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Upcoming changes to Hangar Pets and Separation pets.



  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Clarification please form cryptic your asking to much...
  • omgbamf00omgbamf00 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    scififan78 wrote: »
    I think the devs should look at carriers in the modern navy. Do they have fire power? Yes. DEFENSIVE fire power. They rely on their fighters and support crafts (destroyers and escorts) for the main offensive fire power.

    Eh..... IDK about that. I think that gameplay would be boring if ingame carriers were modeled after modern carriers. It would mean zero attacking from your ship, sitting at max sensor range (~25km), and only using the 4 carrier command buttons to control all combat.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if you believe your effectiveness behind the wheel of a Vesta is weighted on the shield/hull hp of your hangar pets, the problem is quite possibly located elsewhere.

    True... I built that ship to see what it took to make Viral Matrix effective (I was more interested in "how to make X work?" than in "how to make the most effective build, period"). Pets were part of that. If I bother with that toon any more, I'll just have to rebuild... but no, I won't be buying respec tokens. I took that ship through all of DR on Elite so it's not appalling but the difference between effectiveness with pets and without was certainly noticeable. If the pets survived everything all the time then I'd get it, but they didn't. Cryptic just needs to focus on fixing actual problems, rather than going on the hunt for stuff which should frankly be way down on their priority list.
  • pyrogxmk3pyrogxmk3 Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It's good that we were warned ahead of time. Of course, the reason it's good is that we get to, for once, point out how terrible an idea this is BEFORE it actually makes it live.

    And terrible it is.

    Now, I have a pretty good idea as to whom those being outperformed by carrier pets are. Many of us do. After all, *we've seen the livestream on twitch*. But you can't dumb things down to the lowest common devominator.

    DR has been nothing but gigantic HP sponges. HP sponges and timers. Changing the focus away from DPS INDEED.

    How exactly are NPC AI ships supposed to deal with NPC AI ships that are functionally identical but have ten times or more the health? A Scorpion fighter (aka 'wet tissue paper) cannot survive the, for example, mirror vessels, all of whom were ALREADY 1-2 shotting them with their universal point defense consoles or whatever it is they've got that acts like that.

    Meanwhile, Science is still stuck with limits from back when you didn't want them to accidentally harm a sphere, Torpedoes are still stuck with half the DPS of energy weapons AND THEN get slashed to 1/8th by their shields (whom atop quartering have twice the resist against kinetic as they do energy), shields that no longer go down. Scrambling sensors hasn't worked at all in weeks, Mac users still can't play, the power tray still tosses things off randomly after the problem was supposedly repaired, and new players are getting permanently stuck in the academy (and don't return after they exit) after their first mission or two because you can't be bothered to let them beam out after the XP nerf makes the mission that would take them away fail to appear.

    When people's pets being *almost, but not quite worthless enough* is your big important focus to work on, you might have a tiny problem with priorities.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zero2362 wrote: »
    Did pets accidentally get buffed by DR

    No, that's the problem.

    My Elite Romulan Drones are exactly the same now as they were prior to DR.

    The entire thing is a load of TRIBBLE and just another excuse to nerf something instead of fixing one of the hundreds of things wrong with this game.

    Cryptic's priorities are so far out of whack it defies belief. The entire post is nothing but B.S.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    omgbamf00 wrote: »
    Eh..... IDK about that. I think that gameplay would be boring if ingame carriers were modeled after modern carriers. It would mean zero attacking from your ship, sitting at max sensor range (~25km), and only using the 4 carrier command buttons to control all combat.

    I completely understand your concern and that is not exactly what I am suggesting. I simply meant that carriers are not designed to be DPS juggernauts. The are in essence support command craft. If you reduce the effectiveness of the carrier pets, you are reducing the effectiveness of the carriers themselves. As I have stated earlier in the thread, I have been setting my Atrox up as a shield stripper. If my pets can't put out the DPS to kill the target, what is the point?
  • englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    so..... when are we going to see epic quality pets then cryptic?
    what are they going to cost?
    fleet credits and dil or zen purchase?

    this is pretty much the only reason you would do this.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Okay, Cryptic... you're fired.
  • wrenfuwrenfu Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    pyrogxmk3 wrote: »
    It's good that we were warned ahead of time. Of course, the reason it's good is that we get to, for once, point out how terrible an idea this is BEFORE it actually makes it live.

    And terrible it is.

    Now, I have a pretty good idea as to whom those being outperformed by carrier pets are. Many of us do. After all, *we've seen the livestream on twitch*. But you can't dumb things down to the lowest common devominator.

    DR has been nothing but gigantic HP sponges. HP sponges and timers. Changing the focus away from DPS INDEED.

    How exactly are NPC AI ships supposed to deal with NPC AI ships that are functionally identical but have ten times or more the health? A Scorpion fighter (aka 'wet tissue paper) cannot survive the, for example, mirror vessels, all of whom were ALREADY 1-2 shotting them with their universal point defense consoles or whatever it is they've got that acts like that.

    Meanwhile, Science is still stuck with limits from back when you didn't want them to accidentally harm a sphere, Torpedoes are still stuck with half the DPS of energy weapons AND THEN get slashed to 1/8th by their shields (whom atop quartering have twice the resist against kinetic as they do energy), shields that no longer go down. Scrambling sensors hasn't worked at all in weeks, Mac users still can't play, the power tray still tosses things off randomly after the problem was supposedly repaired, and new players are getting permanently stuck in the academy (and don't return after they exit) after their first mission or two because you can't be bothered to let them beam out after the XP nerf makes the mission that would take them away fail to appear.

    When people's pets being *almost, but not quite worthless enough* is your big important focus to work on, you might have a tiny problem with priorities.

    This guy sums things up nicely.

    Could've at least padded us with some nice bug fixes we've been wanting for a while before dropping this gem on us.

    Fix what isn't broken. Broken things fix themselves?
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    True... I built that ship to see what it took to make Viral Matrix effective (I was more interested in "how to make X work?" than in "how to make the most effective build, period"). Pets were part of that. If I bother with that toon any more, I'll just have to rebuild... but no, I won't be buying respec tokens. I took that ship through all of DR on Elite so it's not appalling but the difference between effectiveness with pets and without was certainly noticeable. If the pets survived everything all the time then I'd get it, but they didn't. Cryptic just needs to focus on fixing actual problems, rather than going on the hunt for stuff which should frankly be way down on their priority list.

    I think that's fair. I can think of 5 things off the top of my head that should be a higher priority.

    But this is what they're working on. It's coming whether we want it to or not.

    I guess my next logical step would be solutions on how to compensate for the reduction of shield/hull hp.

    Since I do not use pets as often as I used to, mainly since DR has made me want to log in less... and certainly not log in my alts (who use carrier pets) as often as I used to, it does not affect me in any major way (although it would have pre-DR).

    I do recognize that they blow up way too often to be of much use fighting particular enemies. Like the Voth and Undine.

    So I would look to see how else to improve hangar pets so the nerf bat does not sting so hard in terms of practical gameplay.

    But that's just me.
  • omgbamf00omgbamf00 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    scififan78 wrote: »
    I completely understand your concern and that is not exactly what I am suggesting. I simply meant that carriers are not designed to be DPS juggernauts. The are in essence support command craft. If you reduce the effectiveness of the carrier pets, you are reducing the effectiveness of the carriers themselves. As I have stated earlier in the thread, I have been setting my Atrox up as a shield stripper. If my pets can't put out the DPS to kill the target, what is the point?

    It could be that you are trying to fit an idea into a game where it isn't optimal. I've always viewed the carrier as the main attack ship and the hangar pets as support dps. My recluse is a shield stripper (all tets and even tachyon 2). All that's required of me is to keep the flow caps up which doesn't hinder my damage output that much.

    I think we can all agree, however, that pet mechanics as a whole need a lot of work and polish. Just like enemy NPCs, it all comes down to shoddy AI.
  • djhunter4djhunter4 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    englishnod wrote: »
    so..... when are we going to see epic quality pets then cryptic?
    what are they going to cost?
    fleet credits and dil or zen purchase?

    this is pretty much the only reason you would do this.

    i agree with you on that. It does seem to be a pattern.
    Vice Admiral Maia Annalise Prower, U.S.S. Raging Caitian-F (Caitian Atrox Carrier)
    Vice Admiral Nova Snow S'Car, U.S.S. Caitian Fury-F (Multi-Vector Advanced Escort)
    Lieutenant R'Maani Hunter, I.K.S. Teng'vek (B'rel Bird of Prey)
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is not a issue until they break it and make it a issue watch everyone post 3 weeks yelling! morons >_< there carriers pets are suppost to do damage otherwise whats the point flying a carrier:eek::eek::eek:
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    My Elite Drones blow up right and left. There is nothing wrong with them, if anything they're not worth what I paid for them.

    Honestly, the nerf won't effect me much since half the time I don't even launch my drones.

    The whole thing is bull TRIBBLE. There is nothing wrong with pets, they're not powerful at all. Cryptic just loves to find things to nerf.

    I’m in total agreement there.

    If this adjustments to current pets are supposed to introduce new costs for any possible “regain” of the "usefulness" of them I’m really happy that I even care less than about tier 6 ships.

    Thank you, Geko, very much for the information flow though. The priority list of your game adjustments after DR really amazes me.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • zero2362zero2362 Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So we have players stuck in the academy due to not enough xp, crippling bugs with mac players and skill trays as well as empty ques due to too many fail conditions among other things...

    And with all these serious problems the thing you want to focus on is nerfing hangers that are already under performing.


  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Of course, Cryptic fixes some bugs and people call it a nerf just because it doesn't make their ships more powerful.

    I would not be surprised if this was similar to the issue with some console values shortly before Delta Rising. The increase of the level cap probably has some side-effect for level-less gear.
    simeion1 wrote: »
    I love this. Open and directness. They could of stealth nerfed to correct, but they did not. It was a bug a cryptic came out and fixed something and let players know. Keep this up, please!!!!!!!! Stuff like this will help keep players happy, they might not like the results but love the communication.

    Although I think it would be better to use the Dev tracker portion of the forums.

    The Dev Tracker is not a forum - it's a forum search for posts from developers.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    omgbamf00 wrote: »
    I think we can all agree, however, that pet mechanics as a whole need a lot of work and polish. Just like enemy NPCs, it all comes down to shoddy AI.

    No disagreement there. There's little point in buffing/nerfing pet damage or pet hull and shield health if they either...

    A: Do not use comprehensive tactics or abilities enough in a typical fight to make their usefulness shine.

    B: Do not avoid damage that a reasonable player might consider easily avoidable (such as gravity wells, aceton assimilators/drones, undine snot rifts, etc.)

    Although I will say that pets have been performing a lot better than they used to, and reductions in warp core breach distance has helped noticably.

    But it does not go far enough. Particularly when the two main enemy groups we've dealt with lately (Voth and Undine) simply eat pets alive to the point it is not worth summoning them when fighting them.
  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    scififan78 wrote: »
    I think the devs should look at carriers in the modern navy. Do they have fire power? Yes. DEFENSIVE fire power. They rely on their fighters and support crafts (destroyers and escorts) for the main offensive fire power.
    In some cases, why shouldn't the damage from pets be more than the carrier? I'm not being facetious there, asking a real question.

    My Klingon girl has the free Vo'quv (nothing I really can upgrade her to except the fleet version, which is waaaaay down the fleet tree). She doesn't do a whole lot of damage herself, but she can zone control very well with officer abilities, consoles, and some special gear powers while her pets swarm around enemies (especially when they hit 3 or 4 stars).

    Why shouldn't this be a genuine build option? I kind of enjoy it as a change of pace, feels more like a "general" commanding my squad, and breaks the monotony of "space bar until it dies."

    Not to mention this is also more true to life of an actual "carrier." When an aircraft carrier arrives on your doorstep, it's not really the guns and missiles on the boat you need to worry about.

    THIS!!! These quotes sum up what carriers are all about. If you Devs don't understand what carriers are all about, then perhaps you shouldn't be nerfing them beyond their already underwhelming abilities?
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iconians wrote: »

    I am not a TRIBBLE, nor have I ever supported the TRIBBLE party.

    I am not a communist, nor have I ever supported the communist party.

    I do not have cooties, despite accusations to the contrary.

    My mother does not have any signifigant weight problem.

    I believe kicking puppies is a bad thing, just in case anyone believes I hold the position that kicking puppies is a positive and productive use of someone's time.

    Arson is a crime, and I do not support that criminal action being undertaken.

    Anything else I'm missing?

    Medication .

    Are you on medication ?

    Specifically blood pressure , sleep disorder , or any type of Valium and it's ilk ?

    ... well you asked ... , and ppl on meds do seem to view the world as if it's going in different speed then it should ... , and that includes rates of emotional involvement with things / people ...
  • djhunter4djhunter4 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I think that's fair. I can think of 5 things off the top of my head that should be a higher priority.

    But this is what they're working on. It's coming whether we want it to or not.

    I guess my next logical step would be solutions on how to compensate for the reduction of shield/hull hp.

    Since I do not use pets as often as I used to, mainly since DR has made me want to log in less... and certainly not log in my alts (who use carrier pets) as often as I used to, it does not affect me in any major way (although it would have pre-DR).

    I do recognize that they blow up way too often to be of much use fighting particular enemies. Like the Voth and Undine.

    So I would look to see how else to improve hangar pets so the nerf bat does not sting so hard in terms of practical gameplay.

    But that's just me.

    Hmm, i would have to say acting as your hangar pet's AI by tracking and recalling them could help. I've never been one to trust game AI's as they have trouble 'thinking outside the box', so to speak. I tend to track the fight and deploy my Atrox's Stalker pets in the best possible fashion for the mission/stf i am currently engaged in. I personally love the challenge presented in piloting a carrier and think that it adds more fun (which is why my Tactical Cait has an Atrox as a secondary). Sometimes placing a sci in an escort/cruiser gives me another look at what i am doing with my Atrox. Must speak for how my mind works but, meh. I plan to log in and spend time tomorrow testing out more ways to make my hangar pets more effective in spite of the upcoming changes and am willing to share what i figure out with anyone who asks. I enjoy a good challenge and this one should entertain me for a few weeks. I may just start a thread and put out the various ways i find to increase the effectiveness of hangar pets so that maybe some of the other carrier pilots can share their finding and we can show that cryptic can make changes all they want, but players can adjust to them as a team. If i don't start a thread then feel free to message me via pm on here or by in game mail using my handle: @djhunter4
    Vice Admiral Maia Annalise Prower, U.S.S. Raging Caitian-F (Caitian Atrox Carrier)
    Vice Admiral Nova Snow S'Car, U.S.S. Caitian Fury-F (Multi-Vector Advanced Escort)
    Lieutenant R'Maani Hunter, I.K.S. Teng'vek (B'rel Bird of Prey)
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    omgbamf00 wrote: »
    It could be that you are trying to fit an idea into a game where it isn't optimal. I've always viewed the carrier as the main attack ship and the hangar pets as support dps. My recluse is a shield stripper (all tets and even tachyon 2). All that's required of me is to keep the flow caps up which doesn't hinder my damage output that much.

    Well, it was an ideal I was toying with. I am not going to give up on it just yet. I still have more work to do, its just a matter of getting the resources I need.

    omgbamf00 wrote: »
    I think we can all agree, however, that pet mechanics as a whole need a lot of work and polish. Just like enemy NPCs, it all comes down to shoddy AI.

    I do indeed agree.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Medication .

    Are you on medication ?

    Specifically blood pressure , sleep disorder , or any type of Valium and it's ilk ?

    ... well you asked ... , and ppl on meds do seem to view the world as if it's going in different speed then it should ... , and that includes rates of emotional involvement with things / people ...

    I think the world is going in a (metaphorical) direction I don't think it should, does that count?
  • seitei1seitei1 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hmm. I don't see any of the Vo'Quv pets on the list. Should I be concerned?

    My own perspective is utterly selfish(But who isn't?). I own a Mirror Vo'Quv. It's a good ship, or was, in comparism to other ships.

    There is no upgrade for me, because Mirrors don't get upgrades. So I'm missing out there. So in the end my pets are bound to outpower and outhealth me anyway, especially with my own lack of resources to pay for upgrades of my weapons to higher Mark or quality(Though most of them are Mark 11 Blues or Purple). My pets scale up, I don't. My HP is still strictly that of a Level 40/50 ship. Dangerous in this Level 60 era.

    'Skill' can account for lack of power/defences, but Lord knows that extra would be nice.

    The scaleback may be 'required', but is also concerning.

    What a mess. How can you maintain balance when the difference in potential power(Basic Assault Cruiser with greens/blue Mark 11/12 vs tricked out Level 60 Ship Gold Gear Mark 14s) is so high?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    talonxv wrote: »
    NERFING MVAE sections? The hell? Ship is already a waste of money, now moreso? What a gyp.

    First the cat who fell on his face and now this .

    One by one they fall ... .
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    seitei1 wrote: »
    Hmm. I don't see any of the Vo'Quv pets on the list. Should I be concerned?

    He prefaced those pets in the beginning of his post, but they are not part of the 'complete list'. Some of us have informed him of what pets are missing from the 'complete list'.

    But since he did mention the Vo'Quv Birds-of-Prey, and the To'Duj fighters are in the list, I would say they will be affected.
  • djhunter4djhunter4 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    and now we officially start to get off of the original topic. lol, atleast it add as bit of a diversion from the anger at something that i see alot of tug and pull on.
    Vice Admiral Maia Annalise Prower, U.S.S. Raging Caitian-F (Caitian Atrox Carrier)
    Vice Admiral Nova Snow S'Car, U.S.S. Caitian Fury-F (Multi-Vector Advanced Escort)
    Lieutenant R'Maani Hunter, I.K.S. Teng'vek (B'rel Bird of Prey)
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    No disagreement there. There's little point in buffing/nerfing pet damage or pet hull and shield health if they either...

    A: Do not use comprehensive tactics or abilities enough in a typical fight to make their usefulness shine.

    B: Do not avoid damage that a reasonable player might consider easily avoidable (such as gravity wells, aceton assimilators/drones, undine snot rifts, etc.)

    Although I will say that pets have been performing a lot better than they used to, and reductions in warp core breach distance has helped noticably.

    But it does not go far enough. Particularly when the two main enemy groups we've dealt with lately (Voth and Undine) simply eat pets alive to the point it is not worth summoning them when fighting them.
    Maybe they could take a bit from the Vaaduvaar AI? It seems better at doing maneuvers and attack runs and many of the "fighter" pets that are armed with cannons would benefit from that.
    nova2284 wrote: »
    This is not a issue until they break it and make it a issue watch everyone post 3 weeks yelling! morons >_< there carriers pets are suppost to do damage otherwise whats the point flying a carrier:eek::eek::eek:

    Don't worry, Geko did not say: "Carrier Pets will no longer do damage". The damage will just be scaled back.
    Though... some carrier pets are actually not supposed to deal damage. There are repair drones available!
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • djhunter4djhunter4 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    First the cat who fell on his face and now this .

    One by one they fall ... .

    good choice of wording, love the cat joke. Now, as for the person you quoted: the multi-vector is not a waste, if you toy with it a bit before going beyond green quality gear, it can turn out quite nice. i have been and still am toying with various possible loadouts with mine and my current tetryon dual heavy cannon/tetryon turret loadout is rather effective, if not devastating.
    Vice Admiral Maia Annalise Prower, U.S.S. Raging Caitian-F (Caitian Atrox Carrier)
    Vice Admiral Nova Snow S'Car, U.S.S. Caitian Fury-F (Multi-Vector Advanced Escort)
    Lieutenant R'Maani Hunter, I.K.S. Teng'vek (B'rel Bird of Prey)
  • alaerickalaerick Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    All I can say is wow..just wow..As it stands I feel like my pet are damn near pointless to even launch and that's with these "boosted values". And now youw ant to nerf them harder? Come on Cryptic throw us a friggin bone already. Too many nerfs not enough boosts. Just :confused:

    My biggest complaints with pets are:

    A: Die too easily from AOE abilities

    B: Die from nearly every single warp core breach period.

    C: Takes 20s for a command issued to be relayed and executed.. (I mean wtf? 20s? Really? Is this 2409 or 1912?)

    Before you go nerfing pets you should address these core concerns.. Pets should be hard as hell to hit with any rapid fired aoe ability. They should be immune to warp core breaches and respond quickly when a command i issued. They should know they need to move away from damage zones like GW, TR, etc. I mean come on.. fix pets... don't break them further!
    A beautiful death awaits you...
    Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
    Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
  • valenn1valenn1 Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Wow, i think one of my surviving 3 post DR characters (before DR:10 regulary played characters) is gonna die soon, he is a carrier pilot.
    Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...

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