Because based on the most recent P1 podcast, it's clearly not Holodeck on STO.
Just listen to him talk about patrols and exp. Listen. They don't square with what is actually going on in-game.
I never liked Geko to begin with, but this is a new low.
Congrats, I guess.
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"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
You don't need metrics to tell whether you like the game or not.
Don't be silly guys and gals... quit moaning and sort out your wrong-thinks... the best way to look at the sheer volume of dil+ec+specpoints introduced with crafting/DR is in 'bite-size' attainable bits. Whatever you do, don't do the total math... heck no... or if you do, do the math our way, with our slanted perspective. Sure the item costs gigaquadroubles in whatevercurrency but hey, no biggie, just focus on the small beans and how easy it is to take a fairy step. Sorted.
All this despite such a philosophy clearly translating into more repetitive playtime for fairy-step gains.
'Cos at the end of the day each of the 100-odd episodes (AKA 'content') has a 'replay' button as a friendly designer hint at how you're supposed to play the game. OK?
'Cos at the end of the day each of the 100-odd episodes (AKA 'content') has a 'replay' button as a friendly designer hint at how you're supposed to play the game. OK?
'Cos at the end of the day each of the 100-odd episodes (AKA 'content') has a 'replay' button as a friendly designer hint at how you're supposed to play the game. OK?
See? Three times is just nuts... and replaying over and over is superb 'fun' design... now go do the in-game content replay math.
Everyone should listen to this podcast. It's packed with hours-worth of words trying to rationalise insanity.
^ true dat
They had a perfect formula pre-DR though, regardless of what it looked like it was why we where here. no bug XP, no nerfs, just plain awesomes and stuff.
it's system was flat out iconic.
He, like the majority of the Dev team are so wildly out of of touch and clueless that it baffles the mind.
I don't think any of these guys ever actually play the game.
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"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
...and I'm not kidding. My face actually hurts from the WTF look that's stuck there now.
In the past there's been the back and forth, agreement and disagreement, thinking that he was out of touch on things...but with this was just WTF?
Yep they made a lot of money so it's the most successful expansion ever. :cool:
I heard that the patrols don't match what's in the game now, and they're getting patched to give more exp(which apparently is getting patched this week). What am I supposed to hear?
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Big XP buff patch this week huh? Forgive me if I'm skeptical. Guess I can stick around a few more days to see how this plays out.
Talking about a dev here who claimed there was no actionable feedback on the doff ui even though there was bucket loads of it. He's blind to his own ignorance.
I'd really love to know how well it's doing now. All those sales were leading up to and the first few days of DR, prior to all the nerfs! Now it could be quite a different story.
Sadly, it seems we have no one we can trust to tell us the truth, I dont think I will ever trust anything Geco ever says, ever.
(And I do mean sadly, I'm not angry anymore. Perhaps I've given up hoping that they will ever fix this mess)
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So what kind of number have been floated about this? I assume we aren't going back to the days of 1-2 missions per level. Even doubling XP it would be roughly 10 missions per level - seems lackluster but it might be a start in the right direction, but I doubt we'll see a doubling of XP rewards.
Or at least I think. Haven't leveled a character before 50 since DR hit. :<
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That's what I've been telling them since the first moment they (Cryptic) mentioned their allmighty "metrics". They're just numbers. They lack the human factor, the way people feel about things. Feelings which as of late are very prominent on the forum as a direct result to their obsession with "metrics" and not reaching out and communicating with their playerbase.
These boards have always had dumb and rough, but neither the first time around nor the second time (after the PWE assimilation of forum accounts) I joined the forum has it been so apathetic and scorched as it is for the past 2 months and going strong.
And Geko has always been in "Tralala" land regarding the game, IMHO. The only difference is that with D'Angelo he now has his "Robin".
I have to question by what standards Cryptic is measuring the success of Delta Rising must be playing on an unending loop at Cryptic