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Command Bridge Officers



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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Just one more reason why I am glad I no longer worry too much about STO.

    Is there anything they not planning on monetizing? It all adds up..

    Same here I won't be changing my boffs anytime soon.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Tbh i returned to the game just to get sick of it and go back to taking a break from it and with each money grab they punch out i want to play less and less.

    Honeslty at this point i dont even think cardassians as a playable full faction on par with starfleet would even make me want to play.....and thats just sad. :(
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    gamer940gamer940 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    wayofdera wrote: »

    I have two thoughts on what I read regarding the skills for the Command Specialization.

    1) The drain power from life support skill, should be a basic skill for all Captains, similar to Abandon ship.

    It is not a desirable skill to ever have to use, and has huge consequences. So, I think rather then a Command Skill, it should be a skill all Captains possess, as a basic command decision, like abandon ship. Personally, as it sits, I would never train any of my officers in this skill, as I would not want the consequence coming with it. However, if it was a Captain's ability I had to choose to use, I might use it from time-to-time, if a worst case scenario, which is the whole point of using it, similar to abandon ship.

    2) Bridge officer seating - Players buy the layout, and seating they would like

    It had been suggested before, that STO developers at one time, toyed with the idea of selling bridge seating layouts apart from ships, which you could then merge together. I would highly like to suggest a return to this course of thought, as STO beings focusing on Specializations.

    I would really like to be able to pick which specializations, if any, the seating can include. I would also like to choose how many of any one, or several STO professions I want. It would also be nice to be able to pick the level of bridge officer abilities, this paying more to have to seats of three skills, then 3 seats of 2 skills.

    Ships could then be specialized even more, for synergy between bridge seating layout, class specification or profession, and type of ship.

    Just saying, I am getting the point of having way too many ships, for the very few Captains I use. I think the better course would be to start allowing customization of ships, to be the dream boat of your dreams.

    Unfortunately, I can see a big possibility for abuse in customizable officer seats. That being that there are players now that would "grind, grind, grind" until they had a Scimitar with five or six Commander level Universal/Universal seats.

    I, at one time, thought it would be a good idea to be able to buy 'modules' to add console slots, but now I realize that the ones I talked about above would just buy up to 10 Tactical Console slots and ignore the others.
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    eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    "They are not usable in “Universal” Profession seats, or existing Intelligence Specialist Bridge Officer seats. The line-up of starships that will have hybrid Command Officer seats has not yet been announced, but keep your eyes on our website for those announcements!"

    this again? seriously?

    You can't imagine how much happy I am...
    I purchased my delta pack a few weeks ago, and my T6 ships are now "old" if not "outdated"...
    My t5u ships are still good for pve, but of course this changes mean that they will be really outdated soon... even if still usable.
    PVP is dead, but that isn't a news
    feds will have 4-5 new ships wile kdf only one or two.

    and of course we still need grinding... grinding how much no man has never done, to broudly became a slave of the game.

    Time to change...

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
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    dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Of all the ships to get a commander level command boff slot, I hope the T6 Intrepid gets one. It would give it something over the Scryer.

    There's a thematic excuse too. It was the personal flagship of admirl ross in ds9, and admiral tuvok selected voyager for his flagship in the game.

    Extra points if the Guardian gets at least one hybrid slot - even if its lower level like LTC.

    I seriously think at least some of the T6's already released should get command specialist slots. I think most people are still cheesed about the T5U debacle - dont go there again dudes.
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