We are sorry to be making such drastic changes so far after launch. Unlike the other changes we are making to tune balance, this should be a one-time change.
Charles Gray
Lead Content Designer
Star Trek Online
Do you self a favour just say if your increasing or decreasing skill points just say so!
This is one more thing I hate about Cryptic they write a novel to say one sentence!
CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
However, this is all just a trick. A slight of hand. But this post ruined it. Just like finding out how a magician does a trick ruins the illusion , this post ruins the perception of faster leveling by explaining how it works.
However, this is all just a trick. A slight of hand. But this post ruined it. Just like finding out how a magician does a trick ruins the illusion , this post ruins the perception of faster leveling by explaining how it works.
The real trick is the nerf they want to cover up by adjusting these numbers.
I take any bet something will be nerfed into the ground by this... just by not adjusting it to the new, higher numbers.
Particularly the gamble they are taking on what ultimately results in no practical change. They can take a gamble and hope their math works out exactly as planned, for what is ultimately an aesthetic math change.
If their task pays off without a hitch, no noticable practical changes are made with player progression.
If they drop a decimal point a la Michael Bolton in Office Space, we're looking at claims of slowed progression, or claims of exploitation as people get way more than what they wanted -- which invites its own share of headaches.
In medical terminology, I'd consider this an unnecessary surgery. The risks involved with something going wrong outweigh the benefit to be gained by the surgery going as planned.
This is more along the lines of elective plastic surgery. Nothing life threatening or quality-of-life degrading.
In other words, a waste of money and labor hours.
The only reasons I've seen for this change/no change at all are A) Bluegeek's theory that those 'anomalous numbers' might signify a problem in the future (I'll stress the word theory, as Bluegeek doesn't work in Cryptic); Players' theory (myself included) that they may simply want to show us higher numbers, hoping that'd make us happier (despite it having no beneficial effect whatsoever).
is definitely not worth the risk of changing xp rewards across the board.
A) if hypothetically true, could be worth it, but only after careful planning. If this change/no change hits tomorrow, there definitely wasn't careful planning involved.
So we're back to square one: This update is not worth putting in the game, definitely not now.
(EDIT: All that of course assuming no stealth nerfs of any particular gameplay are included.)
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
So, why bother doing this. Instead of using this as an opportunity to both correct the errors AND buff the rewards to make levelling and then getting specialization points a more enjoyable experience you've just played a numbers game that achieves nothing? The heck is the point?
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
It sure looks to me like they're just hoping players see bigger numbers and shut up about how slow progression is. I can't help but wonder what nerfs are hidden in here, though. I'm guessing less XP from patrols and from doffing.
I guess this is a masterpiece of threads...see the reference on the release notes for 11/20:
• Skill Points earned via completing missions and defeating NPCs have been updated.
o The Skill Points earned from playing episodes with captains at levels 50 to 60 have been increased.
Previously, if a player completed a mission at level 49 and was rewarded 3,000 Skill Points, that same mission completed at level 51 would reward much lower than 3,000 Skill Points.
This update makes it so the player, in this scenario stated above, would earn at least 3,000 Skill Points at level 51 instead of the much lower number.
o The amount of Skill Points earned via defeating enemy NPCs will now scale upwards with a player’s level.
o A captain’s level will not be altered upon logging in.
For example, if a captain is level 53 that captain will still be level 53 upon logging in to Holodeck.
o For more information, please visit this post about the updates to earning Skill Points at: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1302021
I guess this is a masterpiece of threads...see the reference on the release notes for 11/20:
Skill Points earned via completing missions and defeating NPCs have been updated.
o The Skill Points earned from playing episodes with captains at levels 50 to 60 have been increased.
Previously, if a player completed a mission at level 49 and was rewarded 3,000 Skill Points, that same mission completed at level 51 would reward much lower than 3,000 Skill Points.
This update makes it so the player, in this scenario stated above, would earn at least 3,000 Skill Points at level 51 instead of the much lower number.
o The amount of Skill Points earned via defeating enemy NPCs will now scale upwards with a players level.
o A captains level will not be altered upon logging in.
For example, if a captain is level 53 that captain will still be level 53 upon logging in to Holodeck.
o For more information, please visit this post about the updates to earning Skill Points at: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1302021
Yeah, the patch notes make out that we're just going to get more for playing missions below our level. I'm so confused, I think they need to update the Dev to English setting on the universal translator because it's not making a huge amount of sense.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
I guess this is a masterpiece of threads...see the reference on the release notes for 11/20:
• Skill Points earned via completing missions and defeating NPCs have been updated.
o The Skill Points earned from playing episodes with captains at levels 50 to 60 have been increased.
Previously, if a player completed a mission at level 49 and was rewarded 3,000 Skill Points, that same mission completed at level 51 would reward much lower than 3,000 Skill Points.
This update makes it so the player, in this scenario stated above, would earn at least 3,000 Skill Points at level 51 instead of the much lower number.
o The amount of Skill Points earned via defeating enemy NPCs will now scale upwards with a player’s level.
o A captain’s level will not be altered upon logging in.
For example, if a captain is level 53 that captain will still be level 53 upon logging in to Holodeck.
o For more information, please visit this post about the updates to earning Skill Points at: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1302021
Yeah, the patch notes make out that we're just going to get more for playing missions below our level. I'm so confused, I think they need to update the Dev to English setting on the universal translator because it's not making a huge amount of sense.
Missed a slight, but key piece of info, the fact that they are raising the skill points needed to level, lol :rolleyes:
You'll need more sp to level up though at higher levels.
The speed you can level up at wont change, you'll just see bigger numbers for the xp rewarded from missions and kills.
So in other words, no ACTUAL change effectively, as the changes cancel each other out, as the sp needed to achieve the next level scales and a rate that cancels out the scaling of the sp rewarded.
Or if you prefer an even more succinct and concise explanation, flim flam.
If I understand correctly, prior to this, more recent missions would have an advantage over lower level missions as replay options and there might have been an incentive to skip missions since lower level missions even on initial playthrough would award fewer skillpoints.
If this patch HAD made it to Tribble and people complained, Cryptic would have done nothing and then claimed they knew nothing about the problems afterwards.
If I'm not mistaken there are three possible reasons for this change.
1. Damage control for the sinking ship, make the numbers bigger so the average player thinks things were fixed.
2. Fixing the issue with enemies that gave no XP upon defeat after the 17x xp nerf. If this is true then there's no functional way to give them XP rewards in the current build and there is concrete proof the XP nerfs and exploit claims were criminal, or intended from the start.
3. Further nerfs to player progress by making doff xp and booster xp half as effective.
It could also be a mix of the three, someone please take note of all the XP rewards so we can do a proper comparison post patch.
You'll need more sp to level up though at higher levels.
The speed you can level up at wont change, you'll just see bigger numbers for the xp rewarded from missions and kills.
So in other words, no ACTUAL change effectively, as the changes cancel each other out, as the sp needed to achieve the next level scales and a rate that cancels out the scaling of the sp rewarded.
Or if you prefer an even more succinct and concise explanation, flim flam.
The changes wouldn't cancel eachother out when earning spec points because the leveling curve is flat there. It makes mission replay more viable for spec points, I'd think?
So they make a thread about a "fix" which isn't even a fix. They are just changing the amounts around so that the rewards look like we are getting more skill points, but we will not level any faster.
Honestly, this is more a waste of time than anything else. That time could have been spent on things that needed to actually be fixed. This changed nothing at all.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
By Kahless, they really do think their playerbase are morons! :eek: It's either that or this > Cryptic at work <
*inhales a high quantity of marijuana - slightly holds breath while paraphrasing op's statement*
:: Paraphrase :: "We are going to increase the number of skill points you earn; however, we are also going to increase the number of skill points you need to level. Nothing has technically changed. You will still progress at the current rate of speed." :: Paraphrase ::
I guess this skill point update is really confusing after all, since the patch notes totally lack the part about how also level requirements are supposed to go up too. Surly just an accident. :rolleyes: And on top of that the change goes straight to holodeck, why bother to test something like this on the test server? Time to get the torches and pitchforks ready, chance is we'll need them soon.
*Grows huge Puppy Eyes*
nom nom nom catch me if you can
Do you self a favour just say if your increasing or decreasing skill points just say so!
This is one more thing I hate about Cryptic they write a novel to say one sentence!
*begins to chase you around the room with a hamster net*
However, this is all just a trick. A slight of hand. But this post ruined it. Just like finding out how a magician does a trick ruins the illusion , this post ruins the perception of faster leveling by explaining how it works.
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
The real trick is the nerf they want to cover up by adjusting these numbers.
I take any bet something will be nerfed into the ground by this... just by not adjusting it to the new, higher numbers.
The only reasons I've seen for this change/no change at all are A) Bluegeek's theory that those 'anomalous numbers' might signify a problem in the future (I'll stress the word theory, as Bluegeek doesn't work in Cryptic);
A) if hypothetically true, could be worth it, but only after careful planning. If this change/no change hits tomorrow, there definitely wasn't careful planning involved.
So we're back to square one: This update is not worth putting in the game, definitely not now.
(EDIT: All that of course assuming no stealth nerfs of any particular gameplay are included.)
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
The number to next level on the progress bar would be more telling.
I just don't have faith in Cryptic's complex math abilities.
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
Complex math?!? Even simple arithmetic doesn't seem to go right with Cryptic :P
(PS: And whoever designed their skill modifier formula... :eek: )
• Skill Points earned via completing missions and defeating NPCs have been updated.
o The Skill Points earned from playing episodes with captains at levels 50 to 60 have been increased.
Previously, if a player completed a mission at level 49 and was rewarded 3,000 Skill Points, that same mission completed at level 51 would reward much lower than 3,000 Skill Points.
This update makes it so the player, in this scenario stated above, would earn at least 3,000 Skill Points at level 51 instead of the much lower number.
o The amount of Skill Points earned via defeating enemy NPCs will now scale upwards with a player’s level.
o A captain’s level will not be altered upon logging in.
For example, if a captain is level 53 that captain will still be level 53 upon logging in to Holodeck.
o For more information, please visit this post about the updates to earning Skill Points at:
Yeah, the patch notes make out that we're just going to get more for playing missions below our level. I'm so confused, I think they need to update the Dev to English setting on the universal translator because it's not making a huge amount of sense.
Missed a slight, but key piece of info, the fact that they are raising the skill points needed to level, lol :rolleyes:
Missions will give more sp at higher level.
You'll need more sp to level up though at higher levels.
The speed you can level up at wont change, you'll just see bigger numbers for the xp rewarded from missions and kills.
So in other words, no ACTUAL change effectively, as the changes cancel each other out, as the sp needed to achieve the next level scales and a rate that cancels out the scaling of the sp rewarded.
Or if you prefer an even more succinct and concise explanation, flim flam.
This corrects for that.
I think.
going to farm the first benthan patrol quest after to see on a lvl 54 and my main and see the difference that drops off from it tomorrow.
i was sweating question marks and stuff all over the floor earlier, i need to sweep them up now and go to bed ... lol
k i love you bye bye
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
Free Tibet!
and this is an example of the people the change was meant for.
1. Damage control for the sinking ship, make the numbers bigger so the average player thinks things were fixed.
2. Fixing the issue with enemies that gave no XP upon defeat after the 17x xp nerf. If this is true then there's no functional way to give them XP rewards in the current build and there is concrete proof the XP nerfs and exploit claims were criminal, or intended from the start.
3. Further nerfs to player progress by making doff xp and booster xp half as effective.
It could also be a mix of the three, someone please take note of all the XP rewards so we can do a proper comparison post patch.
The changes wouldn't cancel eachother out when earning spec points because the leveling curve is flat there. It makes mission replay more viable for spec points, I'd think?
Honestly, this is more a waste of time than anything else. That time could have been spent on things that needed to actually be fixed. This changed nothing at all.
By Kahless, they really do think their playerbase are morons! :eek: It's either that or this > Cryptic at work <
:: Paraphrase :: "We are going to increase the number of skill points you earn; however, we are also going to increase the number of skill points you need to level. Nothing has technically changed. You will still progress at the current rate of speed." :: Paraphrase ::
*exhales remaining smoke*
Does anyone have any cookies?