The whole Tier 5 Upgrade thing to me always looked completely superflous. Why add this in-between tier. But it has kinda some sort of use for Cryptic, aside the money-making:
They knew they will eventually have to give us Tier 6 versions of hero ships at minimum. People already fought hard to get these ships into the game in the first place!
But, they set on the following design parameters:
- C-Store ships need a special console
- C-Store ships need a skin not otherwise available. (Only exceptions may be the old retrofits, which are pre-F2P legacy)
- Tier 6 ships need a Starship Mastery Trait.
Since they can't create these things fast enough, they needed an interims solution, that still got players some of the perks of Tier 6 - scaling hit points and stuff lke that.
The only thing missing from that brilliant and overly complicated plan was that ppl who have so far ignored their exciting new crafting will revolt at the need for it in DR + the new difficulty levels that were introduced will make ppl leave the game in droves .
Hm - was wondering when words like 'refund' would start appearing. 'Compensation' can't be too far behind.
I'm just hoping for a (serious.. 75% or so) discount for those who already bought the existing Intrepid variants.
I realize it is not likely, but one can hope.
Addition of a hangar for Delta flyers, as i mentioned earlier the DF and Intrepid belong together, would be nice.
And either increasing the Lt eng/intel to Lt Com Eng/Intel or use the Lt Cam Sci as a hybrid slot.
Surgical strike and transport warhead, both abilities shown on voyager cannot be used by the T6 Intrepid and that is a serious oversight.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Predictable - how could you have a Voyager-themed expansion and not have Voyager as a top-tier ship? - but not unwelcome. If you accept T6 as a concept, the next logical step is to keep allowing players to run iconic ships like the intrepid.
Now, I hope we'll see the same for the Galaxy and Defiant, the Vor'cha and B'rel, the D'deridex and Mogai. After all, there was a Vor'cha fighting alongside the Enterprise-J at the battle of Procyon V...
They better update our current T5 ship to T6 or atleast give us a T6 token to buy and upgrade our current ship otherwise I see this game loose even more players.
Dilithium Rising expansion has not been great so far towards it's players and everyone feels more and more ripped off by the day!
At the risk of sounding like a Cryptic apologist, there is no great logic behind this.
The new ship is exactly that; a new ship which can, at a player's discretion, be reskinned as the classic Intrepid for RP purposes. Same as the "Fleet Ambassador" is not, it's a modern cruiser which can be reskinned as its mid-24th century counterpart. The above argument actually translates to "I bought a T5 Science ship so I'm entitled to a discount".
Oh don't get me wrong - it's the lax use of words like 'refund' and 'compensation' I take issue with - but that's another discussion entirely.
Anyay, I completely agree with you; a DISCOUNT of some description, for those of us who purchased the T4, T5, Fleet and T-5U Intrepid would be fantastic.
Can't see it happening. At all. but it would be fantastic.
There's the limited time discount...
"In addition to these three great options for purchasing the Pathfinder there will also be a $5 discount on every Pathfinder microtransaction from Thursday morning through Monday morning."
...which was added to the bottom of the blog.
It's not specific to folks that have bought anything previously, but it would cover the cost for folks that had used a T5U token from a 4pack that had applied the T5U to their T5 Intrepid.
You know Smirk, I really really hate to be "that" guy, but I have to ask you as the representative of the company - why do you people even bother with maintaining an official page and forums any more?
I work in marketing for a long time myself, and we use the social network sites and such as a supplement to our mainstream venues of information. Not the other way around, that is something that you people need to realize. Because anyone in their right mind working in marketing/PR in a business knows that when people are searching for information about your company, they'll probably start by searching your company's official venues of providing information. You posting a link from a twitter page here does not in any way reduce the fail that this blog on the official page represents, the fact that you did and the blog is still not edited only underlines this ongoing issue.
Please don't take this as anything personal because I assure you it's not intended as such, but the quality of the PR we're receiving from Cryptic/PWE lately is laughable, half of the blogs we get are filled with errors and obvious non-edited copy-paste work and now.....this? Releasing a blog that announces a new ship, without the proper screenshots showcasing the new model? I hope you guys realize how this influences the perception people have about your company, veterans and new players alike. And let me tell you, it's not good atm. What impression do you think a newbie will get about the game and the company when he/she sees the complete negligence in detail and attention in something as simple as a blog post? If the company can't be bothered to write a proper blog, what makes you think that they'll beleive the same company cares about developing a proper and fun game?
You guys responsible for the PR/Community Management really ned to up your game a lot, that's all I'm saying. For the good of STO and everyone involved. Cause this just doesn't cut it anymore.
On a more calm note, since I've been quite judgemental over this in the thread, I wanted to congratulate Thomas about what I believe is a very cool and nice looking design of the Pathfinder. It's just the right amount of unconventional and traditional at the same time, to make it look good and as something comming out of Starfleet in the new era. So kudos for that, you did excellent IMHO.
I'm just sorry your rather good looking design has fallen under the shadow of PR negligence so we weren't (and many others still probably aren't) aware that you've made this, and to the whole T5-U/T6 precedent debate. I do feel sorry for the artists at Cryptic, they're probably the best part of the company and things look beautiful in game, but their work usually falls under the shadow of bad marketing and boneheaded management decisions.
Thanks for the link - hadn't seen the discount text, obviously added subsequent to my last reading of the article.
Still, a little baffling that they confirm a $5 discount, but haven't confirmed the outright cost of the pack (yet). I just hope that they don't do what they did with the T6 Intel ships and the T5-U upgrade cost; namely, tell us nothing and let us find out for ourselves when we log in post-patch.
Thanks for the link - hadn't seen the discount text, obviously added subsequent to my last reading of the article.
Still, a little baffling that they confirm a $5 discount, but haven't confirmed the outright cost of the pack (yet). I just hope that they don't do what they did with the T6 Intel ships and the T5-U upgrade cost; namely, tell us nothing and let us find out for ourselves when we log in post-patch.
Yeah, was that epic fail on their part.
Tom: Can't wait for the servers to be back up.
Jerry: Looking forward to the new DR content?
Tom: Nope, just want to know how much the freakin' ships cost.
I'm just hoping for a (serious.. 75% or so) discount for those who already bought the existing Intrepid variants.
I realize it is not likely, but one can hope.
Addition of a hangar for Delta flyers, as i mentioned earlier the DF and Intrepid belong together, would be nice.
And either increasing the Lt eng/intel to Lt Com Eng/Intel or use the Lt Cam Sci as a hybrid slot.
Surgical strike and transport warhead, both abilities shown on voyager cannot be used by the T6 Intrepid and that is a serious oversight.
Yeah don't hold your breath for any improvements on the stats they've listed, or for any discounts if you own previous versions. A lot of us warned that this was the future we were heading for when they decided to 're-release' an 'enhanced' version of the Patrol Escort and charge us full price to buy the new version of the ship we already owned. I had bought a fleet version of that ship literally one week before they made that announcement, and that's the sole reason I haven't bought a single fleet ship since.
What I'd like to see for the Feds, instead of the umpteenth science ship, is a carrier ship of comparable ability to the one's the KDF and Roms have. Where are my fed frigate carriers? :P
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
At least now we know that it will be released next Thursday, something that was not previously mentioned in the blog.
The T5 Intrepid retrofit was 2000 zen.
For the T6 stand alone pathfinder i am guessing 2500-3000 zen, not counting the $5 discount..
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
a few weeks ago they told us that the ships we have wont be available in T6 and that we have to buy upgrade tokens for the t5-u upgrades
and now that most people have upgraded their ships they sell us ships (slight variations of ships with different stats) as T6 version and ask for money another time.
While everyone is QQ'in about this new ship and what it represents.
You feel its a good idea to post of screen shots while ignoring our concerns.
Your a joke, and so is the company you for work.
You're the one who doesn't have any respect. These devs are doing everything they can to keep this game fun and long-lasting. If you don't like it, there's the door.
You're the one who doesn't have any respect. These devs are doing everything they can to keep this game fun and long-lasting. If you don't like it, there's the door.
Now beatuine us.. do you even belive that or was just a joke? Beacose if it was, I had to said it was a good one.. lol
At least now we know that it will be released next Thursday, something that was not previously mentioned in the blog.
The T5 Intrepid retrofit was 2000 zen.
For the T6 stand alone pathfinder i am guessing 2500-3000 zen, not counting the $5 discount..
Probably this Thursday as next is thanksgiving and nobody is there. Plus the addition of all purchases Thursday through Monday discount thing would indicate this is so, and if cryptic doesnt want to p off people more they won't **** us around with the release date. Here's hoping for Thursday but Ya never know I guess.
A lot of us warned that this was the future we were heading for when they decided to 're-release' an 'enhanced' version of the Patrol Escort and charge us full price to buy the new version of the ship we already owned.
Different BOff stations = Different ship. The rest is cosmetic.
Your argument is essentially that because this modern T6 ship (the Pathfinder) can be reskinned as its predecessor of 40 years before (the Intrepid) it should be a discounted purchase. That is roughly the same as saying that if there was an option to reskin the Phantom as the Defiant, it should also have been discounted.
Your existing T5 / T5U Intrepid has not been invalidated or rendered unusable, at least no more so than it already was by the existence of the Scryer and Dauntless.
If one accepts the validity of creating a T6 at all, then it's hard to see what else Cryptic could have done.
- If they allowed players to upgrade T5 ships to full T6 capabilities, that would either massively impact on sales of the new ships, or make the upgrades much more expensive.
- If they leave iconic ships like the Intrepid at T5, they take fire from the Trekkers who want a "real" ship at top tier.
- If they offer a discount on the Pathfinder to Intrepid owners, it's (a) a slap in the face for those who bought a T6 science ship and (b) kills interest in purchasing T6 ships - because people would be waiting for the discounted Tac and Eng boats instead.
- If they had not introduced T6, they were probably confronted with steadily-falling sales of T5 ships because so many players had fleets of those already. Personally I think the Tempest was a last test of whether there was still mileage in selling T5 ships, by offering something nakedly OP.
While I'm not defending the manner in which that player expressed himself, you need to realize just how incredibly stupid what you just said sounds. Take a look in the mirror and see how stupid you look while saying that. You and everyone else that said a thing like the one I quoted here.
It's absolutely one of the most stupid things to say and people on this forum have been throwing those around like "good mornings". If everyone that has an issue with the game, company or their policies simply adheres to this "if you don't like it, there's the door" nonesence, soon enough no one will have a game to play.
My comment to you was based on your original and unedited post, a post that I could not fully quote due to it's contents and which you have since seen fit to edit.
Needless to say whilst you showed some common sense in editing the disgusting post you first made you have subsequently demonstrated your continued TRIBBLE state of mind with the nonsense above. This is probably why I and most of the people I know in game have you on ignore along with most of the rest of your fleet, but you keep on going, if you post often enough who knows, you may even contribute something useful to the debate instead of your usual drivel.
While I'm not defending the manner in which that player expressed himself, you need to realize just how incredibly stupid what you just said sounds. Take a look in the mirror and see how stupid you look while saying that. You and everyone else that said a thing like the one I quoted here.
It's absolutely one of the most stupid things to say and people on this forum have been throwing those around like "good mornings". If everyone that has an issue with the game, company or their policies simply adheres to this "if you don't like it, there's the door" nonesence, soon enough no one will have a game to play.
That assumption is predicated on the notion that most, if not all of the playerbase dislikes this game. I find that to be a gross overestimate. The vocal minority on this forum are indeed the minority. In addition, I doubt that it's very productive complaining like that, rather than giving constructive feedback.
Once you start assuming that the devs don't care about the game or your opinion, the best thing to do is to move on from the game, regardless of whether or not it's true. If it is true, then the game is gonna go downhill and there's nothing you can do to stop it. If it isn't true, the devs listen to constructive feedback, not complaints. If the devs don't know specifically what's wrong, they can't help us fix it.
The vocal minority on this forum are indeed the minority.
To take a page from your own book, can you provide any actual proof about this claim?
The reasons about why someone is upset with the game or the developer make no difference. What bothers me personally is this smartass and self-righteous way of dismissing people's often valid concerns and negative feedback that has been crawling around this forum for as long as I can remember. "You don't like something? Well there's the door!" What is this suposed to accomplish? Leave the game with only a handfull of rabid fanboys? Do you think they can sustain the game by themselves?
Make no mistake, it's not a gross overestiamte. Because the reply you used has been utilized to shove off any form of concern and negative feedback about anything on this forum. If everyone that this stupid phrase was used on took the advice to heart, there wouldn't be a game anymore.
You don't like that the Federation gets 3 times more ships than the KDF? There's the door!
You don't like the broken lance allignment on the Galaxy Dread? There's the door!
You don't like the prices on T6 ships? Door!
You don't like the difficulty of the new queues? Sorry, door!
Different BOff stations = Different ship. The rest is cosmetic.
Your argument is essentially that because this modern T6 ship (the Pathfinder) can be reskinned as its predecessor of 40 years before (the Intrepid) it should be a discounted purchase. That is roughly the same as saying that if there was an option to reskin the Phantom as the Defiant, it should also have been discounted.
Your existing T5 / T5U Intrepid has not been invalidated or rendered unusable, at least no more so than it already was by the existence of the Scryer and Dauntless.
If one accepts the validity of creating a T6 at all, then it's hard to see what else Cryptic could have done.
- If they allowed players to upgrade T5 ships to full T6 capabilities, that would either massively impact on sales of the new ships, or make the upgrades much more expensive.
- If they leave iconic ships like the Intrepid at T5, they take fire from the Trekkers who want a "real" ship at top tier.
- If they offer a discount on the Pathfinder to Intrepid owners, it's (a) a slap in the face for those who bought a T6 science ship and (b) kills interest in purchasing T6 ships - because people would be waiting for the discounted Tac and Eng boats instead.
- If they had not introduced T6, they were probably confronted with steadily-falling sales of T5 ships because so many players had fleets of those already. Personally I think the Tempest was a last test of whether there was still mileage in selling T5 ships, by offering something nakedly OP.
I'll give you the slightly different Boff layout (I say slightly, because if you'll use intel abilities, which is the main difference, you'll have to use the universal for eng, ending up with the same layout as before, except with 1 less sci ensign ability). But all of the other stats of the Tier 6 Intrepid are the same as those of an upgraded C-store Intrepid: hul, shields, consoles, turn, ... That also means that, barring the better Boff layout, the Tier 6 Intrepid is worse in hull, shields and consoles than an upgraded Fleet Intrepid.
Now I'm not saying they should buff the Tier 6 one, that would make it stronger than the rest of non-fleet Tier 6 ships. What I'm saying is having Tier 6 and T5-U (and FT5-U) versions of the same ship is entirely superfluous.
But who am I kidding, now they're definitely finishing work on other Tier 6 'retrorefits'. In that case I can only hope those include KDF and Romulan ships.
That assumption is predicated on the notion that most, if not all of the playerbase dislikes this game. I find that to be a gross overestimate. The vocal minority on this forum are indeed the minority. In addition, I doubt that it's very productive complaining like that, rather than giving constructive feedback.
Once you start assuming that the devs don't care about the game or your opinion, the best thing to do is to move on from the game, regardless of whether or not it's true. If it is true, then the game is gonna go downhill and there's nothing you can do to stop it. If it isn't true, the devs listen to constructive feedback, not complaints. If the devs don't know specifically what's wrong, they can't help us fix it.
You do not understand. It is not about having an issue with the game. It is about having an issue with some part of the game. In this particular case: Releasing 'retrorefits' of previous ships which they said they wouldn't do.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
hmm, I'd assume that most people who play like the game?
Or do their parents make them play?
Now you march in there young man and play that vidyo game!
And no homework until you finish your delta reputation!
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I'm wondering is this 'it' in regards to the Intrepid interior. First decent one they've done in ages and you can't get it unless you buy a ship. I would have been willing to pay $20 buys for a Voyager style bundle that had the bridge, some costumes, shuttles or whatever but how much do I have to pay if this is the only option.
To take a page from your own book, can you provide any actual proof about this claim?
The reasons about why someone is upset with the game or the developer make no difference. What bothers me personally is this smartass and self-righteous way of dismissing people's often valid concerns and negative feedback that has been crawling around this forum for as long as I can remember. "You don't like something? Well there's the door!" What is this suposed to accomplish? Leave the game with only a handfull of rabid fanboys? Do you think they can sustain the game by themselves?
Make no mistake, it's not a gross overestiamte. Because the reply you used has been utilized to shove off any form of concern and negative feedback about anything on this forum. If everyone that this stupid phrase was used on took the advice to heart, there wouldn't be a game anymore.
You don't like that the Federation gets 3 times more ships than the KDF? There's the door!
You don't like the broken lance allignment on the Galaxy Dread? There's the door!
You don't like the prices on T6 ships? Door!
You don't like the difficulty of the new queues? Sorry, door!
See where that is going?
I don't think he showing the door cause of one small thing he's showing the door because its obvious that if you no longer feel that the devs care or that the game is worth playing then well you should leave because you are just poisoning yourself being here. And also its been common knowledge that forum goers are the smallest minority of a game for a while. What seems to not be common knowledge is that of this minority there's the very vocal few who believe to speak for the majority or believe they are part of the majority.
The only thing missing from that brilliant and overly complicated plan was that ppl who have so far ignored their exciting new crafting will revolt at the need for it in DR + the new difficulty levels that were introduced will make ppl leave the game in droves .
... so the master plan had one tiny hitch ...
Do you have any self respect left you robot.
While everyone is QQ'in about this new ship and what it represents.
You feel its a good idea to post of screen shots while ignoring our concerns.
Your a joke, and so is the company you for work.
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
I'm just hoping for a (serious.. 75% or so) discount for those who already bought the existing Intrepid variants.
I realize it is not likely, but one can hope.
Addition of a hangar for Delta flyers, as i mentioned earlier the DF and Intrepid belong together, would be nice.
And either increasing the Lt eng/intel to Lt Com Eng/Intel or use the Lt Cam Sci as a hybrid slot.
Surgical strike and transport warhead, both abilities shown on voyager cannot be used by the T6 Intrepid and that is a serious oversight.
Now, I hope we'll see the same for the Galaxy and Defiant, the Vor'cha and B'rel, the D'deridex and Mogai. After all, there was a Vor'cha fighting alongside the Enterprise-J at the battle of Procyon V...
At the risk of sounding like a Cryptic apologist, there is no great logic behind this.
The new ship is exactly that; a new ship which can, at a player's discretion, be reskinned as the classic Intrepid for RP purposes. Same as the "Fleet Ambassador" is not, it's a modern cruiser which can be reskinned as its mid-24th century counterpart. The above argument actually translates to "I bought a T5 Science ship so I'm entitled to a discount".
Very original indeed - slowly claps hands-
Coz when I was making this sig, I never considered it would be used against me... THE HORROR, THE HUMANITY.
Are you the same 'Shinzon of Borg' who fails around in Ker'rat exploding everytime he de-cloak while trying an Alpha on a Sphere?
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
There's the limited time discount...
"In addition to these three great options for purchasing the Pathfinder there will also be a $5 discount on every Pathfinder microtransaction from Thursday morning through Monday morning."
...which was added to the bottom of the blog.
It's not specific to folks that have bought anything previously, but it would cover the cost for folks that had used a T5U token from a 4pack that had applied the T5U to their T5 Intrepid.
You know Smirk, I really really hate to be "that" guy, but I have to ask you as the representative of the company - why do you people even bother with maintaining an official page and forums any more?
I work in marketing for a long time myself, and we use the social network sites and such as a supplement to our mainstream venues of information. Not the other way around, that is something that you people need to realize. Because anyone in their right mind working in marketing/PR in a business knows that when people are searching for information about your company, they'll probably start by searching your company's official venues of providing information. You posting a link from a twitter page here does not in any way reduce the fail that this blog on the official page represents, the fact that you did and the blog is still not edited only underlines this ongoing issue.
Please don't take this as anything personal because I assure you it's not intended as such, but the quality of the PR we're receiving from Cryptic/PWE lately is laughable, half of the blogs we get are filled with errors and obvious non-edited copy-paste work and now.....this? Releasing a blog that announces a new ship, without the proper screenshots showcasing the new model? I hope you guys realize how this influences the perception people have about your company, veterans and new players alike. And let me tell you, it's not good atm. What impression do you think a newbie will get about the game and the company when he/she sees the complete negligence in detail and attention in something as simple as a blog post? If the company can't be bothered to write a proper blog, what makes you think that they'll beleive the same company cares about developing a proper and fun game?
You guys responsible for the PR/Community Management really ned to up your game a lot, that's all I'm saying. For the good of STO and everyone involved. Cause this just doesn't cut it anymore.
On a more calm note, since I've been quite judgemental over this in the thread, I wanted to congratulate Thomas about what I believe is a very cool and nice looking design of the Pathfinder. It's just the right amount of unconventional and traditional at the same time, to make it look good and as something comming out of Starfleet in the new era. So kudos for that, you did excellent IMHO.
I'm just sorry your rather good looking design has fallen under the shadow of PR negligence so we weren't (and many others still probably aren't) aware that you've made this, and to the whole T5-U/T6 precedent debate. I do feel sorry for the artists at Cryptic, they're probably the best part of the company and things look beautiful in game, but their work usually falls under the shadow of bad marketing and boneheaded management decisions.
I'm guessing 4000-4500
Yeah, was that epic fail on their part.
Tom: Can't wait for the servers to be back up.
Jerry: Looking forward to the new DR content?
Tom: Nope, just want to know how much the freakin' ships cost.
Yeah don't hold your breath for any improvements on the stats they've listed, or for any discounts if you own previous versions. A lot of us warned that this was the future we were heading for when they decided to 're-release' an 'enhanced' version of the Patrol Escort and charge us full price to buy the new version of the ship we already owned. I had bought a fleet version of that ship literally one week before they made that announcement, and that's the sole reason I haven't bought a single fleet ship since.
What I'd like to see for the Feds, instead of the umpteenth science ship, is a carrier ship of comparable ability to the one's the KDF and Roms have. Where are my fed frigate carriers? :P
The T5 Intrepid retrofit was 2000 zen.
For the T6 stand alone pathfinder i am guessing 2500-3000 zen, not counting the $5 discount..
a few weeks ago they told us that the ships we have wont be available in T6 and that we have to buy upgrade tokens for the t5-u upgrades
and now that most people have upgraded their ships they sell us ships (slight variations of ships with different stats) as T6 version and ask for money another time.
Now stop attacking Smirk for being the messenger.
If using a blatant, shameless ad hominem isn't doing what your sig suggests against, I don't know what is.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Now beatuine us.. do you even belive that or was just a joke? Beacose if it was, I had to said it was a good one.. lol
Division Hispana
Probably this Thursday as next is thanksgiving and nobody is there. Plus the addition of all purchases Thursday through Monday discount thing would indicate this is so, and if cryptic doesnt want to p off people more they won't **** us around with the release date. Here's hoping for Thursday but Ya never know I guess.
Different BOff stations = Different ship. The rest is cosmetic.
Your argument is essentially that because this modern T6 ship (the Pathfinder) can be reskinned as its predecessor of 40 years before (the Intrepid) it should be a discounted purchase. That is roughly the same as saying that if there was an option to reskin the Phantom as the Defiant, it should also have been discounted.
Your existing T5 / T5U Intrepid has not been invalidated or rendered unusable, at least no more so than it already was by the existence of the Scryer and Dauntless.
If one accepts the validity of creating a T6 at all, then it's hard to see what else Cryptic could have done.
- If they allowed players to upgrade T5 ships to full T6 capabilities, that would either massively impact on sales of the new ships, or make the upgrades much more expensive.
- If they leave iconic ships like the Intrepid at T5, they take fire from the Trekkers who want a "real" ship at top tier.
- If they offer a discount on the Pathfinder to Intrepid owners, it's (a) a slap in the face for those who bought a T6 science ship and (b) kills interest in purchasing T6 ships - because people would be waiting for the discounted Tac and Eng boats instead.
- If they had not introduced T6, they were probably confronted with steadily-falling sales of T5 ships because so many players had fleets of those already. Personally I think the Tempest was a last test of whether there was still mileage in selling T5 ships, by offering something nakedly OP.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
While I'm not defending the manner in which that player expressed himself, you need to realize just how incredibly stupid what you just said sounds. Take a look in the mirror and see how stupid you look while saying that. You and everyone else that said a thing like the one I quoted here.
It's absolutely one of the most stupid things to say and people on this forum have been throwing those around like "good mornings". If everyone that has an issue with the game, company or their policies simply adheres to this "if you don't like it, there's the door" nonesence, soon enough no one will have a game to play.
You mean like this...
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
Once you start assuming that the devs don't care about the game or your opinion, the best thing to do is to move on from the game, regardless of whether or not it's true. If it is true, then the game is gonna go downhill and there's nothing you can do to stop it. If it isn't true, the devs listen to constructive feedback, not complaints. If the devs don't know specifically what's wrong, they can't help us fix it.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
To take a page from your own book, can you provide any actual proof about this claim?
The reasons about why someone is upset with the game or the developer make no difference. What bothers me personally is this smartass and self-righteous way of dismissing people's often valid concerns and negative feedback that has been crawling around this forum for as long as I can remember.
"You don't like something? Well there's the door!" What is this suposed to accomplish? Leave the game with only a handfull of rabid fanboys? Do you think they can sustain the game by themselves?
Make no mistake, it's not a gross overestiamte. Because the reply you used has been utilized to shove off any form of concern and negative feedback about anything on this forum. If everyone that this stupid phrase was used on took the advice to heart, there wouldn't be a game anymore.
You don't like that the Federation gets 3 times more ships than the KDF? There's the door!
You don't like the broken lance allignment on the Galaxy Dread? There's the door!
You don't like the prices on T6 ships? Door!
You don't like the difficulty of the new queues? Sorry, door!
See where that is going?
Now I'm not saying they should buff the Tier 6 one, that would make it stronger than the rest of non-fleet Tier 6 ships. What I'm saying is having Tier 6 and T5-U (and FT5-U) versions of the same ship is entirely superfluous.
But who am I kidding, now they're definitely finishing work on other Tier 6 'retrorefits'. In that case I can only hope those include KDF and Romulan ships.
You do not understand. It is not about having an issue with the game. It is about having an issue with some part of the game. In this particular case: Releasing 'retrorefits' of previous ships which they said they wouldn't do.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Or do their parents make them play?
Now you march in there young man and play that vidyo game!
And no homework until you finish your delta reputation!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Too much I'm guessing.
I don't think he showing the door cause of one small thing he's showing the door because its obvious that if you no longer feel that the devs care or that the game is worth playing then well you should leave because you are just poisoning yourself being here. And also its been common knowledge that forum goers are the smallest minority of a game for a while. What seems to not be common knowledge is that of this minority there's the very vocal few who believe to speak for the majority or believe they are part of the majority.