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Daily mark box nerf.



  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Is this game run by Josef Stalin?
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bridgern wrote: »
    Is this game run by Josef Stalin?

    Is that close enough to ending the argument, or does the big H need to be referenced explicitly? (as opposed to another historical figure that has an analogous function to the internet forum fail condition)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    You, let's just say, are not doing that nor do are you prepared to approach the subjective from a relevant perspective. So I'm left to say "your perspective is inadequate" and you can do little more than repeat your original premise with increasing attitude.

    Well that's what happens if you respond to something, nobody was even talking about ...

    btw : I approached your subjective nonetheless, you just chose to ignore it, multiple times :

    1. A Bonus Mark Event is not rewarding, if you have to wait ~6months to earn ~200 Bonus Marks, no matter what, especially if Daily Bonus Marks are still around ... no sane person will care about it, if you can earn more for playing the next 3 days after ...

    2. Not sure how this fixes anything, because you can still earn the Daily ... people were not playing less before, just to wait till Bonus Mark Event, that's insane ... certainly not the way it was designed before the nerf (which isn't even life on Holodeck) ... doesn't make any sense ... how does this "Nerf" have ANYTHING to do with your precious "population mechanic" - Argument ...

    3. You just chose to ignore the whole "fix it by removing Boxes" altogether, because guess what, it'd only add more marks during Bonus Mark Weekend, which would motivate people even more to play, even if it's just 3 Daily Boni for ~3 days ... you're arguing against your own thesis here ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So where do weekend events fit into that? Daily bonsuses? Dilithium buffs (see. to zones and through the mark system in general)? Patterns are easy to create (all you need to do is assemble a collection of like things) but tricky to justify because the process of selection just about enables any potential pattern to be created from a heterogeneous mass of events.

    No idea what you're going on about. The pattern is a simple one and I'll mention the four highlights:

    - Introduce new r&d system which adds new grind and a potential dilithium sink (which is a money grab) if anyone wants to lessen the grind.

    - Introduce upgrade system which is a huge dilithium sink/money grab.

    - Nerf STF dilithium rewards.

    - Allow people to upgrade a famed ship to t5u, then later release a t6 version of that ship. IE money grab.

    This nerf to daily boxes is small potatoes but it's part of the overall larger pattern of nerfs and money grabs, so I'm afraid of what they might do next. They gonna nerf the voth BZ? That will kill the game. Nerf dilithium weekend rewards so we can't hoard missions or contraband or anything? People will riot. But I'm sure they will be nerfing something in order to increase the grind and lower our rewards.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Worthless except to people like me who hoard the bigger mark boxes for these events. Last marks event I had a ton of 250 and other large boxes and cleaned up. I stand to earn hundreds of bonus delta marks on each of my characters this weekend due to my hoarding.

    In anticipation of a dilithium event (which finally occured in, what, late September was it?) I also hoarded the big dilithium rewards like from missions after completing tier 5 reputation, tons of contraband, tons of BNP etc. and wound up with hundreds of thousands of bonus dilithium for my patience. I have some new dilithium missions I'm hoarding again from reputations I wasn't done with during the last event. It's all about patience.

    I would be really surprised if either of these things still pay out after today.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,557 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This seems like the worst possible solution when making boxes auto-open is such an easy fix that doesn't nerf rewards. Very disappointing, PWE!
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This seems like the worst possible solution when making boxes auto-open is such an easy fix that doesn't nerf rewards. Very disappointing, PWE!

    I'm suprised the boxes were back. We had then and then they got rid of them and now they pop up agaion for Delta rep. I still don't know why? SUrely they could have avoided doing this in the way you say in the first place.

    THe whole path they are going down doesn't look too good.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well that's what happens if you respond to something, nobody was even talking about ...

    BS criteria, a discussion isn't just a collection of like minded viewpoints. Opposing viewpoints ARE relevant (if you want to do more than just form a mob.)

    The patch notes are justifiable from a different point of view than yours. That's not a tangent, that's just discourse.
    1. A Bonus Mark Event is not rewarding, if you have to wait ~6months to earn ~200 Bonus Marks, no matter what, especially if Bonus Marks are still around ... no sane person will care about it ...

    BS premise, no one is playing the game SPECIFICALLY for what they earn during the bonus weekends. They may plan around them, but you cannot possibly assume that their previous playtime was ONLY for those little extra goodies they earn every 6 months. That is simply insane (you can't assume it from any but the most deranged behaviors).

    3. You just chose to ignore the whole "removing Boxes" altogether, because guess what even more marks during Bonus Mark Weekend, would motivate people even more even if it's just 3 Boxes for ~3 days

    I didn't ignore it, I misinterpeted it. Big difference (in terms of motivation.)

    So (to be clear about what you're talking about) you want boxes to be removed but NOT what they contain. IE. you simply get the marks at the time of earning, rather than getting an item that you have to then open to get the marks. No hording, just earning. Sensible, but not the problem.

    Hording probably isn't an important factor in the first place considering that you can STILL hord big PVE reward boxes for six months and earn big on this type of weekend. The problem (if such as that can be called) would still exist, only how horders approached their craft would change (and not in any particular way that hinders them except that they don't have much of an opportunity to change their priorities NOW in anticipation of this upcoming weekend.) You may have presumed otherwise, but such would be less supportable with reason.

    Secondly, it wouldn't address what I believe is the issue (ie. that factor which the change note is directed at) and that's the big bonus applied to small repeatable assignments which FROM THE GAME'S POINT OF VIEW (not mine, not any individual's, but STO's functional point of view) may disproportionately favor those who choose not participate in those systems (ex. PVE's and zones) which benefit most from social patricipation (and are likely therefore to be the intended focus of the bonus mark weekend).

    There is nothing wrong with "getting rid of boxes" (assuming that I'm reading your post correctly this time) but it wouldn't actually help (same issues, not much change if any, now this is what I call a tangent) except for reducing the number of clicks necessary to play this game. One must also question why they were implemented in the first place since its likely that such arbitrary button clicking (from our point of view) has a deeper function in the game (ie. it may be the only practical way structured mark rewards could be implemented in STO, ie. dailies which I believe were added very shortly after boxes were.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    BS criteria, a discussion isn't just a collection of like minded viewpoints. Opposing viewpoints ARE relevant (if you want to do more than just form a mob.)

    The patch notes are justifiable from a different point of view than yours. That's not a tangent, that's just discourse.

    Then you probably should've quoted the patch notes ... not my original premise which has nothing to do with yours in the first place ... not sure how this even fits in this Thread at all, though ... as I said before the Daily Mark Box Nerf doesn't change anything "population-wise" ... removing it altogether might be, but that's another matter ...
    BS premise, no one is playing the game SPECIFICALLY for what they earn during the bonus weekends. They may plan around them, but you cannot possibly assume that their previous playtime was ONLY for those little extra goodies they earn every 6 months. That is simply insane.

    Yeah that wasn't that point (see 2.) ... well at least not mine ... more like yours ... you're the one, that was talking about how this would affect participation ... granted it is insane -> that's why nobody will "wait" 6 months & nobody will care (=participate more or less) ... what was your argument again ? ... you can't say A & B in the same sentence !
    I hate to break it to you but no one is playing STO right now because of their antipication for a temporary mark reward multiplier (and furthermore only because of its application to DAILY boxes).

    Which again doesn't make any sense "before" the nerf, and since the nerf isn't here yet, it doesn't make any sense at all ...
    -> People weren't collecting Mark Boxes, which they still were in anticipation of the Bonus Mark Event, to collect Marks during Bonus Mark Event, which they already knew they weren't getting, that's why they weren't playing at all, while still playing collecting Mark Boxes, cause they didn't know ... ?!?!? WTF ???

    So (to be clear about what you're talking about) you want boxes to be removed but NOT what they contain. IE. you simply get the marks at the time of earning, rather than getting an item that you have to open to get the marks. No hording, just earning. Sensible,

    Yep as I said before ... the way they already fixed it several times ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    At this point I just want to see more nerfs.

    I won't be happy until I see elite maps rewarding 20 dil.

    From here on out my gameplay is laughing at how stupid the gameplay is - you know, "milk my account for dil now" buttons etc.

    More than anything I just want to see them continue to really go to town on the whales, let's make it 900 story mission for a level that's what I want to see
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm sure all this is is another desperate attempt by incompetent management to fix the dead queues by nerfing rewards elsewhere. I'm sure this will work just as well as every other hair-brained idiotic idea the generally incompetent management of this game has made over the last several months.

    I think the board needs to seriously look at executive leadership.... and possibly "free" many of them up to "pursue new opportunities" as it's said.
  • donowickdonowick Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What I get of what they are doing is that they are bonus marks in the first place. That bonus marks box shouldn't get a bonus. It is a petty thing granted but understand what they are doing. It is only for mark event so a minor annoyance. But that being said they are more pressing problems in game that needed to be fixed and balanced LOOK AT THE QUEUES DEV'S. :)
  • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    How dare they take away peoples ability to claim a bonus from a bonus...
  • rossrobertsonrossrobertson Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If it was maybe the week after the first time that these bonus mark weekends event, when the 'problem' was discovered then there wouldn't be so much rage, but its been like this for months and they nerf it now?!?
    Also, maybe if the devs wouldn't blatantly try and herd the playerbase into doing the same repetitive grinds in order to get a few marks, again, there wouldn't be so much rage.

    Its probably all about dilithium. After you have all of the rep gear for each rep store, there is nothing other than exchange marks for dilithium. So its a round about way in nerfing the amount of dilithium we can get. Again.

    As it is, I don't do STFs. I'm a solo player, my fleet all have left the game now so I have no reliable friends to team with. I'm fed up of PUG leeches. So that effectively bars me from getting any Omega and Delta rep gear with their STF exclusive reward requirements. So my only reward from grinding out the rep tree, aside from a handful of minor buffs, is exchanging the marks for dilithium. And now they have nerfed that, to some degree. Not happy.

    It seems with the current regime of top devs, and all of the recent nerfs, are they trying intentionally to alienate the playerbase? So, perhaps, they can claim shrinking playerbase and shut STO down to concentrate on Neverwinter? Far fetched I know, but at times it seems like it. Especially considering some of the devs attitudes to anyone questioning their decisions...
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    They did this at the end of the summer event as well, but only for the marks boxes from that.

    I thought they applied it to everything. Turns out I was wrong. Now everything gets it.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    At this point I just want to see more nerfs.

    I won't be happy until I see elite maps rewarding 20 dil.

    From here on out my gameplay is laughing at how stupid the gameplay is - you know, "milk my account for dil now" buttons etc.

    More than anything I just want to see them continue to really go to town on the whales, let's make it 900 story mission for a level that's what I want to see

    I'm diligently waiting on the "sign over bank account" button
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    meh, i'll admit the timing is odd but as I see it this is something they should have done a long time ago. I am sure this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think stockpiling mark boxes for months on end only to open them during a bonus weekend is what the devs originally intended. this is probably why they "removed" mark boxes in favor of marks being applied directly in the first place
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In anticipation of a dilithium event (which finally occured in, what, late September was it?) I also hoarded the big dilithium rewards like from missions after completing tier 5 reputation, tons of contraband, tons of BNP etc. and wound up with hundreds of thousands of bonus dilithium for my patience. I have some new dilithium missions I'm hoarding again from reputations I wasn't done with during the last event. It's all about patience.

    Patience is an exploit. You will be nerfed. We are the Cryptic.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • comradenikolicomradenikoli Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is just another nail in the coffin for STO. Cryptic seem to be trying to weed out the players who don't fancy grinding the game as a full time job. My fleet has gone from always having 60+ active members on at one time to an average of 20, since Delta Rising. Cryptic just seem to be killing the F2P player base to leave the mindless drones who will purchase everything they release with cash. They have lost their way and no longer care about maintaining the fun game that we all fell in love with.
    There are FOOUUUUR LIGHTS!
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2014
    dova25 wrote: »
    Yes it is a cheap and i found it unappropriate taking in account the event that starts thursday.

    Anyway I take it as an answer to critter and doffing nerf and the answer is :"yes we want you to grind ,grind ,grind and anything that can easy your way will be nerfed as soon as we can discover it"

    I am very sorry for what is happening with this game .

    I always wondered why their so anal about the amount of dilithium you can grind in the game.

    No matter how much you put together, your still gated at 8k a day (9 if your Feds) so it makes no sense whatsoever for them to TRIBBLE us over the rest of the way...:P Anyone with half a brain can make their 8k in a little over an hour. Some even less time than that...

    Foolishness. And they make themselves look even worse than they already do.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The game IS fast to play and advance.

    This is a thread discussing the podcast where D'Angelo mentioned Dyson Rep being WAY to fast to burn through: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1009971&page=3

    I may be mistaken, but the suggestion was that people burned through Dyson Rep and complained they were bored ... which is bad for a company that relies on continued interaction from the users. Interestingly, because of Dyson Rep, there were several complainers that the other Reps (Nukara, Rom, etc.) took too long.

    So they took away bonus marks from the daily, considering it could have been worse ... meh. I agree, that boxes should simply be open at receiving. Frankly, any loot should ust be randomized amongst the team members and dropped into inventory. Forget boxes all together *except* lockboxes ('cause that's one cash cow). The rest ... just give me the reward and put it where it belongs (Marks in their pools, R&D in that tab, yadda yadda yadda).

    To those who hoarded boxes: you gamed the system, so thank you.
  • jaguarzpajaguarzpa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So the DR daily box not auto opening wasn't by design?
    I guess it was a mistake on my part to think that they were encouraging saving and patients.

    Yes i know MMO's are not environments in which we learn good practices or where they are encouraged... nor do such practices necessarily provide a benefit to the individual or the group; thus, MMO's are vile places (Mos Eisley anyone).

    The game has become interesting as a study in group dynamics though and I bet the metrics are fascinating.
  • tuvix1911tuvix1911 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    thebumble wrote: »
    I always wondered why their so anal about the amount of dilithium you can grind in the game.

    No matter how much you put together, your still gated at 8k a day (9 if your Feds) so it makes no sense whatsoever for them to TRIBBLE us over the rest of the way...:P Anyone with half a brain can make their 8k in a little over an hour. Some even less time than that...

    Foolishness. And they make themselves look even worse than they already do.

    One of my fleetmates got a little carried away and banked up 1.5 million dil over the last dil weekend. Were he to do nothing but refine what he has and never earn another bit, he'd run out some time late next April. So what does it matter if he makes an extra hundred dil off this grind here, or an extra thousand there? All it does is push the timer for how long you can refine without getting more.

    Acquisition rate is meaningless when usability rate is hard time gated.
  • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    thebumble wrote: »
    I always wondered why their so anal about the amount of dilithium you can grind in the game.

    No matter how much you put together, your still gated at 8k a day (9 if your Feds) so it makes no sense whatsoever for them to TRIBBLE us over the rest of the way...:P Anyone with half a brain can make their 8k in a little over an hour. Some even less time than that...

    Foolishness. And they make themselves look even worse than they already do.

    I have fed, rom, and klink toons... there is no extra dil refine for feds.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    this is a nerf and it's not just about the "boxes"

    you do a mission and you get x marks... for that specific faction you get a daily bonus as well.

    this nerf means that the daily rep bonus is not getting that all faction marks get.

    you can still save up box of marks and they will get the bonus... it's just the daily bonus that is not getting a boost.
  • sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have fed, rom, and klink toons... there is no extra dil refine for feds.

    at the fleet dil mine there is from the miner foreman, it's for 500 dil not 1k
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
  • huntingdon1701huntingdon1701 Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    why can they only do things to irritate players and not fix bugs? This has nothing to do with a broken and unbalanced game - it's just petty OCD.
  • killer1986chriskiller1986chris Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sitheach wrote: »
    at the fleet dil mine there is from the miner foreman, it's for 500 dil not 1k

    ANY toon in a fleet with a T2 dil mine can get that. (I can get it on my main KDF's but not my feds yet.)
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Not that it matters much anymore, but if your inventory is full, ALL the mark boxes don't auto-open.
    I got a few undine and omega marks from the mirror event, because my inventory was full. IOW, they don't auto-expand from the overflow bag.

    Lame nerf, I've got over 1200 marks worth of boxes (per char) waiting to be opened. With only two queues that actually award delta marks, this was going to be a great way to advance delta rep without so much repetition.

    I had a bunch of the packs of Delta Alliance Mark package with Daily Bonus Marks rewards in a single pack
    They all converted to daily marks only!
    EDIT2: Some are still around, some may have expanded, but I'm sure I lost some.

    EDIT3: If we can't save them, then what's the point of the mark boxes anyway? I'd rather get auto-awarded the marks upon completion. And not the hackish auto-open boxes either.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    Lame nerf, I've got over 1200 marks worth of boxes (per char) waiting to be opened. With only two queues that actually award delta marks, this was going to be a great way to advance delta rep without so much repetition.

    The Winter Event is another great option ... guess what's going to be nerfed next ;P
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
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