Really, people. :rolleyes:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sinn74 wrote: »
    If you're quoting the right person, I bet you 100k dilithium you're wrong. Alfiedono is listed at over 126,000 DPS. Check the DPS league table. You won't need to scroll down.

    Really, people. :rolleyes:

    Lol, that was worth looking at just for the comment on the run...heh.
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I used this method to have my beams have 6 instances of plasma burns on each weapon before it was called an exploit. On my scimitar.

    Get rekt by 40 plasmaburns.

    Spacebar spamming yielded 20k dps back then, without any tactical consoles(scimitar full set there)

    I got tired to it cuz it was too op. According to new complanations, they buffed it, I'm not expecting this to be worse than it was before so, have fun exploiting.

    How it worked before: each time you proc once with your plasma, you gained 6 ticks, the chance to gain tick was 6 times that, since i had 6 times more plasma procs, hence easy 40 plasma procs was gained fast. Does this still work like this?
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    leceter wrote: »
    I guess they refer to skill as:
    know about it = skill
    You totally made my day. That was the funniest thing I've ever read.
    Must be true sadly. The number of people that mimick what others do or says, and call themselves skilled, is impressive in any mmo game. Sure, when the build get nerfed, or they need to adapt and change, they are lost, but hey, skilled parrots.
    paxdawn wrote: »
    Plasma doping have been around for ages. its just so happened that it only reached the forums now just like the superiority of Amp core over the 2pc obelisk which only reached the forums last month.
    Sure about that ? Because it seems the plasma dot reaching incredible level was due to upgrading the embassy console (from the tooltip, about 1K dps from the dot, instead of a few hundreds).
    So it mustn't be that new. Also, I never saw that before DR.

    As for AMP, well, it was known for most since they were introduced in the game. And that's no exploit.
  • paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    You totally made my day. That was the funniest thing I've ever read.
    Must be true sadly. The number of people that mimick what others do or says, and call themselves skilled, is impressive in any mmo game. Sure, when the build get nerfed, or they need to adapt and change, they are lost, but hey, skilled parrots.

    Sure about that ? Because it seems the plasma dot reaching incredible level was due to upgrading the embassy console (from the tooltip, about 1K dps from the dot, instead of a few hundreds).
    So it mustn't be that new. Also, I never saw that before DR.

    As for AMP, well, it was known for most since they were introduced in the game. And that's no exploit.

    The same group of players are still the TOP DPSers pre-DR and Post DR. Their builds have been available in the forums and sto academy.

    Nerf stuff all you like, but those TOP DPSers are here to stay.

    If you think these top DPSers are not skilled, declare that Felisean, Ryan, alfiendo, Jena, porchsong equal to the skill of a pug who does 1k dps r lower. I dare you. But hey, according to you there is no such thing as skill.

    I dont know if you call plasma doping an exploit.

    Plasma proc is plasma damage. Beam is DMG console for all types. But it aint our decision to make anyways.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hrmm, this is just kind of a babbling in general reply not aimed at anybody...

    I really don't get the "if they didn't use, then they wouldn't get" thing being used as an excuse for differences in performance between players. Cause, well...duh. If they didn't use X, they wouldn't get Y. But uh, what happens when the other player uses X, are they getting Y? No? Then guess what, using X to get Y isn't what separated the players, right? I mean, I don't know...that's kind of straightforward, yeah? Oh well, I just tend to find that folks are always ready with an excuse of some kind for stuff like that...

    On the other hand, mind you, I just really hate broken stuff. Hate bugs. Don't see bugs getting fixed as nerfs...it's just fixing bugs. Lots of folks out there love to call them nerfs...meh, whatever. I just really hate broken stuff. Broken stuff tends to lead to other broken stuff or even stuff that's not broken looking broken because it's involved with the broken stuff in some way. So sometimes the not broken stuff gets "fixed" when it wasn't broken, and if they fix the broken stuff, then the stuff that wasn't broken is now broken. Yeah, I just don't like broken stuff.

    There's all sorts of broken stuff in this game. Some of it has been around since we used to play STO on our Vic20's playing at 300 baud. Er, wait, that didn't happen - just a dream - nightmare - or was that how it felt the other day with my connection? But yeah, anyway - there's all sorts of broken stuff in the game - some that's been around forever and folks just kind of accept it. But that's the thing, in a way, with so many things out there. It's a trip to see folks saying what they "consider" to be broken. Basically, they know a bunch of stuff is broken but they just "consider" certain things to be broken...they cherry pick stuff. Meh, it gets so subjective.

    Oh well, this was even more rambling that I thought it would be...lol. So yeah, who's ready for all the broken stuff that the Command Specialization, Command BOFFs, Command Ships, non-Command Command Ships, and all the rest is going to bring with the Anniversary! Yeah, that wasn't a question...cause it's not going to be a question...it's a given. Meh...broken stuff.

    Still won't change that those DPS guys could outfly me if they were in a leaky EV suit with a spork missing a prong and I was in a Scimitar with stats from the movie...

    ...I just really hate broken stuff.
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