That part is true .. Money is used to speed things up.. just like how i had choice to ether spend 30 bucks per ship or grind dill .. or spend 124 bucks on ship delta pack... ><
I get that C Store ships aren't a requirement, the game now relies on them. All the enemies in queued instances (as I understand) are epic tanks. It makes our older, and arguably cooler, ships look outdated by comparison. T5 sounds harder to run STFs in now that T6's exist. I don't know about you, but I feel like there will come a day when upgrading will be necessity. T6 took the powercreep to an insane new level because the rest of the game was practically redesigned to accommodate it. Pay to win is unofficially here. That is, unless you have such a small life that you can afford the amount of time needed to grind every last ting in this game (as the overlords would prefer). It's a massive morale buster, to be sure.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Yeah, but for some strange reason people just keep hoping it gets better. "Cryptic can do a 180 and fix everything." Sadly it just never happens. I still hope and pray anyway.
and even if they did fix anything it would matter you people are a bunch of whiny annoying have it my way or no way tissue filling.. did I mention whiny? Did I mention annoying? All you people do is complain, that's all you do ,do "you" people know do anything else? show me one post lately out of the past 100 posts were people actually have something nice to say... you know what nothing in this world is perfect and the sooner you guys realize that the better off you will be... you can't have everything your way!! if it doesn't work for you then please uninstall and go away!!! as I say before nothing, nothing is perfect but the level of vitriol on here and all whining and complaining my word it's insane.. I just don't understand if it causes you so much grief in so much pain and you can't login in, you can't do this and you can't do that and they won't change this and they won't change that why are you still here?.. I'm just glad the devs realize that "you" people who seem to raid the tissue box every five minutes do not make up the majority of the player base and thank God they do realize that as they said before it's their game and while your suggestions are encouraged and they are appreciated that's just what they are suggestions that doesn't mean they have to listen to what you're saying and of course in the end if you don't like it then uninstall and go away !!!problem solved for everyone!!! so stop filling the Internet with tissue information and that way they stop having to hear about you pounding them to death with unneeded vitriol /end rant ...lord that felt gooooood no wheres muh meds ...almost forgot ....DISMISSED
and even if they did fix anything it would matter you people are a bunch of whiny annoying have it my way or no way tissue filling.. did I mention whiny? Did I mention annoying? All you people do is complain, that's all you do ,do "you" people know do anything else? show me one post lately out of the past 100 posts were people actually have something nice to say... you know what nothing in this world is perfect and the sooner you guys realize that the better off you will be... you can't have everything your way!! if it doesn't work for you then please uninstall and go away!!! as I say before nothing, nothing is perfect but the level of vitriol on here and all whining and complaining my word it's insane.. I just don't understand if it causes you so much grief in so much pain and you can't login in, you can't do this and you can't do that and they won't change this and they won't change that why are you still here?.. I'm just glad the devs realize that "you" people who seem to raid the tissue box every five minutes do not make up the majority of the player base and thank God they do realize that as they said before it's their game and while your suggestions are encouraged and they are appreciated that's just what they are suggestions that doesn't mean they have to listen to what you're saying and of course in the end if you don't like it then uninstall and go away !!!problem solved for everyone!!! so stop filling the Internet with tissue information and that way they stop having to hear about you pounding them to death with unneeded vitriol /end rant ...lord that felt gooooood no wheres muh meds ...almost forgot ....DISMISSED
Whining about whining doesn't help anything either. Have you ever heard the expression people in glass houses should not throw stones? If their opinion doesn't matter, why are you validating it by virtue of your response? Logic fail much?
OP has a point and I have to say that the recent reward and difficulty changes to stf's have made grinding on this game on only one character a tiresome chore. I don't play as many stf's anymore and login a fourth as much as I used to. TBH, the only thing that keeps me logging in now is the story which is pretty good.
Whining about whining doesn't help anything either. Have you ever heard the expression people in glass houses should not throw stones? If their opinion doesn't matter, why are you validating it by virtue of your response? Logic fail much?
OP has a point and I have to say that the recent reward and difficulty changes to stf's have made grinding on this game on only one character a tiresome chore. I don't play as many stf's anymore and login a fourth as much as I used to. TBH, the only thing that keeps me logging in now is the story which is pretty good.
and so whining about whining ...about whining mmmm isnt that the pot calling the kettle black ? And son for the record I don't throw stones, I throw boulders!, And your response to your question is simply this their opinion doesn't matter and where validated or not is not really my the point is that there are too many people on these forms that run amok in whine, nag moan bytch and complain and no one says anything to them or even tries to stand up to them to tell them to seriously get a life uninstall go outside and breathe some air! Well even if I'm the only person the forms that will sit and defend cryptic so be it ...but my point is simply this.... nothing is perfect get over it get over yourselves move on... play the game or uninstall...... Oh and by the way you said the story was pretty good? I think it's going to snow in July as you just said something nice
and so whining about whining ...about whining mmmm isnt that the pot calling the kettle black ? And son for the record I don't throw stones, I throw boulders!, And your response to your question is simply this their opinion doesn't matter and where validated or not is not really my the point is that there are too many people on these forms that run amok in whine, nag moan bytch and complain and no one says anything to them or even tries to stand up to them to tell them to seriously get a life uninstall go outside and breathe some air! Well even if I'm the only person the forms that will sit and defend cryptic so be it ...but my point is simply this.... nothing is perfect get over it get over yourselves move on... play the game or uninstall...... Oh and by the way you said the story was pretty good? I think it's going to snow in July as you just said something nice
Yes, I love the story and I had a few nerdgasms when the doctor, seven of nine, Kim, and nelix showed up in the first two episodes. Opening intro definitely needs a new soundtrack but other than, very well done Cryptic.
Whoever made the decision at Cryptic to nerf the dilithium rewards, baddddddddd!
and so whining about whining ...about whining mmmm isnt that the pot calling the kettle black ? And son for the record I don't throw stones, I throw boulders!, And your response to your question is simply this their opinion doesn't matter and where validated or not is not really my the point is that there are too many people on these forms that run amok in whine, nag moan bytch and complain and no one says anything to them or even tries to stand up to them to tell them to seriously get a life uninstall go outside and breathe some air! Well even if I'm the only person the forms that will sit and defend cryptic so be it ...but my point is simply this.... nothing is perfect get over it get over yourselves move on... play the game or uninstall...... Oh and by the way you said the story was pretty good? I think it's going to snow in July as you just said something nice
While I do agree to a point, by this logic then what point is there in having these forums. Honest question.
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
While I do agree to a point, by this logic then what point is there in having these forums. Honest question.
Flippant and sarcastic response: so that we can keep posting vitriol and hate and so that the devs can continue to remind us that our opinion doesn't matter.
Serious response: so that the silent majority doesn't continue to be trampled upon, so that we can continue to provide feedback and make requests, etc.
Flippant and sarcastic response: so that we can keep posting vitriol and hate and so that the devs can continue to remind us that our opinion doesn't matter.
Serious response: so that the silent majority doesn't continue to be trampled upon, so that we can continue to provide feedback and make requests, etc.
I've come to the conclusion that our requests will no longer be considered. It seems that no matter how valid or realistic (like even the simplest bug fixes) no one is listening. The concept of balance has been reduced to a fantasy. Casual playing equates to lazyness. The FCA is more generous. At least their payments are final. This game is creeping closer to truly being P2W faster with every patch.
It's disappointing and depressing. This game could have been so much more. That lost potential is part of why I haven't logged in lately. I think it will last a while longer, but I fear it's too far gone to actually be improved (rather than just being added to).
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
..... This game is creeping closer to truly being P2W faster with every patch.
It's disappointing and depressing. This game could have been so much more. That lost potential is part of why I haven't logged in lately. I think it will last a while longer, but I fear it's too far gone to actually be improved (rather than just being added to).
Yes I agree,but can I still have your stuff? Pretty Please :cool:
I feel EXACTLY the same way, but I'll keep playing because it's the only new "Trek" I have.
By the way, can I haz ur stuff? J/K...I have way too much already ;-)
P.S. If you love Trek, you might love the Foundry missions I'll be completing soon...whenever the editor comes back.
"Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
I get that C Store ships aren't a requirement, the game now relies on them. All the enemies in queued instances (as I understand) are epic tanks. It makes our older, and arguably cooler, ships look outdated by comparison. T5 sounds harder to run STFs in now that T6's exist. I don't know about you, but I feel like there will come a day when upgrading will be necessity. T6 took the powercreep to an insane new level because the rest of the game was practically redesigned to accommodate it. Pay to win is unofficially here. That is, unless you have such a small life that you can afford the amount of time needed to grind every last ting in this game (as the overlords would prefer). It's a massive morale buster, to be sure.
and even if they did fix anything it would matter you people are a bunch of whiny annoying have it my way or no way tissue filling.. did I mention whiny? Did I mention annoying? All you people do is complain, that's all you do ,do "you" people know do anything else? show me one post lately out of the past 100 posts were people actually have something nice to say... you know what nothing in this world is perfect and the sooner you guys realize that the better off you will be... you can't have everything your way!! if it doesn't work for you then please uninstall and go away!!! as I say before nothing, nothing is perfect but the level of vitriol on here and all whining and complaining my word it's insane.. I just don't understand if it causes you so much grief in so much pain and you can't login in, you can't do this and you can't do that and they won't change this and they won't change that why are you still here?.. I'm just glad the devs realize that "you" people who seem to raid the tissue box every five minutes do not make up the majority of the player base and thank God they do realize that as they said before it's their game and while your suggestions are encouraged and they are appreciated that's just what they are suggestions that doesn't mean they have to listen to what you're saying and of course in the end if you don't like it then uninstall and go away !!!problem solved for everyone!!! so stop filling the Internet with tissue information and that way they stop having to hear about you pounding them to death with unneeded vitriol /end rant ...lord that felt gooooood no wheres muh meds ...almost forgot ....DISMISSED
Whining about whining doesn't help anything either. Have you ever heard the expression people in glass houses should not throw stones? If their opinion doesn't matter, why are you validating it by virtue of your response? Logic fail much?
OP has a point and I have to say that the recent reward and difficulty changes to stf's have made grinding on this game on only one character a tiresome chore. I don't play as many stf's anymore and login a fourth as much as I used to. TBH, the only thing that keeps me logging in now is the story which is pretty good.
You could build 5000 pylons...there is NEVER enough pylons.....!!
and so whining about whining ...about whining mmmm isnt that the pot calling the kettle black ? And son for the record I don't throw stones, I throw boulders!, And your response to your question is simply this their opinion doesn't matter and where validated or not is not really my the point is that there are too many people on these forms that run amok in whine, nag moan bytch and complain and no one says anything to them or even tries to stand up to them to tell them to seriously get a life uninstall go outside and breathe some air! Well even if I'm the only person the forms that will sit and defend cryptic so be it ...but my point is simply this.... nothing is perfect get over it get over yourselves move on... play the game or uninstall...... Oh and by the way you said the story was pretty good? I think it's going to snow in July as you just said something nice
Yes, I love the story and I had a few nerdgasms when the doctor, seven of nine, Kim, and nelix showed up in the first two episodes.
Whoever made the decision at Cryptic to nerf the dilithium rewards, baddddddddd!
While I do agree to a point, by this logic then what point is there in having these forums. Honest question.
Flippant and sarcastic response: so that we can keep posting vitriol and hate and so that the devs can continue to remind us that our opinion doesn't matter.
Serious response: so that the silent majority doesn't continue to be trampled upon, so that we can continue to provide feedback and make requests, etc.
I've come to the conclusion that our requests will no longer be considered. It seems that no matter how valid or realistic (like even the simplest bug fixes) no one is listening. The concept of balance has been reduced to a fantasy. Casual playing equates to lazyness. The FCA is more generous. At least their payments are final. This game is creeping closer to truly being P2W faster with every patch.
It's disappointing and depressing. This game could have been so much more. That lost potential is part of why I haven't logged in lately. I think it will last a while longer, but I fear it's too far gone to actually be improved (rather than just being added to).
Yes I agree, but can I still have your stuff? Pretty Please :cool:
By the way, can I haz ur stuff? J/K...I have way too much already ;-)
Also, This, too.
P.S. If you love Trek, you might love the Foundry missions I'll be completing soon...whenever the editor comes back.
Can I haz your stuff...?
Seriously, take a break and do / play something else. Come back when you feel ready.
I'll be taking a short break when I get my hands on Alien Isolation.
And casual spelling equates to laziness. :P